Ideal Future Issue




What is your dream future issue update? Not just everything under the sun you would like to see - but list of things you think would be practical to include in one issue. What are you most holding out for? What would be practically included in an issue to make you think its the best issue ever?

My personal list:

- Power Pool Customization: At the very least, I'd love the option to turn off the FX for Hasten and Super Speed, but the ability to recolor them would also be awesome!
- Empathy Powerset Update: In my opinion, this powerset has become really outdated. Its largest appeal used to be its health and endurance bar management with some nice defense, but Time Manipulation can out-heal it, give team-wide defense instead of single-target, in addition to several other team-wide buffs and enemy debuffs. Clear Mind is still a single-ally power that needs to be passed out to the entire team one by one with a short duration (meanwhile powers like Increase Density hit the whole team). Lastly, in the current state of the game, heals aren't quite as needed in the end-game especially with Destiny Incarnate abilities buffing you in leagues. - My wish for the set would to see Clear Mind be team-wide, and to implement the talked about upcoming Absorption feature into its heals (Healing Aura, Heal Other and Absorb Pain) and Fortitude.
- New Power Sets: Water Blast and Psionic Melee, please!
- New Targeted AoE IO Set: Of all the damage sets, I think this category has the least amount of sets that I'd actually find useful, and almost always go with Positron's Blast. Another non-PvP/Purple/ATO set of this category would be nice to encourage more build variety!

What would be in your ideal issue?

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



1) Power Pool Customization
2) Temp Power Customization (ie. Alternates for Ninja Run, Black Wand, Nemesis staff. etc.)
3) Boatloads of new Costumes and Hairstyles
4) More Customization for existing Powersets,
5) Powersets having an extra power or two, similiar to how the Epic ATs give you more than just 9 powers, so maybe you won't always have to dip into power pools for that extra Oomph.
6) More themes for Incarnate Powers (ie. something that looks 'Super Strong' for Judgement)



1) Power Pool Customization
2) More Costumes, More Hair, More Weapons
3) Minor quality of life upgrades.
-As far as this goes, i'm talking about some simple fixes like doing something about the stupid little fedex missions to a security guard or PvP contact. Either remove them totally, or just make it a mission where the contact who gave it to you hands you a written infodump about it and you don't have to go anywhere.
4) Major quality of life upgrades
-Stuff that takes more work. The ability to send stacks of salvage through the email system, stuff like that.
5) Salvage Updates
-It's insane that there's common salvage on the AH costing more than some rare salvage. Also insane is that we can buy certain pieces of salvage directly with AE tickets, but only Uncommon and Rare. You think they'd make you gamble on those, not the common stuff. Because i can end up spending more tickets to get the one piece of common salvage I need, than it would cost to get one Rare piece.
6) Set IO Level Normalization
-Bad enough that Set IOs are basically unsellable at any level but max if it's something you don't need, but the fact that they come at every level instead of every 5 like normal IOs just clutters things up.
7) A new 'active' zone.
-I've never really been in Recluse's victory, I don't PvP. but what I do know, about how it will shift appearances based on who's doing well where, sounds like it would be fun to have in a revamped hazard zone like Boomtown.



1) Cross server teaming for iTrials
2) Auto-exemplaring option for normal missions - no more outleveling contacts
3) Revamp of Faultline as a co-opt zone - Villain contacts would be Sands, Castillo, Duray and Nocturne
4) New Twinshot arcs at lvls 20, 25 and 30
5) Power Pool customization and more Power Customization
6) Profileration of Force Fields to Corruptors
7) Opening up Praetoria in Ouroboros or letting primals access its contacts
8) Adding the missing hairs to the female Arachnos Widow costume
9) Letting male characters wear boxers instead of briefs



All kinds of customizations of course (Pools, alternate animations for existing powersets, costumes etc).

Mostly, I would like to see the city redone from the ground up and modeled more closely to a real city (ie. very few if any war walls, zones designed more like neighborhoods than standalone zones... everything Pretoria quality or better)

The one thing I really enjoyed about that game with the initials the same as Direct Current was how the city was built and presented.



