Hero Mastermind Power Set
Players will be able to start as any archetype and choose their morality at the end of the new tutorial.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
So, what other Hero MM powers would be cool? Robots, Ninjas, and Soldiers could stay, but Villains could keep Demons, Thugs, and Zombies... I'd say those aren't really suitable for Heroes.
So a bunch of thugs can't take back the streets? Like Frostfire?
So Desdemona isn't really a hero?
What about a blaster going Full Auto into a crowd of bad guys? Or setting them on fire? Or dosing them with radiation? How is that any more "good" than pulling a zombie out of the ground to rescue someone?
Look, the powers are not good or bad. It's all how you use them.
TL;DR: Old argument is old.
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
So, what other Hero MM powers would be cool? Robots, Ninjas, and Soldiers could stay, but Villains could keep Demons, Thugs, and Zombies... I'd say those aren't really suitable for Heroes. To replace those, on the Hero side I'd add Angels, Beast/Animal summoning, and Police Back-up.
Yes, Demons and Zombies are not traditionally heroic, but that doesn't mean that they can't be. There are many, many ways to make them in a way that is heroic. I went for the Proud Warrior Race Guy option with mine but there are plenty of other options out there as well.
Thugs are even easier, sure they aren't pretty but the story of a group of hoodlums fighting to defend their neighborhood from something much worse is an classic story.
on this topic, mercs could very easily be considered SWAT or national guard type of thing

Ok, so maybe some of you are totally missing the point of this thread. It's not to argue over whether a power set is essentially "good" or "evil".
Masterminds weren't originally made for Heroes, anyway, which means someone must've thought "controlling" others isn't "good". And I guess someone felt that sneaking around as a stalker is "evil" too, huh? Excuse me for thinking there's a reason why one side has powers the other side doesn't have. It's all about perception. I get it. You can "role play" anything however you want. Moving on.
Now, about the "meat" of my post: New Mastermind powers, which ANYONE can "role play" however they see fit, whether they're Hero or Villain or anything in between. If they were to add NEW Mastermind powers, what would you like to see? I'm not talking about "role playing" a current power as something else. (Did I make it less confusing for some of you?)
Angel Summoning
Animal/Beast Summoning
Police Back-up
I'd like to thank the previous posters for not contributing anything useful to this.
(On a side note, do people really think the Suggestions part of these forums is for suggesting people "pretend" certain powers are other powers or are used for whatever reason you'd like to imagine? **rhetorical question**)
I'd be ok with adding more MM pet sets to the game, but not for the reasons behind the OP.
Welcome to the Forums. Like any cook, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
Ok, so maybe some of you are totally missing the point of this thread. It's not to argue over whether a power set is essentially "good" or "evil".
Masterminds weren't originally made for Heroes, anyway, which means someone must've thought "controlling" others isn't "good".
And I guess someone felt that sneaking around as a stalker is "evil" too, huh?
Excuse me for thinking there's a reason why one side has powers the other side doesn't have. It's all about perception. I get it. You can "role play" anything however you want. Moving on.
Now, about the "meat" of my post: New Mastermind powers, which ANYONE can "role play" however they see fit, whether they're Hero or Villain or anything in between.
I'd like to thank the previous posters for not contributing anything useful to this.
On a side note, do people really think the Suggestions part of these forums is where horrible, misguided ideas are met with complete enthusiasm to build the ego of the original poster? **rhetorical question**
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
And I'm trying to explain that it's moot - as of Issue 21, people* will be able to play the existing Mastermind AT in the new tutorial and come out as Heroes.
(* well, subscribers/VIPs, anyway.)
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Angel Summoning - I, personally, don't really mind this however I doubt we'll see it. The devs are generally very careful about creating anything with Religious implications/iconography. It's not impossible, it's just a huge potential mess that I don't think anyone wants to deal with.
Animal/Beast Summoning - The devs have stated in the past that due to the way the animation system works creating animal models that worked and looked good would be a HUGE amount of effort. So while this is possible it's not something that we are likely to see just from a development resources point of view.
Police Back-up - As Dechs mentioned above any new MM powerset needs to work for heroes, villains and praetorians. Police Back-up is a very specific theme that doesn't really work for villains. I could see a variant where the summoned NPC changes depending on your alignment (i.e. Heroes summon a PPD Hardsuit while Villains summon an Arachnos Crab Spider) but that seems to me to be a lot of work for a set that basically ends up as a very similar to Mercenaries. I also generally advocate making new powersets as generic as possible to facilitate the maximum number of concepts (i.e. Assault Rifle says that you have an Assault Rifle but that's it, you can choose how and why it works). I think a better option here would be a PPD Epic AT that has a "Summon Reinforcements" style power.
