MM's and incarnates content, lack of ballace in MM's, huge differences between old and new sets...




Yeah, but you are saying the MMs do not always underform. You mentioned about half the Incarnate Trials. I know MMs are solid in regular play, I have seen friends run them. So really we are talking about a few trials in the entire game. My Invulnerability Brutes can have Endurance issues, and have a weakness to Psi damage (count the missions and Trials that can give you fits on!) other than that they are really solid performers. Should I be asking the Devs to either patch my armors or stop writing missions that have those challenges in them?

Compare this to the change being made to Blasters. Blasters suffered from 1) Being written as Blappers 2) Having no ability to deal with Agro they call down 3) Having no "target range" that the character is supposed to try to maintain 4) Having almost every set a mix of cones/balls/beams/melee PB 5) crashes. They were a mulitool that everyone else had the same tool gotten a different way without paying a huge price. Everyone else was focused, Blasters were Jack of all ranges and master at nothing. The changes to Blasters have started to address some of these issues. IMO Blasters still need a better Mez Protect option and a slightly higher overall damage mod, but give it a year of playtesting I guess.

You suggest a major change to MMs even though MMs are performing wonderfully in most all of the game, and struggling in a few Incarnate trials. I am almost always for buffing characters. I am a min/maxer from way back with pencil/dice games. But you need to argue a little cleverer for your point here, I am not seeing it.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
But that's just it. My Scraper, VEAT and Cor are good on all the other content. their is always a approach or strategy I can use to do well with those characters. Its just the MMs that constantly under-perform.
Which Scrapper(s)? Which VEAT(s)? Which Corruptor(s)? Compared with which Mastermind(s)?

Ever sense Incarnate content came out my BS/SR has been severely under preforming compared to all of my other mains. I know it's not the AT because I can watch others tear it up.

On the other hand, my Fire/Dark Brute, Dual/Dark Corruptor, Electric/Force Controller, and my Kheld have been rolling with little effort. Only reason I don't list my Demon/Time among them is because she only has one set and is only half equip with Incarnate abilities.

Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
I don't think "struggle" is the word. I think the issue is that MMs are sorta binary. Either they do great or they're almost completely useless. If we could upgrade that useless to a struggle I'd be happy.
If there's anything worth changing on Masterminds as an AT, I think making the inspirations they use buff their pets (within range) would fix that issue.

Edit: That effect could even be cut in half, or a third, or a quarter for your pets, so that manually giving them inspirations still offers more benefit.



I think manually giving your pets inspirations already cuts them by half of what they would affect you.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Edit: That effect could even be cut in half, or a third, or a quarter for your pets, so that manually giving them inspirations still offers more benefit.
Why not do reverse Bodyguard? Each inspiration used on the Mastermind is duplicated, and then split between all henchmen affected by Supremacy. If all six are in range, each receives a sixth of that. Or maybe that's too stringent, but it could work that way nevertheless.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Why not do reverse Bodyguard? Each inspiration used on the Mastermind is duplicated, and then split between all henchmen affected by Supremacy. If all six are in range, each receives a sixth of that. Or maybe that's too stringent, but it could work that way nevertheless.
Could work the same with IO sets.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Could work the same with IO sets.
I personally feel at that point you'd be buffing Masterminds too much, especially considering what the aura IOs can offer.

Inspirations can take an impossible situation and upgrade it depending on what you use. The reason Masterminds can fall into these unwinnable scenarios so much easier than other ATs is a combination of inspirations doing so much less for an AT that wins and loses through their pets, and because their weakness is so much stranger than other ATs (AoE damage to pets).

At least, that's what I've observed.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Which Scrapper(s)? Which VEAT(s)? Which Corruptor(s)? Compared with which Mastermind(s)?

Ever sense Incarnate content came out my BS/SR has been severely under preforming compared to all of my other mains. I know it's not the AT because I can watch others tear it up.
Scraper is a BS/SD/WM, VEAT is a petless Crab/Crab/Leviathan, Corr is a DP/Traps. MM's are Merc/Traps and Bot/FF/FM.

Anything /SR should trash Incanate content with all that Defense....

I think 1/2 of set bonuses affecting MM pets is fair but beta testing would need to be through.

On inspirations 1/2 to 1/4 affecting pets when used by the MM sounds good. But no AT should be relying on inspirations to fix its problems.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Yea, and Masterminds as an AT don't really have problems. The only place they start to lag behind is the extreme high end, because IOs don't benefit Masterminds as much as other ATs. Which is why my suggested solution is something that only affects Masterminds with IOs.

It isn't the AT itself that is under-performing, it is a few sets in particular that are lagging behind the other sets.

