MM's and incarnates content, lack of ballace in MM's, huge differences between old and new sets...




I'm mad.

I logged in my Mercs/Traps MM last night lamenting the fact that he is useless now days. I retired him when the BAF/LAM came out because he just couldn't keep up. He wasn't soft caped and his low health meant he would die every other spawn. I just stopped playing him because I knew that no matter what I did he was useless in the new endgame. Every time I played him I just got so angry that one of my favorite characters was pointless in the Devs vision of the game. Why do you care about this?

I asked when MM's would be getting a balance pass about 2/3 weeks ago on the Coffey Talk. Synapse said something like "I know this sounds like a copout but MM's are relatively "new" in the grand scheme of things." (@37min) At the time I was like ok I can live that that excuse for now. Well no longer. MM's are just as "new" as Dominators and Stalkers, both of which have had a balance pass that made them more competitive with the other AT's. Blasters are getting their balance pass in I24. AFAIK Controllers are fine as they are and even the Kelds are doing much better nowadays with the mez protection when shape shifting.
In short, it's time to buff the MM's.

I know people take issue with that because MMs are powerful with just SO's but what people don't realize is that even if you IO an MM to the gills the effect is nowhere near as profound as it is on a soft caped Scraper or perma-domination Dom. In my opinion to make an MM effective in the iTrials you have to soft cap yourself and the pets. Its pointless otherwise. If your pets are not softcaped then your secondary (whatever it is) may as well not even be their because you will spend all your time resummoning and rebuffing your pets.

So playerbase in your opinion is there any other AT that needs help as much as MM's post I24?

Can you say that after I24 there will be any power that is truly worse than serum?

Do you think that the cottage rule should be thrown aside when you compare some of the older MM primary set powers with the new MM sets? Daemons/Beast Mastery as compared to Mercs/Robots?

On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?

Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)

Do you consider MM's to be tanks?

Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?

For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required"(need) to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



So playerbase in your opinion is there any other AT that needs help as much as MM's post I24?

Can you say that after I24 there will be any power that is truly worse than serum?
Yes. Quite a few, in fact.

Do you think that the cottage rule should be thrown aside when you compare some of the older MM primary set powers with the new MM sets? Daemons/Beast Mastery as compared to Mercs/Robots?

On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?
Kill things, buff teammates, and/or debuff enemies.

Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)
Yes and no. Versatility is one of the greatest things about masterminds.

Do you consider MM's to be tanks?

Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?

For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required" to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
Considering there's no such requirement, debating hypothetically whether or not it would be fair is kind of moot.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




guess it all depends on your secondary powerset. Forcefield ftw. My pets running around at 66%+. Teammates die more often then my pets in itrials.



I must admit that my MM is not that impressive in itrials, but the same can be said for my AR/Dev blaster, my db/wp scrapper and my dp/en blaster. Could be ne of course, but I always have the feeling that my contribution to the team is not up to what others do.

Must say that I consider the mercenaries to be a rubbish set. And some of the secondaries do not seem up to par with some others. The mm's could use some love imo as I still love them.

First thing I would like to change is the AI, I am tired of watching them dfo absolutely nothing unless I point them at each and evdery opponent.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?
Jack of all Trades(Tanking or Dmg or CC or Buffs/Debuffs), Master of all Trades if IO'd to the 'gills'.

Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)
A MM that is able to switch form one role to another on the fly is one of the many reasons i love MMs

Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Do you consider MM's to be tanks?
Depending if built for it (Like my Bots/Dark).

Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?
I find it odd that Masterminds can't use the Recharge IOs since if pets die fast, i need them up faster in iTrails otherwise i die in no time.

Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required" to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
It somewhat sucks that i "NEED" anywhere form 5-7 IOs JUST to do some of the Endgame stuff.

I love Masterminds, greatly at that, but masterminds can be the 1st to fall when fighting +4s-6s due to pets easily dying. While there are some Set that can take a beating and dish it out (Demons/Bots/Thugs) there are ones that cant even take a beating a 0/2 (Looking at you Beasts/Ninjas), while Mercs can Live when paired with /Pain but there Dmg is on the low side.

I do believe that Masterminds are the ones that need the next Upgrade*.

*Don't know why people say Scrappers need it when there fine! How i know there fine is that i have a few Scrappers and Brutes and Stalkers.

Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
I must admit that my MM is not that impressive in itrials, but the same can be said for my AR/Dev blaster, my db/wp scrapper and my dp/en blaster.
Blaster's are getting buffed in i24. My DB/WP Scrapper dose fine in iTrails and he's mostly SO's or Basic IO's.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
So playerbase in your opinion is there any other AT that needs help as much as MM's post I24?
Well if I were setting priorities for Paragon Studios I think that MMs would be third in the list. Specifically my list would be:
1. Balance Pass on Buff/Debuff sets to take a look at the under-performers (mostly TA, FF and Sonic)
2. Tankers (at least assuming anyone other than J_B thinks they need it, I don't play them myself)
3. Mastermind Primaries

Do you think that the cottage rule should be thrown aside when you compare some of the older MM primary set powers with the new MM sets? Daemons/Beast Mastery as compared to Mercs/Robots?
Not at all. I think it's entirely possible to better balance the MM sets without worrying about the cottage rule at all. For one thing the cottage rule only applies indirectly to pets so as long as the pet retains it's same basic purpose and doesn't lose any slotting options the devs can change it's powers almost at will without violating the cottage rule.

I'll also add as a side note that I'm not sure I agree with your comparisons of which primaries are good and which are bad. Robots and Thugs (two of the oldest sets) are still considered the top performers while Beast Mastery is considered a bit "meh".

On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?

Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)
A Mastermind is primarily a damage dealer. I expect him to be spending a good bit of his time making sure that his pets are dealing damage in a sensible manner. I get a bit annoyed when I see an MM who just hangs back with his pets on follow/defensive and hopes that they attack, if your pets are on follow/defensive then you need to be taking damage otherwise give them a target.

His second role is the general role of protecting the team. How he does this can vary a lot from MM to MM, some can buff and heal teammates, others focus on debuffing foes. Some will aim to draw aggro onto either them-self or their pets thereby stopping it going onto the rest of the team.

An MM's role can change with content. They are the AT that has the least flexibility for handling content. They are fine in a stand-up fight but unlike other ATs they lack the ability to quickly move firepower around (some MMs are better at this than others but none of them will match the speed of a normal AT for quick repositioning). They also have issues with situations that require either tight control of AoEs (since for most MMs the only way to avoid AoEs is to not upgrade pets) or situations that require significant vertical movement (Group Flight is an option but it requires a significant build sacrifice that not all MMs want to make). While this is not an optimal position for MM's to be in I do consider it a fair trade for the fact that most MMs are very powerful in normal content.

Do you consider MM's to be tanks?
No. Some MMs can Tank but not all are built for it and even the ones who are can't really do it like a true Tanker (for one thing they have less Taunting).

Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?

For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required" to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
I'm going to address these in reverse order. First do I like the Aura IOs? Yes I do. I think that they are a relatively elegant solution for addressing the fact that MMs get less benefit from IOs in general than other ATs. However I will add that I think we're reaching a point where the devs should be VERY cautious in adding more of them since the current crop is providing almost as much support to the pets as severla of the MM secondaries.

I do agree that it's unfair that some MM primaries can secondaries can get more benefit from these IOs that others. I also dislike the fact that MM's have such limited options for slotting their ATEs than other ATs. To that end I posted a suggestion for fixing both of these about a week ago:



MMs, as an AT, are fine in the vast majority of the game.

Why? Because despite what people like to believe, this game is still balance around SOs and non-incarnate content. But when you put down IOs, there is one insufferable drawback. Set bonuses don't affect pets. That would be the one change I'd make to the AT as a whole.

Now specific sets is another matter. Ninjas and Mercs do need work (but saying they can only handle 0x2 is quite frankly stupid), maybe Necro and Beast.

Ninjas need more survivability. As well, they need something along the lines of Conservation of Ninjitsu. In any martial arts fight, each side has only a finite amount of ninjitsu in a given encounter. Therefore, one ninja is death incarnate, while an army is nothing but cannon fodder. So give all the ninjas a weakened Vengeance ability that goes off when they die, much like Nemesis lieutenants. The fewer the ninjas remaining, the harder they are to kill and the harder they hit. This effectively turns their squishiness into a weapon.

Also, turn Smoke Flash into an AoE.

As for the soldiers, they oftentimes ruin their own damage. Also, most of it comes in cones and the spec ops sucks. So:

Make the Soldier's Full Auto a wider cone. Shorten the recharge on all of Spec Ops' support abilities by a ton. Take Flash Bang down to 35 seconds and increase the stun. Change Rifle Butt to the ranged stun in Assault Rifle so they run in less. Tear Gas should have a recharge of ~60 seconds and the damage debuff should last the same. Increase the damage on SCAR Snipe. Increase the Immob on Web Grenade so it can be perma without enhancements. If these guys are supposed to be the support then make them actually be support! Also, you should probably change all of the knockback to knockdown, the scatter really hurts damage. Most of their AoE is cones.

