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  1. AWWW I loves you too Omega. True story we didn't like you but we ended up besties and I hope it stays that way. Great friends have been here and I do not plan on loosing them any time soon.

    Posted your thing for you btw on facebook.

    and never forget, to pull Maurader

    Peace and love and licks, Strifefox.
  2. YAY I got one. Thank you NCSoft and Zwilli!
  3. I have to agree. For one, it wasn't hosted in Local chat because the channel was made for it nearly a month in advance. People were being added to it. Come day of, people not in the channel were added. People who were full on global channels were offered a way to temporarily join it. And there was only one person. One, the entire time in Pocket D who was not able to see the chat; who Rosa awesomely translated for them. There questions were answered as well.

    Also, there was a post on FB about this event, even a group was made for it for those folks on it; and I'd like to point out any argument stating that people may not have heard about it because they weren't part of facebook or maybe didn't see the forums. Some responsibility goes onto the playerbase who - more then likely have friends who read about it and could inform them. Omega couldn't likely spend the better part of a month running around every single channel, every zone, every hour of the day to inform people he was hosting this.

    Everyone who knew, did what they could and drew in as many as they could. As for the GRT channel used? Omega didn't plan for as many to show up which ROCKS. It means that more people, I'd hope, cared about what was going on and they all behaved for the most part.

    Positive things were done, so please stop focusing on the bad things that went wrong. We here all want a stronger community that will grow with the influx of new people coming in! That is all.

    Also, I love you Guardian and I'll bring the cookies!

    Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
    So what exactly was discussed, who decided that this was necessary, and who put which people in charge of this?
    To answer this; Omega Shockwave put this together on his own time with his own resources which reflected the opinion of a few other players in this game. Myself included. I know I'm safe in assuming it was a long time coming, Omega just started it first.
  4. I'd also like to point out that ANYONE who is a Premium account can get all of T9 filled out, be it over time at or in one go spending all the cash to unlock everything. However the TP VIP Tier is for ONLY PAYING CUSTOMERS. It's an intensive to keep paying, to stay on longer then it takes to unlock a damn row of little orbs. It's there way of saying 'Hey thanks for giving us your cash M'kay? You enjoy these little tidbits of stuff'.

    It's about the loyalty of staying on as a paying member of the community. Not about how much you've spent, but how much your willing to spend.

    I know it sucks some people won't be able to get what they want be for it cycles out but they have said it will come back so just have faith in that. Hell, I would have been two months short on getting all the celestial pieces if i hadn't have spent all my birthday and christmas money on paragon points and earned a few extra tokens. And I've been playing for four years!
  5. Here's the problem with that. Lets say they make it where anyone with a VIP current status can purchase any VIP tier 9. And lets say that 'bob' I'll call him. Player Bob who is a free player decides he wants those really bad. He pays for 1 month of game and buys some PP points, spending maybe 50 bucks. Earning himself a few extra Reward tokens to spend. He slots out those pretty VIP costume pieces an then he never pays again until there is something luring to him again.

    Yeah. VIP status now a days is just for who spends the most money into the game but its marketing and its how its done. Lowering the requirement for those costume pieces isnt gonna encourage more members to stay as VIP, its going to probably lessen that urge to keep paying and sending reward tokens since well, why do that when you can just pay for the game, when you want.

    I could viably see people only paying game time every three months or so to get the new shinies then stop paying.
  6. The med bay never puts you at full health unfortunately but it can be convenient say like on a taskforce/strikeforce when you want to pop in and fill up on better grade inspirations then the venders offer you. Also, upgraded medbays CAN hold storage devices as well such as inspirations or even salvage if you wanted to. Though you are right it isn't necessary. I forgot what SG badge it is but one of the healing badges does give you an item you can craft that gives a boost to how much that thing heals.

    Other then that advice, for a starting base your looking great! It's got all the essential things that you really need to make the base run efficiently.

    As time goes on and you earn more prestige you'll be able to upgrade and do things you want to do. I always suggest getting tours of other base builders bases. We builders LOVE showcasing our work and its a wonderful way to come up with ideas and share them in return. Most base builders are very helpful!

    Keep up the good work!
  7. When you can't go anywhere and see anything even mildly out of the ordinary with out thinking "It's a Nemesis plot"
  8. Aw, I just thought my Stalker was so epic, that the mere act of him jumping created little bits of abstract art to appear in his wake. I'll do the repair, thank you for the advice!
  9. Alright, I've discovered a strange little glitch tonight.

    Server: Guardian
    Character: Imreis Dascht
    AT: Stalker (Dual Blades/ Regen) Level 50
    Powers Active: Ninja Run, Sprint, and Steam Jump

    Now I'm THINKING this is the Steam Jump causing the little problem here since it appeared to burst out from him when he jumped up, and then again when he landed. It came out like a circular motion, as if it was supposed to be a rolling dust cloud, accept instead of a dust cloud, it was this...

  10. I'm pleased to hear about this actually. I do not have a character to date who does NOT have Fitness. I work it into every single build becuase that boost on the character which is a constant running power which takes no endurance...who would pass that up? Swift and Hurdle...the only problems I have with them is debating which to take first.

