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  1. It irritates me immensely that there's no non-energy/elemental/whatever secondary for Blasters besides Devices (which sucks and is rather limited concept-wise). What I wouldn't give for a Knife Manipulation set or some sort of Ninjitsu/Street Justice/Katana hodgepodge set.
  2. I''ll be disappointed if a ship anchor isn't added to titan weapons sometime in the future.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
    I'm still half-expecting Coulson to turn out to be a LMD... possibly an agent of the Kree or Skrull.

    OMG, Coulson might secretly be Mar-Vell in disguise!!!
    Hell no, he's obviously one of Aaron Stack's predecessors.
  4. All I know is that he gets pwned by Uncle Owen with a blaster.
  5. I wish upon each of the characters in the arc a long and brutal death. That is all.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    No, and no, unless they're willing to grant my request to kill the entire Freedom Phalanx.
    I second this motion.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    dunno about that, yes PSW got nerfed, but the rest of the attacks were compensated.

    TF and ET got nerfed, and their only compensation was a proctology exam with gloveless and really cold hands or a slight buff to Barrage.
    That's what I said. Psionic Assault was buffed while Energy Melee was shat upon.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    which is why the whole set suffered
    It's like the Psychic Shockwave change for Dominators. Except instead of extending a helping hand to the rest of the set they pushed it down the stairs.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seschat View Post
    What we need here is a compromise solution. Add a single contact blue-side with a starting availability at 40th. Say a ranking Wyvern officer, perhaps the guy Manticore put in charge of day to day operations while he's off mentoring newbies like the Shining Stars, hitting on his wife, or getting his **** stomped in the LRSF. Have his offer a 3-5 mission arc, of similar difficulty to the current patron power unlock arcs, where your character goes into the rogue isles to swipe a series of important props from the various factions. Red coral, a case of non-biometricly encoded Arachnos maces, some ancient Mu artifact, and/or a dark spiritual ritual totem, all culminating with your daring escape back to Paragon and a climatic battle with Arbiter Unger.

    Thus the patron pools are still something to work for on both sides of the line, but don't require the heroes to go through the whole "fall and redemption" process that their villainous counterparts are exempt from.
    Add in APPs for Soldiers/Widows and you've got a deal.
  10. I want a Knife Manipulation/Assault set so damn bad. Gun/Bow + Knife = a Blaster concept I'd want to play.
  11. Have civilians randomly explode in a meat shower.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
    Though neither of the examples given is really the deal breaker for me, I do wish he'd work instead on the prequel trilogy. Edit a personality into Hayden's wooden performance. Editing in a heartfelt romance would be good as well.
    Can we edit Anakin and Jar Jar out of the first one entirely?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Bam. Mummy. His recent appearance looks a little updated, with the golden Bone gauntlets and the Rib belt, but you get the gist.
    The straps pattern is a very poor substitute for an actual bandage/wrap texture.
  14. I want some mother-flipping full body mummy wraps/bandages!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    One of the rare instances that a game based on a film is actually really good.
    Especially since the movie was so godawful.
  16. A Reliant Robin was seen fleeing from the accident.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Because they are epic ATs and they don't fit their Epic Storyline. Don't understand what's hard to accept about this, unless it's people wanting to use the AT for a totally different concept and not their intended (whether people like them or not) storyline purposes.
    They fit as well as the Patron Pools do. Don't understand what's hard to accept about this.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    There is villain side Ancilary Pools. They arrived with GR.
    Not for VEATs.
  19. Cynical_Gamer

    Rocket Boards?

    I want to be able to hang from a big missile/rocket. Bonus points if it flies off and explodes when you detoggle it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
    Do the new look CoT still die when you shoot them? If so, I don't care if they look like sponge bob or barney - a dead mob is a dead mob.
    So why are you playing this instead of a MUD?
  21. As long as Kirby still gets credited, I'm fine with this.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Cap is a soldier, first and foremost. He understands that war and violence will lead to death, however it is likely that he regretted having to kill them even though there may not have been a choice at the time.
    He actually has no regrets afterwards.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    Basically. I think in 616 Marvel he basically said he'd seen and done enough killing in the war. Not sure if they'll carry this element over for the Avengers movie.
    He's killed with no qualms somewhat recently (at the beginning of the Brubaker run he knocks two terrorists off a train which subsequently kills them both).
  24. Cynical_Gamer

    Hulk Movies

    The Hulk in the first movie had no weight to his feats. Everything he did was too floaty/lacking impact.
  25. A Sentai Tokusatsu set. Six different colored team members with varying abilities that can jump/combine into a giant robot.