Why buy the game?




yea what benefits do i get except being able to play all the time.
do i get more xp? can i play offline? is it a one time payment?



Are you saying why buy the game, as opposed to just playing trial accounts?



no not opposed i kinda like it dam i thought i would get some benefits if i bought the game



The Architect Edition of the game came with the option of one of two; either the Magic booster pack or the Cyborg booster pack, granting extra costume pieces and a special power.

If you get the Good vs Evil, that came with the VIP Pocket D pass, as well as two special costume sets, Justice and Sinister, as well as the Destined One/VIP badge.

On top of actually purchasing the game comes with a free month of game play AFTER subscribing for your first month of play.

Not to mention some of the games came with small collectable Hero Clix of certain staple city of heroes characters such as Ghost Widow, Statesmen and so on. (I say those two cuz those are two that i got )

There are perks of buying a hard copy of the game, instead of downloading the game from the site. So in short, yes, you do get perks for buying the game.

Anything not nailed down is mine, anything i can pry loose wasn't nailed down good enough.

Criticism is always better when it's constrictive, and not sarcastic ~ Obsidius



Well, playing the trail account should be a show-all. If you didn't enjoy the play, the game isn't for you. If you enjoyed, and want to experience more, you buy the game.




  • Trial Accounts cannot email other players
  • Trial Accounts may not level past 14
  • Trial Accounts can only have 50k influence
  • Trial Accounts may not join global channels
  • Trial Accounts can only speak in
    • /local
    • /hc (the Help channel)
    • /team
  • Trial Accounts cannot invite players to team
    • Trial Accounts may join teams, but not invite other players
    • Trial Accounts may not join SuperGroups.
  • Trial Accounts may not create Mission Architect arcs. They can not interface with the Architect Entertainment Stations. However, they can be invited onto a team that is running MA missions.
when it bought all these Restrictions are gone



Originally Posted by Fearkiller View Post
yea what benefits do i get except being able to play all the time.
do i get more xp? can i play offline? is it a one time payment?
Asking a mod to move this.

That aside -

This is an MMO. It's a constatly updated game, with official content (over five years worth, and more coming) alwys coming out. Mostly in free patches (issues,) with the second expansion (and first true non-standalone expansion) coming next year in the form of Going Rogue.

You cannot buy levels, you cannot buy faster XP gain. You can, however, see the rest of the game. You can experience PVP. You can see just how your powers really develop, and what the mid and top level powers are like - and face tougher enemmies, alone or with a team. You can trade more. You'll be able to go into zones and get rewards you can't as a trial player.

You get to be part of a supergroup, form it, build bases and more.

You'll get to experience PVP, if you choose, though this game isn't heavy on it.

It is not a one time payment. There is a monthly payment (or, if you choose, a three, six or twelve month payment - a bigger chunk, but less money compared to paying monthly.) This is generally standard for MMOs, the other payment models being Guild Wars (which only expands with more paid expansions - and of which we've seen the last, apparently, until Guild Wars II) or "microtransactions," where you pay for... well, pretty much everything. Most MMOs - from Everquest, Ultima Online, through WoW and Aion, and most upcoming ones such as SW:TOR, APB and the like - follow the monthly payment model.

That monthly payment pays for continued development of the game, of server maintenance, QA staff and more. Also, of course, you don't lose anything if you stop and come back (aside from vet reward time - more properly loyalty reward time, perhaps.) If I installed - say - Diablo II today, I'd be starting from scratch. I have no idea where the characters I played years ago are. If I stopped playing this today, and came back in a year - all my characters would (barring major changes in NCSoft policy) still be there, ready to go from where I left off.

You'll interact with more people than you would at one point in a single player game, obviously, or most LAN or network games.

Is it worth it?

That's one only you can answer. For me, the answer's been yes for nearly five years. I've gotten more enjoyment out of this game, and the people I've met here, than out of most games I've bought.