Elite Bosses and Arch-Villains in Dark Astoria
No thanks.
You can struggle along with 7 others to bring down a villain that really has no business story or lore-wise being that powerful if you want to, but I don't. You have the entirety of the remainder of the game to do that.
But DA is dedicated to making our Incarnate characters actually feel like demigods. When a team of demigods get together, it should be a curbstomp.
Working as intended.
Thought this was odd too. After running many DD trials, the Sentinel fight was pretty lackluster. I didn't expect an iTrial level fight, but I thought he would at least last longer than 5 seconds. Weird.
The Blue Steel fight was similar, but at least that one was comical. Didn't expect to see him and his heroic monologue at the end of that mission only to see him attempt to retreat after getting trounced.
I heard many others mention this EB issue over broadcast in DA too so it sounds like something is definitely wrong.
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No thanks.
You can struggle along with 7 others to bring down a villain that really has no business story or lore-wise being that powerful if you want to, but I don't. You have the entirety of the remainder of the game to do that. But DA is dedicated to making our Incarnate characters actually feel like demigods. When a team of demigods get together, it should be a curbstomp. Working as intended. . |
That is... unfortunate. With recent incarnate powers and better slotting most of my toons can solo an AV, and I think it would be really epic if, while running these arcs, they could do try to do so.
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I'ld be up for having them fix [if its not WAI] the EB > AV scale in DA certainly! Though i dread to think what the Cimerora mission would be like with that setting, my stj/energy scrapper never died so much in that mission! Was an awesome challenge!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
But we CAN'T do that. That was the point of the post, after all: they spawn as EBs, even if we have AVs enabled. If you don't want to fight AVs, great, don't, that's what the setting is for.
Go run a trial. Then you can be one of 24 faces in a crowd who has to struggle against Nightstar who's 20x stronger than any player there.
But then it feels "Why are half of us here? We just curbstomped MAJOR VILLAIN in 3 seconds."
That's not powerful. That's basically us godmodding our way through. And that's dull. Why bother running? Just push button - get XP.
These are things that should be, for teams, spawning as AVs. Like the Sentinel. It feels underwhelming.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
But then it feels "Why are half of us here? We just curbstomped MAJOR VILLAIN in 3 seconds."
Which major villain?
Tub Ci? You're an Incarnate, he's not. Last time I fought (Praetorian) Tub Ci in the teen levels, I stomped his head in. Why should he be a challenge to me and 7 other 'demigods'?
That's not powerful. |
Nor is 'demigods' getting wrecked by citizens tossing stones.
These are things that should be, for teams, spawning as AVs. Like the Sentinel. It feels underwhelming. |
DA is written and designed with soloing/small teaming in mind. Hence, things like the Lone Wolf badge. You're not LONE if you came with seven others. In eight years years ONE zone comes out that is explicitly oriented towards soloing. DA is it. Sure, it allows for teaming, but it's clearly intended to favor soloing. Which is why you're rolling it so badly on a team.
The REST of the game is the opposite. There, soloing is the afterthought. It's supported, but the enemies are scaled down to be EBs. Even the Notoriety contacts say that the enemies are natively AVs and EB is a watered down concession.
So again, you're better off playing a trial or TF if you want to be a faceless cog among many, battering a big bag of HP and regen.
I agree with the folks that say the EBs should scale and/or honor the mission holder's difficulty settings. In other words, they should be AVs who scale down, not EBs who can't scale up. Edit: I mostly mean the key individuals, not the EBs in the Cimeroran mission. Those are EBs elsewhere in the game, and are plenty challenging in their existing format due to numbers.
There's no more reason to force them to be ants before a team than there is to force AVs on soloists.
I know I'm not personally there to steamroll the new content so I feel powerful, despite being in there on maxed-out Incarnates with IO-heavy builds. I turn up the difficulty to where I have to work at victory and can die if I'm sloppy.
