The Final Moments on Guardian - Rikti Mothership Raid
Can someone post the following up to the Guardian Facebook page? Thanks!
Hi all,
I've decided that I'd like to spend my final moments of this game on one last Rikti Mothership Raid. The goal for this is for the servers to shut down BEFORE the shields come back up. So to time this right, we won't begin destroying the pylons until we are down to the last 30 minutes left of the game. That way we can all go down doing what we do best... kill Rikti. Or be heroic. Or just being flat out awesome. Or lying there dead on the floor (if that's your thing). I also think it would be cool for those that are still around to just gather up at the end (before that final raid) and share our favorite memories of City of Heroes with our fellow heroes and villains. I know Guardian can be quite chatty at time (see Guardian Round Table) so I'm sure people will have lots to say in our farewells to each other. So, here's the proposed schedule: If you are on EASTERN time... Midnight (11:59pm), Nov. 30th: Gather in the Rikti War Zone at Point du Hoc. Hang out and share your CoH memories with players. 2:30 am, Dec. 1st: (no, the game will not have ended yet for you) We begin with the pylons for the mothership raid. If you are on PACIFIC time... 9:00 pm, Nov. 30th: Gather in the Rikti War Zone at Point du Hoc. Hang out and share your CoH memories with players. 11:30 pm, Nov. 30th: We begin with the pylons for the mothership raid. |
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
AWWW I loves you too Omega. True story we didn't like you but we ended up besties and I hope it stays that way. Great friends have been here and I do not plan on loosing them any time soon.
Posted your thing for you btw on facebook.
and never forget, to pull Maurader
Peace and love and licks, Strifefox.
Anything not nailed down is mine, anything i can pry loose wasn't nailed down good enough.
Criticism is always better when it's constrictive, and not sarcastic ~ Obsidius
Man did we hate you that first time
I know where your coming from though, people come and gone. Missed as the game goes down. We can always hope someone saves it, even later in life. But right now it looks grim.
Love to all the DT members who taught me it was OKAY to leave red side now and then. And even more love to the fun people who teamed with me and my counterpart Strife over the years.
Oh and Omega. I didn't click the glowies I swear it!!!
Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr
Thanks for all the fun. And thanks for leading the awesomeness of that night. I plan to be there, killing Rikti as the servers go dark. It was my dream ending, and thank you for leading it.
I'm in STO if anybody wants to look for me. @thecharybdis over there, as I am (and will be again) here on CoH.
I will always remember the fun iTrials and the licks and whatnot. I hope to see you out there.
<licks Omega>
Guardian server is Life!
Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.

I sooo have to call you out on these things!
Krag, you were the first person on Guardian other than me who seemed to be able to handle leading itrials without burning out after a couple of weeks."
I managed to not burn out by slathering myself with candle wax, I know sexy right?
"Your attention to detail and the inner workings of the game has always thoroughly impressed me. You too, always seemed to make characters that "fail to suck"."
Perhaps they would have sucked if you paid them more? You know... 5 dolla! Or gotten me drunk enough to squeal on skype randomly... oh wait that did happen.
"Thank you for being there to help take some of the burden off my shoulders during the "Great Age of I-Trials" and helping me stay sane as I worked on the visual guides for ParagonWiki, and later on getting the Guardian Round Table planned."
Dude, no way, thank you! For a long time you were the ONLY person who would take the league star from me. You would log on and I would pee my pants with happiness, toss you the star then promptly fall asleep. Which apparently I did in my base? There were days where I didn't sleep until you logged on and took that damn star. A little over 18 hours is the longest I lead trials with no break, at a point in time 12+ was becoming an every day thing.
"You always wanted to keep pushing the envelope with what was possible in this game. You helped elevate others that were around you. You're an inspiration. (probably an Ultimate, )"
Ultimates are fun inspirations to use! While I've heard from various people that the idea is I take things serious in this game, I do not. Not even slightly. At the top of my long list of "accomplishments" in the game, is making my tank fly with Granite Armor on. That is one of my favorite memories, flying over a trial league in Dark Astoria. The other would be mailing Strifefox green M&Ms with Large Wakies and "The Power" "of Krag" "compels you!" printed on them. To explain the amusement there a bit more, wakies were referred to as "***** Men" which my sister started years ago. Apparently that's not an acceptable word to use on the forums, lol, sorry. It's a person laying down with an arrow pointing up from their crotch... do I need to explain further?
