1383 -
Oh please no. Why would you guys want to hear about this stuff?
When one of my favorite writers died years ago it absolutely broke my heart, when I found out that the next project she was working on while she passed was absolutely perfect, both for her and for me. It broke my heart all over again to know about what could have been and knowing that it now NEVER will be. -
Meh, NCSoft gets the honor of being the second ever game company on my personal boycott list. (The first being Obsidian Entertainment for ruining great franchises by making half completed, unfinishable, bug infested games that, saddest part of all, had the potential to be great. Burn me twice, but certainly not 3 times.)
I'm burnt on MMO's too for the foreseeable future. All that time, money and, lets not forget, emotional investment just isn't worth it if you can't rely on it being there when you want it to. -
I actually laughed out loud on a couple of those takes. That's pretty rare for me and videos like this, so thanks.
Quote:Already did that. First thing I did when coming home from work today.Agreed. If people really want to do something, we should also make sure to advise everyone to remove their contact info and credit card numbers from their NC master accounts, when it all ends.
Our email addresses are valuable marketing dollars to NCsoft. And accounts with credit card numbers already on file are even better. So yes email away but if this all goes south, don't leave your data on file with NCsoft. Remove it all. -
I was actually getting back in to playing after a summer of inactivity ... now I feel like someone ran over my dog...
Put in the new one! Please! I've been waiting since forever for someone to get around and fix it. Much appreciated!
Quote:The pack does not have any actual astronaut costume pieces no matter how much you claim that it does. It does have both a male and female retro sci-fi space suit. That's an important distinction you insist on overlooking.What part of "I'm not talking about retro sci-fi" or "this pack has both retro sci-fi and actual astronaut costume pieces" don't you understand?
Women are missing a piece from the astronaut costume and the retro sci-fi boots can't replace it.
And no, scadily-clad women with glass bowl on their heads are not astronauts.
So, yes, scantily clad women with a glass bowl on their heads are not astronauts, but they are retro sci-fi and exactly what this pack is supposed to represent. If anything the female costumes pieces in the pack are overly concealing. (Not advocating for more skin, just saying.)
Here're some pictures: pictures!
That being said, I wouldn't mind some heelless boots for the female space suit. I generally prefer women, and thus also my female characters, without high heels. -
Quote:There's also Kick-*** (my favorite superhero film), V for Vendetta, The Incredibles, Megamind, Unbreakable, Watchmen, heck even the first half of Hancock was great. I'd rate any of those, well not Hancock, above any of the recent Marvel films or Serenity.Apart from the two Batman* films and the first Superman, there are none which are comparable as films to a top ten (or top 20) of SF films.
Sure, the X-men films are okay as thowaway popcorn flicks, but they simply aren't in the same league as The Day the Earth Stood Still (original), Forbidden Planet, Avatar or Star Wars.
*Some would include Burton's Batman films, but they score higher with the non-fanbase (Burton's Batman Returns is a favourate of Mrs PRAF, who doesn't like the Nolan films). I might throw in the Hellboy films, personally.
Superman II suffers a bit as it's FX haven't aged as well as some of the other films mentioned.
I also love how you try to pass your own completely arbitrary and biased view off as the one authority on what is "good" and what isn't. -
Quote:That you state these two statements as fact is enough to prove that SuperOz has a point.Quality isn't the same as popular. The greatest computer game ever is Planescape: Torment, but it was a financial flop. Why? Because 1)Marketing was poor, and 2) It was too sophisticated for the average rube.
And we all know CoH is a much better game than the one with 11 million subs.
Quote:Sure, it pays Fillon's bills, but it's not going to be remembered in 10 years. -
The whole way they went about the valentine costume pack still baffles me.
The pocket D valentine pack strikes me as something that would be a good seller all year round. I don't understand why they choose to make that one the limited time valentine pack, instead of doing something similar to the end of year event packs. They should've put the toga and sandals and stuff, bundle it with that new cupid bow and add an emote or two and a flavor power, like a cupid pet or some bow and arrow temp and call that the pack. Would've picked it up in a heartbeat. Going through Snaptooth every year 4 times per new character got old years ago. -
Quote:So they just have to put them up as VIP exclusives in the market. Crisis averted.I specifically bought $100 in points so that I would have the tokens for Celestial before they got rotated out (please note I am now sitting on like 8000 or whatever points, unused!). This was before they changed their story from "eventually they will be rotated back in (with the implication that everything stays T9VIP exclusive)" to "eventually they may not be T9VIP exclusive but available through other means" (with the possible implication that means it won't be T9VIP).
If they had announced the latter when they talked about rotating Celestial out, I sure as hell wouldn't have bought those points. I would have been content to wait it out and get Celestial eventually by "some other means"...I waited until only a few weeks ago to get them anyway, another month or two wouldn't have hurt.