It is pretty apparent to me that the new foes we find in DA are incarnate-class. Knives of Vengeance have allied with The Furies, who I understood to have links to the eponymous Well. The LT and Boss rank Tsoo have bonded with their Ancestor spirits, which I could see as a roundabout path to tapping into the potential of past powerful beings in the way the Well allows our characters. (And if he has soldiers like this, why wouldn't Tub Chi have such bonds?) The Banished Pantheon bosses and LTs are bonded with a resurgent Mot, an Incarnate on a level our characters haven't begun to reach. The only critters regularly found in DA that don't have what I think is a tie-in to possible Incarnate power is the Circle of Thorns and the occasional Knives of Artemis.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
You refer to the last EB? Yeah, that's not him, just a small aspect of him. One of his Lore pets, as it were.
Essentially, you kicked his dog.
The entire last mission is us battling Mot. That includes clearing the 200 BP and everything outside, so I'd hardly call it a 30 second curbstomp.
It's still deeply unsatisfying to have the final confrontation with the forty foot monster being over in less than 5 seconds. That's a definite AV spawn there.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
It's still deeply unsatisfying to have the final confrontation with the forty foot monster being over in less than 5 seconds. That's a definite AV spawn there.
I like teaming. I dislike the playerswarm, where I'm a ninja in the ninja mook squad.
There's more to the game than just SOLO! and ZERGLING!
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I could see some of the EBs being "AV-able" if a team was set for that. Romulus, Requiem, Scorpion, Blue... maybe Mot's big Purple People-Eater... But it really wouldn't make sense for all of them to be. Tub Ci, for instance? He's chump-material any way you look at him. Like the Mother Ceres, he's fine as an EB I'd say. Curb-stomping suits "supporting cast"-level goons like them.
The toughest one to make the AV/EB choice for, IMO, would be Marcus... The Sentinal really walks that line between being a Big Bad and a being a Speed Bump story-wise. He *looks* like he ought to be an AV, big spikey monster that he is... But is he really supposed to be as much of a potential threat as the Purple Guy? Of the two, the Purple one just seems to suit AV status a little better.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
I think they're looking at it the way they looked at Tips:
ie: "people will want to solo these, best not put AVs in them"
I disagree of course, I think some people will have teams and others will want to solo those AVs, but I think that's the philosophy
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
No thanks.
You can struggle along with 7 others to bring down a villain that really has no business story or lore-wise being that powerful if you want to, but I don't. You have the entirety of the remainder of the game to do that. But DA is dedicated to making our Incarnate characters actually feel like demigods. When a team of demigods get together, it should be a curbstomp. Working as intended. . |
AV's for group content please!
@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.
There is, of course, the third option where you fight AVs solo. Yes, AVs are not mutually exclusive with soloing. So, lets recap what we could have here:
EBs for soloists.
AVs for soloists.
EBs for teams.
AVs for teams.
All under the control of the notoriety contacts. I really see no reason why we wouldn't do this.
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There is no sensible justification for this position. Why do you care if it can be made harder so long as you get access to the same non-difficulty you have now?
You want challenge? Run trials without your level shifts. Not challenging enough? Take out those expensive IOs. Still craving challenge? Do the above on a Blaster.
The DA content is fine. Solo oriented content does not need to fully support large teams anymore than TFs and and Incarnate Trials need to support soloists.
If someone complained that the STF wasn't good for soloing, and expected the devs to change it, people would laugh at them. Because the STF is for teams.
DA isn't for teams. DA is the solo Incarnate path.
It's perfectly fine to have content that isn't really team friendly, especially since we have a glut of content in the form of TFs and trials that certainly isn't solo friendly.
Let me preface this by saying I am seriously enjoying the new stuff in Dark Astoria. It's well written, challenging, entertaining stuff that makes me feel powerful and important and respected by the contacts and NPCs. The zone is atmospheric, the maps are very good looking (and I want them in AE
), and enemies challenging. So good job there, devs.
But a little quibble, or possibly even a bug, regards the endbosses. A lot of enemies that make up the big final challenge for a level, like The Sentinel or Blue Steel, spawn as EBs, even when you're set for AVs to spawn and on a six or seven man team. Even the final confrontation is this way, spawning as an EB no matter what. So they get curbstomped.
Given how much of a buildup we're getting to these fights, I feel this has to be an oversight. We need these guys as being able to spawn as AVs in order to provide an acceptable challenge to teams... or survive long enough for us to see their attacks.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age