When the lights go out.
Now, you see, that was awesome. No long disclaimers, just the story.
I feel that way too. While a tad optimistic about the game resurrecting... I already feel the pull of other things like my motorcycle and... well... real life that I might need to deal with. I've been away, and I'll be away some more... Probably until next Monday. Which I hate, but that's RL for ya.
The game has been so much fun. The new video of the new zone that we'll never see in Live was like a dagger in my back, and I'm sure the devs feel that way too in some way for making it. It's really awesome... and a shame.
I want to thank you for sharing that, Evil. Good stuff.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
That's awesome. I have only one base I'm proud of.
In case people are interested it is possible to use a feature of demo record to unclip the camera and walk around the map you are looking at. So it would be a very good way to keep a record of your bases (or other maps).
When the lights go out, it will be another memory another day in the past, well days to be more exact.
From the time that I made the first toon, linked up with a blaster, soon joined by a stone tank, and formed an SG. The time that I met the fire tank, and a Mexican concept toon that took over leadership when the founding members including myself left the SG. One went on to better opportunities, the defender had to make some real life choices and me I just retired the blaster in favor of the Villain side. Thus Evil Legacy was born. The first redside SG that I made that was purely made up of the first villain and then grew to include many more, each with their own storyline, some that intertwined with each other. Then eventually their storyline started to come to an end one by one. The 9th Lost Righteousness. A new set of characters, new set of storylines, first group of Virtue server for villain side to be soon joined by a Freedom transplant. Hero side, just a bunch of random toons of no relation to each other no less fun to play. The Lost Ones- Based solely on the demon/thermal MM who's storyline was trying to build her own hell on earth to rule. Donitz-The lead researcher who experimented on villains he captured. Some say he was morally wrong for the type of experiments he performed on villains but others see it as villains getting their just deserts. He sees it as all part of furthering science and was a needed sacrifice that would benefit many. SGA- SGA V1-Obsolete cyborg that wants to live although being labeled as an illegal and dangerous piece of equipment to own. Out lasted all other versions of SGA Versions including V4, V8 V16 and the new and profitable V23. Eventually died of natural robotic causes (battery life ran out) and was found behind the villain base in Bloody Bay and taken to an Arachnos scrapyard and dumped. The Point of Despair-Demon/Thermal MM. Finally found a piece of hell on earth but grew bored and returned to the scene to cause chaos for the sake of chaos and collect more souls to forever torment for all eternity. The more souls she collected, the more she wanted. The more pain she caused, the more pain she seek to cause, the more demons she commanded the more she seek to command until she reached the point of her own despair knowing that she will never be fulfilled for all eternity. Yet, when the lights go out, all of this will be a memory. They can take the game, take the servers but my memories are mine. As many interesting times with people, the most important memories are my own creations. Even when the lights go out, I still will remember until they are no longer memories. Then something else will take their place. It's like the last call, the last ride, end of the road. The journey has been fun but it's about time to get off. Yet, there is one more roller coaster hill for thrills left and even though the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen, I will enjoy the rest of the way. Not sure about anyone else, but I'm not anyone else so I cant worry about that, but I'm going to be there when it's closing time and then walk away remembering the good times. |

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
Now, you see, that was awesome. No long disclaimers, just the story.
Just the first without the seemingly idiots coming in to cause trouble, grammar nazis, "I'm insulting you for your own good" people, and people trying to "help" when no help is needed or asked, and the likes. That is what actually makes it awesome on some scale. As long as the post go like this, then there would be no need of me pointing it out. As long as it stays like this, then the post will be pure stories. If people act like "oh I didnt know insulting you and pointing out all your mistakes while ignoring everyone else would get o your nerves" attitude, I will give them the benefit of the doubt and remember to "remind" them the next time.
As long as it stays like this, then it will be straight. Although, I wouldnt call this the most friendly community as I came across communities that are alot friendlier over all and less people just posting things to get a rise out of people. But, it's not the worse. Just that many times the people that go around posting for trouble speak "louder" and here everyone just go along with them because they are popular, well liked, or "expert" i na certain ways and only speak up to the person that is tryign to defend themselves because no one is suppose to disagree or argue with the resident "expert". If they make another game like this, I hope that part of the community does not follow and realize in the end it actually drive new/potential players and ideas away and causes premature death of games, especially relatively smaller ones.
-Female Player-
For years to come I will walk the back streets of Paragon city, the Isles, and Praetoria in my dreams. I'm surprised sometimes how vividly the places in CoX are burned into my mind, as real or even more real than places I've visited in real life. I can close my eyes and sit on the ledge of a building in AP and watch people going about their business under the Atlas statue. And it just feels right, and I feel at home.
When the lights go out, it will be another memory another day in the past, well days to be more exact.
From the time that I made the first toon, linked up with a blaster, soon joined by a stone tank, and formed an SG. The time that I met the fire tank, and a Mexican concept toon that took over leadership when the founding members including myself left the SG. One went on to better opportunities, the defender had to make some real life choices and me I just retired the blaster in favor of the Villain side.
Thus Evil Legacy was born. The first redside SG that I made that was purely made up of the first villain and then grew to include many more, each with their own storyline, some that intertwined with each other. Then eventually their storyline started to come to an end one by one.
The 9th Lost Righteousness.
A new set of characters, new set of storylines, first group of Virtue server for villain side to be soon joined by a Freedom transplant. Hero side, just a bunch of random toons of no relation to each other no less fun to play.
The Lost Ones- Based solely on the demon/thermal MM who's storyline was trying to build her own hell on earth to rule.
Donitz-The lead researcher who experimented on villains he captured. Some say he was morally wrong for the type of experiments he performed on villains but others see it as villains getting their just deserts. He sees it as all part of furthering science and was a needed sacrifice that would benefit many.
SGA- SGA V1-Obsolete cyborg that wants to live although being labeled as an illegal and dangerous piece of equipment to own. Out lasted all other versions of SGA Versions including V4, V8 V16 and the new and profitable V23. Eventually died of natural robotic causes (battery life ran out) and was found behind the villain base in Bloody Bay and taken to an Arachnos scrapyard and dumped.
The Point of Despair-Demon/Thermal MM. Finally found a piece of hell on earth but grew bored and returned to the scene to cause chaos for the sake of chaos and collect more souls to forever torment for all eternity. The more souls she collected, the more she wanted. The more pain she caused, the more pain she seek to cause, the more demons she commanded the more she seek to command until she reached the point of her own despair knowing that she will never be fulfilled for all eternity.
Yet, when the lights go out, all of this will be a memory. They can take the game, take the servers but my memories are mine. As many interesting times with people, the most important memories are my own creations. Even when the lights go out, I still will remember until they are no longer memories. Then something else will take their place. It's like the last call, the last ride, end of the road. The journey has been fun but it's about time to get off. Yet, there is one more roller coaster hill for thrills left and even though the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen, I will enjoy the rest of the way. Not sure about anyone else, but I'm not anyone else so I cant worry about that, but I'm going to be there when it's closing time and then walk away remembering the good times.
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.