As it is, since I'm pretty much uninterested in the Incarnate system, if they give away the VIP rewards in such a way that doesn't require VIP to obtain, I will be unsubscribing and playing as a Preemie. Since they want to KEEP subscriptions (if you believe their repeated "subscriptions are our core focus" mantra), this sounds RESOUNDINGLY STUPID in a business sense. -
Quote:Begone you filthy plebeian!not a jab at you, but one group of people that seem to be ignored in this argument are the VIPs who aren't t9 yet. we pay every month to play, yet there is some stuff that is not available to us because
a) we haven't been playing the game for YEARS
b) haven't spent a bunch of money to "get ahead" so to speak
as I stated earlier, if I wanted any of the t9 stuff, I would have to fork over $210.00 extra dollars or wait another 2.5 years...
Oh, no, wait, that's Voodoogirl's argument, not mine. Got it mixed up there. -
Quote:So the value of those points you bought just magically went "POOF" after you spent those tokens, right? You didn't get $45 worth of points to spend in the market?This. I bought points to get the tokens to get the costume pieces. $45... and now it's practically going to be given away.
NOT spending money on tokens ever again.
People need to get a sense of perspective.
And nothing is going to be given away as of yet, nothing has been decided yet on future availability. This whole thread is just speculation.
And I spent 55 on tokens to get access to Celestial. I probably still would have if they became available for me in a year. If only for the free access to the future T9 costumes. -
Quote:There's a difference between stuff being VIP exclusive and them being so far out of reach for a lot of years long vets they might as well not be there.If you're not willing to make VIP exclusive like it's supposed to be, don't do it at all.
Also: Good suggestion. -
Quote:I was going of the assumption that people had read my previous post a little bit earlier in the thread, (Silly of me to assume people to actually read the thread before responding, I know. *passive aggressive winkey* ) where I proposed the costume sets be put in the market only AFTER they were rotated out of the paragon rewards program and that they keep them restricted to VIPs for purchase. This way T9 VIPs get exclusive "free" access to the costumes for 8-12 months and even after that they remain exclusive to VIPS willing to spend the money.The whole purpose of T9 VIP rewards is to reward VIP subscribers with something unique that can't be obtained any other way, in game or via the market. Making a T9 VIP reward freely available the market makes the T9 Reward row meaningless. I could just go Premium and earn reward tokens whenever I want to buy something of the market - like a T9 VIP reward costume set - but then CoH loses out on the monthly $15 I spend on the game and may perhaps just get the occassional $5 or $15 purchase from me once or twice a year (versus twelve $15 monthly payments.)
Does that make sense? I believe it's been reiterated multiple times in this thread and people either lack reading comprehension or just don't want to acknowledge that argument.
That's even more exclusiveness than I'd like to see, but I understand the marketing position behind this, so I think this makes for a nice compromise.
In that context I don't see people not wanting to spend their tokens on the sets but rather wait a year and then drop money and spend their tokens on consumables instead as a problem. It's a valid choice to make, under that system imo.
The devs already said they were going to make rotated out costumes available through different means. I think that putting them up for sale under the above restrictions is the best way of doing that. People caring about elitist exclusives can remain elite and exclusive for up to a year (or forever really, since there will always be costume sets the "plebs" won't have access too at the time under the T9 system), people who want the items but haven't been subscribed for 5+ years or don't have a large chunk of cash to drop on the market at once for tokens can get the items eventually, and Paragon Studios gets extra cash. Everyone wins. Unless you don't want people to have access to the items ever again after they rotated them out...
So, I see your argument, I just don't think it makes a lot of sense outside of the "I'm l33t veteran, and I don't want them filthy beggars to get their hands on my stuff EVAR!" mentality. Which I simply don't acknowledge as valid. -
If this isn't a bug, then I'm going to assume that my overly wordy and passionate plea to put these up for sale back in that thread on this subject a while back is what made them change their minds.
Quote:I'm failing to see the problem with this. If you'd rather wait 6 months or however long for the costume sets, then spend money on it and in the mean time spend your tokens on the consumables then that's a perfectly valid position to take.This
Especially if I know if I wait long enough I get it for less or free as a VIP.
I don't see how that would a counter argument to putting the costume set in the store though. -
You spent those $45 on either 3 months of subscription or a bunch of points. In either case the tokens you get are a bonus, an extra. Equating that money to the cost of the costume set is completely outside any sort of sensible perspective.
Quote:I hate the idea. It'd limit availability to people with Incarnate characters. Even the current T9 system doesn't do that.Oooooooo I like this idea! Anyone else?? Because I looove the Ascension stuff but I haven't even earned one piece yet. I drool over any hero I team with who has pieces.
I'm working on the merits but it's slow going for me, which honestly, I don't mind.
If the devs are stuck on keeping the T9 VIP sets as both T9 and VIP exclusives I'd like to see them simply added to the market as VIP exclusive items once they are rotated out of the T9 rewards options. 6 months of T9 exclusivity is plenty imo.
I have no problem with availability being gated behind a VIP subscription, it never hurts to have more incentives for people to subscribe. But the T9 restriction misses the mark imo. It's simply to far off for most people. It's so far off that they'll never reach it before its removed. And bridging the gap by throwing a good chunk of money at it (which can be hundreds of $), is not an option for everyone. Even to some of those who already are playing a couple of years it can appear as nothing more than a frustratingly moving goal post. Because of that it loses its appeal and stops being a fun goal to aim for, an incentive.
