944 -
I recently tried this combo too - expecting awesomeness but the clipping made me shelf it. It's very noticeable (to me). =/
Plant/Nature and perhaps Beast/Nature.
Definitely going to try out the Water blast but not quite sure what I'll pair it with - perhaps Fire and Earth through secondary and ancillary powers to get a new spin on an Elementalist, I always hated having to rely on Ice to get the water concept in there. -
I know I'd be all over it in a second if it came out for Doms and maybe for Blasters, Corrs and Defenders? Not sure how that'd work but I'd definitely take it on a Dom or Corr as it would really be a major component of my final Goblin Queen build.
Quote:Same - I want a redo (not a replace) of the current dreads, the cornrows moved to females and new dreadlocks of varying sizes. I want a revamp of the old one since the geo plays nice with crowns and elf ears (what Goblin Queen uses). The texture on the old dreads are so dated tho - it hurts us it does.I REALLY want good dreadlocks hair, myself, but ONLY if it comes without a goofy colourful hat, at least as an option.
Edit - and goofy colorful hat as an option, yes - an option - like the Tin Crown hair style thingy. -
Quote:I strongly disagree with this. Old assets make the game look old. You want to attract more people to this game and that means nice and shiny. If this is a from high up decision, place the revamps of old and dated materials into a purchasable item. I for one would buy it up in a heartbeat (revised faces and hair, revised patterns/tights, revised Metallic top with skin).Thank you for all the input and responses ^_^ I have made a list thus far. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding it.
Please keep this to character related ie: Costume parts and weapons-(aesthtics only).
Not Feasible at this time due to technical limitations:- Going back and re-working old assests (We need to keep moving forward)
Thanks for the feedback so far, and please keep the suggestions coming!
You ARE moving the game forward when you update the old. It's like overlaying a new engine on an outdated one - similar to the Ultra mode we got a while back.
Just my two cents. Thanks for the feedback in general, even if I don't agree! - Going back and re-working old assests (We need to keep moving forward)
Quote:If you mean Skull belts then that's great, glad it's on the list! It's more of a bug fix than anything since it was taken away for MALE only and not Female or Huge.Thank you for all the input and responses ^_^ I have made a list thus far. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding it.
- Skull masks ported to male for Jackets
Thanks for the feedback so far, and please keep the suggestions coming! - Skull masks ported to male for Jackets
So. Bleeping. Good. Saw it last night. /swoon
Big supporter of Egyptian, Native American and Aztec costume sets. Yes, please and thank you!
Also would love to see the old Body types from the old character creator given as an option. The one that had the liquid inside with arcs of electricity?
To get costumes like Chemo from DC.
Quote:I agree with this - not that they're tacky per se but they do get in the way of some of my costume themes. An option without them in addition to keeping the one we have now would be aces.
10. Cape styles. Like to see a few more types of capes...and fix the cape that has the techy-looking honeycomb pattern on it...REMOVE THE (tacky) WRENCHES!
Thanks for doing this Dink! All respect to you if you can even mette out one of these.
And yes - omg yes - the Tsoo stuff is so amazing, I know not the robes but the top in the female Zyphoid posted? /drool -
The sandals and bracers from the Cimeroran NPCs would be awesome sauce.
Oh and another one I've been wanting - a Glow map (like what you find on the Resistance Gloves) applied as an option for all Chest Emblems and some of the more deserving Tights Patterns. Like say the Electricity, Magic or Circuitry. These would be options in addition to the legacy ones.
Would also like to see a variation of the Organic Armor face made without the Organic Armor.. hehe what I mean by that is the awesome detailing on it (eyelashes, etc) and the glowing eyes. The old school glowing eyes face we have under Supernatural Faces (#11 I believe) is.. really old and doesn't have the same newer technology for glows like the Organic Armor face. -
Thanks for making this new thread, Dink!
I'll dive right in.
1) A long standing pet peeve of mine is the removal of the Skull Belts from Male models in the Jacket and Sleeveless Jackeets. Huge and Female DO have a mix-matched list of them and I would LOVE to see the list consolidated and spread out equally across all three body types.
- Fanged Skull
- Small Skull
- Lone Skull (especially this as it has no belt wrapped around the waist so less clipping through jakets - it just has the buckle part).
All three would be of use and I could finally reroll a character that has been stuck with losing his Skull belt each time I go to the tailor (it's grandfathered in right now).
2) I would also love to see the Corn Row hair style ported over to Female models.
In the same vein I would like to see more dreadlock options (long) and a revamp of the old dreadlocks (same geometry but cleaned up textures).
I would love to see all hair styles get redone with better textures but a legacy option remaining so we can pick and choose which we want to use (new or old) for each style.
