489 -
Quote:I've actually bought 3 extra character slots. And yeah, you don't really need to since a single character can learn everything. But my characters have personalities. I can't make my Shotgun/Fist character suddenly also be a magical Elemental/Blood characterDiggin the TSW so far Also, I'm not the only one with 3 alts and itchin to make a 4th, am I ? ..>_>
I've had to say goodbye to my family. And I've had to say goodbye to my country. I won't say goodbye anymore. Just, until we meet again, Michelle.
Jackie -
Take care in where ever you go, Arcanaville. Count me as one of those recommending The Secret World. It's definitely a worthy diversion--though, in fact I might be getting tired of it after 5 months of play. Not enough Alt options!
And a nerdy math joke, which you've probably already heard:
An infinitely long line of physicists leads into a bar. The first physicist asks the bartender for a pint of beer. The second physicist asks for half a pint of beer. The third physicist asks for a quarter pint of beer. At this point the bartender puts two beers on the bar and says, "There, now all of you get the hell out of here!" -
Quote:You rock, Tim!Interesting timing for the creation of this thread. Just finished this last night.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AAhnLEHQOA&lc -
Thank you Hedoren. Beautiful and moving
Thank you so much, Evangel. I love your first video from years ago, and now this one is almost too painful to watch it is so beautiful.
I haven't been able to log into the game since the day it was announced it was closing down. Every time I think about doing it, my heart just aches. It's excruciating and I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want there to be a last time.
Quote:This! So completely and utterly. It's why I love CoX and have never actually liked superhero comics.I was watching an interview with one of the designers for Marvel's upcoming MMORPG.
He basically said "Why would you want to play as "Captain Firepants" when you can play as a "known" superhero, like Spiderman".
He ... just ... doesnt ... get ... it.
I'd much rather play as Captain Firepants - because he is MY creation. Because he is an extension of my personality and expression of my creativity.
I dont want to be locked into someone elses superhero design and be just like everyone else. -
Years from now this video will stand as a poignant, beautiful declaration of a vibrant and amazing virtual world that was recklessly terminated in its prime of life. History through your eyes, Michelle. Thank you so much for your awesome talent.
For years to come I will walk the back streets of Paragon city, the Isles, and Praetoria in my dreams. I'm surprised sometimes how vividly the places in CoX are burned into my mind, as real or even more real than places I've visited in real life. I can close my eyes and sit on the ledge of a building in AP and watch people going about their business under the Atlas statue. And it just feels right, and I feel at home.
I never played CoH because it was a super hero game. I've never been into those types of comic books (give me some Narbonic or Errant Story). So I'm not looking for another super hero themed game. I've moved to The Secret World for now. It was the community and personable/talented developers that kept me playing CoH for 8 years.
If those college students are putting half the energy into their studies as they did into that performance, we are talking straight A's for the lot of them. Amazing performance!
North end of Steel Canyon there are some seedy apartment buildings.
Darn you Keekat! I don't want to cry anymore... but now *sigh*
Thank you for your post. -
Awesome! Thanks, Mind. Spot on with their voices.
I've already spend over $1,300 for a lifetime sub--which is about the sum of my monthly sub over the last 8 years. And I'd love to grow that number higher over the years with a continued yearly sub. Lifetime subs are good for a sudden influx of cash. But when those players stick around long enough they are a loss in potential revenue.
Thank you, Tim! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is the word that comes after awesome. And your creation is that and more!
I won't say goodbye either. Just, until next time. Love you Z
I've also found a new home in The Secret World. Wow, I feel like a traitor saying that
But I have a year long sub for CoX (which renewed recently), so I've never had any intention of leaving CoX, ever. *sigh* I hope the "Save CoH" campaign works, somehow.
Quote:Not the first time I've quoted Healix for saying exactly what I wanted to say before I said it. Z, I love you and everyone at Paragon. There is a huge piece of my heart where CoX will live on to the end.Zwill...you have no idea how many people really think the world of you, myself included. Thank you for all you have done, and what you are doing now. This game has been a wonderful part of my life for eight years...it's like watching a friend die and not being able to do anything about it. I wish you all the best in whatever the future has in store for you.
Quote:This! Absolutely this! Thank you Matt and crew for 8 years of awesome!I know that next time I hear a game studio rep say "We've got Matt Miller with us working on our new project, it's-" I will interrupt them with a loud "Cease your prattle, sir, and accept my financial contribution to your business!". I suspect I'm not the only one.
Yes, you are chasing a dream. I chased that dream long ago. There is no way to pan your view downward while flying without diving down as well. Prove me wrong somebody?
Another thing about the screwed up Ragdoll physics that bothers me is that it allows you to exploit while fighting tough mobs. Knock a mob down and while it writhes and spins on the ground it can't get back up. But you can still damage/kill it while it can't stand up and hit you back.
War Witch, one of my favorite CoH characters of all time. Melissa Bianco, one of my favorite CoH developers of all time. Happy birthday!