Beasts are plenty suivivable, about up there with demons when you properly leverage their T7. Their only shortcoming is AoE damage. You could probably get away with just making the Dire Wolf's PBAoE do more damage and recharge in 10-20 seconds. It really is their only good AoE so make it count.

Necro... you could just shorten the recharge and increase the duration of Soul Extraction so you could have it perma on SOs. This would effectively give you another pet, full of controls and damage.

Robots, Demons, and Thugs are all fine the way they are.



I hear ya, OP, but I can't say I'm in total lock step agreement with you.

I personally feel MMs overperform at times in trials. The pets are even con with you and aren't subjected to cheaty patches of doom. I don't know about all of them, but there are patches that insta kill Stone tankers that also leave pets unharmed. Once I get a MM to +3 in a trial, I personally feel the character is making a very strong contribution.

On the other hand, trials that require speedy tactics leave the MM running around out of BG mode and with some variable number of pets that eventually make it to your destination. May be 1, may be 6, may be 0. This isn't an iTrial issue either, this is a speedy issue that applies to STFs, LGFT, et al. Not that high level tfs require speed, but except for an ITF periodically, most players are going for speed. In your case specifically, as a trapper, speedy tfs/trials leave you without FFG as well. Outside of TPN and Lamda lab/warehouse, I can't think of any trials that are purely about running around.

On to your questions:

So playerbase in your opinion is there any other AT that needs help as much as MM's post I24?
Honestly, I don't see any ATs as a whole that need "help". Powersets and specific powers, yes. ATs, I dunno.

Can you say that after I24 there will be any power that is truly worse than serum?
I don't know if Serum is #1, but I'd certainly put it near the top of such a list of "worst powers". It may well be #1.

Do you think that the cottage rule should be thrown aside when you compare some of the older MM primary set powers with the new MM sets? Daemons/Beast Mastery as compared to Mercs/Robots?
To me the answer is beyond MasterMinds, I find the "cottage rule" sort of silly and unduly limiting. So, in a word, yes.

On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?
My answer to this is the same as for any AT - I "expect" everyone to use all of their powers in a manner that benefits the team as a whole. I expect the player to be familiar enough, in the lvl 50+ content at least, to know what they can do that best benefits a team. In your case, as a trapper, it's pretty easy, your actions to benefit you benefit the team in exactly the same way. On the other hand, the /Thermal that chooses to Forge henchmen over teammates is not benefiting the team first.

Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)
I'd narrow the focus of this a bit, to just speedy vs not speedy. When in a pure speed part of a trial, such as the lab/warehouse in λ, you may need to focus on your secondary if your pets died. In TPN resummoning pets is a fact of life. Once you're in the room with HD though and you resummon your pets, you're good to go.

Do you consider MM's to be tanks?
Hail no.

Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?
There are greater injustices. Keep in mind those IOs do little to help pets in speedy parts, since the def is dependent upon close proximity to the MM. I wouldn't object to having this, nor is this on my "devs please gimme this" list.

For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required" to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
I don't think this is "required" either. Helpful yes, but that's the nature of these IOs.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post

My answer to this is the same as for any AT - I "expect" everyone to use all of their powers in a manner that benefits the team as a whole. I expect the player to be familiar enough, in the lvl 50+ content at least, to know what they can do that best benefits a team. In your case, as a trapper, it's pretty easy, your actions to benefit you benefit the team in exactly the same way. On the other hand, the /Thermal that chooses to Forge henchmen over teammates is not benefiting the team first.
I would like to quote The Got Damn Mastermind here:

Originally Posted by Dechs_Kaison
"Nobody [complains] when the scrapper uses his powers to defend himself, so don't[complain] about me doing the same."
Your henchmen are your offense and defense simultaneously, of course you have to support them primarily. Go back to the very beginning where I talk about a Mastermind on his own. If you are on your own, you are helping nobody. This is still a bogus complaint because your attitude towards your henchmen doesn't change the fact that your overflow buffs will still help the team much more than a DPS role would.



Well that's one school of thought. It's not mine. Keep in mind the only buffs that require you to choose between a teammate or your minions are Forge, Painbringer and Temporal Selection. I'm really not interested in defending my position, but there are very strong arguments that a team is better off with those buffs on high damage ATs rather than pets. Play how you want though, don't matter to me.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Oh one thing I forgot to mention- I would like to see Radiation Emission and Cold Domination ported over to Masterminds, as well as possibly Kinetics.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I'm mad.

