MM's and incarnates content, lack of ballace in MM's, huge differences between old and new sets...




Speaking of, I did a Magi about half an hour ago. Had the misfortune of having my three small pets get killed at one point, could not for the life of me get them back up and fighting until the rush of destiny buffs right before the engagement with Tyrant.

They'd get killed with a sneeze.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Speaking of, I did a Magi about half an hour ago. Had the misfortune of having my three small pets get killed at one point, could not for the life of me get them back up and fighting until the rush of destiny buffs right before the engagement with Tyrant.

They'd get killed with a sneeze.
That's pretty expected, since Tyrant's sneezes can kill just about anyone.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
That's pretty expected, since Tyrant's sneezes can kill just about anyone.
Cept it wasn't him hitting them, it was everything else. After the destiny buffs before everyone jumped in, all of my pets did fine.



As a few people here are saying..I think it is more the specific power sets than the AT..mostly. Someone upthread was asking what sets your scrapper and corr were, instead of just saying 'oh my scrappers rock for everything'.

I am quite sure things like a Traps MM could, and would be tough, needing to enter melee to use your secondary in the same manner as you would in normal content. Even MORE so until you get all the level shifts. works the same for most ATs I find.

I have played a heap of toons through the trials, and while all feel very helpful, I have no problem adjusting my tactics a little for the new conditions. Of course..I also agree that 'some' of the conditions are very very unfair to MMs (lambda collection phase) but others are better in some ways (keyes pulse, even though its a joke now).

Not sure how things could be/should be fixed..again, I dont think it is an AT issue, aside from those certain times. I did like the idea of pets sharing your inspirations..thats a good one. And yes, even IO bonuses.

(Oh and YES, it is totally unfair that some sets and combos cant use all the uniques. Imagine the cry from min/maxers if for some reason..certain builds could not use the +def IOs, or the +res ones, hell, even not being able to slot panacea or other procs)



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Sadly your favorite MM (Mercs) has always been considered the weakest link among the others.. Personally I dislike Ninjas more but that's because they seem the hardest to actually control (picture 6 pets that all tend to act just like the combat medic and want to run up into mobs and die). LOL

I have a Merc/Dev that has managed to have some limited success on Incarnate trials but it is much more difficult than with my other MMs.... My Thugs/DM rules BAFs and Gang War has helped leagues I was on Polish off Mother Mayhem in under 2 minutes duringa MOM. I never had a problem with my Bots/DM either but Bots was always one of the stronger original sets. I'm not saying I don't EVER have to resummon but I have taken Thugs and Bot on UG, TPN, BAF, and even DDs and been a useful member of the league.. Any squishy has problems on Lambda and an MM is probably the worst At to send into a warehouse after anything.. They usually just wind up dead.. of course if the 50 +3 level tanks and Brutes didnt run off to show how cool it is they can solo in there and stucjk with the team an MM might last a bit longer but you can't ask for miracles

Now my new BM/Thermal MM does quite well on any trial . She can heal and buff not only the team but her pets so they tend to last a lot longer.

Do I think MMs need/deserve a buff? YES .. they have the lowest hit point total of any AT mainly because the devs assumed the pets would pull aggro off the MM and keep them alive. Well I have seen plenty of cases where my pets were almost completely ignored and the mob came straight for ME! Plus as we all know at the higher levels the mobs all catch up and then pass the pets and they start dying like flies. Once they are gone I am left standing there with 3 attacks, no defense and LOW hit points .. may as well paint the target on my chest and point the enemy in my direction. Better control of pets would be a real treat.. can we please PLEAS PLEASE .. stop the crap where my arsonist, my combat medi, ect, ect etc.. feel the need to rush forward after one attack and DIE? Every single minon I own is capable of long ranged attacked.. why do they all act like Skulls? fire off one shot and then run up and try to club the enemy to dealth with a completely loaded gun? and finally either allow the pets to keep that almost dominance they have over enemy mobs at low levels when they get to the high level content or give ME some inherent defenses or MORE health.

