Costume limiting powers
Does anyone else actually do this? Even if it's as simple as "can only fly with the winged costume"?
And a freebie question: Would the option to customize powers further by costume, so much so that you can lock out powers (or lock them in), be of interest to anyone? |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Does anyone else actually do this? Even if it's as simple as "can only fly with the winged costume"?
For my characters, I just have to make sure I don't use certain powers however tempted I might be. But is there any advice to 'hard limit' by costume? |
And a freebie question: Would the option to customize powers further by costume, so much so that you can lock out powers (or lock them in), be of interest to anyone? |
My main has no superhuman powers when outside of his armor so I do my best to limit him to the medicine poor tricorder and his captured crey pistol. He also has the ability to access to an invisibility circuit. (used for costume changes before we had CCEs)
While it might be nice to be able to limit power availability by costume slot, I think I'd rather just do my best to adhere to the self imposed RP limitations and let the Devs work on more important features. (Like walk, god it's so nice to walk!)
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
Not really. It sounds like A LOT of programming work for a very narrow audience.
But I'd imagine it being far easier with a simple 'lock' command that basically turned powers transparent like when exemplared. The tech is there, just need more commands to access said tech. Another use for such is 'locking' the Self Destruct power. For most of my characters I just remove it from the tray but my DM/WP stalker uses it alot so I keep it there but occasionally hit it when not meaning to (it still needs to be accessible without being too accessible). A /lock pow [insert power], [insert another power] and a /unlock pow [insert power] command that I can bind to a key would be infinitely useful for those characters.
Consider placing all the powers you can use in one "form" one power tray. Create a bind where switching to that costume will change to the appropriate power tray, perhaps?
A quick rundown of my controls: numpad is for movement as are the arrow keys, the / * and - keys are auxiliary toggles like leadership or travel, + is often used self clicks like mez protection/heals, attacks are 1-5 and AoEs/extras are ALT+1-4, etc and these are all set up on the 3 trays in the config of my hands on the keyboard. So when I do the tray switch thing, I'd have to switch all 3 trays. And my last costume is usually some kind of ULTIMATE POWER costume (sometimes) that basically breaks all the 'self limits' I had in that's another 3 trays.
The only other issue with that might be I often forget about powers not on a tray I can see. I'd probably completely forget I even had an oro portal, team recall or some temp powers I have if I didn't keep them on an alternate tray on the side of my screen.

So 2 questions: Does anyone else actually do this? Even if it's as simple as "can only fly with the winged costume"? And a freebie question: Would the option to customize powers further by costume, so much so that you can lock out powers (or lock them in), be of interest to anyone? |
For the second question, I can honestly say I don't personally have any interest or desire to see such a feature. In fact, I'd be strongly opposed to such a feature unless it was entirely optional. To be honest, I have similar feelings about "secret identities" and other such roleplaying gimmicks. I don't think there needs to be game mechanics to enforce rulesets that really only appeal to hardcore roleplayers. Especially if such rules end up restricting normal play, or imposing arbitrary disadvantages. "I'm sorry, you picked the Vegetarian trait at character creation, you're going to be doing 10% less damage during this mission. It's in the rules."
I hate making this suggestion but since I'm a person who both loves RP but doesn't want to loose effectiveness, Maybe have the power customization be, say, more ice in once costume by coloring the fire ice-like blues and saying it's freezing mists or some-such?? I REALLY hate when people use completely opposite things like this or play epics as something other than what they are, but there's a suggestion you might like, and it's your character, and thus, your choice.
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
I had a Fire/Fire Tanker, who's wings would mystically turn into a cape when she wasn't flying.
Didnt make a bind for it though. I just hit /cc 1, whenever I went to fly.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
My understanding is that currently we don't have some costume options like the full length skirt because of animation issues with certain power sets. If we had limits on powers but were able to have certain options in the CC I'd be for it. It would actually be more options in the CC for a lot of power sets.
Still here, even after all this time!

For the second question, I can honestly say I don't personally have any interest or desire to see such a feature. In fact, I'd be strongly opposed to such a feature unless it was entirely optional.
I hate making this suggestion but since I'm a person who both loves RP but doesn't want to loose effectiveness, Maybe have the power customization be, say, more ice in once costume by coloring the fire ice-like blues and saying it's freezing mists or some-such?? I REALLY hate when people use completely opposite things like this or play epics as something other than what they are, but there's a suggestion you might like, and it's your character, and thus, your choice.