I know people take issue with that because MMs are powerful with just SO's but what people don't realize is that even if you IO an MM to the gills the effect is nowhere near as profound as it is on a soft caped Scraper or perma-domination Dom. In my opinion to make an MM effective in the iTrials you have to soft cap yourself and the pets. Its pointless otherwise. If your pets are not softcaped then your secondary (whatever it is) may as well not even be their because you will spend all your time resummoning and rebuffing your pets.

So playerbase in your opinion is there any other AT that needs help as much as MM's post I24?
Okay, I know almost nothing about MMs. However, ignorance is a great spot to learn stuff at! What I do know about them is from hearsay in the game. I have heard how it is easy for an MM to solo GMs and AVs for instance, and how they are the easiest class to do this with. Is this true? If so, do they need a buff? Not all characters (or archtypes) are meant to be able to be perfect at everything. Just asking.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Okay, I know almost nothing about MMs. However, ignorance is a great spot to learn stuff at! What I do know about them is from hearsay in the game. I have heard how it is easy for an MM to solo GMs and AVs for instance, and how they are the easiest class to do this with. Is this true? If so, do they need a buff? Not all characters (or archtypes) are meant to be able to be perfect at everything. Just asking.
MMs are not the best class to solo GMs/AVs with, but they are probably the cheapest. And MM can do amazing things without any IO investment whatsoever. My Nin/Time/Mace is my big game hunter, and he's been doing it since before I gave him a single IO.




How can you say MMs are 'useless on iTrials' when you've only ever run the first two?



That's a good point Agent White, he probably retired his MM before the recent pet buffs I mentioned above. Bronze, I would suggest giving trials another shot, especially BAF or Keyes. I actually feel BAF is very MM friendly.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Oh one thing I forgot to mention- I would like to see Radiation Emission and Cold Domination ported over to Masterminds, as well as possibly Kinetics.
I think that Kinetics would be a bit weak on MMs right up until you got Fulcrum Shift at which point it would be to good. A group of Fulcrum Shifted henchmen is just plain nasty.

Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Okay, I know almost nothing about MMs. However, ignorance is a great spot to learn stuff at! What I do know about them is from hearsay in the game. I have heard how it is easy for an MM to solo GMs and AVs for instance, and how they are the easiest class to do this with. Is this true? If so, do they need a buff? Not all characters (or archtypes) are meant to be able to be perfect at everything. Just asking.
It's easy for some MMs to solo AVs/GMs. I don't think that anyone is going to argue in favor of a buff to the top-tier MM sets (Bots, Thugs and Demons) they are fine as is. What people would like to see is the lower tier sets (Mercs and Ninjas in particular) bought up to par.



I don't think it'd be weak. Only one power in Kinetics has to do with giving allies more recharge. You'd have an AoE heal, a way to buff all of your pets damage to the roof, a nice s/l resistance buff that also makes them nearly immune to mez... and even Speed Boost to buff their endurance recovery so you could get away without slotting endurance reduction in them.



MMs need buffing like tankers need more hit points.

I mean, seriously, I read something like"

For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required" to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
and just start laughing. They're not "required" to in the least. Is some content nastier to MMs than to other classes? Sure. Just like Romans and Vanguard can chew through otherwise-tough melee classes, or Carnie psy damage is a nasty surprise, or Arachnos seeming to mostly shrug off control effects.

Now, that isn't to say some *sets* can't use help - typically Ninjas. And even that's going to vary some by secondary and playstyle. Or, as Adeon says a couple posts up:
I don't think that anyone is going to argue in favor of a buff to the top-tier MM sets (Bots, Thugs and Demons) they are fine as is. What people would like to see is the lower tier sets (Mercs and Ninjas in particular) bought up to par.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post

How can you say MMs are 'useless on iTrials' when you've only ever run the first two?
Wat? I have run all the iTrials on sevrial different characters. My Bot/FF has done LAM, BAF, KEYS, UG, TPN, MOM, MAG.

She is also ranged soft caped herself and has softcaped pets in addition to T4 in all incarnate ability's, yet when compared to my scraper/VEAT/Cor? shes useless. My scraper, VEAT, Cor can all solo their way through the LAM warehouse. I try to do that on my MM and I die, either due to the pets not being their or my low HP or not being in BG mode.

Now BAF, UG, MOM, are ok for MM's. But the LAM, Keys, TPN, MAG all SUCK for MMs, in my opinion.

Now I am going to be reinvesting in my Merc/Traps, I got a new build planed that softcaps him but not the pets and has decent support. Once I get it built I'm going to do a lot of trials with him, get him up to T4 in all the Incarnate goodies. I'm just going to know that no matter what I do I'll always be under-performing. It just burns me ya know?