First of all, Dechs Kaison wins the prize for typing the most and contributing the least. Way to go. You sure do know how to nit-pick. Meet my under Atlas on Freedom server and I'll give 5 Inf.
And I'm trying to explain that it's moot - as of Issue 21, people* will be able to play the existing Mastermind AT in the new tutorial and come out as Heroes.
Well Dechs covered most of your post so I'll just chime in on these three powerset suggestions.
Angel Summoning - I, personally, don't really mind this however I doubt we'll see it. The devs are generally very careful about creating anything with Religious implications/iconography. It's not impossible, it's just a huge potential mess that I don't think anyone wants to deal with. Animal/Beast Summoning - The devs have stated in the past that due to the way the animation system works creating animal models that worked and looked good would be a HUGE amount of effort. So while this is possible it's not something that we are likely to see just from a development resources point of view. Police Back-up - As Dechs mentioned above any new MM powerset needs to work for heroes, villains and praetorians. Police Back-up is a very specific theme that doesn't really work for villains. I could see a variant where the summoned NPC changes depending on your alignment (i.e. Heroes summon a PPD Hardsuit while Villains summon an Arachnos Crab Spider) but that seems to me to be a lot of work for a set that basically ends up as a very similar to Mercenaries. I also generally advocate making new powersets as generic as possible to facilitate the maximum number of concepts (i.e. Assault Rifle says that you have an Assault Rifle but that's it, you can choose how and why it works). I think a better option here would be a PPD Epic AT that has a "Summon Reinforcements" style power. |
I'd have to not exactly disagree with the religious implications of the Angel summoning, but rather, point out how fundamentally unfair that idea would be, considering that the game has Demon summoning... like demon summoning lies in some generic grey area of fantasy lore, but angels are specifically religious. But I do see your point.
I see what you mean about the animal animations. If the devs don't want to put that much work into it, what can you do? Still think it would be cool, though.
Police Back-up - Eh, I was just thinking each (Hero, Villain, Rogue) would summon their respective police force, essentially the same, just different skins for Rogue Isles Police, Paragon PD, or Praetorian PD. I'm sure they could come up with ways to make them different enough from Mercs... tasers, riot sheilds, night sticks, pepper spray... focused more on defense/disabling, rather than the offense of the Mercs. Yeah, the top tier would probably be SWAT, which would be a lot like Mercs, but I think the lower lvls are where you could really distinguish between the two.
Ok, so maybe some of you are totally missing the point of this thread.
It's not to argue over whether a power set is essentially "good" or "evil". |
Masterminds weren't originally made for Heroes, anyway, which means someone must've thought "controlling" others isn't "good". And I guess someone felt that sneaking around as a stalker is "evil" too, huh? Excuse me for thinking there's a reason why one side has powers the other side doesn't have. |
It's all about perception. |
I get it. |
You can "role play" anything however you want. |
Moving on. |
Harry Dresden - Has used Necromancy to fight evil.
Ghost Rider - Is a demon that fights evil
Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four - Uses Invisibility to fight evil
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Splinter uses ninjas to fight Shredder
The Hulk - Uses fury and rage just like a Brute
Naruto - More heroic ninjas
Autobots - Robotic MM superheroes
MetalMen - An old comic but still still a heroic MM using robot super heros
Spawn - A man who became a demon that fought evil.
Daimon Hellstrom - A son of the devil. It's hard to get more demon/devilish than that and he fought against evil.
I'm sure there are more examples that I can't remember off the top of my head.
I'm not talking about "role playing" a current power as something else. (Did I make it less confusing for some of you?) |
2. Then why are you playing a Role Playing Game? This is an MMORPG.
3. The Powers/AT's themselves are neither good nor evil. It's the player that decides how they are to be used.
I'd like to thank the previous posters for not contributing anything useful to this. |
(On a side note, do people really think the Suggestions part of these forums is for suggesting people "pretend" certain powers are other powers or are used for whatever reason you'd like to imagine? **rhetorical question**) |
Finally, someone who get's it. You narrowed it down to the stuff I was actually asking about. Thanks for the feedback. You make some really good points.
Remember the Search Tool is our friend.

I'd have to not exactly disagree with the religious implications of the Angel summoning, but rather, point out how fundamentally unfair that idea would be, considering that the game has Demon summoning... like demon summoning lies in some generic grey area of fantasy lore, but angels are specifically religious. But I do see your point.