    Also, something to note here i think is getting over looked. Natural Origin is being misinterpreted. It does not mean you have no superpowers. Sure if that's the theme your going for then great, awesome. But it also represents aliens or other worldly critters whose powers are innate (Meaning born with it or natural to you) to them as a species. To quote the origin itself.

    "You aren't 'super' at all; your amazing talents come from intense training and innate abilities. You might have been driven to physical excellence by some all-encompassing desire for perfection or revenge, or perhaps you are not human at all, and possess powers natural to your race. With your natural origin you have to rely on your cunning and skill. This origin will give you access to Throwing Knives. This attack has a very short range and deals minor Lethal damage, as well as inflicting additional Damage over Time."
  11. I'm pretty much shocked that there is -so- much complaints going on about this perk for pre-ordering the game from Gamestop. In the entire history of video games that I can think of, a store some where will offer something extra special from ordering through them. It's a business tactic plain and simple. It happens and will continue to happen. I saw it said earlier that not all the time do company's know ahead of time -if- they are going to make contractual deals with big name company's to create perks for purchasing products through them. I agree with this statement fully! Sheesh people really?

    You can't have everything all of the time. If you were too antsy to play with Dual Pistols and Demon summoning so you purchased via there website then hey look there. You'll have your 50s long before the rest of us even get to see what the powers are like. That was your bonus for contributing to the game ahead of time. For everyone else who was to damn broke at the time or just felt like waiting becuase like me, I wanted the actual box, we too will get a small unexpected bonus for diligently waiting and being loyal.

    I just cannot believe there is this much discord over this. Don't expect to be patted on the head and rewarded becuase you counted your eggs before they hatched. Take this as a warning for next time and perhaps wait a little longer next time becuase the rewards might be marginally better if you waited. It's all about patience and realizing that your dealing with not only a game that you like an adore, but your dealing with a big company with lots of money involved; It may be about marketing schemes and cash flow but does it really really matter in the end? Everyone is getting the same game at the end of the day, but some people will have slight variants or little perks.

    If this in-store bonus is worth that much to you then you will have to spend the extra money and just get it your self. They aren't going to just give it to you becuase you really, really want it. You reap what you sow people. I'm gonna go ahead and be blunt here. I got no pity for any of this... You got your new Arch types WAY before the rest of us and rushed around like crazy to get them levels and had your fun. Now let the people who waited have there fun too, the moment of glory is over and day of release is impending closer.

    Even then, anyone who pre-purchased will get to play first too since the rest of us need to wait for online deliveries or actually get up to the stores and pick up our copies, let alone wait for updating and installation of the game itself. Rest assured, you'll still be first up to plate to see Praetoria.

    In closing, I'm sorry that so many people are offended and upset but that's how its gonna go. Learn from the past and use it to judge your future becuase life isn't always fair. This doesn't just apply to the game but it applies to your life as well. What ever.
  12. I'm no master of computers and programs but I'm pretty decent with them myself. Though I don't see anything wrong with what your using, I do know and I've seen it posted around a lot that City of Heroes/Villains doesn't get along well with ATI cards. That could be one problem there, especially since i17 released apparently the disagreeably between the game and the cards have grown worse.

    One thing I would like to suggest trying if you already have not, turn all of the games music off completely via the options menu for the game, as well as turn sound effects down to 3% at the highest if you must have those on too. I noticed that when I turned those off for myself, that it relieved a few problems. It may not fix it but when thing's are getting bad it's worth a try.

    If the computer doesn't have to focus on music and sound effects while it's loading - it could free up a tiny bit of memory that isn't derailed to your sound card. *shrugs* I hope his helps!
  13. Update to this, Uninstalled City of Heroes then reinstalled. Waiting for that to patch all the way up from the Good vs Evil was a pain but I did it! Unfortunately, it did nothing to fix the problem. It still just locks everything up as soon as I click onto the game, which still, runs as smooth as ever. From the looks of it, for some reason the game is being a massive resource hog. On average, even if Vent, Windows Live Messenger, and a firefox page is running - I average 400MBs of memory used and spike between 0% CPU usage and 15% CPU usage.

    Soon as the game is on, even of ALL other programs are off - including going through MSCONFIG and shutting all that off, Im hitting 100% CPU usage and memory usage shoots up to 1.48GB. I'm hard pressed to believe its the fault of the internet provider on this since this only happens while the game is running. Nothing was this bad before the newest release of i17.

    I'm not blaming the game either. I understand and KNEW there would be problems because there always is when something is new and shining. This is just a bump in the road and I know eventually things will level out its just frustrating is all.

    EDIT: After going through and setting Ventrillo to 'realtime' priority via the task manager it seems to have at least fixed the ventrillo problem YAY!
  14. Operating System: XP Pro
    User Client: PC
    Video Driver: Nivida GeForce 9600 GSO (512 DDR3)
    Driver Date: 4/3/2010
    Driver Verison
    RAM: 4G (though XP only sees 3 of that)
    Processor: AMD Sempron Processor 3000+

    That is what I got which the tech support guy on the phone told me it was more then enough to run game at capacity. I do NOT have the Ultra mode settings on. Pre i17 I never had these problems. He suggested a few things which I did do.

