So what is left to fix?




Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Yeah I can't help thinking that instead of assaulting the Keyes Island Reactors we should have just given him a subscription to an online dating service. It probably would have been a lot easier.
Heck, it would of made assaulting the Keyes Island Reactors easier.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post about considering tagging sensitive names and terms [in the AE] so that their use would trigger a flag, prompting a Dev or GM to look at the mission and use his/her best judgement to decide if said use really deserved to be blocked?
My guess is that the devs are very tight with their time and don't want to have to chase down violations. I think back in the day after AE came out, they realized just how much shepherding it needed, and just gave up after fixing the exploits.

It would be nice though, don't get me wrong.



Oh I forgot one of my biggest pet peeves.

The Music.

Or rather the lack of the game music. Currently the game music will only play once and only when you cross a neighborhood boundary. I would like to see, as a temporary fix at least, the music loop repeatedly. In addition I would like to see some music added for missions!

In my opinion if you have the game music on it should never stop playing. Log in to log out. But that me and I tend to be a bit more extreme about these things.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Oh I forgot one of my biggest pet peeves.

The Music.

Or rather the lack of the game music. Currently the game music will only play once and only when you cross a neighborhood boundary. I would like to see, as a temporary fix at least, the music loop repeatedly. In addition I would like to see some music added for missions!

In my opinion if you have the game music on it should never stop playing. Log in to log out. But that me and I tend to be a bit more extreme about these things.
Chuckle. If the music did this, I'd be asking for "it" to be fixed so that it DIDN'T loop constantly!

If anything, having an option for the zone music to loop, or not to loop, wouldn't be a bad thing.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



More Targeted AoE recipes!

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Another one that popped into my mind right now; been on a solo binge lately, and on a whim I cranked the sound up, and found out it is quite nice, with new environmental sounds added.

Problem is, with the horrendous way multi-target powers sounds stack in volume, you have no choice but to lower your sound down (way down) on teams if you value your eardrums.

There are also powers who are naturally loud.

Sound as a whole in this game could use a balance pass...



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
There are also powers who are naturally loud.

Yes! And there are some that are naturally quite! Namly titan weapons, I have my game sounds set at 20% And I have iTunes running in the background playing music. I can always hear my attack sounds on everything but my TW character. My BS/SD I can hear over ACDC I can hear my DP/Traps over Guns and Roses I can hear my Bot/FF over Five Finger Death Punch.

I can NOT hear Titan Weapons over the sounds of Shiny Toy Guns. (Or any of the other above mentioned bands.) The only way I can hear the CRUNCH of my TW character is if I just have the game sounds on. Which is very upseting when I see my character swinging around this massive hammer and hear nothing of the impact.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Blasters are getting a lot of love, but lets get real for a sec, they needed it desperately. I feel they need to reevaluate and give them an option for Mez protection (power pools?) and possibly a damage modifier bump. The kings of Damage have a Looong way to go to reclaim that title. These were steps in the right direction, definitely.

Tier 9 crashes on things like Invulnerability's Unstoppable. Whoever wrote that up had no idea what video game they were actually writing for. I would prefer something like the new hybrid power in there or Willpower's tier 9 anyday.

Energy Melee. The animations are sooo beautiful. Classic Comic Book fighting. Ka-Pow. No redraw. What's not to love? Oh yeah, nothing but ST damage, corpse blasting, stuns? (What does stun have going for it? Hey at least it's not knockback! What a selling point!) A pathetic AoE attack. Oh, and the set damages you, to add injury to insult.

Knockback. Again, I must congratulate the Dev team on the KB to KD I/O in the Summer Damage set. More, just more. Give me 3 of those and I will run Energy Blasters again. Okay, 4 for Energy Blasters.

Those are some (Some) of my pet peeves. I am one player who plays a very limited range of archteypes. I am sure there are plenty of other valid gripes out there.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Oh I forgot one of my biggest pet peeves.

The Music.

Or rather the lack of the game music. Currently the game music will only play once and only when you cross a neighborhood boundary. I would like to see, as a temporary fix at least, the music loop repeatedly. In addition I would like to see some music added for missions!

In my opinion if you have the game music on it should never stop playing. Log in to log out. But that me and I tend to be a bit more extreme about these things.
I think it used to, but it got to people - if they ever did something like this, it would require them putting it in as a toggle-option.
Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Another one that popped into my mind right now; been on a solo binge lately, and on a whim I cranked the sound up, and found out it is quite nice, with new environmental sounds added.