I'm really tired of new zones, and dont want to see more unless it's one huge zone with a heck of a lot new features and content, and not meh like the current praetorian stuff.

but updates i'd like to see:

-increased pet customization [my biggest request right now]. shouldnt be too difficult i dont think. between what we have for animate stone and his three models w/diff skin. i propose badged unlocked [or purchased even] alternate models. i would love to have a rosethorn instead of the flytrap, and ANYTHING instead of that dang darkness wolf [why is it so literally a wolf?!?!?!] but heck, imagine something like the lava animate stone but as the fire imps! pet customization please, for Troller/Dom pets, and maybe even for Dark Maisma Fluffy and Electric Blast Zappy. oh, and an alt model for poison's poison trap. even if it was just a bubble on the ground without the little trigger/cradle thing...

-pool customzation, hopefully to be released when the new origin themed pools come out.

-increased alternate animations for newer sets and older sets. it is wierd that darkness control, a new set, had no alt animations - mainly for the fear cone. and it is way overdue for MM-Thugs and DP to port eachother's animations for the three similar attacks.

-Wind/Air Blast powerset [i needs it!] Forcefield Blast and Forcefield Assault [Doms/Blaster Secondary], Munitions Assault [Pistols and Devices] -Dom/Blaster Secondary, Armory Assault [Bladed weapon and Bows] -Dom/Blaster Secondary.

-New Epic Pools, ex: Swords for ranged ATs, Bows, Pistols for meelee ATs.

-something INTERESTING with the four legged rig that isnt canine or feline. also, bears dont need a new rig, just use huge and beast run. lol, maybe a new Giant Monster or three.

-more things to invent besides IO's. so many temp powers from missions or whatever, could be added to the invention system, and it would be great if there were new costume recipes added too.

-costume ports of things that one body type has that the other doesnt... included in a character creator update, and new options, details that can be added to the animal/monstrous heads, holes in costumes filled [bird feather skin and tail, sneakers w/out socks for males, etc.]

-MM pet customization using badge unlocked alternate models of Existing NPC powersets, and a new "Swamp Summoning" powerset with a new default pet, then tuatha and devouring earth, and those rocky critter alt models.

-Cimerora to be added to Ouro somehow. why cant the time-lords get there? O_o

-a midnighter/ouro battle arc that takes you to different points in time for each mission, 20's, cretaceous, far into the future, alternate universe where everyone is a robot... or something...

-idk if it's possible but maybe even a zone merger or two. blueside. maybe even with rikti conflicts settled and warwalls removed.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
6) More themes for Incarnate Powers (ie. something that looks 'Super Strong' for Judgement)
Action Comics #1 cover, IMO

{}... .-



1. Pool/APP/PPP Customization
2. TA and Archery color customization...
3. More customization in MM pets; esp the ability to disable/change/lower volume of their sound fx
4. Psychic Judgment - think a HUGE Psi Tornado
5. A new low level Itrial (for new 50's or ones with just Alpha akin to BAF/Lam/Keyes difficulty
6. 1-2 more higher level itrials
7. The next Incarnate power - Genesis
8. Some in game items added to bases
9. New Co-Op 40-50 zone (Revamp Eden???) with 2 Tfs - 1 a 4 person and one an 8-12 person
10. New IO sets: Targeted AOE, Slow, ToHit Debuff, Defense Debuff, and a purple Heal set.

10 things... not too much but plenty for people to go OOH and AHH over

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Id like something a little more obtainable in an issue.

Issue X: Full Spectrum

Full Power customization - All PPP's, EPP and all powersets are now fully customizable, including TA, Archery, Arachnos Soldiers etc.

Full costume customization - All pretinted cossies are now non-pre tinted. All headwear now allows for hair options and the colour pallete has been doubled.

Pet Customization - all mastermind pets now have a range of options to choose from, and all are colourable, plus female options for all sets (or male for the lioness)!
Robots - Choose from Robots, Clockwork, Praetorian Clockwork or nemesis automotons
Ninjas - Choose from Ninjas, Knives of Artimis and a couple of others
Mercs - Choose from Mercs, WW2 mercs, Black Ops and one other
Necro - Choose from Zombies, Vampires, Living shadows or ghosts
Thugs - Choose from Thugs, Family, Syndicate or Skuls
Demons - Choose from Demons, Devils, Elementals or Corrupted humans
Beast - Choose from Beast, Alternate beast (Badgers, Panthers, Bear), Mythical or Demonic

Boomtown remake - Bloomtown - Praetorian Hamidon has burst from Preatoria into boomtown, turning it into an inhospitable jungle, full of giant trees, carnivorous flowers and advanced devoured. Gather your team, explore the jungle and prepare to fight hamidon.