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
I don't think it'd be weak. Only one power in Kinetics has to do with giving allies more recharge. You'd have an AoE heal, a way to buff all of your pets damage to the roof, a nice s/l resistance buff that also makes them nearly immune to mez... and even Speed Boost to buff their endurance recovery so you could get away without slotting endurance reduction in them.
Never underestimate what a movement buff to your pets can offer. When they all move faster they tend to stay together better. Easier to heal them/easier to buff them.

The main problem with Kinetics is that it's not terribly survivable on it's own. It's only slightly more survivable than Empathy (which needs to be buffed) because of the damage debuffs, which aren't that severe. In essence, Kinetics just buff up their damage/recharge and DPS race the enemy. Give that to a pet class and you'd have about the same effect as giving Illusion to a Dom; everything is dead and nothing can defend itself against you.

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I don't think that anyone is going to argue in favor of a buff to the top-tier MM sets (Bots, Thugs and Demons) they are fine as is. What people would like to see is the lower tier sets (Mercs and Ninjas in particular) bought up to par.
Considering what my Demon/Time can do compared to my old Merc/Trap, I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
MMs need buffing like tankers need more hit points.

I mean, seriously, I read something like"

and just start laughing. They're not "required" to in the least. Is some content nastier to MMs than to other classes? Sure. Just like Romans and Vanguard can chew through otherwise-tough melee classes, or Carnie psy damage is a nasty surprise, or Arachnos seeming to mostly shrug off control effects.

Now, that isn't to say some *sets* can't use help - typically Ninjas. And even that's going to vary some by secondary and playstyle. Or, as Adeon says a couple posts up:
This is just my opinion. Perhaps I should have use the word "need" rather than "required" still my point is that yes Ninja and Merc sets need help, but so dose the MM AT. When the devs have seen time and time again players optimizing time to reward ratio, and finding ways to speed through content, some buffs to MM to enable them to do the same would be nice. Look at the I24 buffs, the Devs were trying to lower the blasters downtime between spans by giving them +regen why is the down time between spawns an issue? Because people speed through the content. Again in my opinion.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Wat? I have run all the iTrials on sevrial different characters. My Bot/FF has done LAM, BAF, KEYS, UG, TPN, MOM, MAG.

She is also ranged soft caped herself and has softcaped pets in addition to T4 in all incarnate ability's, yet when compared to my scraper/VEAT/Cor? shes useless. My scraper, VEAT, Cor can all solo their way through the LAM warehouse. I try to do that on my MM and I die, either due to the pets not being their or my low HP or not being in BG mode.

Now BAF, UG, MOM, are ok for MM's. But the LAM, Keys, TPN, MAG all SUCK for MMs, in my opinion.

Now I am going to be reinvesting in my Merc/Traps, I got a new build planed that softcaps him but not the pets and has decent support. Once I get it built I'm going to do a lot of trials with him, get him up to T4 in all the Incarnate goodies. I'm just going to know that no matter what I do I'll always be under-performing. It just burns me ya know?
Okay, gonna remind the kind and gentle folk of Locker C18 that I know nothing about MMs. Still, from hearsay in the game (it is easiest to get a SOd MM to solo AVs and GMS) and the statement of the OP above (I'm great on some incarnate content but not ALL) I am unsure the archetype is in need of a buff. Would be me similar to complaining about my Invulnerability Brutes (Oh, on 97% content I get great performance, but I can struggle with End and Psi, so BUFF NE NOAHZ)



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Okay, gonna remind the kind and gentle folk of Locker C18 that I know nothing about MMs. Still, from hearsay in the game (it is easiest to get a SOd MM to solo AVs and GMS) and the statement of the OP above (I'm great on some incarnate content but not ALL) I am unsure the archetype is in need of a buff. Would be me similar to complaining about my Invulnerability Brutes (Oh, on 97% content I get great performance, but I can struggle with End and Psi, so BUFF NE NOAHZ)
But that's just it. My Scraper, VEAT and Cor are good on all the other content. their is always a approach or strategy I can use to do well with those characters. Its just the MMs that constantly under-perform. (in incarnate content)

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Would be me similar to complaining about my Invulnerability Brutes (Oh, on 97% content I get great performance, but I can struggle with End and Psi, so BUFF NE NOAHZ)
I don't think "struggle" is the word. I think the issue is that MMs are sorta binary. Either they do great or they're almost completely useless. If we could upgrade that useless to a struggle I'd be happy.



If MMs as a whole are under-performing for you, then its safe to say that the problem is not with the AT.