I've played CoH since the week it came out and I've never really been a fan of leading things and such, but trials kind of forced it on me. While at first I wanted to shy away from further leading I began to enjoy the social aspect of it. I sought to improve my knowledge of the game and ability to lead things simply so that people would have a good time joining me on stuff. If I ran a Task Force (since there's little chance I could solo any of the trials) I was perfectly fine soloing them just to enjoy the company. A vast majority of the things I did in game, like leading MOs, were for the enjoyment of everyone who joined not my own. I hated leading or doing MOs.
The list of people I would like to personally thank is reallllllly long and I would have to do some digging to make sure I remembered everyone. Maybe later... when it's not 2:30am...

"A true hero has the strength to stand against evil
without wavering where all others despair,
even if it means standing alone." - Kragothe Valour
Omega, Thank you for all the things you have done. Helped me experience things I would not have gotten to otherwise.
I am still hoping for a rebirth of CoH. If so I hope you will be back leading raids and trials.
Always had fun doing them and appreciated the leadership.
Sign up for facebook even if it is just to be on the guardian group!
A Rikti raid is a good way to go out. I was just going to be on the steps of Atlas, but better to rage against the falling of night.
Capt. Obvious
Capt. Obvious: Telling it like it is since 2004
I have no idea why I called it "Western" time instead of "Pacific". Lol. Corrected above.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
Thanks for the fun Omega. If I can make it to the Guardian Finale, I'll be there. I'm not going down quietly.
Thanks for the shout out. I KNEW you were the perfect person for the Level 50 channel. Yes there is a little bit of truth in finding someone to replace me, however I would have asked you even if I was still playing all the time. You are a natural leader and it showed when you finally took flight and started to lead all of those I-trials.
I very much enjoyed getting to know you and playing the game. Best of luck to you in your next gaming adventure!
Controllers and Defenders RULE!
Guardian is home.
Vixen defined by
Totally gorgeous and amazing human female. With the cutest smile and a sweet body. Loves partying and drinks a lot but is still incredibly smart. But be warned, may jump you unexpectedly.
i probably wont stay up till midnight on friday cause well...i work for a living. and being up that late yeah not happening. i am gonna try to be on for coonie one last time to team with her some time this week.but the rwz raid is out for me.
however omega you were a blast to play with.although really the only times we played was trials.but nonetheless you earned my respect for putting up with alot of bad players and people who dont listen or just cant read.
respect is never given but earned when it comes from me or doc my friend have earned it 100 times over.
best of luck to you!

Hi all,
Who knows.
I've decided that I'd like to spend my final moments of this game on one last Rikti Mothership Raid.
The goal for this is for the servers to shut down BEFORE the shields come back up. So to time this right, we won't begin destroying the pylons until we are down to the last 30 minutes left of the game.
That way we can all go down doing what we do best... kill Rikti. Or be heroic. Or just being flat out awesome. Or lying there dead on the floor (if that's your thing).
I also think it would be cool for those that are still around to just gather up at the end (before that final raid) and share our favorite memories of City of Heroes with our fellow heroes and villains. I know Guardian can be quite chatty at time (see Guardian Round Table) so I'm sure people will have lots to say in our farewells to each other.
So, here's the proposed schedule:
If you are on EASTERN time...
Midnight (11:59pm), Nov. 30th: Gather in the Rikti War Zone at Point du Hoc. Hang out and share your CoH memories with players.
2:30 am, Dec. 1st: (no, the game will not have ended yet for you) We begin with the pylons for the mothership raid.
If you are on PACIFIC time...
9:00 pm, Nov. 30th: Gather in the Rikti War Zone at Point du Hoc. Hang out and share your CoH memories with players.
11:30 pm, Nov. 30th: We begin with the pylons for the mothership raid.
Thank You's:
I didn't want to address this until it was getting close to the end, because I didn't want to have other people give up because they saw this as a sign of me giving up (I didn't by the way), but it's pretty obvious we haven't managed to save the game. So if you aren't able to be there on the last day, I wanted to let you all know that gaming-wise, these last few years have by far been the best I've ever experienced in a game. It's been quite a journey, especially the last two years, during which time I had grown from a hero who mostly kept to himself and a few people that I personally knew that played, into one of Guardian's leading voices.
