Issue 19's Inherant Fitness: The concerns




Now don't get me wrong, I'm actually looking forward to this new change to the game. I never felt the NEEDNEEDNEED to get to Lv20 and Stamina, I handle my endurance very well at low levels through the use of Brawl and my origin-temp to fill attack chains at minimal cost, but Stamina does help I admit. For the characters that do have Fitness I can look forward to respeccing them and taking more powers I thought I'd miss because I took Fitness instead. For the characters I have that didn't have it, I can look forward to being able to play them with increase regeneration and recovery for free!

The latter two powers of the pool aren't my concern though, it's the first two powers.

Swift and Hurdle are very picky powers to me, when I first started out I chose Swift right away because it would make me run faster, but then after time I learned that Swift just made running awkward for me, I like to take things slow, so now I tend to take Hurdle for all my characters where my speed only goes up when I jump, not for general movement.

I'd hate the idea that, thematically or otherwise, all my characters would suddenly run and jump faster and higher just because they reached Lv1 or 2, it sort of relates to how people hate Speed boost because they suddenly move out of control of going too fast, though I doubt Swift and Hurdle would be as severe. If I want my characters to be naturally fast and high-jumpers, I'd rather be given the choice to make them that way, instead of 'Everybody's got superpowers, even if you're Natural origin'


If the developers just port the whole pool into Inherant, Health and Stamina would go without a hitch, but unchanged Swift and Hurdle will just make characters move even more quickly than normal and we'd get the 'Running in Fast-Forward' syndrome which currently afflicts small characters and characters using sprint. If the animations were tweaked to look like they were running faster then it might be alright, but they don't.

I just feel an Inherant Swift and Hurdle should be optional, either by giving the options to take them, the option to turn them off and on or even by lowering base movements pertaining to Swift and Hurdle and then using the buff from those powers to bring characters back to current speed, to which active slotting will make them run and jump greater by choice.

What do you guys think?
Should we be able to choose whether our characters get the effects of Swift and Hurdle as inherents? Or should we just accept a full-port without changes?

As for me, I'd vote to have Swift and Hurdle to be part of base Run, Fly and Jump movement, where by slotting them you're improving your base movement and by not slotting them you're moving at normal speeds for someone at Lv1

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



What i think?

That people are going out of their way as much as possible to find something to whine about.
You cannot be wholly serious that swift makes your character run too fast?



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
What i think?

That people are going out of their way as much as possible to find something to whine about.
You cannot be wholly serious that swift makes your character run too fast?



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It does make some characters look silly but that's what happens when you go for extreme sizes.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post

...and /signed.



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
What do you guys think?
Should we be able to choose whether our characters get the effects of Swift and Hurdle as inherents? Or should we just accept a full-port without changes?

As for me, I'd vote to have Swift and Hurdle to be part of base Run, Fly and Jump movement, where by slotting them you're improving your base movement and by not slotting them you're moving at normal speeds for someone at Lv1
What do I think? I find the base movement speed of characters in this game to be unbearably slow. I always work Swift in as early as possible so that I can stop grinding my teeth at how ridiculously slow my characters are moving (to me). If the Devs don't port over Swift and Hurdle, I will be very unhappy. So my view is pretty much the direct opposite of yours.

You're making it sound like a character with Swift is practically bouncing off the walls, even going so far as to compare it to Speed Boost. Honestly it doesn't make you go THAT much faster, especially if you don't put an enhancement in it.

I agree with others that at this point people are just trying to find reasons to hate this change.



I won't say you're "wrong" to have your opinion but I don't think it warrants making an additional change to the inherent system to have to choose either Swift or Hurdle.

As for "super", all characters are super, even the natural origin ones. That's why you can get blasted in the face by a shotgun wielding Hellion and keep going or fall off of a building without lying in a broken heap on the street below. Call it training or body armor or whatever you want but even a level one character is above the abilities of any civilian.



