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Since the game is getting pulled in Nov. Are the REAL WORLD HEROES going to do thier charity drive early? Or is it dead too?
Since the end is here. Can you go ahead and unlock as many events as you can? Halloween, Xmas, V-Day, Summer event. The Invasions (Rikti, Zombie, Nemisis). Double XP. Let's go for broke on a wild ride til the end.
Been seeing a lot of abuse with the vote to kick player lately. Having multi pop ups during trials between people just disrupts everyone elses play. I would like to suggest when a person starts a vote to kick if that vote fails the person who started is auto kicked. After all that person doesn't want to play with the other one, and the league doesn't have to deal with the fighting. Also with prompts to teleport being very common clicking yes before seeing it is a vote to kick has caused problems. The person being kicked and the person starting the vote should both be named and in red making it easier to see.
Quote:I'm one who uses the word Devs. But I use it to represent all of NCSoft. A Red name is the same as a Red shirt at Target to me. You are the one that is representing your company at that point whe you interact with the customer. It doesn't matter if I ask a person where the Tide is and they work in the Food section. They should be able to direct me to either the right area or the right person. Same here. When an issue is brought up, we your customers shouldn't have to wonder what your current title is, what office you sit in, or even if you had a personal stake in said issue. What we need is that the issue is passed on to the correct person/department. That is something that you know where it goes. To expect an outsider to know your inner workings is a folley. People who read the forums may know some of who is who, but the forum makes up only 10% of the population. That leaves 90% who have no idea at all.One final thing I want to mention is that a lot of people, in-game and out, have blamed short-comings on the developers. I want to be absolutely clear that this isn't the case. Only members of the Community Team are running these events (with the exception of members of the CS team on occasion). So, if you have any frustration you'd like to get off your chests, please direct them towards us.
But back to the 3 hour window. On Freedom last night after the pocket D party. People who came in late found a giant mutant Lusca still in Talos. Spent a good 40 minutes killing it with a small league. A good half of these people didn't know the event had already ended. All the same disapointed remarks came out. "Where's Mako?, "How do I get my gold title?" "Is that all there is?" and so on. You may have the best of intentions but the execution is lacking. This is why so many people are having a "ho hum experience".
Now it is nice to see that you are reading the replies, and some change has happen. Like Dropping PI and focusing on Talos. But frankly you shouldn't of been using the first few servers as a beta test. -
Quote:Sadly nothing wrong. So far the 3 events I've been in Exalted, Infinity, and Freedom. The actual Attack lasts 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. On Exalted it was PI and Talos. But Infinity and Freedom only Talos. Then everyone goes to Pocket D and the Devs give out the codes as fast as they can then its over. So yeah if you come in at the end or middle of the 3 hour mark you already missed it. Frankly 1 hour in PI, then Talos, and then IP. Would fill the 3 hours and the Devs could of just randomly sent codes to people fighting instead of Pocket D. then as long as you show up during the time you could play. At the very least they should alter the schedule to reflect it isn't 3 hours.Sigh.
So ...I was excited to find out my home server was having the event today from 5-8 Pacific. (Victory Server). Had to take my daughter to swim lessons at 5, but figured I'd be able to jump on when I got home and find out what this event is all about!
I get on at about 7:30...decide to head to Paregrine Island since I thought I had heard that that would be one of the zones this took place in. I zoom around all the water and beaches...NOTHING. Ok..maybe I'm in the wrong zone...so I head to Talos since I thought I heard something about it being there. I zoom all around the zone checking out all the water and beaches for any sign of SOMETHING...I stumble across two level 54 bosses...1 coralax and 1 Bane Spider. I take them out, check out the zone some more...nothing. Ok...IP has a lot of water, let me go check that out. NOTHING.
I don't get it. If the event is running from 5-8pm on this server (Victory) how could there be nothing? I'm appauled by the little to no heads up given to those of us who want to participate. Did I do something wrong? What am I missing here?? -
Raid on PI by ferry. then in Talos. Its Corlex and arachnos. Then IP for super Lusca. Now Pocket D "party".
Party gave out a few kirby dots, a water blast set, and a costume.
So now you know. -
Bad Event is Bad. Right now on Exalted. Couldnt take full league from PI to Talos. Some of the team spawned in Talos 2. Event wasn't going on in Talos 2 until we started letting them know in help chat. If you can't support EXALTED how do you plan on doing larger servers like Freedom or Virtue? All Badies are 54. No XP. So if you aren't incarnate you will die. You need a team/league for lowbies good luck when you swap zones.
So other than the single day and time for each server is anything else happening? Sorta was thinking you know sharks in the water and such. So far nothing. If its just a fancy meet n greet why the big build up?
[QUOTE=Chad Gulzow-Man;4333358]I think GPBunny actually has a point (though it certainly could have been phrased a tad more politely).
Yeah you are most likely correct. I tend not to polish my words as well when I type as I do when I speak. -
Dom and Blaster love so yay!
