Cryptic role.
Cryptic's logo is there because NCsoft is licensing the engine the game runs on from Cryptic. That's it.
The engine is licensed (indefinitely) from Cryptic. They even have permission to use it in a second game if they want.
And remember, even though the Cryptic team moved on (leaving Paragon to run CoH), it was still their first game. They definitely don't hate the game or the community.
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Most likely, NCSoft does not have explicit permission to sell their license. Such licenses are often non-transferable. However, that would not mean a transfer is impossible. It would mean that NCSoft could not legally execute such a transfer on their own.) For a transfer to happen, it would require permission from Cryptic (or possibly, from their current parent company, Perfect World). For what it's worth, word on the virtual street is that Cryptic is open to such a transfer.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I wish Cryptic can do something to help us out, but I don't think they have any power to do so.
Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.
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I don't care for CO and can hardly believe some of the same people are actually responsible for it, but I don't think Cryptic is the problem here.
BABs (Tic Toc on these boards) seemed genuinely surprised the whole thing was going down, and he said he asked Jack Emmert point-blank about the engine and was told that yeah, they gave the rights to use it "in perpetuity" not just for CoH but for a second game as well.
And we know that some Paragon Studios peeps have already been taken aboard Cryptic, to work on STO I think. If they hated PS, they wouldn't be hiring them now.
The whole thing is a downright shame, and it all boils down to NCSoft's inept handling of their MMOs in the west. Yeah, CoH had an 8-year run, but NCSoft only owned it for the last few years of that. And they've shut down most of their other western MMOs in even less time.
I hope Blade & Soul fails miserably here. It will mean that western gamers are finally recognizing NCSoft for what they are: Box fee grabbers who don't support nor continue what they start. Even CoH had GR released under NCSoft.
The whole thing is a downright shame, and it all boils down to NCSoft's inept handling of their MMOs in the west. Yeah, CoH had an 8-year run, but NCSoft only owned it for the last few years of that. And they've shut down most of their other western MMOs in even less time.
Honestly, was it "inept" to increase investment in the game? To green light a second project? To keep a game going that was never, at any point in its life, more than a niche product?
NCSoft has owned Paragon Studios for 5 years -- most of the game's run. They had enough faith in the studio that they green-lit a second project AND increased the dev team from under 20 to 80ish. And provided GM, transaction, and server support.
Honestly, was it "inept" to increase investment in the game? To green light a second project? To keep a game going that was never, at any point in its life, more than a niche product? |
Agreed. Give NC their due here. A HUGE chunk of the things we take for granted nowadays in the game was developed ENTIRELY on their watch.
And they didn't HAVE to. They could have puttered along on the "Freem 16" and left the game in, essentially, maintenance mode.
They didn't.
I know you're ticked at them for this final decision.
Hell. So am I!
But even a few moments of honest reflection shows that they did nothing but good for the game until the end.
I wish Cryptic can do something to help us out, but I don't think they have any power to do so.
So... the thing is to see if PWE would want to buy Paragon Studios so that they have a supers MMO that actually makes money. It is not unknown for a parent company to buy rival products and keep the brands going as a way to dominate a market.
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Cryptic can't... they had to sell themselves to Perfect World Entertainment to stay afloat. CO is kept open as loss leader to have toehold in Western MMOs. They hope that the Star Trek and Neverwinter properties of Cryptic can make the real dough.
So... the thing is to see if PWE would want to buy Paragon Studios so that they have a supers MMO that actually makes money. It is not unknown for a parent company to buy rival products and keep the brands going as a way to dominate a market. |

I think someone forgot that fact.
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Oops. I burned out the ganglia responsible for thinking about Infogrames, aka, Atari. Just found the tatoo I left as a reminder just in case.
So... Cryptic sold itself to Infogrames/Atari, which in turn sold it to PWE.
So... Cryptic can't do anything, PWE can. End result the same.
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I've been wondering for a while now.
Some people say that Cryptic has nothing to do with any portion of this cgame at all since the time they sold it to NCSoft.
Others say that Cryptic still owns the engine that this game is running on.
Now on the actual log in screen for the game is are logos at the bottom.
One is for Paragon Studios-the Sub. of NCSoft and developer of the game.
One is for NCSoft-the big dawgs that own everything.
The Teen rating thing-To keep angry parents of underaged people off their backs.
And then there is Cryptic Studios-who company supposedly or have not or maybe they did sell all rights and claim to the game but if that is the case or not the case, why would NCSoft keep a logo of the competition on their login screen?
Or I guess better way to put it is, What do cryptic studios do in relation to this game that gets their logo on the front page of the login screen?
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.