NPCs in First Ward not suppose to be there yet
Thinking about it, I have a theory I will have to try out later. Right now it's late and I need to get to bed.
Not exactly the same thing, but Seer 1381 in Imperial City is not disappearing after I complete her story arc.
Hmm.....Logged in today and went to First Ward to continue my missions and the NPCs are still there when they aren't suppose to be yet.
Edit: Added screen shot of Candlestick
Weird. After completing Nadia's story arc and unlocking Palatine (Anna) as a contact, the NPCs that aren't suppose to be there yet are now gone.
Noble Savage no longer standing next to The Hetman. Edited for typo. Just realized I've been spelling "Paletine" as "Palpetine". lol
After completing Katie Douglas' story arc, I went to the contact she introduced to get the mission then went back to the survivor compound to level up. The Hetman was standing there with Noble Savage but at this point, he is suppose to be removed from the map and only Noble Savage is suppose to be standing there.
Yeah... go ahead and /bug that one.
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The weird thing is, as I was doing all the story arcs in First Ward, minus the VIP only since I'm not VIP, the NPCs in question would disappear and reappear as I progressed. I would go back to the survivor compound to level up or vender off enhancements while in the area since a mission entrance would be near there.
I think something goofed up when they added the Tunnel Transport System in the zone.
I did send in a support ticket on this just now. Hopefully it will be fixed eventually.
Edit: I forgot I had already posted that screenshot in an earlier post.
Not sure what you call the mechanic. It's the part where a part of a zone permanently changes after you complete certain missions. (The area north of Aaron Thiery in Atlas Park will have different NPC enemies in the area after you complete his arc but it's only visible for your character you completed the arc with, as an example.)

Anyhow, I got to First ward and I was doing the second mission from Mistress Nadia and had to go to the survivor compound and talk to a couple NPCs for the mission. I went into the hospital to buy inspirations. When I came out I saw Anna standing across the way next to a door, which I believe goes to The Monarch NPC but I wasn't able to enter it yet. I haven't even gotten far enough into Nadia's story arc to have even met The Monarch or found Anna yet.
Mission I am on:
Anna outside across from hospital:
Here we have Noble Savage standing next to The Hetman. The problem: I am currently on Nadia's story arc, Palpetine (Anna) is next. At the end of Palpetine's arc, The Hetman is removed from the map permanently and REPLACED by Noble Savage. Noble Savage then becomes your next contact after Palpetine. Noble Savage does not appear in the survivor compound UNTIL he replaces Hetman and becomes a contact with missions available.
Don't have a screen shot of it, but the carnival of light NPC, Candlestick, is standing in the middle of the compound down below The Hetman/Noble Savage. I have not gotten so far as to go inside the building to talk to The Monarch, then go to the second floor in there and talk to Candlestick. At this point he is still being held captive inside the building with other carnival of lights inside a 'jail cell' made out of a fence. (As of now I am not even able to enter the building The Monarch is in.)