Street Justice/Shield Defense: Punching Through Your Own Shield




I only recently tried out Street Justice with Shield Defense and was surprised/disappointed to see that there were clipping issues with the Shield and my character's hand...

Fortunately, I had already decided that the character would have a different combo (Street Justice/Ninja Reflexes), but I was a bit shocked that the problem was so prevalent.

It seems as though it stems from some of the Street Justice animations and/or it just puts your character into a normal combat stances afterwards, instead of the shield-user stance (I'm honestly not sure).

My character was constantly bobbing around with his fist through his own shield.

Are there other powersets that cause this with Shield Defense?

Honestly, it was bad enough to prevent me from enjoying that (otherwise cool) combo. I'd love to see that get fixed!

I didn't want to sound like I'm ranting about it... but I wanted to mention it. And I was curious if it is just a bug or an unavoidable happenstance of Street Justice's two-hand combos and such.

Both are great sets and I'm surprised that the usual standard of quality is not there for those two sets combined.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Odd that you should say that... I took an StJ/Shield character all the way through Praetoria and never noticed any clipping at all... not to say it wasn't there, just that I never noticed. And things like that TEND to be something I notice right away... I will have to take a closer look at him.



there are many different shield designs which I imagine impacts this alot



Hope I didn't ruin it for you, from here on, Thirty-Seven!

And, dug, you may be right...
This was with a Male character using a reinforced round shield.

And, condolences to my queen!
At least we know we're not alone on this.

In before the replies of "And THAT tiny amount of clipping ruined it for you??" (just kidding... you're a good lot... the lot of you... I mean that a lot...)

Okay, silly overload, I needs to go play!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Perhaps I never noticed because I have been using the Vanguard Shield... which is energy and so less jarring if something moves through it?



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I only recently tried out Street Justice with Shield Defense and was surprised/disappointed to see that there were clipping issues with the Shield and my character's hand...

Fortunately, I had already decided that the character would have a different combo (Street Justice/Ninja Reflexes), but I was a bit shocked that the problem was so prevalent.

It seems as though it stems from some of the Street Justice animations and/or it just puts your character into a normal combat stances afterwards, instead of the shield-user stance (I'm honestly not sure).

My character was constantly bobbing around with his fist through his own shield.

Are there other powersets that cause this with Shield Defense?

Honestly, it was bad enough to prevent me from enjoying that (otherwise cool) combo. I'd love to see that get fixed!

I didn't want to sound like I'm ranting about it... but I wanted to mention it. And I was curious if it is just a bug or an unavoidable happenstance of Street Justice's two-hand combos and such.

Both are great sets and I'm surprised that the usual standard of quality is not there for those two sets combined.
I first noticed it via the Beta for Street Justice, and I'm pretty sure I made mention of it then, but I guess the Devs did not feel it important enough to correct. It's a shame because I have a Street Justice / Shield scrapper sitting in the wings waiting for this to be fixed so I can finally play him and enjoy the experience without the noticeable clipping. Guess I'll send yet another bug report on it.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



I've taken my own StJ/SD to 40 and haven't noticed this, but she's using the PPD plexiglass riot shield and not the round model. Or that she's moving so fast I barely even notice if knees and fists are going through the sield.

The only oddity are the funky moments where I turn on walk, her shield doesn't go away, and she runs like Jamie Summers. I've found switching in and out of a hero stance does put the shield away, but its a little annoying.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



I'm not entirely sure (I want to go test this more), but I think it mostly occurs after using the quick one-two attack in Street Justice (Initial Strike).

It very well may occur after other attacks as well, but I'm pretty sure that one triggers it.

I think it comes from using attacks with the shield hand...
My only other experience with Shield Defense is with Super Strength and I never noticed it with that combination.

I am curious if Sands Of Mu (Shadow Maul / Furry) causes it as well.

As I said, I think the problem is actually the stance the character goes into after certain powers. Instead of the usual shield-user stance, they go into more of a brawler stance and the shield-hand is through the shield.

Maybe I'll check it out some more today! See if we can pinpoint the cause(s) and find out if they can do anything about it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Certainly receiving the exact reasons for a difficulty, clearly explained, helps us to provided repeatable steps to reproduce the condition. The poster who opined that it is stances (animations?) could well help with a pic.

