And now a message from Stan and Lou...




I've been reading these forums for weeks now, and watching the amazing videos people have been producing, the posters and graphics, the songs, and all the other outpourings of support, and I've thought long and hard about what I could do to contribute. I'm an audio guy, so the answer didn't leap out at me right away.

And then, one day, I was going through my archives from the w00t Radio days, and I happened across the old Stan & Lou skits that Hertz did. I listened to them again, and laughed again. And then something a little scary happened.

One morning, I suddenly had Stan and Lou talking in my head. Sounding off, as only they could, about the possibility of their world coming to an end, and how in their gloriously misguided way, they might affect the outcome. Somehow.

Hertz has been absent for years now, all attempts to contact him have met with silence, and Stan and Lou were talking loudly in my head. And so, I did the only thing I could do: I let them out.

I know I'm not Hertz, so the voices aren't exact (I liken it to how Kermit sounds these days), but it's close enough to be the homage to Hertz and those two insanely lucky Hellions that I hoped for.

I have to go now, they're already telling me what happened next. I hope they'll be patient with me. -Mindscythe



Haha very nice job.

The voices were close enough that I would recognize them without anyone telling me who they were, so that's good enough in my book.



It was a great homage to Hertz. You got the essence of the characters.

I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.



Wow, I certainly wasn't expecting that. They sound great and the banter is as witty as always. I think it's definitely a fitting tribute to these two CoH icons and their creator. The fact that it's promoting SaveCoH is even better. I'm looking forward to part 2!

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



*happy dance*

Oh, this made me smile! Thank you very much, Mindscythe! I can't wait to hear what else Stan And Lou do on their new adventure!



Nicely done Mind. Looking forward to more!

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



That was fantastic! Made me tear up. I really missed Stan and Lou. Wish Hertz would had taken them to level 50.



Dude that was seriously funny. Excellent work!

w00t Radio



Awesome! Thanks, Mind. Spot on with their voices.



*grabs popcorn and enjoys the next episode*

Thank you, Mindscythe!



Thanks man...I hope ya keep going with these...I wish someone could contact Hertz...



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
Thanks man...I hope ya keep going with these...I wish someone could contact Hertz...
Me too! If anyone has any way of contacting him that isn't via these forums or his YouTube page, which are the ways I've tried, please feel free! I'd much rather be helping him do these than taking lead.



I really hope you are still making these, Mindscythe!

There's a large stash of popcorn here just waiting to be enjoyed with your next Stan And Lou Save The World story.