Lost Connection to server... In Emperor Cole's Personal Story
the problem as was in beta was crashes were caused by the aoe attacks you get to use as emp cole, if you only use single target attacks you should be ok

Yes, I've DCed multiple times in it. Using any of the AoE attacks make my ping skyrocket, apparently the longer the animation and the stronger the attack, the bigger the ping increase. It could be done punching them out one by one probably. I think I'll just wait until they fix the mission, though. That's a lot of spiders...
Yes, I've DCed multiple times in it. Using any of the AoE attacks make my ping skyrocket, apparently the longer the animation and the stronger the attack, the bigger the ping increase. It could be done punching them out one by one probably. I think I'll just wait until they fix the mission, though. That's a lot of spiders...
Fun mission though. 'Twas nice to be a God for a short while.
I just ran this tonight. I got the "Lost Connection to Mapserver" message twice but if I just waited about 25 seconds the mission would continue. And yes it happened with my AoEs. Mission completed and I got the badge.
Fun mission though. 'Twas nice to be a God for a short while. |
I lost connection 2 or 3 times while reading the text at Monica's memento. I lost connection another 5-6 times trying to get to Sinclair, not having activated a single attack. I was able to wait it out every time.
During the Arachnos fight, I was losing connection constantly, but for a few seconds at a time (I wasn't aware of using only ST attacks, and of course, I wanted to try them all!). I lost connection during the cutscene, even.
At the final wave of enemies, I hit Zeus' Lightning, and it froze and kicked me out to Login. When I logged back in, Belladonna wouldn't talk to me, and I had the badge.

Thank you, Champion.
I got mapservered and booted three times on this last night, despite turning graphics way down and trying to minimize effects and AoE. The third time I was able to get to Recluse, but as soon as I hit them, something they did (most likely him trying to spawn his banes) locked me up.
This bug is really frustrating, because it detracts from what is otherwise a really neat mission, and a significant chunk of insight into Cole's thinking. The fact that it was present all the way back in Beta, commented on multiple times, but STILL made it live with the exact same issue is doubly frustrating.
I finally wound up autocompleting it. I don't want to single punch/blast umpteen spiders. I want to stomp and send their itty bitty pieces flying in all directions. Maybe we'll get a fix for it sometime, I hope.
I got serious mapserve errors twice and after a while it kicked me back to the login screen each time. It seemed to happen when I used the AoE and killed more than 4 or 5 people at a time. I knew I should stick to the ST attacks the second time but I was getting SO bored with so many Arachnos. I tried skipping straight to Recluse and killing him first but apparently it's a defeat all mission.
I agree with Kurrent. It's frustrating because the first time through I was very wrapped up in what was going on and really enjoying it. The second time the mood was killed and it all seemed pointless. After the second disconnect I just called the contact and "Completed" it.
Have a read of this thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=290695
Basically, just alternate the 2 single target attack to get through the mission until it gets fixed.
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
Have a read of this thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=290695
Basically, just alternate the 2 single target attack to get through the mission until it gets fixed. |
If you stay back and pull groups off a bit at a time, you can manage to get away with using Hand Clap on them once they get into melee range. Once you've whittled things down, the other AoE attacks can be used and you should be okay. You'll probably get lag spikes on each activation, but if you're careful you can avoid a full DC without sticking to ST powers.
I agree with T_Immortalus, unless there's some kind of clever optimization they can use, they'll probably end up having to reduce the number of enemies that are on the map at any given time. My hope is that they won't just outright nerf the mission but rather turn it into a number of large ambushes.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
If you stay back and pull groups off a bit at a time, you can manage to get away with using Hand Clap on them once they get into melee range. Once you've whittled things down, the other AoE attacks can be used and you should be okay. You'll probably get lag spikes on each activation, but if you're careful you can avoid a full DC without sticking to ST powers. I agree with T_Immortalus, unless there's some kind of clever optimization they can use, they'll probably end up having to reduce the number of enemies that are on the map at any given time. My hope is that they won't just outright nerf the mission but rather turn it into a number of large ambushes. |
At any rate, if they can't fix the crashes then they can at least make defeating Recluse the objective. That way we can fly straight to Recluse and wipe him out and then play with the rest without fear of a crash causing us to start over.
I played through Belladonna Vetrano's arc with NO problems, but when I get to Emperor Cole's Personal Story, I lose connection during the battle with Arachnos. I suspect that the problem is the sheer numbers of the Arachnos spawns, which I love though. I suspect that this is causing lag which ultimately triggers the mapserve.
Like you, cursedsorcerer, I had no problems with any of the Night Ward or Belladonna Vetrano contacts until I reached Emperor Cole's Personal Story.
Then every time I did more than a single-target damage (the brawl or sniper), I got this message and had to wait at least five seconds of not touching my mouse or keyboard before it caught up:

Managed to not actually disconnect. I'm very grateful for a beefy computer! And the fact that it was at the slowest time for the server.
I feel sorry for anyone trying the story at the same time an iTrials is going.
I found I could get away with a couple of uses of Zeus Lightening but the third would cause a mapserver, didn't get a problem with Hand Clap or the single targets.
My suspicion is that its related to the number of targets - or possibly to their return aggro/ragdolling animations.
Given there seems to be different thresholds for this it may be that game settings/hardware are having some influence as to when the threshold is hit.
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I was doing that, pulling off smaller groups and killing them ST's and Hand Clap. I'm not sure how many were in the group when I called lightning (because I was getting bored with hand clap) but it couldn't have been 10. It just seems odd that so few dying instantly would cause the problem when I had been using Judgement to kill large spawns of Talons and Tsoo for the fun of it in DA only an hour before.
Those numbers are so high, and on enough enemies, that it just overloads the connection to the server.
Also, if the lightning chains like Jolting Chain or the Ion Judgement then you know it just multiplies the spam exponentially.
It's sad that the only advice is "don't use the fun stuff" simply because the game is not made efficiently.
I don't usually crosspost but...
Originally Posted by Myself, in another thread on this
It's not a graphics issue, it's a networking issue.
Everytime in that mission you kill something you get a MASSIVE influx of data incoming, it's almost as if the code for keeping track of how many are killed (for the dialog popups) is going like this: You kill #1, server echos back #1 is dead You kill #2, server echos back #1 is dead, #2 is dead etc etc, so by the time you've killed #100 you're getting massive amounts of info from the server. Behold the netgraph in the bottom right |
MA Arc:
Overload (Arc ID #405822) | Status: Final | Last Edited: 5th Nov 2010 for text fixes.
Well 50,000 bytes per second is bad for dial-up, it's pretty trivial in terms of broadband. Even the 388ms Ping isn't that bad. It's the lost packets (the red in the graph) that are killing you.
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I played through Belladonna Vetrano's arc with NO problems, but when I get to Emperor Cole's Personal Story, I lose connection during the battle with Arachnos. I suspect that the problem is the sheer numbers of the Arachnos spawns, which I love though. I suspect that this is causing lag which ultimately triggers the mapserve.
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