Mercenaries is often considered the least powerful Mastermind set, which is why you may think they're under-performing.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I think that Kinetics would be a bit weak on MMs right up until you got Fulcrum Shift at which point it would be to good. A group of Fulcrum Shifted henchmen is just plain nasty.
Whenever people say that Kinetics would be too OP on a MM, I remind them that MMs can team with Kinetic players and enjoy the benefits of Kinetics at a higher buff/debuff rate. And yes, that's different than being able to do it solo, but we're talking iTrials here, which aren't solo content. The point is that when MMs team with Kinetics, it's great; but it's not an "I Win" button.

Besides Dark Miasma can provide -60% Resist Debuff; floor ToHit; and -500% Regen Debuff half the time. Kinetics isn't going to jump to head of the class.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Whenever people say that Kinetics would be too OP on a MM, I remind them that MMs can team with Kinetic players and enjoy the benefits of Kinetics at a higher buff/debuff rate. And yes, that's different than being able to do it solo, but we're talking iTrials here, which aren't solo content. The point is that when MMs team with Kinetics, it's great; but it's not an "I Win" button.

Besides Dark Miasma can provide -60% Resist Debuff; floor ToHit; and -500% Regen Debuff half the time. Kinetics isn't going to jump to head of the class.
While I think that was a terrible analogy, because my Mastermind doesn't lag in Incarnate content anyway, I think your comparison of Kinetics to Dark Miasma is a strong argument. Darkest Night has a damage debuff as well and Fearsome Stare also provides soft mez.



Honestly the only trial that's a pain with my MM is LAM (damn near impossible actually so I usually just unsummon my Bots until the end or avoid the trial altogether) a TPN requires some fast commands (numpad bind helps a lot here) to switch them to passive for outdoors but other than that I really don't see the fact on a Baf/UG/DD/MoM & Magi I watch mobs melt in front of my firepower

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Whenever people say that Kinetics would be too OP on a MM, I remind them that MMs can team with Kinetic players and enjoy the benefits of Kinetics at a higher buff/debuff rate. And yes, that's different than being able to do it solo, but we're talking iTrials here, which aren't solo content. The point is that when MMs team with Kinetics, it's great; but it's not an "I Win" button.

Besides Dark Miasma can provide -60% Resist Debuff; floor ToHit; and -500% Regen Debuff half the time. Kinetics isn't going to jump to head of the class.
Quite frankly, I think Kinetics goes straight to the bottom of the class if it gets ported. I'm not going to support this statement in depth right now, but Kin is not a care bear set.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I have wondered sometimes... What would happen if Mastermind Henchmen stopped level-scaling and all showed up matching the level of the Mastermind? What would need to change about them and would that help more than it'd hurt?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well, that already happens in all incarnate content, even the solo ones. And really... there isn't much of a difference.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have wondered sometimes... What would happen if Mastermind Henchmen stopped level-scaling and all showed up matching the level of the Mastermind? What would need to change about them and would that help more than it'd hurt?
That's essentially what happens during incarnate content. They still scale but they get additional level shifts so they're even level with you.



I "feel" a better kill speed with Thugs. The kamikaze is a pretty high damage minion, but at -2 he always gets diluted. At even level his mortality rate goes down (some) and his damage goes up. I'm going to guess that other primaries that depend on lieut and minion pets (ninja, necro) for damage see a noticable improvement. The minions are going to do 25% more damage (.8 to 1.0) after all.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I will only address questions I feel able to answer.

On a team what do you expect the mastermind to do? / What role do you expect him to fill on a team?
Depends a lot on the secondary as a bot/pain i found i was able to assume a support role quite well( not that i enjoyed it) With traps i fill a debuff/dps role very well. The beauty of the master mind is it's versatility.

Do you think the MM's role on a team changes depending on the content? (I.E. Does the MM do the same job on a paper mish team as he does in the iTrials?)
Same as above but like any other AT your accomplishments might be drowned out a little because you may have 5-10 other people doing the same thing you are..(debuffing, buffing,healing,pew pewing)

Do you consider MM's to be tanks?
Being new to CoH I have heard this " Masterminds were originally meant to be Redside tanks" I say hogwash Brutes were. Can a MM tank? Oh sure and i can do it quite well Do I feel I can or should replace tanks/brutes? No way. I have always thought of MMs to be a support/DPS Hybrid

Do you think it's fair that some MM's can slot the unique recharge intensive pet IO's and more easily soft cap their pets giving those sets an inherent advantage over sets that don't offer that?
Only IOs I would want from those sets are the +Res/+Def ones to stack with the ones I have! Which the New ATOs give us ( the one coming out looks VERY promising!)

