Issue 19's Inherant Fitness: The concerns




Here is my only concern: The lack of enhancement slots.

With the way the powers are selectable now, and with players' typical behavior to take the Fitness pool for Endurance management, that is two powers that typically don't ever see enhancement slots.

With Fitness going inherent, most players are typically going to expand their build design to include powers they never chose before. They may often choose powers that they'll want to enhance, too.

I typically only devote two bonus slots into the fitness pool, and they both go into Stamina. Now, if we wind up with the same distribution of bonus slots, those two slots are still going to go into Stamina... But the THREE other powers I can take? Where am I going to find slots for them and still be able to play my character the way I usually do?

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Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



in one sense I agree with the title to this thread but not the content

To me, Endurance has been one of the few things that actually needed to be managed - and one had to make careful choices about powers and slots based on how you planned to get to 20 - but a freespec was never far away (since I joined the game in I6) and we could always juggle once we'd got to 20 and had Stamina.

Fighting Clockwork and other end drainers is a challenge, and it is a balancing act. I've often thought the burden could be lightened - the pace of the game means as teams blitz the NPCs foes and suck end along the way and so you end up breathless which I think was the whole concept of endurance and to my mind that worked.

I know I'm mostly a lone voice in decrying the dumbing down of a great game - and commercial imperatives will have their way - but where does it end? Carry on like this and Ms Bianco will be popping round your house to spoon feed you custard every time you log on and Mr Miller will be giving you a nice foot rub after your show. Lord knows what the Ocho will do!

The Fitness pool didn't need to be inherent. It could have simply been tweaked: a lighter end cost of critical powers, or Stamina at 14 instead of health or any other. There's an even simpler altenrative: Give every player 500 End points in a full bar. But this way... just makes it seem a bit... blah. It strikes me as the easiest solution, rather than the best.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
If you had the money, you could take Stealth, Manoeuvres and Combat Jumping and put in 3 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% Global Recharge enhancements in the basic free slot.

That's 22.5% more recharge.
You no longer need money to get as many LOTG recharges as you want. Run hero/villain tips and morality missions, get 2 A-merits, get a LOTG recharge. Repeat until you don't want any more.

I know some people really hate the market, so just slipping that in before the "OMG EBIL MARKETEERS STEAL MY IOS!"



Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
As a believer in options, I don't have a problem with the OP's complaint. The ability to opt out of something you don't want, for whatever reason, seems ok to me.
Within reason (Which can become a matter of personal opinion, of course) I like to agree with this stance as well.

Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
It's the ridiculous hyperbole that's been attached to it.
The only hyperbole I see attached to anything is the people calling the OP a whiner and doomcrying and all of the people that "/signed" that.
That's just nuts.
No matter what disclaimers anyone uses to reveal that they are just bringing up a concern that they personally have... people just trash them for it. That is hyperbole and it is also rather rude and immature. No big surprise, of course, but still... rude is rude. The OP didn't say anything hyperbolic. He didn't say Swift was just like Speed Boost. They both simply speed up running. Pretty simple to understand the correlation.
He brought the topic up for discussion... the only thing wrong is people who think discussion is throwing unmitigated insults.
To any reasonable minds, those insults simply fall back on the person issuing them.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
Issue 19's Inherant Fitness: The concerns

"Inherent" fitness >> more power options. Oh the dilemma..

1. a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives.
2. any difficult or perplexing situation or problem.




Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
in one sense I agree with the title to this thread but not the content

To me, Endurance has been one of the few things that actually needed to be managed - and one had to make careful choices about powers and slots based on how you planned to get to 20 - but a freespec was never far away (since I joined the game in I6) and we could always juggle once we'd got to 20 and had Stamina.

Fighting Clockwork and other end drainers is a challenge, and it is a balancing act. I've often thought the burden could be lightened - the pace of the game means as teams blitz the NPCs foes and suck end along the way and so you end up breathless which I think was the whole concept of endurance and to my mind that worked.

I know I'm mostly a lone voice in decrying the dumbing down of a great game - and commercial imperatives will have their way - but where does it end? Carry on like this and Ms Bianco will be popping round your house to spoon feed you custard every time you log on and Mr Miller will be giving you a nice foot rub after your show. Lord knows what the Ocho will do!

