1110 -
So, its in the store now.
The weapon Pack is free. -
Quote:Perhaps its something that everyone has to be aware of, from yourself as concept to the 3d artists as a big no-go thing to do, certainly its a good thing your gonna pass this on. What I do worry is theres some guy in 3D art getting these cool concepts from yourself and wanting to preserve the concept so much as to bake the colours in.Sounds like both things are a concern, though not necessary for the same people. As a concept artist, I obviously don't have control over tints, pre-baked colors, and the handling of textures--that's strictly up to the 3D artists. However, I wanted to thoroughly understand what you guys are saying, and now I think I do.
Pretty sure the character team is well aware of this, but I'll pass it along anyway.
Mind that I have an issue with both pre-baked and accent colours locked, I would totally kill for a "tights sleek full reflective set" just for the lols. -
I have to admit, though, moving Trip Mine with Team Teleport would be pretty broken. Part of the balance of the power is that you need to get the enemies to come to you or deal with the interrupt in combat.
Heh. Thanks. But really, at least it sounds the same. The one that really bugs me is when they spell it "Dech".
Yeah broken it would be...but fun, and would add a bit more mobility to the set -
Quote:Pretty much but if it has to be done, it should be the smallest, least intrusive part of the costume, the part that stylisticaly people won't care too much about (mid thats totally subjective isnt it?)I *think* this is what you guys are asking us to avoid, correct? It seems like you don't want any part of any piece locked into a specific color, right?
I think the main problem we have is when its a wash applied to the whole thing, like celestial, but theres also no real standard set, as the Pilgrim hat has colour bleed into the hair, while other hats have a locked hair colour and no bleed.
ideally there should be alternative versions to allow for people to have the most options... or some super inteligent dev should put us at 3 or 4 colours. -
1) Assuming it works like all other Interface slots, Both
2) 8(?) applications, which can come from any number of sources, so 8 form you, 8 form your pets, or 4 from you with 4 from your pets. Or 4 from you, 3 from your pets and 1 from some other dude. etc etc
3) Who knows? -
As Decks said, its basically woefully disappointing when you go to experiment with teleporting your army of Pets, your FFG triage beacon and other various traps and not much goes with you
It would make my day for atleast Acid Mortar and the Seekers to move with you, and it would be the icing on the cake if trip mines did too... -
Quote:D'oh I was sure it also still provided an endurance discount as well as its damage buff. Can we retro-apply that part of my post to when it did work like thatWhile the rest of your arguments are sound, you apparently missed that they changed Vigilance a while back so it doesn't work that way anymore. Instead it boosts Defender damage in inverse relation to team size, with the largest boost solo.
Quote:I was arguing for Illusion to be proliferated, if you read the bit at the bottom of my post.I was trying to show how saying it wouldn't benefit much from Domination is just a fallacy.
That argument about domination not affecting is the usually the argument de jour, glad someone else disagrees with it!
Quote:Why would they start now.Maybe they'll patch in some un-tinted version (here's to hoping), otherwise these will remain of 'very limited use'.
Clearly they saw all the other MMOs where there is little to no costume differences between alts as everyone has the same looking gear and they thought "We want us some of that" -
Quote:I think they look at this:
Illusion Powers affected by Domination:
1 single target hold, with splash sleep effect.
1 single target confuse.
1 AoE hold.
The lowest otherwise is 5:
Earth Control powers affected by Domination:
1 single target immobilize
1 single target hold
1 AoE immobilize
1 AoE sleep
1 AoE stun
Electric Control powers affected by Domination:
1 single target immobilize
1 single target hold
1 AoE immobilize
1 AoE hold
1 single target confuse (first target is affected only in chain confuse)
Of course, the issue for me is that the useful powers for something other than a set mule in Earth that are affected are the hold and AoE stun. Every other commonly used power is unaffected. I skip the immobilizes on Dominators since I don't need to set up Containment and otherwise they're really just ways to get a lot of aggro that barely do damage, but I may take them if I have a spare set of Gravitational Anchors laying around.
At least the 3 powers from Illusion are ones that I'd take - meaning that it's the same number as it is for the set they proliferated and the set they created.
Interestingly enough this also applies to Containment, the controller inherant, and also their ability to score a double-mag Overpower affect.
By saying "oh an arbitrary number of powers are not affected by this ATs inherant, the AT should therefore be denied this powerset" when talking about illusion basically means your agruing for it to be taken away from controllers as well.
(and lets be honest here, part of Domination is an End Bar fill... every single power of every single dominator set ultimately gets the benefit from that...)
OK, so thats a fair amount of hyperbole right there, but there are plenty of sets out there that don't benefit from the ATs inherant very well, Defenders are one massive example of this, every one of their primary powers job is to stop the team from getting hurt bar one set, where its more reactive to the hurt, yet their inherant favours that.
Should Defenders not have gotten Thermal because it doesnt sit well with Vigilance?
I dunno, all these "wouldnt be as good on Doms" arguemnts just dont hold strength for not giving the set to them because its not always about playing the best, sometimes its about playing what is fun and Illusion Doms for me would be one of the best bits of fun this game could throw at me right now.