I hope you folks take this on.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
Certainly receiving the exact reasons for a difficulty, clearly explained, helps us to provided repeatable steps to reproduce the condition. The poster who opined that it is stances (animations?) could well help with a pic.

I hope you folks take this on.
... What?

Edit: Pics or it didn't happen?

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Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
Certainly receiving the exact reasons for a difficulty, clearly explained, helps us to provided repeatable steps to reproduce the condition. The poster who opined that it is stances (animations?) could well help with a pic.

I hope you folks take this on.
Excellent! Thanks for taking a look here, Arbiter Warrant!

I should have done this earlier, as it seems pretty obvious to me now.
It is any attack from Street Justice and it is because, after any of the attacks (at least the first four attacks), the character goes into an open handed combat stance, instead of the closed fist Shield stance.


And here is the normal Shield Stance (notice the closed fists):

Notice the opened hand:

The clipping is less noticeable with the Vanguard shield.

Shields I tried were the Knight, Cavalier, Riot, PPD and Vanguard.
(I was wrong about using a round shield, but I'd imagine it clips all the same)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Question - does this happen AFTER you've used the Street Justice version of Build Up, or does the power not matter? I ask because there's a pretty well-known bug with Build Up style powers, at least for the normal stance, in that they put you in a type of combat mode which nevertheless replicates the stance of idle mode. Maybe that's what's happening and you're getting tossed into a "normal" mode that's inappropriate for shield?

My advise is to try and see if JUST attacks cause this stance or if it's cause after using Build Up. Just make sure you're not in combat mode before you use Build Up - hit escape several times before you try it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Question - does this happen AFTER you've used the Street Justice version of Build Up, or does the power not matter? I ask because there's a pretty well-known bug with Build Up style powers, at least for the normal stance, in that they put you in a type of combat mode which nevertheless replicates the stance of idle mode. Maybe that's what's happening and you're getting tossed into a "normal" mode that's inappropriate for shield?

My advise is to try and see if JUST attacks cause this stance or if it's cause after using Build Up. Just make sure you're not in combat mode before you use Build Up - hit escape several times before you try it.
No Build Up has been used for the collection of those pictures.

(That character is only level 8 and doesn't even have the power yet)

Yeah, it is just the straight up Street Justice attacks that are putting the character into the open-handed combat stance, seemingly disregarding that they're using a shield (not currently sure if a non-shield-using Street Justice character goes into an open-hand stance or a close-fisted combat stance).

Also, for the record, those pictures of the character in the closed-fist stance are in combat as well. If you're in combat and get hit, move or animate something other than a Street Justice attack, you'll revert to the proper /SD combat stance.

I also played my Super Strength shield-user and they remained within the closed-fisted combat stance throughout combat (as I thought, but wasn't 100% positive until testing).

Knowing next-to-nothing about how these things actually work, but taking a stab at it anyway, I'm guessing that the Street Justice powers just may have been written to flag the wrong combat stance (for shield-users, at least).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Just was playing a Street Justice/Ninja Stalker and they go to the normal/open-fist combat stance after attacks... but I think that is how it is supposed to be.
All seemed to be working correctly.
I'm imagining this is just the wrong stance when using Shields.
The only thing I don't know is if the Street Justice animations are workable with going into the Shield Defense combat stance.

Hope this helped, Arbiter Warrant! And thanks again.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
The only thing I don't know is...
Oh, I also don't know why they hired an Australian actor to play Victor von Doom with an American accent!! I can't even say Victor von Doom with an American accent, unless I try really hard!
VeekTORR von Dewm

There are probably a few other things that I also don't know.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Acroyear2 View Post
I first noticed it via the Beta for Street Justice, and I'm pretty sure I made mention of it then
I know I noticed and posted a lot of detail about it during that beta (which shields, stances, gender/size, etc.), but I don't have access to those boards anymore. And since StJ is not my thing, I never followed up on it.



Oh look, another stance animation issue.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Perhaps I never noticed because I have been using the Vanguard Shield... which is energy and so less jarring if something moves through it?
This a great shield choice for StJ! An energy shield that allows punches to go through it from the inside out but not vice versa makes great design sense.