To Synapse and Arbiter Hawk.




You guys did epic job for us. The changes you incorporated into the game, all the way to the last minute entry by Hawk for Ice Blast... it was all epic work.

I just want you guys to know your work was highly appreciated. Your set design philosophy was fresh and modern, it was what this game needed.

It's a shame so much work will never get to see the light of day, not even to beta.

I don't want to ignore anyone else, everyone did great in Paragon Studios, but the power guys tend to get the most hate due to how sometimes they "adjust" stuff downwards.

Anyways, my regards to both of you.

You guys were fantastic.

Here is to Titan Weapons, Street Justice, Martial Combat, Water Blast, Bio Armor, Rad Melee, Rad Armor, Psionic Melee and so much much more.


Now if you excuse me, I'm going to print a TShirt with my own damned bug hunter badge in it.



I agree. I especially want to thank Arbiter Hawk for all the work he did on Kheldians, as well as other revamps he worked on. I got so much more mileage out of my Peacebringer than I ever would have if not for him, and I truly appreciate that. I also spoke with him a couple of times and he was always fast to reply, polite and willing to engage in discussion. An awesome Dev- I hope he finds work in another studio soon.



Yea, those two were pretty awesome.



I remember seeing the ice blast changes and thinking "Damn, Quickfrost is going to love getting those."

And now he won't.

I was so psyched for Issue 24: Fix Everything and Issue 25: Fix Everything Else for the power changes. I was getting very excited about the changes happening to older characters.



I didn't always agree with decisions that they made, but that's just the power gamer within me.

Thank you both.



Yeah awesome work guys!

....even is Synapse isn't a real speedster and never accepted my race challenge to show him what real speed is all about ......



Yes, thanks so much. It was a bit too late for me to get a lot of mileage out of it, but the every change to kheldians made my 50 PB and 50 WS infinitely more entertaining to play. The thought that these strange, wonderfully unique classes were so close to being just perfect in my book after all these years, and now they're going away is just... crushing. But I'm glad for all the changes we DID get to see.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
You guys did epic job for us. The changes you incorporated into the game, all the way to the last minute entry by Hawk for Ice Blast... it was all epic work.

I just want you guys to know your work was highly appreciated. Your set design philosophy was fresh and modern, it was what this game needed.

It's a shame so much work will never get to see the light of day, not even to beta.

I don't want to ignore anyone else, everyone did great in Paragon Studios, but the power guys tend to get the most hate due to how sometimes they "adjust" stuff downwards.

Anyways, my regards to both of you.

You guys were fantastic.

Here is to Titan Weapons, Street Justice, Martial Combat, Water Blast, Bio Armor, Rad Melee, Rad Armor, Psionic Melee and so much much more.
My thanks as well.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I concur, they both did great work.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I agree, they were the best we ever had. I hope they get to read this.
Castle was also great, I would not say they are the "best" but they are fantastic in their own ways.



Let's also point out all the awesome Blaster/general blast set changes that these guys were working on. Crashless Nukes, Instant Snipes, higher survivability for the non Mental secondaries.

This would have opened up so many options for me in terms of alts I would've been willing to make. It was such a great way to rejuvenate under performing powersets, too.

Even though we didn't get to experience it on live, these guys still put the work in. And I appreciate that a lot.

My first ever character was my Energy/Kin Corruptor. I hadn't logged him in for over a year, but when the instant snipe/crashless nuke changes were announced, I said to myself, "Wait a minute... Instant snipe will give NRG decent DPS! And Fulcrum Shifted crashless Nova on a shorter cooldown!? Hell yeah!"

I did nothing but solo this character for 4 months when I first got the game, and that was way before F2P came out. I learned how everything worked, made my first friends and fell in love with this game playing this character. I abandoned him for better builds eventually, but it felt great to know that I would have a real reason to play him again, and that's because of these guys.