Then all the arguments about it being overpowered, well, is there a chance it can exceed what controllers can already do with it? If controllers can already Solo GMs, the biggest bundles of health this game has to offer, and the only real top end solo challenge, beyond soloing TFs etc which controllers can do too, then what else is there to do, except match that ability in the worst case OPd scenario?
Anyway, theres already dominators running around soloing the ITF, STF, LGTF LRSF and everything else under the sun in heavily IOd well played circumstances, so why not add one more way to do that to the mix? -
Quote:Your right of course, but Fire gets consume and Embrace, but yeah, thats the only exception to the otherwise 1 utility power only flow.Honestly, I was hoping for it was the utility power (albeit nerfed some), especially given that Ghost Widow, the signature Dominator, who is supposed to be a Dark/Dark makes a lot of use of it, but since we know now that the utility power is Gather Shadows, it seems unlikely. No other Assault set gets two powers like that.
On that note, I also wonder if Ghost Widow will get a slight powers revamp? I kinda hope so. That'd be cool.
One hopes they will make an exception, especially since any of the Single Target self heals are as much utility as they are damage. And /Psi shows that a powerful self healing utlity power is acceptable in Dominators, atleast when the power is limited by the saturation of enemies.
Saying that, they are already breaking the flavour flow that upset blasters by creating a combination of Darkity/Dark that had no stealth either, unless they add another utility, which again is something i'd like to see, so clearly, my expectations arnt going to be met.
So I would settle for the 2 ST self heal/drains, but I would love Dark Regeneration, but its less of an issue here, I'll play a D/D Dominator more than likely, while with blasters DR was a must have to get me to play it. -
So I'm being unrealistic hoping for Dark regeneration on Doms?
Quote:Individual Costume Pieces > Transformation powers....well if you're patient, you will eventually be able to buy the Rulu-Shin Transformation Power from the Paragon Market for 480 points (much like the PPD Hardsuit, Rikti Mentalist and Harlequin Transformation powers).
the PPD hardsuit is a costume ive always fancied, but im never gonna buy the transformation power. -
It depends, there are some awesome powers that Dominators can easily justifiably have acess to that everyone was hoping blasters would get but it just wasn't justifiable.
Of course then powers like Oppressive Gloom are not justifiable, so its swings and roundabouts.
Certainly it doesnt lessen the impact of the i21 no-proliferation thing for me. -
Quote:Or the security guards at the start it flicked around the women.There was more syncing than just that. Many times when the music started into the chorus of "listing" the women in his life Neo was pulling out a new weapon.
It was as if all his various weapons were the "women is his life". Fairly clever.
P.S. Also at one point when he sings "one step left, one step right" it's perfectly synced to when Trinity kicks first with her left leg then with her right.
Or just randomly for no reason.
Now i've never done the Pink Flloyd - Oz thing, but if its like this it must be fairly lame and sync once or twice too
Didnt enjoy -
The thread title makes me think this may be the new SSA thing after "Who will die?" its just as dramatic after all.
Im not feeling like dogs would make a set on its own.
Far too much potential for animal rights activists to provide unwanted negative media attention to CoH.
Much bette to use the four legged rig for things that wont land us in trouble. -
Quote:Especially when said finishing time is after midnight over in EU land :sI agree, as it is, there is absolutely no incentive to post early. And unfortunately, I think even changing it to a random poster instead of just the last poster might not increase the participation to 50 posts, but it will get a whole lot more than just 9.
Am I the only one who thinks limiting the winner to someone that can post within a 1 minute window during the exact same time every week to be a bad idea? I would happily participate in this contest, but not on these terms. There's just absolutely no incentive. -
Your continued lack of desire in supplying me with Titan Weapons makes me sad.
Autumnal Path, nice and pirced nicely, i've got an alt for it, so will pick it up.
GSD, probably too much for a vanity item for me, probably. Especially with no concept or current alt to apply it to.
Which is a shame since its awesome -
Quote:This. Its how it should have been done from the start.For all costume pieces, provide a pre-determined set of textured skins (e.g., spandex/tight, cloth, leather, rubber, rough metal, high shine metal) so that mixing and matching can be done without any fuss.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but it doesnt change what was, but please do see that we need to change what is!
And for the record, totally more likely to use an old-proper shadeably piece than a new piece. Which is a shame Steampunk set is nice, but the colours tint poorly, celestial is nice, but ZA shows the tint problems. Gunslinger, well it will be the same.
Really letting this continue is a disservice to whichever concept artist (is there more than David?) creates these amazing pieces, if players avoid them. -
Quote:The colour customisation for Judgement Slots shows what pool customisation would need to look like if we picked it all from character creation.
The other option is to allow everyone to choose to customize any and all power pools during character creation. Now think about how that would look if it were simply tacked on to the existing UI. Right now, that screen is fairly uncluttered, but doing this would certainly set that back more than just a few paces. Given the current discussions over the UI becoming outdated and cluttered, do we really want the devs to clutter up the one part of the UI that is still, relatively, clean?
A jumbled mess.