Of course no one will ever be 100% satisfied with any AT and we all want more out of each and every one but yes I do think the Masterminds deserve their turn on the table and hopefully they come out better than before. Oh I almost forgot to add.. either stop counting them as attackers or make dang sure any league wide BUFF you create buffs enough attackers so I don't have to dismiss my pets like we did for a while during the MAGI. yeah who though up THAT bright idea? lol
Well... there is this thing called Bodyguard Mode. Use it, take Provoke, and tank for your pets. It makes everything much easier.

Also, while in bodyguard, you effectively have over 5000 health. They don't need more.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Not sure how things could be/should be fixed..again, I dont think it is an AT issue, aside from those certain times.

... I think that's mostly the core of it.

It's not really an AT issue as in "The AT needs buffing." I *really* don't. It's an AT as in "playstyle and specific kryptonite" (AOEs, basically) issue - and I don't mean that as an attack on the OP, I mean it as if you move too fast, you can find good chunks of your HP and offense trailing behind you, ineffective, or making friends with things you'd rather not meet.

Other ATs don't really have anything similar to worry about - yes, most controllers/doms get a pet lagging behind, but that's not the majority of their powerset.

I don't, frankly, agree with the OP's reply to me about "speeding through content" being any sort of a yardstick. Some people like "speeding through content," sure. Others don't. If he's going to do any sort of comparisons, strip away your level shifts and IOs for an even playing field and see what happens.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Well... there is this thing called Bodyguard Mode. Use it, take Provoke, and tank for your pets. It makes everything much easier.

Also, while in bodyguard, you effectively have over 5000 health. They don't need more.
This is a great idea in theory, but it also means that you have a severe hole in AOE mitigation as your health pool is getting hit 7 Times.

In all honesty Masterminds do need a look at as a class that does not work as intended, and as a class that was designed with specific things in mind 7 years ago, with a lot of very archaic and frankly very poor design choices made. Not blaming anyone on this, but with the half a decade of experience they have had with the sheer amount of issues with MM pet AI going back and looking at every pet one by one and working around the issues would be a good idea.



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
This is a great idea in theory, but it also means that you have a severe hole in AOE mitigation as your health pool is getting hit 7 Times.

In all honesty Masterminds do need a look at as a class that does not work as intended, and as a class that was designed with specific things in mind 7 years ago, with a lot of very archaic and frankly very poor design choices made. Not blaming anyone on this, but with the half a decade of experience they have had with the sheer amount of issues with MM pet AI going back and looking at every pet one by one and working around the issues would be a good idea.
The AI... is bad, I'll admit.

However, as for the AoE weakness, it isn't as bad as you make it out. Direct cones away from your pets and keep a good 15 foot distance from them. Hop around a bit. For the most part you can keep stuff just hitting you.



I would love to see that AoE hole removed (either by heightened, innate AoE defense or some method of reducing the damage they take form all AoE hits), but I'm worried that would be too much. That could bring some Masterminds up to Brute/Tanker abilities to sustain damage (though still not aggro), and that would be any damage, regardless of type.

If that's all Masterminds were, I'd see no problem. But exactly how much damage are Masterminds doing? How much are they healing/buffing/debuffing for? Would it be balanced to give Masterminds the potential to tank for real? Not just the tankermind-style tanking, but real main tanking, like a survivability-buffed scrapper with Provoke, minus the need to have that buff come from an ally.



Actually, a Mastermind can potentially hold more aggro than a tank, because each pet has an aggro cap of their own. Now, maintaining that aggro is another thing, and pets are terrible at it.

A high innate AoE defense (kinda like what Stalkers get in Hide) would be cool, if the AT was under-performing. But it isn't. The ATO proc does give quite a bit of AoE defense, for the IO level.



Originally Posted by Athena Six View Post
Being new to CoH I have heard this " Masterminds were originally meant to be Redside tanks" I say hogwash Brutes were. Can a MM tank? Oh sure and i can do it quite well Do I feel I can or should replace tanks/brutes? No way. I have always thought of MMs to be a support/DPS Hybrid
I'd just like to point out that this isn't hogwash.

It's not something the community made up, a conspiracy theory.

No it was actually stated by the developers themselves at the time that Masterminds were originally designed to be a Tank/Support hybrid. Brutes were the Tank/Damage hybrid admittedly.