Demons (and devils) have existed in a lot of different mythologies and are not really considered associated with any single religion. As such the devs were able to make non-denominational demons that look pretty much what people would expect without really risking offending anyone (notice how they very specifically do not resemble common depictions of Satan).
Conversely angels (and especially the depiction of them in Western society) are associated with a specific, modern, religion. While beings equivalent to angles exist in other mythologies (the Valkyries being a prime example) the popular view of angles is influenced (in Western culture) by Christianity to such an extent that implimenting an angel based set that doesn't draw on them would pretty much defeat the point of calling it angel summoning. Implementing it with the traditional view of angels seems like it would open up to much possibility of someone getting a bee in their bonnet about it (especially when you consider the possibility of someone making an evil angel summoner).
It's a bit of a grey area, that is true. The core difference (to me at least) is that demons are generically religious while angels are not.
Demons (and devils) have existed in a lot of different mythologies and are not really considered associated with any single religion. As such the devs were able to make non-denominational demons that look pretty much what people would expect without really risking offending anyone (notice how they very specifically do not resemble common depictions of Satan). Conversely angels (and especially the depiction of them in Western society) are associated with a specific, modern, religion. While beings equivalent to angles exist in other mythologies (the Valkyries being a prime example) the popular view of angles is influenced (in Wester culture) by Christianity to such an extent that implicating an angel based set that doesn't draw on them would pretty much defeat the point of calling it angel summoning. Implementing it with the traditional view of angels seems like it would open up to much possibility of someone getting a bee in their bonnet about it (especially when you consider the possibility of someone making an evil angel summoner). |
The OP probably wasn't around a few years ago when a group of players sponsored an ingame event (a friendly party) and openly invited everyone to participate, and the fallout that occured a month later when the religous zealots and anti-that group idiots started complaining about Dev favoritism and tried to sponsor events and prayer meetings that alienated that group.
I really felt sorry for the poor mods back then.
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Don't forget the part where he asks for something that's already been announced as coming in the next issue.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
It would be nice to have the option of customizing current pets before adding new pets, though I wouldn't oppose adding more neutral pets.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Another reason for this would be to have an Angel summoning power (pointed out in another thread). I'm sure everyone could see how cool that would be. I suppose it wouldn't be necessary to have a Hero MM to have that particular power, but it sorta wouldn't make sense as a Villain power. |
So, what other Hero MM powers would be cool? Robots, Ninjas, and Soldiers could stay, but Villains could keep Demons, Thugs, and Zombies... I'd say those aren't really suitable for Heroes.
I was hoping this thread would be about actual Hero Mastermind power set, as in, a Mastermind power set where you control heroes.
The devs we never make a hero version MM just make new pets available to everyone. then it comes down to those pets might not be hero then as they can be used for evil 2.

Ok, I get it. My fault... I apologize.
1. I hadn't paid enough attention to the Issue 21 thing.
Sorry, I didn't take into account the issue 21 thing. I had forgotten about that and it does make the title of this thread really misleading. I was just thinking "Hero", based on the types of powers I was suggesting.
2. I've used Search before (here and on other forums, even), and gotten no results, only to find out it's been discussed before. Good example... my last post before this was about Water and Holy(Light) powers... I searched for both (all posts) and got nothing relevant to my query. Turns out they had, of course, been discussed before. So, yeah... sometimes I don't bother.
3. I tried to correct myself half-way through this, to no avail. By then it was all about my misplaced premise and RP and stuff. Sorry for getting an attitude, but it's frustrating when you ask a question and all you get is criticism for the way you asked it, rather than what you were actually wanting... and continued even after you admit you made a mistake and try to clear it up.
Again... I was wrong and I apologize. In the future, I'll try to think things out more thoroughly before posting.
Even so, I still want a HEROIC variant. Something like a PPD Commander and/or a Leader Hero with Sidekick(s) type!
A Sentai Tokusatsu set. Six different colored team members with varying abilities that can jump/combine into a giant robot.
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
I always thought it is a bit unfair that there's no hero equivalent to the villain mastermind power set. I also understand that one could just work through Praetoria and go hero at the end, but that's not the same.
Another reason for this would be to have an Angel summoning power (pointed out in another thread). I'm sure everyone could see how cool that would be. I suppose it wouldn't be necessary to have a Hero MM to have that particular power, but it sorta wouldn't make sense as a Villain power.
So, what other Hero MM powers would be cool? Robots, Ninjas, and Soldiers could stay, but Villains could keep Demons, Thugs, and Zombies... I'd say those aren't really suitable for Heroes. To replace those, on the Hero side I'd add Angels, Beast/Animal summoning, and Police Back-up.