I respect the concern, but I feel it is incredibly minor, and I feel people will get used to it very quickly. I typically don't take too well when my comfortable status quo changes, often even if it's a change for the better, so I understand the apprehension, and I will be on board with the initial discomfort. However, at the same time, I fully expect people to appreciate the ability to move slightly faster, and I fully expect that this discomfort will be short-lived.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd hate the idea that, thematically or otherwise, all my characters would suddenly run and jump faster and higher just because they reached Lv1 or 2, it sort of relates to how people hate Speed boost because they suddenly move out of control of going too fast, though I doubt Swift and Hurdle would be as severe
Comparing Swift[!! of all things] to Speed Boost is like comparing a go-kart to a Saturn 5 rocket. Uh.... no.

Anyone not wanting to deal with the horrors of Swift or Hurdle can just leave things how they are right now, for existing characters. I may well do this with some of my people who have important set bonuses that I don't want to tinker with.

I just can't believe how hard people are looking to find a gripe with this announcement. Wait until we see if there is a corresponding nerf and then you will truly have a big complaint. I'll be there complaining too, if that happens. But for crying out loud, let's see what actually DOES happen before we go crazy with the complaints.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
But for crying out loud, let's see what actually DOES happen before we go crazy with the complaints.
Nah. I'd rather run in circles while spewing "the game is gonna implode" style jibber-jabber.

"Misbegotten Moon"---Fighting stupidity with stupidity.



Can I just offer the complete opposite point of view?

I hate hate hate the default run speed. It is sooo SLOW. I take swift on all my characters at either 6 or 8, because I cannot stand running around without it. It is painful. I've tried using sprint, but then I feel like I'm moving too fast and it is a bit of an endurance hog. (Yes, hard to please I know.) I would actually take swift even if it wasn't needed for Stamina. I can't stand the early levels without it.

So may I be the first to declare that I would be seriously annoyed if swift was to suddenly disapear from my characters, not to return.



I didn't mean to complain about Fitness, I welcome the change but I'm worried about the speed issues. As for the Swift Vs. Speed-Boost comparison, I guess I didn't do enough to state how far apart they were in terms of effectiveness, I'm sorry.

Like I mentioned previously, no problems with Health and Stamina whatsoever. I'm just hoping there'll be a way of putting Swift and Hurdle in to satisfy everybody who really wants to have it and those who really do not want the extra boost in speed.

I'm not a d00M post, honest! D:

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
What i think?

That people are going out of their way as much as possible to find something to whine about.
You cannot be wholly serious that swift makes your character run too fast?

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According to Mid's, "Swift" unslotted amounts to only a 35% increase to run speed-- not enough to really be considered thematically-breaking in any way, in my opinion.

Our characters already run faster and jump higher than any sporting professional out there, so a little more hardly breaks anything. Besides, we also have walk for the truly casual movement behavior.



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
I didn't mean to complain about Fitness, I welcome the change but I'm worried about the speed issues. As for the Swift Vs. Speed-Boost comparison, I guess I didn't do enough to state how far apart they were in terms of effectiveness, I'm sorry.

Like I mentioned previously, no problems with Health and Stamina whatsoever. I'm just hoping there'll be a way of putting Swift and Hurdle in to satisfy everybody who really wants to have it and those who really do not want the extra boost in speed.

I'm not a d00M post, honest! D:
Just don't respec your characters when Issue 19 comes out, and you won't get Swift. New characters will have it -- sorry.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It is my opinion that your concerns are silly. Swift without Sprint should be slow enough for you. If it is not, use Walk. I see no downside to this whatsoever. Getting Swift AND Hurdle AND Health AND Stamina on all characters? And they can still be slotted just like now, letting me have three more power picks? Yes please!!!

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To be clear, the base run speed boost you get with Swift at level 1 should be 3mph, and at level 50 should be 5mph. Your base run speed, which doesn't change as your level, is 14.32mph. So characters should run at 17.90mph at level 1 after I19, and work their way up to 19.33mph by the time they reach level 50. Just to put this change into perspective.