Just curious you do want us to actually spend our points right? That way we spend real money to get more points? Cause you sure aren't acting like you want us to use any of our points.
Ok not 8 days. But will the items still not be accessable during those down times?
Since there was no discussion thread
Here area couple of questions.
Will we still have access to our purchased chartaer slots? Often when the market goes down they are shown as locked until it comes up.
Will store bought power sets be locked out?
Well basically will anything store bought be locked out during this 8 days? -
Quote:No. But there is no reason someone should have to search an outside source for information on THIER promotion. Be that what time it starts or what website it is on, or what else is on sale. Information is rarely complete. You could of just supplied the information without the smirky comment And before the replies I do understand the irony of this comming from me.Oh come on. Doing an internet search comes up with more time zone converters than anyone could possibly use.
Here is one.
US/Hawaii 07:30:00 25-Jul-2012
US/Pacific 10:30:00 25-Jul-2012
US/Central 12:30:00 25-Jul-2012
US/Eastern 13:30:00 25-Jul-2012
GMT 17:30:00 25-Jul-2012
GB 18:30:00 25-Jul-2012
Paris 19:30:00 25-Jul-2012
Japan 02:30:00 26-Jul-2012
What next? Someone asking for Swatch .BEAT time? -
This is so full of fail. But the COH bunch don't see it that way. Oh well. I myself went to work today. To earn that living, to make money to support my hobby. Didn't get a chance to sit and wait for a tweet. Noticed at the time of my posting over 17 thousand views to this thread. A handful of posts. Just curious if a pole was taking of the player base if they supported this idea what the outcome would be? Well off to load into Exalted. You know that dead server full of VIPs that keep leaving the game.
Quote:Well that is my bad then. Got a habit of skimming posts then replying instead of reading the whole thread. The crow is mine to eat.What Necrotech_Master was saying, and the part he quoted, was in the OP where it described the Booster pack. You didn't need to open the store interface to read it, it was right there in the Announcement.
You came into the thread and asked questions that were answered in the first post of the thread. -
Well since you seems to want to do promotions on all social media when are AOL afternoons starting? You know create an AOL chat room for those few COH/AOL fans out there?
Or Hook Up with COH at OKCupid! Meet the love of your gamer life and get a code for the Wedding or Valentine pack.
Maybe a meet and greet with Dr.AEON on WebMD get a chance at a temp rez power.
Just doing my part to help out your marketing team. -
Oh damn I spent my day playing the game instead of being on twitter.
What a dumb idea this is.
So if I want to see a video feed I have to go to one site. If I want to grab a free item I have to watch another social media.
But It gets better you have to snag it first. So the people you actually get to watch for the promo are still left out if their service or computer is slow.
Please stop with the gimics and go fix the current reward bugs. Like yearly badges and random Paragon reward dates.
Who would get the COH twitter feed that isn't already playing the game? So every player that doesn't get a reward you risk pissing off. -
Quote:Ok quick reply.too vague? it specifies everything, its just a bundle of a bunch of temps:
"The ultimate kit for leveling a new character! Gain XP faster, fly at level 1, increase damage & survivability, and even rez yourself from defeat. The Boost Kit contains: XP Boosters (x6), Rocket PAck Travel Power (30 days), Self-Revive Power (x5), Offense Amplifier (+Dam, +To Hit, +Rech, 1 Hour) x2, Defense Amplifier (+Def, +Res, 1 Hour) x2, Survival Amplifier (+Max HP, +Recov, +Regen, 1 Hour) x2, and the Warwolf Whistle that summons a hulking Warwolf Boss to fight by your side (5 charges)."
it should add all of those into your character items section (the fly pack is prolly all of your toons, but as it says it is the 30 day temp fly pack), the regular xp booster is only 25% boost
i didnt want to have to say this, but you need to learn 2 read
When I (not saying you or anyone else) clicked on the item "Booster Pack" it did NOT open. I could not see the expanded information. Thus I could not read it. Don't know if it not opening is a glitch or not; just saying it didn't happen. But thanks for being ever so kind and posting the needed informations. Others may have had the same problem as myself. Never know you might have accidently been helpful. -
What is the booster kit? The discription is way to vague.
Is it account wide or 1 toon? (if only for 1 toon then it cost too much. Its half a power set)
Is the fly a temp power or a perm power? (cause if perm might be worth it to make a WS now) (if its temp then why? just do dfb pick it up at level 4 or 6. Dont need fly in a sewer)
Is the xp Booster timed? +25% +50% +100%? Is it auto til level X?
(there are so many different XP boosts in the game a little more info is needed.)
This is sort of like buying a can of Soup at the supermarket. But its labeled SOUP with MEAT and VEGGIES.
Also like how it isn't listed with the items at the top. -
Some creativity will help you get around some of the issues.
Hey U Like Kelp? - For a giant green brute type
Rustproof Fe Male - for an armored avenger
Super Duper Guy - for a bird or an airplane
Billionaire Caveman - for a flying night time rodent -
Quote:Well played, sir. (golf clap)