For that matter do you think it's fair that MM's are "required"(need) to slot 5/7 unique IO's in their primary powers just to bring them up to the point where they last long enough to do anything in the high level content?
It is My understanding that IOs are not -needed- at all that the game was not adjusted to take them into account..again being here for a little elss than a year I am not sure if anyone has ever tried ITrials on SOs. But I use NO purples in my build and the only unique I run are easy to come by ones (+Def/+Res, the ATO ( cheap at 5mill each) and overwhelming force) Other than those i use rather mundane IOs that were very cheap and have felt just as safe on my Brute!



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Well, that already happens in all incarnate content, even the solo ones. And really... there isn't much of a difference.
Wait, what? Are you saying that's the case in Dark Astoria, as well? That might be... Interesting. So if even level henchmen aren't broken in Dark Astoria, would they be broken in regular content? Because with that in place, maybe I'll be able to finally solo Mako's Fonts of Power.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wait, what? Are you saying that's the case in Dark Astoria, as well? That might be... Interesting. So if even level henchmen aren't broken in Dark Astoria, would they be broken in regular content? Because with that in place, maybe I'll be able to finally solo Mako's Fonts of Power.
Yes, its the case in both Dark Astoria and the Emperor's Sword arc.

I don't think there'd be any problem with all your henchmen being even con to you in regular content.



I had kinda figured the whole even level incarnate thing was testing the waters for making them just always even level. Almost like they started something and then quit.

There is a pretty damn huge difference in survivability there, because the pets take less damage from enemies that don't con as high against them.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
I had kinda figured the whole even level incarnate thing was testing the waters for making them just always even level. Almost like they started something and then quit.

There is a pretty damn huge difference in survivability there, because the pets take less damage from enemies that don't con as high against them.
Actually I think it was more likely so that mastermind pets could survive something stronger than a sneeze. Remember, all iTrial critters are -minimum- level 54



Unsolicited comment from peanut gallery: Part of the trouble with Kinetics is it gets better the further away you get from taking it on a Defender. But I see this as a "Defender" problem primarily and not entirely a fault of the set.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Actually I think it was more likely so that mastermind pets could survive something stronger than a sneeze. Remember, all iTrial critters are -minimum- level 54
Walk into a level 54 non-Incarnate mission. Same thing happens.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Walk into a level 54 non-Incarnate mission. Same thing happens.
Yeah but that only happens if you up your difficulty. Normal content is balanced on basic settings. You don't get a choice in iTrials.



Sadly your favorite MM (Mercs) has always been considered the weakest link among the others.. Personally I dislike Ninjas more but that's because they seem the hardest to actually control (picture 6 pets that all tend to act just like the combat medic and want to run up into mobs and die). LOL

I have a Merc/Dev that has managed to have some limited success on Incarnate trials but it is much more difficult than with my other MMs.... My Thugs/DM rules BAFs and Gang War has helped leagues I was on Polish off Mother Mayhem in under 2 minutes duringa MOM. I never had a problem with my Bots/DM either but Bots was always one of the stronger original sets. I'm not saying I don't EVER have to resummon but I have taken Thugs and Bot on UG, TPN, BAF, and even DDs and been a useful member of the league.. Any squishy has problems on Lambda and an MM is probably the worst At to send into a warehouse after anything.. They usually just wind up dead.. of course if the 50 +3 level tanks and Brutes didnt run off to show how cool it is they can solo in there and stucjk with the team an MM might last a bit longer but you can't ask for miracles

Now my new BM/Thermal MM does quite well on any trial . She can heal and buff not only the team but her pets so they tend to last a lot longer.

Do I think MMs need/deserve a buff? YES .. they have the lowest hit point total of any AT mainly because the devs assumed the pets would pull aggro off the MM and keep them alive. Well I have seen plenty of cases where my pets were almost completely ignored and the mob came straight for ME! Plus as we all know at the higher levels the mobs all catch up and then pass the pets and they start dying like flies. Once they are gone I am left standing there with 3 attacks, no defense and LOW hit points .. may as well paint the target on my chest and point the enemy in my direction. Better control of pets would be a real treat.. can we please PLEAS PLEASE .. stop the crap where my arsonist, my combat medi, ect, ect etc.. feel the need to rush forward after one attack and DIE? Every single minon I own is capable of long ranged attacked.. why do they all act like Skulls? fire off one shot and then run up and try to club the enemy to dealth with a completely loaded gun? and finally either allow the pets to keep that almost dominance they have over enemy mobs at low levels when they get to the high level content or give ME some inherent defenses or MORE health.

Of course no one will ever be 100% satisfied with any AT and we all want more out of each and every one but yes I do think the Masterminds deserve their turn on the table and hopefully they come out better than before. Oh I almost forgot to add.. either stop counting them as attackers or make dang sure any league wide BUFF you create buffs enough attackers so I don't have to dismiss my pets like we did for a while during the MAGI. yeah who though up THAT bright idea? lol

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