(edit: at level 1, the boost is 25%, and at level 50, the boost is 35%)



Base run speed = 14.32 mph
+ Old Sprint 50% (7.16) = 21.48 mph
+ New Sprint 100% (14.32) = 28.64 mph

Base run speed + unenhanced Swift 35% (5 mph) = 19.32 mph.

So, basically, unenhanced base speed will go from 14.32 mph to 19.32 mph, a 35% increase and less than what unenhanced Sprint used to do.

I think the OP will be in a very small minority in thinking that's too fast.

There's always Walk.

Just for fun:

Swift + 1 Run SO and Sprint + 1 Run SO and Ninja Run = 72.07 mph

Fly cap is 58.63 mph and SJ cap is 78.18 mph.

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My only concern is that now I'll have to respec dozens of characters to take advantage of this new perk.

And I HATE respeccing!

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I understand the OP's thoughts on the matter. Using swift I find myself bouncing off walls at times either due to lag, poor video card, or simply the fact that I am not a twitch gamer and do not seem to have that fine motor control that some others due. Running up the fire escapes and stairs in some zones is a pain, much less navigating the cave maps, as I keep running into the walls.

On the other hand, I am not complaining about the fitness pool becoming an inherent. I do wonder whether we can choose swift or hurdle, but that is about it. This may drive a spike in the +Stealth IO sets though.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
My only concern is that now I'll have to respec dozens of characters to take advantage of this new perk.

And I HATE respeccing!
Buy a bunch of cheap IO enhancements that no one uses and sell them.



Originally Posted by Rooftop_Raider View Post
To be clear, the base run speed boost you get with Swift at level 1 should be 3mph, and at level 50 should be 5mph. Your base run speed, which doesn't change as your level, is 14.32mph. So characters should run at 17.90mph at level 1 after I19, and work their way up to 19.33mph by the time they reach level 50. Just to put this change into perspective.

(edit: at level 1, the boost is 25%, and at level 50, the boost is 35%)
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Base run speed = 14.32 mph
+ Old Sprint 50% (7.16) = 21.48 mph
+ New Sprint 100% (14.32) = 28.64 mph

Base run speed + unenhanced Swift 35% (5 mph) = 19.32 mph.

So, basically, unenhanced base speed will go from 14.32 mph to 19.32 mph, a 35% increase and less than what unenhanced Sprint used to do.

I think the OP will be in a very small minority in thinking that's too fast.

There's always Walk.

Just for fun:

Swift + 1 Run SO and Sprint + 1 Run SO and Ninja Run = 72.07 mph

Fly cap is 58.63 mph and SJ cap is 78.18 mph.
Ah okay! It all makes sense to me now! I didn't do the number-crunching on that one so I overestimated the amount of speed increased. Thank you Rooftop_Raider and Zombie man for clearing that up for me. A few miles per hour shouldn't be too much unslotted.

Also, thanks everybody being so civil about this thread.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



I fear change. But I will adapt as usual.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



It's really not that game changing when it comes to Swift/Hurdle.

In fact, the only change I see with it, is if you stick with Ninja Run and tend to stick with Swift, you'll get a little more height in that power where it can make a noticiable difference.

At least, that's my experience with having Swift/Hurdle/Stamina on my Ninja Runner. Hurdle made a world of difference with that power.

Hurdle will also likely make jumping over those walls in Perez Park for those without Ninja Run. And when you exempt without it!

All minor things, that really, if you're going for real, you get better numbers without it to begin with.

I wouldn't call Swift/Hurdle game breaking, for those people who hate to be SBed because they run to fast, with swift, it's no where near as noticable.

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Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
Buy a bunch of cheap IO enhancements that no one uses and sell them.
That doesn't help. That just allows me to make a couple of bucks off of respeccing but I still "have" to respec. I don't need extra funds.

I know that I really don't have to respec if I don't want to. I could just keep my characters right where they are. And I probably will for many. But I don't want to feel like I'm not keeping up with my neighbors and fail to take advantage of 3 new power picks.

It's not a RAGEQUIT or even a rant. I'll cope and I'll end up enjoying the change, especially on new characters. But for those that I end up respeccing, it will be an annoyance to me.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

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