Twinshot antifan thread.




Am I the only one who is, well, underwhelmed by Twinshot arc?

Twinshot herself, is well, OK, once you forgive her her patronising ways... And you will forgive them, once you realize, whom she has to work with Everyone, except a colourless non-character that is Proton is a comic relief??? And not very funny at that? All right, I chuckled at Grym&police dogs joke. First time I read it. Next time it was "What an idiot."

Then, the whole thing turns out to be ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS. It was all a set-up to showcase who is a rip-off of a FlyingMammalMan in CoXverse and how awesome he is. Mind you, FlyingMammalMan and his expies tend to hijack spotlight like that, it's part of what they are, but it's not working in a computer game. Old origin missions, for all their blandness, were at least genuine accomplishments of your character. No one told you afterwards those Clockwork in the warehouse weren't real, and it was all a test, now we can send you against the real thing... At least we want you to think this time it's for real.

Then it's not working as an extended tutorial either. All the useful info is lost in torrent of lame jokes. That wild goose chase around Atlas where you hear that police dogs joke and Flambeaux shopping for hair care products is supposed to teach you day jobs. It does even contain good info on them... In clues. IIRC, nothing in the mission indicates that unlike with a Ms. liberty mission, it's clue text that's important tutuorial info, not the dialog, which is all stale jokes.

And then, this lamest superteam EVER passes the test as a whole and gets the funding. Even though you and Twinshot did all the job, and no one but you even showed up at Sinclair's mansion. Manticore, you're an idiot.

I didn't touch Mercy 2.0 yet, but I hope it's better. I really do.



I'd advice you to not judge it until you've finished the entire mega-arc at level 15 or so. No guarantee you'll like it then either of course, but it's kind of a thing.

Hint: Manti has his reasons for suddenly setting you up with resources.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
I'd advice you to not judge it until you've finished the entire mega-arc at level 15 or so. No guarantee you'll like it then either of course, but it's kind of a thing.

Hint: Manti has his reasons for suddenly setting you up with resources.
Ok, this isn't a plot hole. Other points stand. Unless, of, course, in arc 2 mission 1 Grym&Dillo would apologize for pulling your leg and start acting like classy heroes Twinshot herself is, instead of bumbling idiots, and Proton gets some development. (Flambeaux is hopeless.) ADD: And of course, if you aren't robbed of chance to really accomplish anything meaningful by Manticore's brilliant manoeuvring yet again.

Anyway, thanks for saying that the rest is better. I really want a new 10-14 arc I could play on my lowbies, and the experience of the first arc almost made me to fall back on the Hollows.



I'll sign up for your anti fan club. I did the first of Twinshot's arcs, and I won't do it again, nor do her second. Nor do the villain verson.

It was boring and unhelpful. The old tutorials were dull, but covered the basics of combat and mission completion. And they were mercifully brief. I would rather street sweep to level 5, or do low level arc in the AE, then head straight to Kings Row.



Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
Ok, this isn't a plot hole. Other points stand. Unless, of, course, in arc 2 mission 1 Grym&Dillo would apologize for pulling your leg and start acting like classy heroes Twinshot herself is, instead of bumbling idiots, and Proton gets some development. (Flambeaux is hopeless.)

Anyway, thanks for saying that the rest is better. I really want a new 10-14 arc I could play on my lowbies, and the experience of the first arc almost made me to fall back on the Hollows.
Dillo and Grym remain as they are Proton... is the way he is for a reason.

I wouldn't say it's "better" neccessarily as much as "things get explained". You might not like the explanations, but you've only got 1/3 of the story right now.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You don't need the "&" symbol- "Grillo" is the correct slash name for them.
I thought we were trying to avoid confusion with acronyms and contractions? Operative Grillo wouldn't be happy getting mixed up with those two.

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
I thought we were trying to avoid confusion with acronyms and contractions? Operative Grillo wouldn't be happy getting mixed up with those two.
Grillo/Grillo threesome?

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
I thought we were trying to avoid confusion with acronyms and contractions? Operative Grillo wouldn't be happy getting mixed up with those two.
NPCs need to be renamed when they clash with red hot wolf-on-alien love.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
red hot wolf-on-alien love.
The goggles! They do nothing! I need scissors! 61! Fission mailed, reset sequence initiated...


Ok, I've unseen that picture.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
I thought we were trying to avoid confusion with acronyms and contractions? Operative Grillo wouldn't be happy getting mixed up with those two.
Actually... Operative Grillo is those two. Transporter accident and a faction change.

Let's Dance!



Twinshot has actually become one of my favorite NPC characters in the game...because of the character development that happens in the second and third arcs. Grym and Dillo aren't idiots, they're just experiencing big time culture clash right now. And Flambeaux...once you accept that she's a nihilistic idiot and always will be, she's actually a really fun character.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Dillo and Grym remain as they are Proton... is the way he is for a reason.

I wouldn't say it's "better" neccessarily as much as "things get explained". You might not like the explanations, but you've only got 1/3 of the story right now.
It's not a matter of not "liking" the explanations, the problem is that they're more like assertions. We're told that Proton has a reason for being the way he is... but we're never told why or how. For that matter, it's never made clear exactly what "the way he is" even is.

Very, very disappointing. But I'll have to reserve my antifandom for Graves' set of arcs. Those were just straight up terrible.


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

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#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



It's one of my favorites arcs in this game, what you did was part one. There part 2 for lvl 10 and part 3 for lvl 15, I think the character are really Well remember. IT took a while to get use to the Characters, but once you do, they feel like good old friends. They might not be like most uptight perfect Heroes, they well odd and different and in my book that a good thing.

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The only thing I don't like is in part three...because those damn Clockwork are not fun to to to fight? No....imho of course. And on my beam rifle/time defender I can understand...but with street fighting/willpower brute I should do better...but maybe I'm doing something wrong.

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I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




I actually kind of enjoyed the Twinshot arcs. A bit comic-book cheesey, but fun. I was disappointed the series ended on a down note, but it was amusing later when, in a Safeguard mission, I found out Manti's "prediction" about Flambeaux was true.

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Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
The goggles! They do nothing! I need scissors! 61! Fission mailed, reset sequence initiated...


Ok, I've unseen that picture.
But can you un-hear the sound of "hoorb" during their intimate encounters?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I liked the Twinshot arc although that final mission can be brutal for squishies. I'm encouraging the rest of my friends to give it a shot (they've all been using the new sewer trial and zooming past all the new contacts). Having the tutorial info in the clues was a great idea IMO although I wish she was an alternate beginning contact instead of higher level so the information is more useful.



Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
It's not a matter of not "liking" the explanations, the problem is that they're more like assertions. We're told that Proton has a reason for being the way he is... but we're never told why or how. For that matter, it's never made clear exactly what "the way he is" even is.

Very, very disappointing. But I'll have to reserve my antifandom for Graves' set of arcs. Those were just straight up terrible.

Uh yes. We are. I'm not going to say more due to spoilers, but they really pretty much state outright what's going on with Proton.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Anyway, thanks for saying that the rest is better.
It isn't.

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