Discussion: Celebrate City of Heroes' 8th Anniversary with a Free Respec!

Ael Rhiana



Celebrate the 8th Anniversary of City of Heroes with a free Respec! On April 24th, 2012, we will be granting a free Respec Token to all characters in City of Heroes Freedom. Please be aware that this token does not stack with previous free Respec Tokens that you have accrued, so if you're on the fence about using one, now's your chance! Remember, you won't get a free Respec Token unless you've already used the last one, so if you would like to get one, use the old one now!

Thank you all for continuing to support City of Heroes, the world's best super heroic MMO! And don't worry, we have lots planned for the 8th Anniversary, so keep an eye on our website, as well as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the forums!

Kevin Callanan
Community Specialist
Paragon Studios



Free respec token? >.<
Why not a choice?
-Server slot (Account Reward)
-Reward Token (Account Reward)
-Respec Token (Character Reward)
-Rename Token (Account Reward)
-Server Transfer Token (Account Reward)

I understand that this is something you guys do not have to do, and i am thankful you guys do do something for us. However, Respec? I can get a free respec in game when i need it.

Anyways.. Grats on 8 years of being a great game!

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
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Grats to the one of the best MMOs, of which I've been proud to have been a part and look forward to many more seasons herein!

I know there's no reason for the company to give anything at all to us players , even for an anniversary. However, I would have liked to see a ..token.. of something more valuable, other than a respec , like a server slot , a chest emblem etc..at least.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Well, the respec token is the first (and easiest) thing to give out. He did say there was other stuff.

And really, while 8 years is great, I'd be expecting more "stuff" for the 10th, not 8th.



I've got dozens and dozens of these things, unused. This is mildly disappointing.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I was afraid you'd forgotten about the 8th year anniversary. Thanks for remembering - hopefully we'll see an in-game event and maybe another year badge with it, if that works out. It'd be fun to see a ton of giant monsters spawned in Steel Canyon again.

Glad to see the respec's not the only thing; it makes sense that it would be announced to give people time to use any existing ones, even if the rest of the event isn't ready to be revealed yet.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
Free respec token? >.<
Why not a choice?
-Server slot (Account Reward)
-Reward Token (Account Reward)
-Respec Token (Character Reward)
-Rename Token (Account Reward)
-Server Transfer Token (Account Reward)

I understand that this is something you guys do not have to do, and i am thankful you guys do do something for us. However, Respec? I can get a free respec in game when i need it.

Anyways.. Grats on 8 years of being a great game!
Wow, for once I actually agree with you on something. They might as well just give every character 10000 influence (or 8000, I guess would make more sense...or 10008). I remember when we used to get respec tokens with actual Issue releases (since, you know, pretty much every Issue release ever has had character-redefining power changes? including recent Issues which haven't come with a free respec...).

Like Energon said, you don't have to do anything...but you might as well have done nothing. You may have other stuff coming down the pike but this little tantalizing bit of nothing is really not tantalizing at all, it comes off as insulting more than anything else. Still, at least you're not charging us 8 PP for it...

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Why is there weeping and wailing everytime we get something free?
Because they didn't see the rest of the post, I bet. Seriously, it's just a head's up akin to "Use those free respecs, guys!" while they put the 8th year anniversary decorations up.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




"We're going to give you free stuff guys, here's a heads up!"



you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Personally, I don't care about a 'free-spec'....I'm still waiting for my 7th year Vet badge. Just sayin'.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Why is there weeping and wailing everytime we get something free?
It's the timing. We should have gotten a freespec with Issue 22. You know, when they actually made changes to the game that would have required a respec, instead of simply handing it out as a toy.

Also the whole "oh hey we've got lots of great stuff planned but here's this little thing".

Another fail by marketing. Pretty much every promotional piece is borderline insulting, I'm almost at the point where I'm just expecting it.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...




So I22 gets to be one of the "Your freespec's coming, but it'll be a little late" issues.

Thanks for the news, I'll be a little happier going out and grabbing those ATOs now.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



*waits for the video celebrating the eighth anniversary of the game*

Sorry, I won't have time to make one for you this year. New job and all that. So please don't let me down!


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Someone would complain about a free steak dinner did not have dinner rolls, or the soda was warm...




Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
"We're going to give you free stuff guys, here's a heads up!"





I for one VERY much appreciate free respecs, since I like to keep all my characters up to date with all the new stuff coming out. Things like ATOs (some of which are not exactly optional if you're inclined towards performance) and revamped powersets all necessitate respecs, so it's nice to get a hand in staying on top of it all.

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Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

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Ignore the petulant children in this thread Paragon studios team. Free Respecs are always awesome.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



I've got a couple of characters that I've respecced often enough to be running low. None of them are all the way out of respecs, as a 6 year vet I've got a lot of vetspecs per character, but low enough to start hoarding them. So yeah, I'm grateful, at least. (Maybe this also explains why we didn't get one with i22, when the stalker changes were significant enough that quite a few stalkers could have used one?)



I am also in agreement. I have about 8 Vet specs on each toon as it is, plus a freebie already there, plus the option of running 3 trials to get one later. No need for another.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Why is there weeping and wailing everytime we get something free?
It's a slap in the face to capitalism?

Seriously... complainers... calm down.

Thanks for the heads up!

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