Problem is, with the horrendous way multi-target powers sounds stack in volume, you have no choice but to lower your sound down (way down) on teams if you value your eardrums.

There are also powers who are naturally loud.

Sound as a whole in this game could use a balance pass...
Or at least an option to have the game limit how many instances of a sound source they'll "honor" at a time.
Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Tier 9 crashes on things like Invulnerability's Unstoppable. Whoever wrote that up had no idea what video game they were actually writing for.
Because a game's playstyle and community spring forth from the dev team's collective brow, fully formed and mature as if some ancient goddess before the game is even released.

Invulnerability is a Issue 0 set. No need for that snark-ish comment.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Another thing that could stand to be looked at is the way memorized recipes are opened by default in your crafting tab. It might not seem like such a big deal when you sit down and craft anyway, but in the middle of a mission when you're trying to sort useful recipes from deletable ones while punching dudes, having to click on the tiny arrow to close the memorized recipe list down every single time gets old, especially as you're going to have to do that dozens, hundreds, thousands of times.

I specifically go out of my way to avoid getting memorization badges for that reason. Surely that can't be intended.



Hybrid left to be fixed but since devs don't agree that it is broken and even claim that it is WAI as it is I doubt this will happen in i24 or in i34 -sigh-



Whats left to fix?
Let's see:

Old models of citizens and NPC replaced with new ones.
Updated looks for old signature characters.
More zones revamped.
All pools available to Kheldians (no Tp or Fly restrictions).
More ancillary power pools.
Animated fingers, faces, hair.
Asymetry for shoulder pads, gloves, boots.
Praetorian 40-50 lvls content with a wrap of the storyline.
SG offline invitations.
Updated base items.



Villains needing more just villains sf's. There's still gaps in the level ranges (and NO! , co-op tf's don't count tbh. Villains need to be villain like at all levels without having to team with those loser heroes : - Like St mat n Port f/e



So, Arcanaville - you don't remember that we put this in I 22?

[4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.]

Golden Girl loaned me this:




(Widow) [Indomitable Will] still doesn't suppress with /suppressclosefx 1 and /suppressclosefxdist 255.

I remember bugging this at least a year ago... :|



Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
So, Arcanaville - you don't remember that we put this in I 22?

[4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.]

I'll have to look for that. I haven't played any of the DA story arcs yet.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I'll have to look for that. I haven't played any of the DA story arcs yet.
Don't bother - it's hardly a memorable experience...

(actually, the DA arcs are quite good and have some truly memorable moments, but I couldn't resist...)

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
[4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.]
Is there an ETA on this?

Does it just wipe just the current arc from memory or all play throughs?

DA just might be tolerable without the weight of all the previous runs for very little progress.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
So, Arcanaville - you don't remember that we put this in I 22?

[4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.]

Golden Girl loaned me this:

Many of us are heartily looking forward to the implementation of I22 and its enjoyable solo Incarnate path. We are unsure why both I23 and I24 have been pushed ahead of I22 in the schedule, but we remain firmly confident that the end result will surely be a memorable issue that will not be brimming with repetition, tedium and frustration.

As soon as it arrives, I'll remember to turn on my auto-subscription again.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
So, Arcanaville - you don't remember that we put this in I 22?

[4. The solo incarnate path needs to be fixed by adding a hallucinogenic cut scene at the end of every story arc that causes the player to be put into a fugue state whereupon they forget having played it.]
Hey look, its a new red name!

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



- NPC pathing / awareness

I swear, whenever I move more than 5m away from an escort/hostage, it will complain about "WAHWAH, I lost you".
This is especially bad when I'm running a char with any kind of stealth and even when thanks to them I'm hit with a large amound of -stealth.
But even unstealthed, they unstick very easily due to their zig zag pathing.

- pet pathing / run speed

Pets are very slow in following the player and sometimes take paths that are, uhm, difficult to understand.

- pet awareness

I shoot a mob. Mob shoots back. My pets (all of them ranged) are standing there and do nothing until I drag them closer to the mob.
If my - uncontrollable - pets would default to a "defensive" stance (with a tether range), that would be swell.

- a permanent pet window for my crab spider

My traps corr summons a FFG (uncontrollable and on a timer) and gets a pet window. Team window has the "Pet" option.
My crab summons his spiders (uncontrollable and on a timer) and gets no pet window. Team window has no "Pet" option.

I see no reason why I shouldn't get to view the status of my pets all the time.



Late to the party, didn't read all the goodness in it yet, ... restore hurricane's repel/knockback rate to its original I1 frequency for PVE in Issue 1. Thank you, that is all.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.