Discussion: Freebie Friday is Live!
Thanks again for the freebie!!!
NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.
But it is Thursday LOL
Freebie Friday is based on GMT, not your local time. See, funny thing is that the game is accessible globally, and there's no way to have it automatically detect what time zone someone is located in whenever they log in, so they went with the default time zone for the whole planet. The world is much, much bigger than the town/county/principality/district you live in after all. Neat, huh?
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Only in your time zone.
Freebie Friday is based on GMT, not your local time. See, funny thing is that the game is accessible globally, and there's no way to have it automatically detect what time zone someone is located in whenever they log in, so they went with the default time zone for the whole planet. The world is much, much bigger than the town/county/principality/district you live in after all. Neat, huh? |
Only in your time zone.
Freebie Friday is based on GMT, not your local time. See, funny thing is that the game is accessible globally, and there's no way to have it automatically detect what time zone someone is located in whenever they log in, so they went with the default time zone for the whole planet. The world is much, much bigger than the town/county/principality/district you live in after all. Neat, huh? |
The world is much, much bigger than the town/county/principality/district you live in after all. Neat, huh?
The world ends at my driveway!
Dear Paragon Studios,
I have been a loyal customer for nearly 8 years now. I love this game, and although I may stray from it from time to time when a new game comes out, I will always come back. I will be here until the servers are shut down, you have my word.
With that said, I'm being as honest as I can be when I say, as much as I love the idea of these Freebie Fridays, the stuff offered thus far is just more 'junk' that would farther clutter up my Character items window.
When you 'gave' them away in Super Packs and still very few people used them, that should have been a huge indicator that the majority of the player base didn't want them.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
With that said, I'm being as honest as I can be when I say, as much as I love the idea of these Freebie Fridays, the stuff offered thus far is just more 'junk' that would farther clutter up my Character items window.
Don't like it, don't claim it.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Yyyyeah. Being a veteran of 8 years and having all the extra goodies and benefits and experience that come with it, maybe you should consider something.
Freebie Friday is not being targeted at you.
There are plenty of free and premium players I'm sure are digging the 'useless' goodies that they normally wouldn't have access to by the bucketful.
"This free thing isn't the cool thing I want it to be" is a pretty lame complaint.
Don't like it, don't claim it. |
"Yes, more free stuff! Gimme!!!"
Is that more within the lines of the mindless 'drone' response you were looking for?
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
"This sucks."
"No it doesn't."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was allowed to have an opinion."
You are. And so is everyone else.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but that doesn't mean they're all going to be equally valid as feedback.
For instance, if somebody went completely ape pancakes about getting a rez for free and treating it like he just won the lottery on Christmas morning, the devs would probably disregard that as a fringe thing and not representative of the group.
On the other hand, we have people like me and Mystic_Fortune (and I suspect a few others here based on their forum registration dates), who already have tons of this stuff included in Super Packs or as part of the Paragon Rewards Program, whose opinions don't really matter because of what what Agent White said above:
Yyyyeah. Being a veteran of 8 years and having all the extra goodies and benefits and experience that come with it, maybe you should consider something.
Freebie Friday is not being targeted at you. There are plenty of free and premium players I'm sure are digging the 'useless' goodies that they normally wouldn't have access to by the bucketful. |
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Perhaps we need multiple 'Feedback' threads. One can have all the "This is great" posts; one can have all the "This sucks" posts and one can have actual feedback.
Anyway, the "random free item" so far appears to be selected from the "stuff people aren't buying" table. Today's is basically a free wakie. I don't see what else they could go with though. Giving away non-expendables probably isn't sensible and producing expendables worth making a fuss over would attract "pay to win" complaints.
... more 'junk' that would farther clutter up my Character items window.
This is what I did. I already have a pile of temp rez powers I never use from the Super Packs and don't need another, even if it's free.
Character Items is almost completely unusable though. I'll likely never use any of my team/dual inspirations or temp powers because they're items I can't remember the names of half way down a 58 line alphabetical list in a 4.5 line tall window that doesn't resize.
Anyway, the "random free item" so far appears to be selected from the "stuff people aren't buying" table. Today's is basically a free wakie. I don't see what else they could go with though. Giving away non-expendables probably isn't sensible and producing expendables worth making a fuss over would attract "pay to win" complaints.
Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]
Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.
I'm just amused that every Freebie Friday thread is pretty much identical to the last. I suggest saving time by creating a txt file on your desktop so you can easily copy and paste your opinion each week.
Way to be condescending. It's still a dorky naming convention.

And yes, the naming is somewhat "dorky" (or at least counter-intuitive for most). Some of the reasons for the current implementation were covered already by some of the red name types the past week if anyone wants to browse the Community Digest.
Considering the majority of the subscriber base is within the GMT-5 to GMT-8 range, and Paragon Studios themselves are based in California, I highly doubt they chose to run it during this time based on GMT. More likely they just don't want to have someone log in at Midnight to enable/disable the event when they're all off work.
While this week's freebie is something i already have plenty of, much like the previous freebie, i do like the idea of free stuff and won't complain about getting anything for free even if i have no pressing need for it. Seeing as they're easy to replace if i decide i want more i also won't hesitate to use the freebies just for the heck of it.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Freebie Friday is a promotion aimed at the freeloaders and low tiered Preems who don't use the market. All you ViPs who get 400+ pts a month already have your incentive to use the market.
People are ******** about free stuff for people who don't pay a cent for this game.

This is why I did claim mine, I already have a pile of them taking up space so one more doesn't add any more clutter.
Character Items is almost completely unusable though. I'll likely never use any of my team/dual inspirations or temp powers because they're items I can't remember the names of half way down a 58 line alphabetical list in a 4.5 line tall window that doesn't resize. |
And thanks yet again for the free thing, Paragon Studios!
This week's Freebie Friday offering is live, and will be available until 4:00pm PDT tomorrow afternoon!
Freebie Friday is a new test program in the Paragon Market where all players, Free, Premium and VIP, can claim (only once per offer) a random free item! The item could be almost anything currently available in the Paragon Market and will change every week! Currently, we plan for each promotional item to be available for 24 hours. For the trial run, we'll be putting the item up at 4:00 PM PDT/7:00 PM EDT/12:00 AM BST this Thursday, May 17th, 2012. The item will be available until the same time (4:00 PM PDT) on Friday, May 18th, 2012. You can find the Freebie Friday item under the "Featured Items" section of the Paragon Market.
So log into City of Heroes and claim your item!
Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios