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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
    What are you escaping from?
    I’m not really escaping, I guess it’s more wish fulfilment for me.

    Ever since I was old enough to read (yes, a looong time ago), I’ve loved super-hero comics.

    I’ve also got a long history with games mostly preferring story driven rpg’s like Final Fantasy or games like MGS etc. But there was always a part of me that wished that there was a decent superhero game out there, then CoH came along – it was the game I’d always hoped for, in fact it felt like it was a game made especially for me

    I don’t have any pent up emotions or things to run from, I just loved being a part of CoH and playing alongside some great people. Strangely most of my creations have terrible pasts or something to run from - not sure what that says about me?

    I guess like many on here it became more than a game to me…
  2. Thanks for posting Texas Justice, I'm happy that you like the finished piece and it's a cool character

    And thanks for all the comments, this game and it's community really inspired me to create all my stuff and made a lasting impression on me - I'll always be grateful for that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    He referenced 'Death of Captain Stacy', 'Death of Gwen Stacy' and 'Kraven's Last Hunt' as examples of dark Spider-Man tales.
    I'm a fan of those stories and if the re-launch can come close to them I may pick it up. But the reason those stories stood out (I'm talking the first two mostly) is that they were in a run with generally 'lighter' stories, all dark and no light ends up being blah blah in my opinion.

    Like many I grow tired of these big re-launches, it not only alienates old fans (like me) but shows that they lack imagination and have just run out of good ideas. So they go the lazy route and make a big dramatic change to attract new know what - bigger is not always better.
  4. Sad to think that this may be the last comic I post here

    But my latest issue is done:

  5. With the sun slowly beginning to set, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone involved with COH and of course it's great community. It really inspired my creative side, because of this game (and my great friends in it) I worked tirelessly on writing a comic and ultimately became drawn to creating images to attempt to match my vision.

    The game may end but it's influence on me will not.

    Some final images below, not really COH related but without COH I would never have created them:

  6. Night_Hornet

    City of Creators

    There are already some of us who have created COH comic universes
  7. Thanks ChristopherRobin and VexXxa. I'm always trying to improve and I'm learning new things all the time, I've even produced some non superhero stuff lately (there I said it) which has been well received on DA.

    Thanks again for the feedback
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Some cool promotional stuff here.
    Out of curiosity is NH's face based on anyone or is it a premade 3D model?
    Thanks, it's not pre-made and it's based on my own appearance
  9. Been pretty busy with some comic projects lately, but I have also spent a lot of time trying to improve my images too, here's a few recent ones:

  10. Hi Herni, I suspect as you are not selling the actual image it should be ok but you could PM a mod if you nervous about it, so called 'fan art' is a bit of a grey area and copyright laws can differ internationally, but as it is your own work rather than an actual in-game image or manipulation I think it should be ok. MMO's in general have a lot of fan art sold as commissions etc which are artistic interpretations.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
    Looks like it only works for those two models, not any variations of them.

    In other words it's probably a lot less versatile than it looks.
    Actually because it's for the DAZ 4 genesis figure it will scale to pretty much any model.
  12. Although it's not the worst item I've seen, it occurs to me that the four legged rig seems to have possesed the dev's lately. We have four legged beasts beast as powers, various vanity pets and now travel powers, in my view it's been greatly over-used now.

    Of course there are some animal based heroes in comics but it seems to me that a lot of the recent market content of this sort would be better suited for a Fantasy (cough -there I said it) type game rather than a superhero game.

    Hopefully it's a lack of development time rather than a lack of imagination.
  13. Here's a couple of images I'm using to promote the next issue:

  14. What will I listen to now? Thanks for all the funtimes!
  15. Haven't updated this in a little while...

    Anyway my latest comic issue is completed should anyone wish to read it.



    The Last Enemy

    The answer to a long running sub-plot is finally revealed in what may be the most moving GGRRR Issue yet.

  16. Nice! And it wasn't having "Full Nude!" in the thread title that made me check it out...erm honest.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Well, I'm always going to look at them as free rewards, but if you guys choose to look at it as the sole reason you spent your 52 Euros, or $60 or whatever, then there is no arguing with you. And this discussion is probably over anyway since it would be silly for anyone who paid all that moeny for those rewards to continue paying when there are no further rewards to gain from it.
    This has been my point and I have not been "arguing", you can either view them as "free rewards" or you can view them as something that you had to pay a subscrption for to qualify for the rewards. Perhaps neither viewpoint is wrong it's down to an individual’s interpretation of the offer (but you were quick to dismiss my view). I've already said that this isn't the reason that I kept my subs up, I would have done that without the loyalty rewards. It just doesn't fit my own view/interpretation of a Loyalty Reward if the items are offered later on the Market. Open it up again for anyone who subscribes for four months and I'd be very happy.

    Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
    Well, I've had my subscription on a six month sub, so I have a set amount of money being spent each month (although, in reality it was all up front instead of monthly)

    I haven't spent a penny more than what the subscription asked for. So, unless they're stealing my money without me knowing about it, it's a free bonus.

    I've already spent X dollars on my subscription, so I don't see how you can say that the loyalty rewards are costing me money.

    It's much like the Veteran Rewards. Was I paying to get Vet Rewards, or were they a free bonus for keeping my subscription going?
    Again I'm not saying that they cost extra for a VIP, however that fact remains that you had be subscribed for a certain period of time, so based on an individual’s view they were either a free bonus or they DO in fact have a cost value because they were an incentive and to qualify as you had to be subscribed.
  18. Ok as much I didn't want to continue the debate...

    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Not to belabor the point
    But you will..

    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I'm not dismissing any opinion you may have about the loyalty rewards,
    But you kind of are...

    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    The loyalty rewards were a free bonus you received for buying play time.
    Please show me where it says that they are a "free bonus" and I will totally concede your point.

    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    The TV in your analogy is the item you are buying, not the free bonus. The only way your analogy works, is if you take the loyalty rewards out of the equation and NCSoft offers someone the ability to pay one tenth the price you paid for a three month subscription.
    Perhaps so if indeed they are a "free bonus". Although isn't it four months?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
    But how are loyal customers being disadvantaged in the future?
    Perhaps disadvantaged is the wrong word, my original point is that to qualify for the rewards you had to go through a discipline, i.e. you HAD to subscribe for a period of time, such a discipline does not apply on the Paragon Market.

    To be honest as I've said in this thread previously - I'm not at all bothered if the items are available to all it's just that the principle/mechanic seems wrong to me.

    But as I seem to be in the minority on this thread, I'll attempt to bow out as gracefully as I can and remember to carefully consider any Loyalty Reward offers in future.
  20. Actually I think that both analogies are good they just express different viewpoints – isn’t that what a discussion thread should be about?

    I should say this, I really couldn’t care less about the exclusivity of the items, I have no interest in this kind of vanity, but I do care about fairness.

    It just seems inherently wrong to me to offer Loyalty Rewards when the loyal customers could be viewed (on some levels at least) to be disadvantaged in the future in some way.

    Of course this is just my own opinion....but then maybe I can’t see the wood for the trees
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Let me try an analogy. Your favorite sandwich shop starts a "Buy 10, Get One Free" program. You love their sandwiches, so you get one of the cards, and regularly spend your $5 on their sandwiches.

    Then the day comes that you take your completed card in and get your free sandwich. After you order, the guy behind you in line orders the same sandwich, and they charge him $5. Would you be upset, and insist that they charge him $50, because that's how much you spent to get your free sandwich?
    That's a good analogy.

    But I'll see your sandwich and raise you a TV

    One day you go into a shop a buy a TV that you have been saving up for months, then the customer behind you is told they can order the same TV next week for a tenth of the price, do you feel ripped off?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    I'm not missing any point, and understand what you're getting at. I'll touch on that later, as I do semi-agree with you. But let's say, hypothetically, they post these items on the market in six months for 400 paragon points. We, the loyal customers, got exclusive access to these items for an entire six months before anyone else. Plenty of time to flaunt them and enjoy the fact that these items are ours before inevitably forgetting about them in favor of newer, shinier items. So there is, in fact, benefit.

    As to your point about loyalty and inspiring folks to stay subscribed, though, yeah this program failed for a number of reasons. Mainly the fact that they spent all of one day advertising it a week before the program started, and all they had to show off was a sketch of what the items are planned to look like. Then months go by and the mods, aside from Zwill once or twice, act like this program never even existed. But I doubt that if these items someday not-very-soon get put on the market that it would've effected the amount of loyal subscribers very much at all. The last program was the Vanguard pack, a pack consisting nearly solely of items we've had access to for years already, but people still loved getting them.
    Some good points here and likewise I partly agree with some of them.

    And as I said earlier in the thread I’m not bothered about everyone having the items it’s just the principle. Believe me I know what times are like and I find it a struggle to maintain my subs lately.

    But no matter how you look at it, it’s a fact that currently you've had to pay X amount to get these rewards, it’s not a valid argument to say that a VIP gets other things – the rewards have cost X amount (this is the only way you qualify) – end of story.

    If they are eventually released on the Market, fine and I hope Paragon Studios does well on them, but I will still feel ripped off, as effectively I had to pay X amount and others will pay a much lesser cost.