Woodsman Trial - Woodsman has a new task for you. Push the hamidon back into preatoria and destory him before he escapes bloomtown! New 24 person incarnate TF. (not itrial but a task force!)

8 new badges to collect plus the new infected costume set (cancerous / devoured look) and the jungle explorer cossie set. Machette added to duel swords, Ninja blade, Titan weapons and battle axe. Spear added to staff and Crossbows added to archery and Duel pistols. Club added to War mace. New natural shields added (leaf, wood etc)

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



1. No more shards. Threads (equivalent to shards) for 50's on TF's. (The new DA is great, but I don't want to grind out the same mission arcs any more than I want to grind out I-Trials.)

2. More New TF's, perhaps with a new accolade (power) for doing several of them.

3. Transportation system for annoying places to get to: Cim., DA, 1st Ward, even Shadow Shard. (Maybe an Ouro. Portal-like accolade power for doing some related TF's, as mentioned in #2?)

4. Pool Powers FX fix. Full customization isnt my interest, NO effects would suit me fine. I don't want lime-green (or, whatever) glowing fists and feet any more than I want the yellow FX. I just want to see my boots and gloves one day, and NOT see some of the unattractive APP armor.

5. Attractive APP armor for squishies, without having to go villainside to get it (Or ANY defense armor for defenders/hero corruptors).

6. More co-op zones

7. Lots more non-tech costume selections



Hmmmm.... One issue? OK, but this one would probably take a bit of time to get out the door.

1. Crey's update. The zone is now shared, if not exactly co-op. Heroes, of course, can get there via Brickstown. Villains? Well, if they didn't want villains wandering around, they shouldn't have had the Rikti war zone there and then just ignored it, now, should they... Different contact trees, though Vanguard's stepping in to make sure the area doesn't turn into a war zone. (Possibly extending Praetoria, as well, as their Hamidon managed to "follow" a Primal back and learned about this zone - and our Hamidon, as well. Hami civil war a few issues later?)

2. IOs Revisited. Some of the less-used sets get moved from the drop table to a vendor (so if you want Calibrated Accuracy, you've got it.) Bonuses are updated (Debt Reduction now has something else with it at that same level.) New sets are introduced - a second useful snipe set, for instance - and some "free floating" custom IOs are introduced - if you want a Heal/Taunt IO, you can make it, and setless procs are introduced as well.

3. New free-for-all costume set. Bio/mutation themed... best way I can think of describing it is "different degrees of Swamp Thing." Tied in thematically with the ecological and industrial disaster that is Crey's Folly, of course - you've been affected by the area, or were spawned from it. Growths, "stuff" hanging from you, a few new (non-oddly-mapped) faces, "Unhealthy glow" aura and the like.

I think those three should keep the devs fairly busy for an issue.




Power Pool, APP, PPP and epics customization:
Powel Pool, APP, and PPP: Alternate animations, No FX option for travel powers and also for some non elemental shields/toogles, and tintable powers.
Widows can select different claws, got the toxic FX removed to do so but keep the DoT damage.
Different riffles and maces added to Arachnos soldiers.

Power proliferation:
Martial arts for blasters
Illusion for dominators

Zone revamps:
Shadow shard revamp as Co-Op.
Cimerora expands with the new arena map as a zone event.
IP massive revamp.
New zone: Ancient japan lvls 40-50 with W.I.S.D.O.M.
Rose Star and Spark Blade added to the game, one TF for each other.
Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow moved to this zone as trainers and contact for history arc.
New zone EXCLUSIVE for villains. New mobs, made from scratch zone.
St Martial revamp, night only, big casino for missions using the new casino map.

Paragon market:
New hi-res faces and hairstyles costume bundles
Costume sets:
Tights, Tight with skin, Silver age retro heroes, Street clothes.

Origins tokens in the Paragon store.
Catalyst tradeable account wise.
Shards fade away, threads drops for every mob only for 50s, with double chance in DA.
PBs can now use the teleport pool and WS can now use the fly pool.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow moved to this zone as trainers
Both are already trainers in Faultline and The Hollows, respectively.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Power Pool and Epic Pool Customization, additional Epic Pools for every AT.