Keep in mind that all the CoV ATs were designed around being hybrids of things unlike their CoH counterparts, the only one that is a straight up 'deals damage' is Stalker, everyone else is either a Damage/support (Corrupter), Damage/control (Dominator), Tank/Support/Damage (Mastermind) and Tank/Damage (Brutes) hybrid.

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Outside of /Force and /Dark, Mastermind pets are not made to bodyguard and take aggro. Without sizable buffs/debuffs/mez, beyond what most secondaries can muster, they will die.

I'm not talking number of enemies because, you said it yourself, pets can't maintain aggro. I'm talking hits, I'm talking standing in front of Statesman, spitting on his shoes and not getting your melee pets Zues'd to Hell.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I retired him when the BAF/LAM came out because he just couldn't keep up. He wasn't soft caped and his low health meant he would die every other spawn. I just stopped playing him because I knew that no matter what I did he was useless in the new endgame.
What, were you trying to solo the spawns? All of my squishy characters have this problem unless they follow someone tougher who can take the aggro. Why should masterminds be any different?

And yet, despite this low survivability that you claim makes them useless, I have six squishies (controllers, defenders) up to level 50+3 incarnate status.
Not seeing a problem.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
What, were you trying to solo the spawns? All of my squishy characters have this problem unless they follow someone tougher who can take the aggro. Why should masterminds be any different?

And yet, despite this low survivability that you claim makes them useless, I have six squishies (controllers, defenders) up to level 50+3 incarnate status.
Not seeing a problem.
The theoretic problem is that Masterminds aren't necessarily squishie. I have Provoke on my Mastermind. I've tanked TFs. I've tanked AVs (with support).

The problem that iTrials cause for Masterminds is two-fold, with one that builds upon the other. As enemy con goes up, pets' survivability goes down. Way down. And pets can't just punch inspirations to cope with it. They can't react like an intelligent player and evade death with maneuverability and tactics. They'll just do what they always do; run in and fight until something dies.

Not only does damage go up as con separates, so does hit checks for the favored side. Those hit checks translate to AoE damage often dropping pets that are standing in the wrong place; and does so very quickly.

I don't really care personally. I just treat my Mastermind like a damage/support character on iTrials. But that's the phenomenon being discussed at it's core. Compare a Scrapper's survivability with a Mastermind's in all content and you'll see a very strange curve form. One where Masterminds are more survivable at one point, and Scrappers leap ahead as enemy level goes up. And that's against any mob type.



Yes, PBAoEs do kinda suck when fighting a single hard target. I don't notice it much due to all my pets being soft capped, but when they do hit my entire lower tier can get wiped out. Which is bad, because being ninjas that was most of my DPS.

But then I just summon them, and get on with killing whoever it was, lets say Statesman.

The secondaries that seem to struggle most are those lacking an AoE heal, because just like an AoE attack will be like 7 times damage on you, and AoE heal restores 7 times as much health. This is one reason /Time and /Dark are so popular, both have very powerful AoE heals. Both also have great debuffs and buffs. /Time gets Farsight and Time's Juncture, which together can nearly softcap a pet (barring tohit debuff resistance), a powerful control in Distortion Field, and a massive -def and -res debuff. Whereas /Dark gets Fearsome Stare, a fantastic crowd control, and enough -tohit to floor most enemies, as well as Tar Patch.

Both of these sets perform amazingly well because of a combination of buffs, debuffs, and AoE heals. Sets like Sonic and Force Field have amazing buffs, but lack in heals and debuffs. Trick Arrow has good debuffs, but no real way to keep your pets alive. /Traps, while great, also lacks in an AoE heal, and to lay something like Trip Mine you have to stop moving, exposing your pets to AoE damage. Pain has amazing heals, but the resistance buff in World of Pain just isn't enough in higher difficulties. Poison has amazing debuffs, but only a ST heal and no buffs.

Like all ATs there are combinations that are more than the sum of their parts, like Bots/Traps and Beast/Pain.

But, and this is the important part, even the least synergetic combinations are still powerful. A Merc/Poison is probably the least synergetic thing you can make and you can still kick the game's behind with it. When you go up to something like Demon/Time then most content becomes trivial.