My understanding is that currently we don't have some costume options like the full length skirt because of animation issues with certain power sets. If we had limits on powers but were able to have certain options in the CC I'd be for it. It would actually be more options in the CC for a lot of power sets.

Grave-Dust has bone wings. She has a costume with Bone Wings and one without. She does not fly without the wings.
I've got to say, Leo, you always come up with some very cool concepts for characters. I've considered doing the powered up look for doms, but found it bothersome to change when Domination went down. That or I get locked in perma-dom.
On my entirely natural TA/Archery Defender, I originally decided that for story reasons that I would not get a travel power. Then they came out with craftable costumes bits that animate with travel powers! So I picked up Fly, and a second costume where he was wearing Rocket Boots. I like to jump up into the air and hit my Fly+Costume Change macro when I need to travel, now. If/when they ever come out with jetpack costume pieces, I'll swap his rocket boots out for that.
My Dark/Fire Brute has fire generating armor that specifically creates burst of fire only to deflect or discourage attacks. (The Dark attacks? He's just punching people, and his armor's giving off smoke. ) Because the fire isn't supposed to be there unless he's being attacked, and also because in my concept for him, he's not terribly protected from his own fire, I always turn off his armors when between missions.
I also used to make sure that I switched into my costume with wings when I was using Fly on my Ice/Ice Dom, but eventually I kind of stopped switching back into the original costume, because I liked the winged costume better.
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
Full, detailed character list
I have a number of characters that are very "natural" in origin, and therefore don't get any travel powers other than the jet packs or ninja run if appropriate. I only have one character that has fly without either wings or rocket boots, and it's only because that particular character's race is supposed to be able to fly. I do also have 1 character that has 2 identical costume sets, 1 with wings and 1 without (and key binds to change him between the two with an appropriately over-the-top lightning bolt from the sky costume change emote!) and he only gets to fly with his winged costume.
Other than that though, I'm quite a stickler for using ancillary power pools and temp powers that go with my character's theme. For example, I know my Fire/Fire dom will benefit from being able to access Soul Drain from the Soul Mastery pool (for the extra +Damage), but now that I have access to the fire ancillary pool, it's fire all the way, baby! (I did have to do a bit of mental fenagling to be able to use Hibernation from Mako Mastery with her before the other pools were available, though).
I have to agree. Just use (or don't use) powers based on your costume. I've got a size-changer that is only 'stealthy' when small. So I just don't use my stealth power when big.
I've got to say, Leo, you always come up with some very cool concepts for characters. I've considered doing the powered up look for doms, but found it bothersome to change when Domination went down. That or I get locked in perma-dom.

He's a 'Judge' from his homeworld which translates to 'Necromancer' here. His background involves his home dimension being on the verge of absorption by a certain being, and him seeking a means to defy the threat. But since his powers come from dead dragons, he kills any powerful warriors of his race, gain their power and hitches a ride out of there before everything is nom nom'ed. Kinda heroic since he's seeking power to defeat a threat to the a selfish power-hungry kind of way.
The blaster is one in a newly formed program for reformed demons to show they deserve rights too. With Infernal practically imprisoning them and all these demon summoners running around whipping little (and not so little) demons, it was inevitable that a union would form for better treatment of other-worldly creatures and my blaster is the example that they can be reverted to go just takes some coaxing, practice and a few situationally aware binding spells.
My Dark/Fire Brute has fire generating armor that specifically creates burst of fire only to deflect or discourage attacks. (The Dark attacks? He's just punching people, and his armor's giving off smoke.
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I kind of wish you could customize what stance you take all the time like that. Kind of giving your character a 'non-combat' look and a 'combat' look like the auras...but with your powers and general idle animation. But I can get by with the idle animation using a bind.

