My Graditude




I have so much to say to everyone in this community. I am so tired of crying, and I'm sure I will as I write this. I was 16 when I first met my husband, who some of you know as Whiteseeker, Cherokee, or Stitch Whitewolf. Two days after I met him in person, I went to his house. He told me he wanted to show me something. He said that he, his mother and step father played a game called City of heroes. He got on his character, Clee, and kicked some *** of Arachnos I think... Honestly when I first saw it, I though it was nerdy as hell, haha. About 2 weeks later, we were pretty much living together, and he told me to create a toon. So I did.. I made an electric blaster called Keekat. It was kind of a joke, but very quickly, I fell completely in love with my toons, the game, and the wonderful Devs and community. THe more I played, the more I loved everything about COX. Several months later, my father passed away on our kitchen floor from a severe heart attack. It was very hard for me to cope. As a birthday present, my father in law bought me my own account, and I concentrated on the game to cope with dealing with my fathers awful death. It helped me to move along. All of you were so compassionate, so caring. You all lifted my spirits. When I was 18, I became pregnant with my daughter. My husband Whiteseeker, Posted a lot on the forums. A lot of people followed us with my pregnancy. I gave birth to her May 14th, 2009.(the day before my husbands birthday!) The day after, He came to pick me up from the hospital, and since it was his birthday, he got the most wonderful gift. We were so worn out but he posted on the forums that I had a healthy beautiful baby girl, named Evelyn Elizabeth. As soon as he came in the hospital, he told me of all the people who were congratulating us, and there were many wonderful, kind comments. It made me tear up. Even some of the devs posted comments for us. Im sorry this is rambling on, but COH has been a big impact on my life. When I first found out it was being shut down, it hit me hard, but mostly I felt disbelief. Now its setting in, and I cry every time I play. I know this post makes like no sense, but my point is, I want to THANK YOU ALL!!!! The devs are wonderful, they have worked hard and done so well. COH is an amazing game- nothing else is like it. I will never play any other MMO. I am completely loyal. I dont remember the names on some of the people that were so kind, but anyone who has said kind comments to Keekat or to Whiteseeker, I thank you so much. It has been a wonderful 6 years for me. Once again Thank you ALL!!! That is all I have to say. God Bless to all of you. Thank you for giving me a city in which I could fly.




This was my 1st MMO, (Whiteseeker, Stitch Whitewolf, Cherokee), and my wifes 1st MMO (Keekat). Only this game have I been attracted to, and most of all the people that play it. The most wonderful bunch I have ever met on line! The dev's are just wonderful people. I have yet to ever see any others like them in an MMO community. One thing that I will never forget is, it was my ideah to put the emotes in the menu. Back ally brawler said to me, If you write up and organize the emotes I will put them in the menu, so I did, and there it was. They listened and responded to the players, and that is sooo rare in any MMO. I dont know what else to really say all but, thank you so much for letting us be heroes, and villains, and giving us a world where we could fly, super jump, super speed and teleport.Letting bullets just bounce off of is like they were flies. Letting us make a difference in your wonderful world of heroes. Thank you with all that I am...

Thank you Keekat my beautiful wife.



hm no one complain about her format but when it's me it's a declaration of war. ANyways, back on the subject.

Well if everything works out, there might be another type of COH running around soon and this end may be just a temporary thing.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



lel what?

Do you really cry everytime you play?



Keekat just to warn you...the immature element that has always been stopped by forum moderation is out in full them no attention.

I enjoyed reading your experience with CoH If you haven't already you can still get involved in the Save CoH activities - most of which are listed on the Titan forums:

You can also sign the petition at:

Not sure if you use twitter or not but there are a lot of CoHers who do and constantly use #savecoh to bring awareness to the cause.

Just know right now that negotiations are on going for CoH to be purchased...and while that is all we know...I tend to take the "no news is good news" approach to things.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Keekat View Post
I was 16 when I first met my husband, who some of you know as Whiteseeker, Cherokee, or Stitch Whitewolf. Two days after I met him in person, I went to his house. He told me he wanted to show me something.



Thank you for warming my heart with your post.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Wish I could just have this game on a server in my home:/



Hey all.. I totally forgot about this thread, and that it was still around... my husband pulled it up for me today (I am not used to these forums and how to work them lol).....
anyways, for anyone that may be interested, (probably not, but just in case:-) here is the thread that went on after my daughters birth. Just an example of how wonderful this community is (Except for a few morons) But yeah, it is pretty amazing even to read over it again 3 years later. Also, I believe there is a picture of her on the 2nd or 3rd page or something. So once again, if any of you who posted kind comments on that thread read this, I thank you all for your kind words!!



Just read that thread Hope you are all doing well

Originally Posted by Keekat View Post

Hey all.. I totally forgot about this thread, and that it was still around... my husband pulled it up for me today (I am not used to these forums and how to work them lol).....
anyways, for anyone that may be interested, (probably not, but just in case:-) here is the thread that went on after my daughters birth. Just an example of how wonderful this community is (Except for a few morons) But yeah, it is pretty amazing even to read over it again 3 years later. Also, I believe there is a picture of her on the 2nd or 3rd page or something. So once again, if any of you who posted kind comments on that thread read this, I thank you all for your kind words!!

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Darn you Keekat! I don't want to cry anymore... but now *sigh*

Thank you for your post.