The Fitness pool didn't need to be inherent. It could have simply been tweaked: a lighter end cost of critical powers, or Stamina at 14 instead of health or any other. There's an even simpler altenrative: Give every player 500 End points in a full bar. But this way... just makes it seem a bit... blah. It strikes me as the easiest solution, rather than the best.
Scarlet....seriously...melodrama much?

If you weren't a certain few sets or ATs, you pretty much took Stamina, or sucked up the really bad recovery until you could IO, or you just loved the punishment.
The fact that so many people considered Stamina a necessity is the reason for this change.
Pre-20 wasn't challenging, it was dull. Really. ****ing. Dull. And I don't use censored swearing much on forums, so hopefully that gets across just how mind numbingly dull and pants on head retarded it was. It was Jackanism in its purest, herpderp form.

Give me one, good, solid example of just HOW this makes the game easier? 1-20 won't be such a suck fest. And you'll have the EXACT same recovery post 20 as you would have anyway.
Give me an example of how this is a bad thing. Because no one has been able to come up with a good one yet.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Give me one, good, solid example of just HOW this makes the game easier? 1-20 won't be such a suck fest.
Didn't you just answer your own question?

Be well, people of CoH.



I personally really hardly notice Swift.
However, I know that some people seem to have much more of an issue controlling their characters, and I mean that without any offense.
You see it come up all the time with much more extreme boosts (Speed Boost, of course).

Honestly though... I think (But I could be wrong) that the Issue 18 increase in Sprint was a higher increase than Swift gave to the old Sprint speed.
Any number people like to fact check that one? (I may have some cookies for you, if you do!)

While I don't see Swift as a "game changer" (Although, I do love it on hover... and I do notice the difference for running, it's nice) Hurdle is a game changer.

Unslotted Hurdle changes your jump height from 4 feet to 10.7 feet.
That is a mighty big difference.

Just as the OP, I'm just voicing my personal thoughts and small concern about making these powers automatically inherent (And we do not know how they will go about this, so Swift and Hurdle may not even be automatic, although they are seemingly intended to be inherent, for sure).

While the degree of importance it has for me is likely higher than most, I know that I am not the only one that truly enjoys this game's ability to personally customize characters around concepts.

Giving every single character the ability to jump over twice the height that was normal may not be the best way to go.
Maybe Paragon Studios thinks it is and I'm not really going to worry about it.
Posting thoughts and worrying about it are very different things though, hehe.

Some people have brought up a possible concern of dumbing down the game. While I don't think that inherent Fitness Powers is accomplishing that in this game... I sort of feel the same thing from a conceptual viewpoint (As opposed to a game mechanic viewpoint). Running faster and jumping higher (and faster) were available as choices that could help better define the character's concept in a visual and virtua-physical way.

Some characters should leap taller and/or run faster.
Giving every single character those two powers automatically, without option, disrupts a bit of the freedom of conceptual design that players currently have.

If players can choose to unlock these powers, that could be great. Maybe like claiming veteran reward powers or maybe some other way.
I've seen it suggested as toggles, but I don't know that would be favorable (Nor easy to code). These powers work great as auto powers and I think it'd be worse to make them toggles than to bother the people who care about concept and jump heights and such.

Anyway, I've had characters that just rely on Hurdle and Sprint as a travel power... And Hurdle is a great power and can be a game changer.
(I know many people falling in the Motes in Praetoria would welcome Hurdle, hehehe)

If you can't relax and discuss things intelligently and respectfully... maybe you need to step away, eh?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Didn't you just answer your own question?
Bill, theres a difference between 'easy' and 'so ungodly ****ing frustrating I want shot of it as soon as damn possible'.
If 'easy' equates to not having to rest after every mob, then fine. I can live with that.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I realize the person you are talking about may not agree 100% with your view on this, but that hardly makes him/her a whiner. I realize it may offend your sensibilities to read an opposing viewpoint, but is it really appropriate* to call them a whiner when they make a perfectly calm post expressing a concern?

Your case becomes even weaker when the OP is educated on exactly what this means and he backs off.
Anyone having an issue with 3-4 New Powers they'll be able to get, even if they only get to one slot those new Powers, and they absolutely will not lose any of the slotting they currently have... Sounds pretty whiny to me.



Don't you ruin this for me. I'm looking forward to having both Hurdle and Swift for my running around like a ninja.