Multi-form Kheldians have binds set up to swtich trays depending on what form they switch to.
Modifying that could get you roughly what you want, by having fire powers in one tray and ice in another, and having it switch out the tray when you costume change and activate the equiping power.
So 2 questions:
Does anyone else actually do this? Even if it's as simple as "can only fly with the winged costume"? For my characters, I just have to make sure I don't use certain powers however tempted I might be. But is there any advice to 'hard limit' by costume? And a freebie question: Would the option to customize powers further by costume, so much so that you can lock out powers (or lock them in), be of interest to anyone? |
Yes I do this to some extent. I change into a more powerful Domination form. On all my Doms really. I get Halloween salvage ASAP on my Doms so I can do this early on.
I go so far in one case to have 2 costumes for Goblin Queen - one with the insect wing cape and the other for the cape replaced with insect wings. The cape is magical and allows flight. She always changes into that costume when flying.
My elemental/earth spirit Primeva has an air elemental form. She changes into it when she flies. When I use APP fire pool build she uses her fire/magma form, etc.
Mister Halloween uses beast run but only when in werewolf form. Before that he used super jump - but only in that form. Ghost form would use fly, etc. It helps with the City Traveler badge do that concept build stuff.
With 3 builds now I can get way with having costumes match build themes (APP/PPP choices). It just costs a lot more to get them all IO'd out!
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
Hah, not particularly related, but my Inv/Kin Tanker is a martial arts master who can easily deflect attacks with but a touch. When he jumps into a spawn, he basically uses the 'at ease' emote just because he can ^_^ Makes the enemy seem pathetic by comparison when he can not be touched for like 5+ sec.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I don't have any characters with powers I limit based on their costumes (They don't tend to have themes along those lines-), but I definitely have one with a particular summon that I'm picky about.
My red-side main is a rogue Stalker named Grey Kestrel. Out of a collection of about 30 toons in total, she's the only one I really run as a dedicated role-playing character... Which is what dictates how I use her Patron Pool summoning power. Her Adept, Cardinal, isn't played as "Generic Mu #37". He's supposed to be a distinct individual; Kestrel's partner, best friend and (thanks to her absolutely ludicrous recharge numbers-) near-constant companion. She's very protective of him.
Given that, I'm reluctant to drop him in the middle of a meat-grinder. If I'm running a mission or TF with Kes that I know would shred the poor guy faster than you can say "That looked painful. o_0" I don't use the summon. Cardinal will never show up in the Apex taskforce, for instanance, or on a Mothership raid before we've secured the bowl. They're just not situations Kestrel would want to involve her friend in, knowing that he's more fragile than she is herself.
Silly from a game-play standpoint? Well, yeah, maybe... But it's a role-playing thing. It doesn't have to be practical.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Off hand the only one I can think of is Kilowasp. She is my electric/kin corruptor and she can only fly/hover when she is shrunk down to insect size (i.e. the smallest I can get under the current limitations + insect wings).
I have binds set up to change her into her insect size costume and trigger Fly or Hover, and other binds that turn off hover/fly and return her to normal size sans wings. Since I can't truely make her the size of a wasp, she has a stealth IO slotted in each of her fly powers to simulate the fact that she is much smaller than she appears.
She can use her primary and secondary powers at any size though.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
I got a Trick Archer who has a non-winged original costume and four winged ones. I try not to fly when she's in the original costume, but it's basically a full-body transformation going on. Her winged form is powered up, but it doesn't mean she isn't going to pull out a bow and cover you in oil, then set you on fire if you attack her in her base form.
I should probably get the Animal Pack and try out an even more birdlike costume for her, come to think of it.
Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"
I don't have any characters with powers I limit based on their costumes (They don't tend to have themes along those lines-), but I definitely have one with a particular summon that I'm picky about.
My red-side main is a rogue Stalker named Grey Kestrel. Out of a collection of about 30 toons in total, she's the only one I really run as a dedicated role-playing character... Which is what dictates how I use her Patron Pool summoning power. Her Adept, Cardinal, isn't played as "Generic Mu #37". He's supposed to be a distinct individual; Kestrel's partner, best friend and (thanks to her absolutely ludicrous recharge numbers-) near-constant companion. She's very protective of him. Given that, I'm reluctant to drop him in the middle of a meat-grinder. If I'm running a mission or TF with Kes that I know would shred the poor guy faster than you can say "That looked painful. o_0" I don't use the summon. Cardinal will never show up in the Apex taskforce, for instanance, or on a Mothership raid before we've secured the bowl. They're just not situations Kestrel would want to involve her friend in, knowing that he's more fragile than she is herself. Silly from a game-play standpoint? Well, yeah, maybe... But it's a role-playing thing. It doesn't have to be practical. |
I generally have trouble with pets on stealthy characters, though. Not sure how you manage it with a Stalker. Grant Invisibility perhaps?
Off hand the only one I can think of is Kilowasp. She is my electric/kin corruptor and she can only fly/hover when she is shrunk down to insect size (i.e. the smallest I can get under the current limitations + insect wings).
I have binds set up to change her into her insect size costume and trigger Fly or Hover, and other binds that turn off hover/fly and return her to normal size sans wings. Since I can't truely make her the size of a wasp, she has a stealth IO slotted in each of her fly powers to simulate the fact that she is much smaller than she appears. She can use her primary and secondary powers at any size though. |