And no, this is not me being bitter at T9s. I got the Celestial pieces months back and am eagerly anticipating the Mecha stuff. But I know people who simply haven't been playing long enough (even though they have more than a couple of years on the counter) or have the financial resources to buy themselves into T9 and who will be really sad if they can never get their hands on the Celestial stuff.
So I hope the devs just put the rotated out costume sets in the market at the normal costume set price. -
I want to throw in my support for this request, as I too have been waiting/hoping/wishing for something like this for a while now.
1. SyrusB/Liz
2. Tartyrsauce
3. Furry Jackal -
Quote:And as a villain player from the start, this is just about the last thing I want. The bleak and depressing feel is the great thing about the Rogue Isles. The last thing the devs should do is take away its current atmosphere.As far as red-side zones go, I'm not sure if there's any in real need of being revamped. The Mercy update did wonders for it as a starting zone, but none of the other zones have the same problems that Mercy had. There's the aesthetic issue of the Rogue Isles as a whole, but that really comes down to personal preference (I, for one, am not particularly bothered by everything being grimy and red). And a wholesale remake of the Isles to make them "brighter" is beyond the scope of what the developers would be willing to do.
The hero zones are far more in need of an update than the Rogue Isles anyway. I'm actually playing a lot more heroes now with the Atlas revamp. The place finally got some character. This villain votes for the devs putting their time and effort in updating the Paragon zones first. And making the Shards coop, and fill it up with Incarnate arcs and trials. -
Quote:Haha! Seriously? Insulting?Wow, for once I actually agree with you on something. They might as well just give every character 10000 influence (or 8000, I guess would make more sense...or 10008). I remember when we used to get respec tokens with actual Issue releases (since, you know, pretty much every Issue release ever has had character-redefining power changes? including recent Issues which haven't come with a free respec...).
Like Energon said, you don't have to do anything...but you might as well have done nothing. You may have other stuff coming down the pike but this little tantalizing bit of nothing is really not tantalizing at all, it comes off as insulting more than anything else. Still, at least you're not charging us 8 PP for it...
Anyway. The reason why we're not given this choice, apart from them not having too give it to us, is, as usual, quite simple. Time and money.
There is no way currently in game to provide the sort of choice you're asking for. Which means such a system would have to be developed for it. Which, I'm guessing, since it doesn't already exist, is not a trivial thing. Which means that they would have to dedicate a non trivial amount of effort for ... what reward exactly? Addressing a couple of misguided entitlement issues? -
Quote:And this is the root cause why I don't pvp in this game or games like this (anymore. I did, in another game in the past. Even won tournaments). I don't want to have to pick a certain AT and a certain power set to be competitive. I hate having to spend a lot of time and effort into getting a character up and running, kitting it out in exactly one way to have it perform at it's peak abilities.Balance has always been a rallying cry for people wanting to *fix* PvP.
People want their flying AR/devices to perform at the same level as a fire/em blaster. That is doesn't work. It doesn't work in PvE it doesn't work in PvP.
You *can* make almost anything a viable PvPer- with the right build and skill. However, you will still perform better if you had a fotm with the right build.
That's why (as I said in that other thread) this game, and games like this, will never have balanced pvp, and thus no pvp that I will enjoy. PVP, imo, should be a match of wits and skill against wits and skill, during the actual match. Going into a fight and realizing that your opponent just happens to be the paper to your rock and there not being a whole lot you can do about it isn't fun imo. (unless you completely overclass your opponent in the wits and skill department, but that's not a whole lot of fun either.) It's better in team pvp where you can fill in the gaps with your teammates, sure, but I'm don't have the time nor the inclination to be part of a more or less dedicated pvp group. I'm not much of a team player anyway.
For this reason I prefer to PvP on grounds that do provide that basic balance. Games that are built from the core up around competition while providing everyone whit the same tools going into the match. Like some FPS (I HATE the shooters that give people in game advantages if they have played longer or dole out more cash or ...) or the more balanced RTS games (poorly balanced RTS games just make me sad.)
That's why I13 pvp missed the mark for me. I pvped some before that, but haven't for more than 30 minutes since then. It intended to create that balance, equalizing the power sets and ATs. Which is a good intent, imo. But, apart from the fact that it didn't succeed, it did so by completely altering the way power sets, and thus characters, play inside and outside of pvp. Making it even harder for people to get into pvp, and making it even more important that you jump through all the hoops of making a specialized build for it. As I see it, it achieved the exact opposite of what it was attempting to achieve.
The sad thing is that I don't really see how they can fix that. Because you simply can't balance this game for pvp, because at its very core that balance just isn't there. There're just to many different powers and archetypes to ever hope to make them balanced in any way. It's not a big deal in PvE, because a) I don't play this game to compete against my teammates and b) basically every powers combination in game is "good enough" to stand up to just about any realistic challenge in the game. You can only achieve that balance by starting anew, by changing the core mechanics of how this game works, effectively turning pvp into a different game. It's what they attempted and failed to do with I13. And as demonstrated that just isn't going to please most people, including me, and it this point it certainly isn't worth the effort anymore.