So what is left to fix?
I'm pretty sure the Fortunata's Hypnosis proc is still broken.
In before JB mentions Tanks.
The terrible queue system of redundancy that has no purpose because almost nobody uses it except with a premade team anyway.
Show number of people who are queued, fix the restriction requiring a single zone to enter, make it notify the invited player that they are receiving an invite in the queue instead of no notification beyond an error message to the sender, and make joining the events that are currently active actually work. In addition add a search interface for teams instead of players and a way to enter a name, note, and category [just how the player search interface and note work] if you lead the team.
Also add paragon teleporters to villain bases plus a midnighter club teleporter.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Off the top of my head I can think of a few things that need to be fixed:
- Ragdoll Physics still need to be tighted up a bit. Enemies still turn into pretzels when defeated (which looks ridiculous), and there are times when some foes not defeated but knocked down/back get stuck in the floor or wall for long enough that they become very, very easy to defeat, taking all the fun out of a dramatic fight scene.
- Bullet casings from Dual Pistols and Assault Rifle power sets are still falling through the floor and ground when these powers are used. Also, I think there are less or no boulders left behind from certain Stone power set effects. It would be nice if these effects were corrected/restored to the game as they certainly add to the overall atmosphere of the game world and our heroes/villains affecting the environment (in a very limited way, of course).
- Assault Rifle snipe animation has been broken for about two years or more. The character using snipe with this power set appears to reset his/her aim while in the middle of the animation, which is annoying.
- The Rikti body that should be laying on the lab table in the Vanguard Base in the RWZ has been laying on the floor instead for years now.
- The moon has been showing a double image (smaller moon inside larger moon) in a few zones for about a year now. I don't recall which zones though.
- The Fire and Ice Costume Hats (looks like a helmet though) clips horribly into the back of the head when characters are in the fighting stance.
- The laying on back defeat pose that use to exist for several years needs to be restored to the game. As of now characters defeated always fall to their knees and then face-forward into the floor. But there use to be an alternate pose where defeated player characters could end up on their back spread eagle. Would be nice to see this again.
- Their use to be a "disolve" animation effect when characters exited SG bases via the Base Entrance Portal (this animation can be seen in the RWZ when using the entrance/exit to the Vanguard base). This effect has been missing for years. Would love to see it fixed. For that matter, an effect added on the Base Telepads when used by characters would be great too.
- Remove the Legal Filter from the Mission Architect. As it stands now the MA is pretty much useless for creating story arcs since so many words are blocked, including the names of nearly all CoH game characters.
- PVP.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Starting a TF at minimum level will still give you certain enemies not scaling down properly. I.e., lead a Posi as a level 10 and you'll get to fight a level 15 Dr Buzzard and level 15 Dr Vahzilok AV.
there are times when some foes not defeated but knocked down/back get stuck in the floor or wall for long enough that they become very, very easy to defeat, taking all the fun out of a dramatic fight scene. |

Also, when you try to read mission text and complete part of an objective while the window is open, it blinks and goes blank for a bit as if it were trying to reactualize. I believe it does the same when people switch zones too. Makes it pretty annoying to try to follow the story while not being the leader on a team, especially as in a "kill 200 dudes" mission it'll blink for every single bad guy taken down.
So what is left to fix? |
2. Tankers need to be fixed by removing them from Johnny_Butane's character creator.
3. PvP needs to be fixed by allocating a server to PvP that is never patched again, ever.
4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.
5. The gender imbalances in the costume system need to be fixed by declaring that all Primal Earth humans are actually asexual and reproduce by fission.
6. The Architect needs to be fixed by allowing AE missions to grant any rewards desired, as long as they come from the mission author.
7. The Shadow Shard needs to be fixed by thermonuclear weapons.
8. The LFG queue needs to be fixed by not allowing people to quit out of it. If the player doesn't accept the trial the game server zones the player into the trial anyway and their character becomes a mastermind pet of the league leader. During the trial the player cannot log in any other characters until it completes.
9. Death From Below needs to be fixed by making it the tutorial.
10. And then there's the forums.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Knowing that Arbiter Hawk has been looking at a number of new refinements to PB powers since the last ones made in September/October 2012, I clearly recall that none of them are about changing the PB powers into WS powers as that would be ridiculous. Rather he is looking into possible changes to PB powers that fit the current PB just like all the other updates that have been made so far.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
The terrible queue system of redundancy that has no purpose because almost nobody uses it except with a premade team anyway.
My suggestion...:
The terrible queue system of redundancy that has no purpose because almost nobody uses it except with a premade team anyway.
Show number of people who are queued, fix the restriction requiring a single zone to enter, make it notify the invited player that they are receiving an invite in the queue instead of no notification beyond an error message to the sender, and make joining the events that are currently active actually work. In addition add a search interface for teams instead of players and a way to enter a name, note, and category [just how the player search interface and note work] if you lead the team. Also add paragon teleporters to villain bases plus a midnighter club teleporter. |
I also think that because we went so long without it, the idea of pre-formed teams is now too deep in the culture of the game to get enough people to use it as a random team creator.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
PvP, but they aren't going there.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
1. Peacebringers need to be fixed by having all their powers replaced with their Warshade counterparts.
2. Tankers need to be fixed by removing them from Johnny_Butane's character creator. 3. PvP needs to be fixed by allocating a server to PvP that is never patched again, ever. 4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it. 5. The gender imbalances in the costume system need to be fixed by declaring that all Primal Earth humans are actually asexual and reproduce by fission. 6. The Architect needs to be fixed by allowing AE missions to grant any rewards desired, as long as they come from the mission author. 7. The Shadow Shard needs to be fixed by thermonuclear weapons. 8. The LFG queue needs to be fixed by not allowing people to quit out of it. If the player doesn't accept the trial the game server zones the player into the trial anyway and their character becomes a mastermind pet of the league leader. During the trial the player cannot log in any other characters until it completes. 9. Death From Below needs to be fixed by making it the tutorial. 10. And then there's the forums. |
I'd pay real cash-money for #8...
Well, it's been used the way it was intended quite a lot with the summer event, and also with the Halloween event last year, which kinda suggests that it's ideal for small team content rather than multi-team Incarnate Trials.
I also think that because we went so long without it, the idea of pre-formed teams is now too deep in the culture of the game to get enough people to use it as a random team creator. |
Maybe its just me, but I wouldnt just drop from a team just cause of what it was made up of. Seems kind of rude and lame.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that the random team did not work and furthermore it would be reasonable to say that the outcome was fairly predictable.
Remove the Legal Filter from the Mission Architect. As it stands now the MA is pretty much useless for creating story arcs since so many words are blocked, including the names of nearly all CoH game characters. |
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Would you go forward with a LRSF if you randomly got a whole team full of non-incarnate squishies?
It may be "working as intended" but it doesn't work very well, intended or not... even for single team endeavors. |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
obviously we don't know everything fixed in i24, but it seems like an amazing amount.
ignoring zone revamps and other new content, what is left to fix?
teleport is still a pain to use so largely ignored
the introduction missions (talk to KR hero corps agent) should be removed (since Twinshot replaces them), and probably the defeat X missions (especially the ones that send you to hazard zones)
a couple of MM powersets
seems pretty close to being not perfect but good enough in just about everything