I had soloed him as far as level 43, and so for last double XP weekend, I got him to 50, IO'd him out into an i24 build and spent quite a few hours enjoying him in the meantime. So thanks for that.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Castle was also great
Abso-*******-lutely. Castle gets a lot of crap for Issue 13, but he was very good at his job (if maybe a bit too rigid in his own ways of thinking). He is, after all, the one who trained Synapse to fill his shoes.

I will still argue that Synapse and Hawk were better. BUT, isn't that what every leader really wants? To know that, when he stepped down, the ones he trained were able to blossom and achieve greater heights than he could? Their success is Castle's success.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Indeed. Thank you Synapse, Arbiter Hawk. And a personal thank you to Synapse for answering my PMs and putting up with me.



You guys were doing amazing work that incorporated player vision into your own. I was looking forward to revisting so many alts and redoing so many builds with the changes you had coming. (Along with rolling up all sorts of Bio toons.) Even though we'll never get to fully enjoy it, the hard work was appreciated!



Absolute truth here, yep. I'm sure others before you did great work as well, but I wasn't following things like this back then. But you two... the blaster changes alone... well this just about sums it up:

Between the snipe changes,

and the nuke changes,

plus Mortal Kombat...

... err, I mean Martial Combat...

and the new Sustain feature,

Blasters were all set to go from



I was predicting a few


and a whole bunch of


and just a general overall feeling of


Unfortunately, through none of our faults, now we're all


But Phil and Jeff, please know that every time I heard about an upcoming change or new powerset, I would think about who was running that part of the show, and I would always end up feeling like you guys had everything under control.

So thank you to both of you for all the time and effort you've put into making this the coolest game I've ever played. Good luck to you both wherever you end up next, and if I ever hear you're involved in a project, I'll be checking it out pronto.

Stay safe out there, heroes!



I used to regularly poke Synapse and get some fun tidbits of information. I am still going to hold back some of this out of habit if nothing else.

I also dived in the pigg files a few times and seen some hints of the stuff that was in the works. The future these guys had planned for us was just amazing.

I am sure there is a lot of epic work going on that got frozen in time, but I personally am one of the number guys in these forums. I enjoy and love the story and content, but where I truly geek out is in the power data and the powers themselves. So these two guys touched my soul very deep.

Just thinking about the stuff that was in the future, but never will come to be, makes me cry...



Is it just me, or are Synapse, Hawk, and Positron the only ones to go completely silent after the announcement?



Positron did mention he'd try to do an Ask Anything about the Lore if the right people still had forum access. Beyond that, not sure if any of them have said anything else.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



No it is strange for them to not say anything .



As long as there are forums to say Thanks and show our appreciation to Paragon Studios, I will probably keep posting to say Thank You!!! Yeah, of course I was looking forward to issue 24. But probably only 1/2 as much as the development team. I'm sorry for all the amazing developments we'll never have a chance to play, but grateful I got to experience what I did from Issues 15-23. Makes me wish I'd started MMO gaming earlier. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN FOR YOUR WONDERFUL WORK!!! Best regards and wishing you each and all every success in the future!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Oh and Protean, we haven't heard from Protean.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I was so psyched for Issue 24: Fix Everything and Issue 25: Fix Everything Else for the power changes. I was getting very excited about the changes happening to older characters.

Ice/Dev Blaster - so happy (damage buff on FR, range increase on BIB)
Ice/Dark Corruptor - so happy (damage buff on FR, range increase on BIB)
Dark/Dark Defender - so happy (fast snipe)
Dark/Psi Defender - so happy (fast snipe)
Dark/Dark Corruptor - ditto
Sonic/Dark Corruptor - happy for range increase on Shriek
Psi/Psy Dominator - happy for fast snipe
Warshade - so happy (travel pool unlocks)

I'm pretty sure I am forgetting something - I was looking forward to a lot of things in I24. It's heartbreaking to know they'll never happen, but that we wanted them so bad and were getting them is why you deserve our thanks!

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA