Creole Ned

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  1. Creole Ned

    Cryptic role.

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post

    Do they have permission to sell it?
    Why do you ask?
  2. Creole Ned

    Cryptic role.

    Cryptic's logo is there because NCsoft is licensing the engine the game runs on from Cryptic. That's it.
  3. Creole Ned

    Final Thoughts.

    Yeah, I think today may be the day codes stopped working.
  4. Creole Ned

    Final Thoughts.

    Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
    There are ways around it...
    I'm not sure those ways will work anymore, at least based on my own experience.

    But we may be referring to different things. In my case, a legit serial code from a retail box showed up as expired when I added it to my account.
  5. I just tried using the serial code from a retail Architect Edition box on my account and got the following message:

    This serial code has expired.
  6. What's funny is they re-enabled access to all former subscribers for Tabula Rasa when it was getting shut down.

    Tabula Rasa.
  7. Creole Ned


    That's a pretty exhaustive set of answers on lore. Thanks for putting the doc together, Positron!

    And for keeping a small ember of hope burning for the game, too.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    I'm not giving 5 years off my life for the game. I said I'd give 5 years off my life for true artistic talent.

    For the GAME, I'd... well, I wouldn't kill anyone, but I'd happily throw some all-too-deserving schnook down a flight of stairs.

    If you spent those five years working hard on your art, you might very well end up with 'true artistic talent'. Most of what people think of as talent comes from a lot (a lot!) of practice. More than most people would willingly endure.

    On-topic, I felt shocked and a bit sad at the announcement of the game's impending doom and like some others have mentioned, it's killed most of the joy I had in playing it. The timing also sucked because I was about to re-sub for Issue 24 and now I'm stuck in premium limbo, so many of my characters are inaccessible.

    I know there is the beta server but it's not the same.
  9. You truly took it to the next spot, WW.
  10. I did not always agree with everything you did but no RPG campaign is complete without someone complaining about the DM's decisions.

    But your efforts and passion for the game were appreciated and will always be remembered.
  11. An amazing video that was amazing.

    And funny, too!
  12. I concur, they both did great work.
  13. Thanks for your dedication to the game, War Witch and for your funny and positive forum presence all these years.

    I remember once sending you a PM asking if the SG teleporter in Talos, which had been long-stuck in the bus shelter, could be fixed. And a short time later, it was fixed. It was a small thing but I was just so dang pleased to have my input listened to and acted on.

    Best dev team evar.
  14. Creole Ned

    To all of you...

    You were -- and are -- a great community manager, Zwill. Cheers to you and everyone at Paragon for your dedication to the game and its players.

    Good luck to you and everyone. You deserve it.
  15. Agreed with Evil Gecko.

    Cheers to all the devs who worked on the game. You were passionate, dedicated and all that good stuff. Your efforts will not be forgotten.
  16. The new look is fine, except for the silly club hair, as others have pointed out. It looks bad on everyone, ergo it looks bad on Skulls, too. The doofus hair also looks pretty bad in general.

    And I am not a fan of making characters 'sound' ethnic in text. So far in this game it has been pretty ham-fisted and in some cases borderline offensive. The writers should probably just stop doing it.

    Other than that, the revamp seems pretty good to me.
  17. I recommend hiring a sassy robot to play the game in your place.
  18. Yeah, it was more a precautionary thing just in case your account lapsed for whatever reason. A curious son may very well find that store button.

    I actually have 13 slots on Triumph as premium. I must have bought a bunch way back before the market even existed. Of course, I have 25 slots filled, so 12 of them will still be locked. :P

    I also used my stipend the same way you do. In fact, I still have points from my last stipend backed for when I go back to VIP.
  19. A true sequel to CoH seems unlikely.

    A spiritual successor to CoH (new universe) is possible. Paragon is working on another MMO now and I'd like to see them tackle something other than bog-standard high fantasy but it remains to be seen just exactly what it is they are doing.
  20. Note that if your account goes back to premium you will no longer be able to hide the Paragon Market button.
  21. Nethergoat, I have enjoyed reading your diary and especially the adorable comments from your son (his strange love of caves aside).

    I find myself in the reverse of your position as my account just went from VIP to premium. This is partly due to finances though I may re-sub when Issue 24 comes out. It's going to be interesting to see how things change now.

    Looking back, is there any one thing you liked most in jumping from premium to VIP? My guess would be character slots since, you know, alts.
  22. I recently got my energy/ice blaster to level 35 and can't decide what to take for an epic/ancillary pool. I'm not especially interested in doing the hero-villain-hero route to get any of the patron pools, so I'm just looking at the epics for now.

    My playstyle is to leverage ice patch, stay mostly at range and mop up with a few melee attacks as needed. Any suggestions on which epic pool might be a good fit?

    Thanks for any advice!
  23. Tri-corner hat? I wanted four corners! Slap in the face!

    (I like the free hat. I like all free hats!)

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    If hat's = freedom, then our hair should also be set free
    What is the price of an incorrectly used apostrophe?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    And I already know that I'm not getting the wolf pet. Why? Because you don't set something at less than a 1% drop rate and expect people to get it. Talk about a waste of development time.
    Keep in mind I am not making a value judgment on this!

    If enough people bought packs trying to get the wolf, it could be that they covered the development costs on those players alone, so it may not have been a waste of development time for Paragon.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    It was the same dam wall. Everything about it was the same, except they made the cracks no longer impossibly hard to get out of, and they made it look like it was actually being rebuilt. Someone posted a video awhile back of the old Faultline, and it literally looks the same as the update except with more with scaffolds, updated buildings, and elevators to help folks out of the cracks. It's not even a matter of opinion, it is a cold hard fact the new Faultline is better than the old in every way.

    I honestly believe you just want to be "That guy" who always has to disagree and be upset with everything everyone likes.
    Interestingly, the new Faultline is actually a smaller zone than the original. The distance from the Skyway City entrance to the dam used to be 1.03 miles. It's now 0.82 miles.