Shadow Ravenwolf

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  1. All I can say right now is Thank You Sam!! Thank you for everything you did for us.
  2. Thanks for the fun Omega. If I can make it to the Guardian Finale, I'll be there. I'm not going down quietly.
  3. Word tend to fail me lately, so I will say that the sentiments in this thread can sum up how grateful I am to you for your efforts within this community. May the best of your past be the worst of your future, and may you find us again one day.

    Heroes, Villains, Vigilantes and Rogues alike. It is beyond our petty differences and moral entanglements that we must strive to reach, for our very existence has been called into question. We face extinction by the callus hand of NCSoft's bean counters. They do not see us for the unique cultured family we represent. They haven't experienced the love and support that immeasurably binds us beyond the bounds of Cyberspace. They see only profits and loss, numbers on a ticker.

    Blinded to the sterile statistics of a ledger and a ticker, we must open their eyes. We must show them how much of a mistake it will be to destroy us. We must continue with our petitions, our write ins through snail mail, our phone calls to their offices. We must gather those who can believe in the human spirit, whether they have ever set foot in Paragon or the Rogue Isles, and show our love for our City.

    I love City of Heroes with everything that I am. This game saved my life. You see, I wasn't planning on sticking around. Life was underwater and I was losing my ability to float. I had been through several betrayals, bad decisions on my part, witnessed the darkest side of humanity, and was ready to give up on everyone around me. That's when a dear friend of mine showed me a place where I could fight my demons.

    Shadow Ravenwolf first set foot in Atlas Park and I was awestruck. I have been playing video games since 1982. I have played good guys, bad guys, machines and a hungry yellow orb who wasn't so terrified of blue-blinking ghosts on his track to get some fruit. Video games were something that I would play, put down, pause, live life and come back as I wanted to. They had no specific hold on me or goal and lessons to teach me. Professor CoH was about to hold classes and I was to be strapped down to my desk. The world I experienced was nothing like i had ever encountered. It was a living landscape, full of life, people, stories, and adventures. It was full of the very demons that had convinced me it was time to leave it all behind. It was also full of people who would restore my faith in humanity, give me the strength to see I was better than my demons, the support to learn to fight back, the self esteem to see I could accomplish my goals, and had the patience to bear with a social outcast who was gnashing his teeth and lashing out at anything that moved.

    Gnashing and lashing out gave way to learning power sets and using those powers to defeat enemies within the game. I started to meet more and more people. I learned so much from them about the game, life, and myself. My lack of knowledge brought me to the community forums. I spent long hours reading and researching the game mechanics, trick like binds and macros, and got involved in the community. As I gained experience, I did what I could to pass on what I knew to the new people coming in the door. I tried to do my best to give back. It was not expected or required that I do so. I did it because it was the right thing to do.

    "The right thing to do" imparts a sense of justice and direction with life. I decided to go back to college in my 30s and finish what I had started back in the early 90s. I had fallen through the cracks of life and would need to find a different way to get back to where I was. The people I met in game were supportive and extremely helpful in my pursuit to turn my life around. I enrolled in classes and balanced life, CoH, school, and family obligations. After getting several of teh remedial classes out of teh way, I had to decide what direction I wanted to take my academic career in. I let CoH, my sense of justice and life's direction guide me.

    It is that sense of direction that compelled me to try to build a program that would index, catagorize, and add an efficiency to the crafting process that Issue 9 brought with the Invention System. Without a program to help organize salvages and recipes, I was having to write out the name of a recipe and what salvages it required. Then, I would have to gather those salvages in the market and from my character's storage. This wasn't so bad when you had a short "shopping list" of pieces. However, once you had several recipes with overlapping salvages that you needed, it became a chore. Frustrated by my computer illiteracy and the gaping chasm of where I was versus where I needed to be to accomplish this goal, I set out to take computer programming classes.

    Programming classes led to database management. Before CoH, I had a small community built through my website. I would later expand the forums to include all of my friends from CoH, The Wolf Pack Elite and Cataclysmic Evolution (our hero and villain supergroups) and become a beacon in Cyberspace for fellow travelers. The site was not without issues and database issues caused problems that my meager education couldn't compensate for. I continued with web development and tried to learn everyting I could to make Ravenwolf Manor a place to support my CoH family. Computer failure led me to taking classes, working in the college's PC Repair Shop, and becoming an A+ Certified PC Specialist through CompTIA. While Facebook killed the smaller independent forum communities like I had in the Manor, CoH continued to inspire my continued educational goals. I never quite learned enough to reach my goals of making the Invention System more automated and efficient, but I continue with my education while repairing computers on teh side to supplement my work income and pay my VIP Sub fees.