Many of you have come to know me as Omega Shockwave, Omega, the "real" Omega, that guy that has quite a few level 50(+3) incarnate characters, or my personal favorite "hey, invite me". What's funny, is that I didn't go by that global until about 2 years ago. It was around that time that as a server we were really struggling with completing the Cathedral of Pain trial. (before incarnate powers and shifts it was rather challenging and required very good team balance and precision). It was then that I realized people were going to start recognizing me, so I should pick a better global name. Thus, Omega Shockwave was born.
As a server we became really good at taking down the Cathedral of Pain. Then came the Incarnate Trials. I wasn't the first to take on leadership with those having just recently stepped aside from leading the CoPs, but wow, once I started with them there was no turning back. I'll end up falling a few dozen shy of having lead 2500 successful itrials (when you put about 50 characters all the way through the incarnate system you need a spreadsheet to be efficient with it, so yes, it was tracked in detail), but that's ok. I know that I was able to help a lot of people over the last 18 months trick out their incarnates and help them experience some of the toughest content the game had to offer. And outside of masters' runs, I can't recall a time during which someone was turned away because their character didn't match up well for a particular trial. There were probably too many times that less than half the league had done a particular trial, or that we ran something very shorthanded, but we still we're able to complete about 99% of those attempts.
There are a few people that I want to thank individually either for challenging me to be a better player/leader or for just being there for me.
@Shard Guardian, @Boombastic, @Crimson Cipher, @Black Knightstar, @Azure Lighstar, @Echoes of Darkness, and @Mantis Claw:
You guys were the ones who I first experienced this game with. We've spent many hours together in game, out of game, at each others' weddings (3 of them so far!). Even as we've drifted apart to other games, I'm glad that we've stayed friends throughout.
I'm not an easily impressed person. You were the first to achieve that honor in City of Heroes. It seemed like every character you touched turned into gold. I aspired to become a better player because of you.
@Vixen Healer:
I think you were the first person to actively try to get me to grow into a larger role. You helped me understand that even though I wasn't there since the beginning of the game that if I provided a good example and communicated well with the players of the server that I could turn into the leader that I've been for the last few years. I also want to thank you for selecting me as one of the moderators of the Level 50 channel. I know you guys do your homework to make sure someone level-headed takes one of those positions. I hope I turned out to be what you expected. Or maybe you just wanted to ditch that responsibility onto me before you left?
The first MoLambda (pre-Marauder nerfing) and first MoKeyes teams:
I'll team with the players that were on these teams ANYTIME. The attempts for these two MO runs were simultaneously some of the most frustrating (lag, caught by the green spots, d/c's; sometimes all 3 happened to Nephila at once, lol) and rewarding times I went through while playing this game. Special thanks for Armeros for so diligently letting us know which terminal we were on and how much of it was filled up. Also to Ullikummis for eating all of the cookies to make sure no Anti-Matter flies came around. And no, I have no idea how I kept composure for so long on the Ventrillo servers.
@Dark Energon:
As one my fellow dedicated badgers, it sure seems like we've known each other in game forever. It was good having you around to bounce strategies off of to check as to whether a plan was sound. You were always one of my 'rock's of the team.
You remind me of Bloodbath, and now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the two of you used to team together a lot in the past. You were definitely a firecracker in this game. I'm glad that I had friends like you that could put my mind at ease because I knew I could rely on you to do your part... and then some.
Krag, you were the first person on Guardian other than me who seemed to be able to handle leading itrials without burning out after a couple of weeks. Your attention to detail and the inner workings of the game has always thoroughly impressed me. You too, always seemed to make characters that "fail to suck". Thank you for being there to help take some of the burden off my shoulders during the "Great Age of I-Trials" and helping me stay sane as I worked on the visual guides for ParagonWiki, and later on getting the Guardian Round Table planned. You always wanted to keep pushing the envelope with what was possible in this game. You helped elevate others that were around you. You're an inspiration. (probably an Ultimate,
@Strifefox and @Dragons Lair:
Some may not believe this, but these two didn't like me very much at first. True story, lol. But we come a long way since that first meeting, and become good friends with each other over the course of the last year, sharing many laughs over Skype (along with Krag). I think a certain UG trial and PL'ing weekend were among the funniest skype moments. What happens in AE... stays in AE, lol.
and many more:
If I...
ever teamed with you,
ever learned something from you,
was helped by you,
Thank you!
Note: I'm not sure where I'll end up yet as far as other games (haven't found anything that's a winner yet), but I'll probably use the Omega Shockwave handle or something similar to it for whatever route I choose to go.
A Guardianite forever,
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none