    Updated all graphic drivers, all Windows files and programs. I troubleshooted all of those; called Tech support and they had me shut down all the 3rd party programs, uninstall and reinstall my antivirus/antispyware. This didn't help.

    They had me run Pingplotter for a half hour and send that file in, to which they told me it was my internet connection (though the company they said was to blame wasn't my provider, that made me laugh).

    When running City of Heroes/Villians; any and all other programs on my computer screech to a halt practically. Windows Live Messenger no longer responds while on loading screens and those are ten times slower then they used to be. When not in loading screens Windows Live Messenger will blink at me if someone writes to me but does not show up until I click off the game and onto the actual messaging window. Web pages won't load fast if at all. As many have stated Ventrillo will not key up while selected on the game screen (To note I play in windowed mode and don't use my full screen) If I click onto ventrillo and off of the game, it seems to work fine, click back onto game and it stops responding, and Ventrillo pops up a message saying that my sound card sent information to fast and closed.

    I have all sounds and music shut off on the game so this shouldn't be a problem coming from the game. Also, programs like Winamp will lock up and finish what ever song they were on but don't allow any thing to change. If I open a Notepad file while playing the game, I have to wait for it to unlock itself.

    So these problems for me are not just ventrillo or internet related programs. If City of Heroes is running, then EVERYTHING else has problems too. I'm uninstalling the entire game today and reinstalling in hopes that maybe it was as simple as a corrupted file while updating the patch to i17. I'll let everyone know if this fixes or helps with anything and I really hope it does. It's kind of hard to play the game on one computer and have my netbook up just to talk to people on Ventrillo while I play the game. LOL
  15. Ah alright. Thank you everyone!
  16. Alright so I got the patch earlier when I logged on today, but when I quit out latter on... The updater came back up and started very slowly downloading a new something - though it said I had an hour wait on it. I quit the update and when i reloaded the updater it had nothing to download, and even verifying files didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

    I haven't seen anything about a pre-patch or anything as of yet so I was curious if anyone else was experiencing this phenomena as well and if anyone knew what it was.
  17. I'll hopefully be there to help out with the stuff Nini.
  18. If the places in this game were real, and you had to choose, which zone would you want to live in?

    Rogue Isles: On this side I would have to say Cap Au Diable, to me its the neatest zone Villains offers. :P

    Paragon City: That's easy, Croatoa wins hands down! That is by far my favorite hero zone!
  19. The Architect Edition of the game came with the option of one of two; either the Magic booster pack or the Cyborg booster pack, granting extra costume pieces and a special power.

    If you get the Good vs Evil, that came with the VIP Pocket D pass, as well as two special costume sets, Justice and Sinister, as well as the Destined One/VIP badge.

    On top of actually purchasing the game comes with a free month of game play AFTER subscribing for your first month of play.

    Not to mention some of the games came with small collectable Hero Clix of certain staple city of heroes characters such as Ghost Widow, Statesmen and so on. (I say those two cuz those are two that i got )

    There are perks of buying a hard copy of the game, instead of downloading the game from the site. So in short, yes, you do get perks for buying the game.
  20. No ones gonna say it? Alright I cannot leave this unsaid. I absolutely LOVE Ruin's letter. It was just to awesome. Out of all the people who went sure he had motive for it that wasn't completely ...wholesome but good gravy... That was my favorite letter out of all of them. Don't get me wrong all of them were wonderful but his was the one that I fell in love with.

    I think out of everyone he was the most willing to go. Everyone else went out of a sense of duty, the whole "I have to because its my job" or the went to escape something in there past. No one seemed so willing as he did to go save earth. Don't wanna say to much in case someone didn't read that letter yet :P

    Ruin rocks
  21. Heh, the legs look funny in Ninja Run. The legs nearly touch the ground and look like they are skittering along to help you run.

    Secondly, I sorta agree here. Don't expect to get the perks of being a Crab Spider and not wear the gear that goes with it. Think of the spider legs as standard issue gear when you get promoted to Crab Spider. Its part of the set. Just like the Bane Spider gets handed there mace. I don't think any normal minion would look at Lord Recluse and tell him "Oh naw, those legs look lame."
  22. StrifeFox

    server merg

    Yeah sounds great now, then when it comes around and people loose character names and entire super groups are forced to change there names to avoid duplicates. Its great in theory and that is about it. IF they were going to do a server merge there would be so much that would have to go into it that it wouldn't be worth the effort. Sure tie your character name to player account instead of to the server. But...yeah because I want to see ten to twenty different versions of 'Marmalade Boy' running around Atlas Park. Who is talking to who when you call out names for people? Did you mean your friend with that name or one of the other people with the same name? There's a pain I personally don't want to see.
  23. StrifeFox

    Villain Hami?

    You so know I'm game Pyber! Just lemme know when its going down.
  24. Same here, ill still rerouted to this site. Also, im having problems where it wont let me upload character images. it keeps telling me to refresh and try again
  25. Have to agree, the progress bar and badge listed for DR-3 once again vanished from my list, not allowing me to track it anymore. *le sigh*