3) I LOVE the new Retro Sci-Fi faces and would really enjoy seeing that same tech/style used in revamping the old legacy faces - but also keeping those old faces as options so players can enjoy either/or. Faces like number 10 for Females - I would die happy if that had the Retro Sci-Fi love applied to it.
4) I would really like to see new textures for the old costume parts - in particular, a new version of the Metal under Tops with Skins on Female models. I would like to see it cleaned up, the bugs with the seams not matching fixed and a new texture detail added to give the chest area more definition like you see in the newer chest pieces (Heart Plus, Tank Top, Witch Lace, etc.).
In general I'd like it to be as the Face request - all the old textures remapped and cleaned up (including tights like Eden, Baroque, etc.) and give us the option to use the new one or the legacy one.
5) I'm a bit turned off by all the metallic textures introduced to the game lately. I have a hard time using such (otherwise) great costume pieces like the Zeus helm or the Imperial Dynasty armors because of that pre-tinted metallic sheen. While I see the use in having them, I would dearly love having a variation on them that has the more matte textures so they can match better with existing pieces. As you can see, the trend with me is more options. Having the same piece have a menu option under it in the tailor that allows you to pick basic and metallic would be groovy. An old school example of that is the Spiked Buckle belt - it has a Basic option and a Metallic option and it is heavenly to have that choice. While I wish the newer pieces could have that implemented, if not then I really hope that going forward we have those options upon release of these new sets/pieces. Ideally though - please go back and do variations of Zeus, Tartarus, Imperial Dynasty, etc.
6) I would like to see Trench Coat added to the Jacket and Sleeveless Jacket category, especially since the new Cyberpunk Trench Coat is supposedly going there? No need to keep these separated I would hope. -
Neat concept! It's too limiting for me character wise, I don't associate most of my characters with either faction but if I end up making a toon that is really all Arachnos or Longbow, I may get it when it's on sale for sure.
Agreed. I don't like the dog. I hope that one day we may get some sort of power customization where we can pick the dog, or a modified haunt or an altered Specter, etc. but yeah, not holding my breath. If I go dark in my reroll with GQ I may skip the dog entirely.
Probably Dark/Time and may roll a Dark/Poison in addition to that.
I may do Dark/Fire for Goblin Queen instead of Dark/Psi. Purple and green flames for faerie fire is kinda cool, even tho the graphics of the set are a bit dated when you tint them something other than the original colors. It looks good on paper at least.
Quote:Gets my vote!Dear god, this, yes. Not only for astronaut types, but because character designs like this will finally be possible:
I don't know how complicated it would be to add a non-transparent, maybe even metallic version of the helmet. But if it's possible at this stage of development, that would be all kinds of amazing. You could even put the non-transparent version in under the Full Helmets category so you don't have to clutter up the Detail 2 list with more "Bubble Helmet" options. It'd still be fitting the Retro Sci-fi theme with astronaut usages, or making a mysterious space-traveler, but would also allow for an incredibly wide variety of other uses, as well. -
Quote:Like any update, we'll get those when published, automagically. If you buy the set after, you get them all at once, if you buy the set now, you get them as soon as they're published. Same with the updates to the Magic, Steampunk, etc. sets they're doing - which has already been stated, publicly, that this is how it will work.How will you handle 'adding' the 'missing' Imperial Dynasty pieces for those of us who bought the pack immediately? Do we already have the 'missing' pieces but they aren't selectable? I'm just concerned we'll have to pay for what is missing since we bought it early, since I'm unsure how you plan to 'give' those pieces to people who bought the set, unless you can identify who owns it.
TL;DR - If I have to pay extra to own everything that your front page advertised comes with the set because I wanted to support it ASAP and didn't wait for i22, I'll punch a catgirl with a baseball bat. -
Yay for new pieces! Dink really went above and beyond making adjustments to them based on feedback.
Happy about the Costume Slot sale - finally! I guess I have to buy points after all. :P -
Quote:I bought 24 and got all the Elemental except the face plate and did not get the dog. I didn't keep track of the rest because I don't care much for it.I must say, the drop rate of items is MUCH better than when it was being tested.
Just opened all 24 packs and I got the entire Elemental Order costume set, the Black Wolf pet and 2 sets of ATO's that I can use without converting them.
Kudos Devs and Marketing! Good job! I R Happeee!!!
I bought 4 more (spent all available points) and got the face plate but still no dog.
I won't be buying any more until we get the ability to use Reward Tokens. I do want that wolf but alas. -
Quote:/squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeZOMG the pressure
I hope this set turns out like you want! I have finished the female and (if I do say so myself) think she turned out pretty darn cool!
I am so excited to be working on this set (being an old movie buff)
Golden Girl: I gave the face a bit of a smile and toned down the normal map so it is more subtle. She, of course, is sporting the 50's look(Ann Francis comes to mind)
Thanks for the info. It's refreshing to see how things get decided, along with player feedback this time. Great stuff!