    Everything in life has a cost, even life itself. Shadow Ravenwolf's in game Grandfather was Doc Ravenwolf. He was always my analog for my real life Grandfather. The realtionship between the two characters emphasized my deep love for the man my Grandfather was. In late November of 2007, my Grandfather fell ill. I was able to see him one last time on Thanksgiving Day. I told him "Later" because I truly believe that we are all interconnected in this universe, and will see each other again. I was completely devastated by the loss of "Pocky", as we grandkids affectionately called him. Since Pocky's passing, I have always had a severely hard time logging into Doc. I had expressed my grief by building a memorial in that time period's incarnation of The Wolf Pack Elite's Supergroup Base. Around that time, several fellow players were experiencing their own losses. I dedicated the memorial to everyone who had lost someone they loved. Until the base faced a redesign, I would often allow players to come into the base, reminisce about them and we all grieved together. The community grieved with us and we all got through the hardest parts together. I say the hardest part as if it has passed. It had until the announcement I received a few days ago. While logged into Doc, going down memory lane, I saw the date that the servers would shut down and fell apart. November 30th has been cemented in my core as a date I do not wish to be a part of.

    As I've bared my soul in this expression of my love for City of Heroes, I hope that I have inspired you. I want you to stand with me, fight these demons, and feel the love of this community as I have over the last 8 years. There are petitions to sign, letters to write, stamps to lick, and phone lines to jam up as we make our final assault on those who have condemned us to live on in faded memories. Go now. Go to the links I've provided. Do your part and give back to the city that gave you 8 years of life that you will never forget. I don't want to have to lay Doc to rest. It's not his time, it's not my time, it's not our time for rest. It's time to cinch up our boots, harness our powers, and let our capes fly! Petition
    This is the main petition we have launched to gain support and show our numbers.

    Titan Network - Save Paragon City!!
    TonyV has taken the lead and organized a campaign headquarters for our efforts. The Save Paragon City!! Forum will guide you to all of the ways you can chip in and give back to the community.

    In closing, I hope to see everyone come together and fight for what is right. I know this grew to novel proportions and I appreciate your time. Save Paragon City!!

    ~Shadow Ravenwolf
  5. Thank You!!

    I really can't find any more words right now, but I hope those 2 above can start to express how I feel.
  6. See you in the next life. I hope this brief opportunity springs you forward to where you want to be.
  7. Chazz, LSK, glad to know you are both ok and unharmed. My heart goes out to the families and friends of those injured, lost and affected by this horrible act of cowardice.
  8. Ok, I'm done. I was really hoping for the retweet method, which was updated with a post showing how to get Twitter to notify your phone less than 10 hours ago by you Hit Streak. As much as I hate it, I went so far as to teach myself enough about Twitter to get my account situated and ready this past week.

    I've now been up for 27 hours. If I had known the format was going to be sprung back to the "Here's an Image of Codes that have all been claimed by the time you can enter them Trololol", then I wouldn't have wasted my time trying to participate in this exercise in futility. I would have gone to bed hours ago, instead of forcing myself to stay awake so I didn't over sleep and miss my 5 minute window to retweet.

    Pancake your Pancaking Promotion. Kirby Dots are as dead to me as the rest of the stuff you've given away in these contests.
  9. Congratulations!!

    {Insert Obligatory "PL Meh" Statement Here}
  10. Shadow Ravenwolf

    Sup Yo!

    Heyas and Boogedy Boogedy!!
  11. Seriously, &^%&^ Twitter and the Hungry Hungry Hippos Code Grabs. Again, I'm chalking up another thing that will dangle out there for me not to get because I don't have a good Image Text ripping plugin.

    I know you're trying to sing and dance and make Happy Fun Times in Social Media World to attract Vets and New Players. I understand this from a business perspective.

    However, dancing Shinies around that we really stand no chance of getting stirs up resentment in your playerbase at a time where I see so many less players and most of my friends have left. I myself am now getting hard pressed to enjoy myself and am feeling a pull towards other things.

    Freebie Freedom, where we are guaranteed to get some little token of your appreciation, makes me feel like you still care about us. The Facepalm Emote was an awesome promotion. The sales in the Market are... um, I guess they're ok on some things. Putting us into a mosh pit in the Shinydome to fight it out to the death, well, that's just Mad.
  12. Wow, the game has come a long way since the days of the 6 Month Arena Farm. Of course, moving that decimal also helped a ton.

    I'm glad to see these new ways, as I can be inspired to get the badges on other alts.
  13. Stunrunner, I'm running the 560 Ti in my rig and I have to say things look awesome. If you're planning on buying it, grab it. You'll love it.
  14. I already have a Green Screen Room. It's in my Supergroup's Base.
  15. Shadow Ravenwolf

    Variable Names

    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    Sometimes he changes into a costume that his adoptive parents found inside his space ship. When he uses the costume change screen, he changes his name to 'Superboy'.
    Um... No. Martha Kent made the suit from the blankets Clark was wrapped in when he was in the spaceship. They did not "Find" a costume in the ship.

    While I think the idea behind what you're trying to say would be an interesting mechanic in another newly started game, I cannot help but vehemently oppose your continued efforts to ... oh why the &^% am I even typing this out... Pics already did the talking above.
  16. So I logged in, got my Freebie Friday in the market and wanted to stop by and say Thank You to Paragon Studios!!

    Little bonuses here and there are nice and make me feel good. Thank You!
  17. Shadow Ravenwolf

    LoC Turns 8

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!
  18. Free gifts from Paragon Studios just for logging in and playing one of my favorite games?

    Thank You!!
  19. Congratulations!!

    {Insert Obligatory "PL Meh" Statement Here}