COV Edition Cape in Costume Creator




OMG....when did they put the COV DVD Edition Cape and the Cape Of The Four Winds in the Costume creator????

I was making a new costume and came across them...they are not for sale yet, but I want the Villain one so bad I could cry.

I love you Devs


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



About time

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I coulda sworn they went on about how they had no intention to ever sell the DVD edition stuff in the Market. Guess they realized how silly that policy was.

For the record though, the CoV Collector's Editions are super cheap. I picked one up for around 5 dollars, pretty sure it came with the free month too.



Could be a bug.

I had the the Heart pattern show up on characters that didn't earn it, only to receive the SKU error when I checked the store.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Been wanting this for YEARS. Would throw points at it in a heartbeat.
Please make this and Prestige Power Slide/VIP available please.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Do you mean as free for all or was it removed for all? Swore i've had mine forever now

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I think the op means it shows up in the costume creator but is locked from access.



I could have sworn that was the default behavior since Freedom launched. All of the costume pieces that are potentially available are in the costume creator just locked if you either can't use it due to VIP/Collector's Edition items you don't have access to or because they are pieces you haven't purchased yet.

I could be mistaken though, I can't check using the CoV cape, as I have that already. Was there a costume piece associated with the original Collector's Edition that shouldn't be available to someone that hasn't applied that code? I think everything that was part of Going Rogue is available to VIPs (at various reward levels) at this point, right?

Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:



Originally Posted by Zybron1 View Post

Was there a costume piece associated with the original Collector's Edition that shouldn't be available to someone that hasn't applied that code?
Cape of the Four Winds.

And considering things said at the Pummit this past weekend, I think seeing this show up may be a glitch unless they are showing all costume pieces available even if they require an unlock of some kind.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



If this isn't a bug, then I'm going to assume that my overly wordy and passionate plea to put these up for sale back in that thread on this subject a while back is what made them change their minds.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Cape of the Four Winds.

And considering things said at the Pummit this past weekend, I think seeing this show up may be a glitch unless they are showing all costume pieces available even if they require an unlock of some kind.
Hmm, it's been a bug for a while, then, cause I seem to recall having the DVD Edition (which is Cape of the Four Winds) listed in the creator, but locked, for me for a while. And I just checked, it is locked for me, as I would expect, since I have not applied an original Collector's Edition code to may account (yet).

Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:



And ironically, I want to get rid of that damn cape. I hate it. It sucks. And yet the hideous ugly thing is always the first option my capes default to. I want to kill it for those hundreds of clicks that have added up over the years from having to move the option over to non-rubbish cape designs.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This request was bright up at the Player Summit, and got a negative reply.
The reply, from my perspective, was closer to 50/50.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The reply, from my perspective, was closer to 50/50.
You heard it here folks cape of the four winds for i23!



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This request was bright up at the Player Summit, and got a negative reply.
The reply, from my perspective, was closer to 50/50.
The reply, from my perspective, wasn't so much as percentage of whether or not they'd like to make it available, but rather that while some would like to offer it to everyone some things were said in the past that are keeping it exclusive.

At least as long as there are people still working there that remember what was said about it being exclusive.

That was what I took away from the exchange at least. But then again, I could have misinterpreted the meaning based on my own perceptions.

Of course, I know this means they'd have to get rid of Positron and WarWitch at the very least and possibly some others (Crosscheck? Giant Monster? TheDarkWatcher? Ghost Falcon? Maybe others?).

I don't think the idea of getting rid of those people so they can change plans would go over very well.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
At least as long as there are people still working there that remember what was said about it being exclusive.
That's what I remember hearing too, which (as I recall) ended the discussion rather quickly.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The reply, from my perspective, was closer to 50/50.
I haven't followed what happened at the Summit so out of idle curiosity, does this mean there's any chance of people getting Power Slide from the CoH Collectors Edition?



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Of course, I know this means they'd have to get rid of Positron and WarWitch at the very least and possibly some others (Crosscheck? Giant Monster? TheDarkWatcher? Ghost Falcon? Maybe others?).

I don't think the idea of getting rid of those people so they can change plans would go over very well.
Why do you assume the people responsible for the exclusivity policy are Positron, Warwitch, or any of the other devs rather than some upper management twits that are using their authority to remain nameless?

I've never heard any names mentioned.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
The reply, from my perspective, wasn't so much as percentage of whether or not they'd like to make it available, but rather that while some would like to offer it to everyone some things were said in the past that are keeping it exclusive.

At least as long as there are people still working there that remember what was said about it being exclusive.

That was what I took away from the exchange at least. But then again, I could have misinterpreted the meaning based on my own perceptions.
I wouldn't say you misinterpreted anything. However, it's also entirely possible that perspectives can change over time. There's a lot of things that people said would *never* happen with CoH that have over time.

The important thing is that we don't make decisions such as this in a vacuum, which we don't.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There's a lot of things that people said would *never* happen with CoH that have over time.
I remember lots of things being called "prohibitively time-intensive" and similar phrases... I don't remember things every being outright stated as "never going to happen"... Specifically, I am thinking about various exchanges with BaB re: Power Customization.

Have I missed such definite negatives about things?




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Why do you assume the people responsible for the exclusivity policy are Positron, Warwitch, or any of the other devs rather than some upper management twits that are using their authority to remain nameless?

I've never heard any names mentioned.
I never heard any names mentioned either. I didn't make any assumptions that the people I named were the ones responsible.

I pulled the names of long-time employees that were likely around at the time the exclusivity statements were made. Since it was mentioned that as long as some of those people were around it wouldn't lose the exclusivity, I just named "some" of the people that were possibly discussed simply due to them having been employed there during that time. After all, you gotta get 'em all or there still might be one you don't know about to muck it up.

It's unlikely that they'd get rid of any of the ones I named either.

After all, we now know that the reward for 10 Years working on/with the game is being promoted to Producer/Prime Minister of Paragon.

That can only mean that those with almost that much time must be marking their calendar's for their promotion dates.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.