She can use her primary and secondary powers at any size though.
Her winged form is powered up, but it doesn't mean she isn't going to pull out a bow and cover you in oil, then set you on fire if you attack her in her base form.
-The DP/Fire blaster would be great using all the powers, but they're often not needed. On teams with no buffs (or solo) I tend to use the Ice demon form so he can use the defensive powers since he's not going to bother standing in melee range for Hot Feet. On teams with buffs, it's kinda pointless toggling on Frozen armor when your defense is already capped so all I have to worry about is jumping in and using Burn and HoB as often as I can. If there's enough buffs but not quite enough to make me Superman, it's kind of a toss up and actually gives me an interesting choice of playstyle: offensive or defensive.
-The Brute kinda has to choose between Shield Charging and Breathing as is. On teams where he's the tank, he'll strap on his armor, keep foes around him and slice/'jump' all day. On teams where he's not the tank, he can either do the same or step back and chain breath on foes (or at least he will once he gets the Mako patron). The two styles don't quite mesh together but are still effective alone. And using tough in the armored form kind of relates to using ninja as well. His robed form uses Hover+CJ+costly AoEs while the armored one uses Tough+NR(for looks)+Frankenslotted for efficiency attacks.
I guess that starts to preen the question some more in that, are there powers you picked that are situational or simply not 'all the time' powers? Thinking about it, I feel kind of the same when on some teams (and with a couple of my doms). Was tanking on a team Monday with a bunch of Defenders, Controllers and Doms (think there was a SoA in there too) and it was mass chaos with Thunder Clouds, Seeds of Confusion, Creepers, Earthquakes and every kind of storm you could think of. Yeah, a lot of it was fluff and not particularly 'needed' as it was either covered or obsolete.
That is to say, I wouldn't want to drop an Earthquake on a group after someone used Seeds of Confusion. They work against each other. They're great for their own services, but not quite together. So when you have powers like that within the same character, what do you do? Just pick which one you like best and skip the other? Or try to outfit a 'style' to fit it in on its own or something?

I'm not sure how wide-spread this is but I noticed that some of my newer created characters have this.
-My DP/Fire/Ice Blaster just got his epic pool. Conceptually, the character is 2 demons bound to pistols like Infernal binds such creatures to weapons and armor to make them more powerful. One of them uses ice powers so when bound to the guns gives them ice powers while the other uses fire powers. The catch, though, is when bound to the pistols, the other demon takes control. The ice demon can't very well use fire powers like Hot Feet, Burn or Consume but can use Frozen Armor, Hibernate and such and the opposite for when the fire demon takes control.
-My new Fire/SD Brute just got Shield Charge. Conceptually, he's a dragon necromancer using a dragon's bane ensorcelled rune to create a sword to hunt and kill other dragons (and if it can hurt a dragon, it'll hurt everything else). But he's also a dragon soldier (or Dragoon) and wears heavy armor. In his armored costume, he can fly but not hover but he gets the added resistance from the armor (Tough) as well as the ability to 'jump' on his foes (Shield Charge). While in his sorcerer robes, he can hover and use dragon spells (Breath of Fire, Arctic Breath and Toxic Breath) and it's actually easier to use BoF while hovering for me but he can't 'jump'.
-Kind of related, I have Doms with binds that change to a certain costume when using Domination. So powers can only be stronger while in that costume.
So 2 questions:
Does anyone else actually do this? Even if it's as simple as "can only fly with the winged costume"?
For my characters, I just have to make sure I don't use certain powers however tempted I might be. But is there any advice to 'hard limit' by costume?
And a freebie question: Would the option to customize powers further by costume, so much so that you can lock out powers (or lock them in), be of interest to anyone?