Like I said earlier, the weaker sets do need to be brought in line with the others, but this is more for the sake of balance within the AT than balance compared to other ATs. Comparing MM performance to that of any other AT is difficult due the different weaknesses, but by general consensus Ninjas and Mercenaries ARE under-performing... for an MM set. Not necessarily for a set as compared to the rest of the game.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
I would love to see that AoE hole removed (either by heightened, innate AoE defense or some method of reducing the damage they take form all AoE hits), but I'm worried that would be too much. That could bring some Masterminds up to Brute/Tanker abilities to sustain damage (though still not aggro), and that would be any damage, regardless of type.
I know the pet lvl shifts were changed recently. Looking at lore pets, then ALL have an aoe def of that to MM pets..



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I know the pet lvl shifts were changed recently. Looking at lore pets, then ALL have an aoe def of that to MM pets..
Would easily be overkill. Something closer to the tune of 10% base, with any buffs or proc auras on top would be enough. If the devs wanted Masterminds to tank.



Agreed. 50% would be way to good.
But..even if it was 10% aoe we LEAVE it at that? 10% aoe def, to say..robots to gonna be a big deal. 10% to robots with pet uniques and a secondary with some +def is even bigger! 10% to necros is jack, and still not that great unless the secondary was say..ff or maybe traps.
I remember my necro poison MM..and the pets just got stomped by basically any aoe whatsoever. In NORMAL play (not just incarnate). Goes back to what I said about this being more a power set and combo thing than the AT itself.



In the vein of making pets spawn at the Mastermind's level, would it be too much to give Masterminds a decent ranged damage mod? I ask because for every Mastermind out there aside, three out of his primary attacks are next to useless, and those are the personal attacks. Granted, for Beasts that's slightly less the case as personal attacks give Pack Mentality, but when the going gets tough, those are still the first three powers I stop using.

Masterminds have the game's lowest damage mod by quite a bit at 0.55, followed by Defenders at 0.65, but Defenders, at least, get a Vigilance damage buff when they're alone. A Mastermind, by contrast, has a pitiful damage mod making all of his attacks basically pointless... And those attacks cost an arm and a leg, especially the AoE one. It just makes the powers a bad choice to take, is what I'm saying.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The -resist on the Demon Summoning whip gives them utility, but most support ATs do the same thing in a group. When things go south you stop attacking and start doing damage control. It's just that, on a Mastermind, you're never not in a group.

I do get where you're coming from, though. On AV/GM fights I get more mileage out of stacking -regen then real attacks.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
In the vein of making pets spawn at the Mastermind's level, would it be too much to give Masterminds a decent ranged damage mod? I ask because for every Mastermind out there aside, three out of his primary attacks are next to useless, and those are the personal attacks. Granted, for Beasts that's slightly less the case as personal attacks give Pack Mentality, but when the going gets tough, those are still the first three powers I stop using.

Masterminds have the game's lowest damage mod by quite a bit at 0.55, followed by Defenders at 0.65, but Defenders, at least, get a Vigilance damage buff when they're alone. A Mastermind, by contrast, has a pitiful damage mod making all of his attacks basically pointless... And those attacks cost an arm and a leg, especially the AoE one. It just makes the powers a bad choice to take, is what I'm saying.
I hear ya. Until the MMs' personal attacks do more damage than the Vet attacks (Sands, Wand, and Staff), I will never take a MM's personal attack.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I hear ya. Until the MMs' personal attacks do more damage than the Vet attacks (Sands, Wand, and Staff), I will never take a MM's personal attack.
I'm the poor sod who keeps taking and slotting and using these attacks, and I always feel like a fool when I do it. But God damn it! I want my commander to be able to fire a rifle and thugonomics graduate to be able to pop caps in people's *****! Which is to say I'm biassed - I take these attacks, and I just want them to stop sucking.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think a case could be made for giving MMs a damage buff when their pets aren't out.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Speaking of, I did a Magi about half an hour ago. Had the misfortune of having my three small pets get killed at one point, could not for the life of me get them back up and fighting until the rush of destiny buffs right before the engagement with Tyrant.

They'd get killed with a sneeze.
Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
Cept it wasn't him hitting them, it was everything else. After the destiny buffs before everyone jumped in, all of my pets did fine.
Yes, without team buffs minion class pets often get stuck in a death loop. Makes me mad when they die while the summon animation is still playing, which happens often in the iTrials.

Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Well... there is this thing called Bodyguard Mode. Use it, take Provoke, and tank for your pets. It makes everything much easier.

Also, while in bodyguard, you effectively have over 5000 health. They don't need more.
But if the pets aren't with you when you take all that damage you die.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... I think that's mostly the core of it.

It's not really an AT issue as in "The AT needs buffing." I *really* don't. It's an AT as in "playstyle and specific kryptonite" (AOEs, basically) issue - and I don't mean that as an attack on the OP, I mean it as if you move too fast, you can find good chunks of your HP and offense trailing behind you, ineffective, or making friends with things you'd rather not meet.

Other ATs don't really have anything similar to worry about - yes, most controllers/doms get a pet lagging behind, but that's not the majority of their powerset.

I don't, frankly, agree with the OP's reply to me about "speeding through content" being any sort of a yardstick. Some people like "speeding through content," sure. Others don't. If he's going to do any sort of comparisons, strip away your level shifts and IOs for an even playing field and see what happens.
I'll get to the issue of pets laging behind in a min. As to comparing ATs by striping the IO's and Incarnate ability's is it not also fair to compare them when they have IO builds that are more or less the same? Why should investing a lot of IOs in one AT make it more effective than one you invested the same amount of IOs in?

Also when was the last time you did a non speed LAM? On the TFs yes I agree those are not run at speed as often. But why should my MM be locked out of X or Y content due to his inability to contribute because of the way the content is constantly run? That is as mutch a content problem as it is a AT problem because the other AT can keep up with it.

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
What, were you trying to solo the spawns? All of my squishy characters have this problem unless they follow someone tougher who can take the aggro. Why should masterminds be any different?

And yet, despite this low survivability that you claim makes them useless, I have six squishies (controllers, defenders) up to level 50+3 incarnate status.
Not seeing a problem.
Yes, I would like to solo spawns. My DP/Traps Corr can with the help of one small purple. My Mercs/Traps can't live long enough for the pets to get there. That is the problem I am seeing with MM's. Bodyguard works great when the pets are there; all too often pets are not there.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
In the vein of making pets spawn at the Mastermind's level, would it be too much to give Masterminds a decent ranged damage mod? I ask because for every Mastermind out there aside, three out of his primary attacks are next to useless, and those are the personal attacks. Granted, for Beasts that's slightly less the case as personal attacks give Pack Mentality, but when the going gets tough, those are still the first three powers I stop using.

Masterminds have the game's lowest damage mod by quite a bit at 0.55, followed by Defenders at 0.65, but Defenders, at least, get a Vigilance damage buff when they're alone. A Mastermind, by contrast, has a pitiful damage mod making all of his attacks basically pointless... And those attacks cost an arm and a leg, especially the AoE one. It just makes the powers a bad choice to take, is what I'm saying.

Yes the personal attacks need a reduction in end cost and more damage.

Now then last night I ran 1 LAM 2 BAF 1 KEYS 1 TPN 1 DD. Got Alpha to T3 and got 3 VR's.

LAM sucked due to warehouse as always. BAF went fine. Keys sucked due to pets not following me up the reactors fast enough, tho the AM pluse has been nerfed to hell so that wasn't a problem. TPN was a royal pain. every time I went outside all my pets would die, every single time I was ported outside. DD on the other hand went great pets kept up with the group and I felt like I was really helping.

Now then my suggestion for the MM AT is this. Give MM's a new inherant power that teleports all pets to the MM. A no end cost, no recharge, no activation time, click power that moves your pets to you. Or give MM pets more +runspeed, a lot more. If I have my pets with me and I'm dieing its my fault. If I'm dieing and my pets are taking a smoke break on the other side of the map that is the games fault.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



If you run into a spawn with Bodyguard mode while the pets aren't there, that is your own fault. They already do teleport to you if you get too far ahead.

MMs, as an AT, are not under-performing at the level the game is balanced at. The only time they start to lag a little, and not even that much, is when IOs are take into account. And the game is not balanced around IOs. So just letting the pets all receive half of the set bonuses you have so long as they are in Supremacy range would solve them at the IO level without impacting the normal game.

... That said, a power that teleports them to you would be convenient. But I'd rather them actually listen to my commands than drag them to me forcefully.