Boomtown Revamp.

MM pet customization.

All available maps, enemy groups, and powersets available in AE.

Alternate Animations for Broadsword/Axe/War Mace.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Both are already trainers in Faultline and The Hollows, respectively.
I know, thats why I said moved lol
They could be replaced if we were getting that W.I.S.D.O.M. zone.



1) Massive rework of the AE system. Making a story in AE is a lot of work, the system lacks some very useful storytelling tools (such as talking to people in missions), and is near impossible to search, which means that nobody really plays your arcs after you manage to make them.

2) Power customization. All the pools.

3) A new Dream Doctor/Midnighter arc, setting the ground work for a Midnighter/Oro division when the Battallion arrive. While this will have little effect on the iTrials, it will change a few things in the related solo material, much like Hero/Villain does in Dark Astoria. (But this would be for later, just set the groundwork for it now.)

4) BAB TF and SF. Set him up in Pocket D (or the war zone), and have him give out both. The TF is more Vigilante themed, and the SF is more Mercenary/Rogue themed. These will both be the same story, told from different teams' points of view. When the missions cross over with each other, NPCs play the parts of the other team. I see BAB as one of the few characters direct enough and practical enough to ever do something like this.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
New zone: Ancient japan lvls 40-50 with W.I.S.D.O.M.
Rose Star and Spark Blade added to the game, one TF for each other.
Mirror Spirit and Foreshadow moved to this zone as trainers and contact for history arc.
That sounds familiar...

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



1) Like almost everyone has said, customization of the powers that we can't currently customize. I'd love to be able to turn off the effects for hasten. It doesn't always go with every toon's costume.

2) More hair options for both genders, as well as updates (while keeping the originals) of the older hairstyles to make them look better

3) More Praetorian zones

4) A total revamp of Peregrine Island, along with new content in the 41-50 range. There's a lot of stuff in the 1-30 range now, but the higher end content is pretty old and it shows in comparison to the new stuff.

5) A revamp of Boomtown

6) More Incarnate zones along the lines of Dark Astoria. Dark Astoria was very magic-oriented, which was cool, but I'd like Incarnate zones that sort of go with each of the origins, at least in regards to the enemies used and the overall tone of the arcs present there.

7) Praetorian ouroboros/flashback mission system

8) Bug-fixes, quality of life improvements, correcting typos...



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Hmmmm.... One issue? OK, but this one would probably take a bit of time to get out the door.

1. Crey's update. The zone is now shared, if not exactly co-op. Heroes, of course, can get there via Brickstown. Villains? Well, if they didn't want villains wandering around, they shouldn't have had the Rikti war zone there and then just ignored it, now, should they... Different contact trees, though Vanguard's stepping in to make sure the area doesn't turn into a war zone. (Possibly extending Praetoria, as well, as their Hamidon managed to "follow" a Primal back and learned about this zone - and our Hamidon, as well. Hami civil war a few issues later?)

2. IOs Revisited. Some of the less-used sets get moved from the drop table to a vendor (so if you want Calibrated Accuracy, you've got it.) Bonuses are updated (Debt Reduction now has something else with it at that same level.) New sets are introduced - a second useful snipe set, for instance - and some "free floating" custom IOs are introduced - if you want a Heal/Taunt IO, you can make it, and setless procs are introduced as well.

3. New free-for-all costume set. Bio/mutation themed... best way I can think of describing it is "different degrees of Swamp Thing." Tied in thematically with the ecological and industrial disaster that is Crey's Folly, of course - you've been affected by the area, or were spawned from it. Growths, "stuff" hanging from you, a few new (non-oddly-mapped) faces, "Unhealthy glow" aura and the like.

I think those three should keep the devs fairly busy for an issue.
I like your IO ideas.. I think free floating sets would be kewl.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I never readed that thread.
But I mean, I think something similar was going to happen when the devs were working for a Asian market release.
My idea wasnt as elaborate as yours. It was just a general sugestion.
Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit are my favourite trainers, and Im obsessed with the COH Asian release trailer.
Too bad they never expanded that and gave W.I.S.D.O.M. some spotlight.