Originally Posted by Endlessly View Post
Don't you ruin this for me. I'm looking forward to having both Hurdle and Swift for my running around like a ninja.
And since I already do... I'm looking foward to grabbing a couple extra stuff I didn't get so I could run like a Ninja... Assault & Maneuvers come to mind, and maybe Physical Perfection to handle the extra endurance these might cost (I already run 8 toggles on my Main



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
While I don't see Swift as a "game changer" (Although, I do love it on hover... and I do notice the difference for running, it's nice) Hurdle is a game changer.

Unslotted Hurdle changes your jump height from 4 feet to 10.7 feet.
That is a mighty big difference.

Just as the OP, I'm just voicing my personal thoughts and small concern about making these powers automatically inherent (And we do not know how they will go about this, so Swift and Hurdle may not even be automatic, although they are seemingly intended to be inherent, for sure).

While the degree of importance it has for me is likely higher than most, I know that I am not the only one that truly enjoys this game's ability to personally customize characters around concepts.

Giving every single character the ability to jump over twice the height that was normal may not be the best way to go.
You're entitled to your feelings, of course, but there are some things that are done easily and some that will be wasted resources. Voicing opposition might seem like a dogpile on the OP, but it helps present the interests of the population.

As for your hurdle concern.

1) The game's original jumping height could already clear the heads of other players- quite a bit over the human norm, so it has been and always will be an exaggerated dev-defined value... same with running... and our general ability to take a bullet, etc, etc.

Thus, being a "normal jumper" was never really an option- and being the " closest to baseline jumper the game design offers" is still available.

2) Customization is still there. You can slot hurdle to your heart's content (extending from 10 to 17 feet) or take the "combat jumping" toggle.

3) If the devs want to define a different initial value, they're within their right to do so. They've likely seen and heard the responses at how DYNAMIC the game feels compared to your stand-in-place MMO's when you run and leap around. Many of these focus on the love of ninja jumping, and their intent could be to extend some of this experience to new and trial accounts.

4) Until we SEE it, critique seems a bit off. It could be that they reduce the initial (unslotted) effect of it, but increase the effect of each slotting, like they did with Knockback ages ago, IIRC (thats why it's the only enhancement in "schedule D")... or they can take the simplest approach and offer it as-is, spending the time focusing on other features/bugfixes instead.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Anyone having an issue with 3-4 New Powers they'll be able to get, even if they only get to one slot those new Powers, and they absolutely will not lose any of the slotting they currently have... Sounds pretty whiny to me.

Then lrn2read. Seriously, bringing up a concern in a civil manner is not the same thing as whining. I really think most of yall lack fundamental comprehension skills sometimes.

I would expand, but more than likely someone will once again get butthurt and my post will get stealth edited again by a mod.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
As for your hurdle concern.

1) The game's original jumping height could already clear the heads of other players- quite a bit over the human norm, so it has been and always will be an exaggerated dev-defined value... same with running... and our general ability to take a bullet, etc, etc.

Thus, being a "normal jumper" was never really an option- and being the " closest to baseline jumper the game design offers" is still available.

2) Customization is still there. You can slot hurdle to your heart's content (extending from 10 to 17 feet) or take the "combat jumping" toggle.

3) If the devs want to define a different initial value, they're within their right to do so. They've likely seen and heard the responses at how DYNAMIC the game feels compared to your stand-in-place MMO's when you run and leap around. Many of these focus on the love of ninja jumping, and their intent could be to extend some of this experience to new and trial accounts.

4) Until we SEE it, critique seems a bit off. It could be that they reduce the initial (unslotted) effect of it, but increase the effect of each slotting, like they did with Knockback ages ago, IIRC (thats why it's the only enhancement in "schedule D")... or they can take the simplest approach and offer it as-is, spending the time focusing on other features/bugfixes instead.
Mhmm. I agree with all points.
If my post wasn't already so long, I might have offered a similar list of reasons why I such a change is acceptable.
Still, it is an odd change from what we currently have and that's sort of the point of raising the concern now, rather than later.
I'll let the Devs decide what is wasted programming time, for sure.
I just see nothing wrong with bringing up the thought.

As to your first comment, I never have an issue with raising opposition, haha (Far from it).
Calling someone names and stating that the OP is just looking for an excuse to complain is just foolishness, at best.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
Where am I going to find slots for them and still be able to play my character the way I usually do?
You're going to pick those powers, then you're going to move them off of your power bar and never, ever use them.

WHAM, you're right back to playing your character the way you usually do.

Me, I'll be enjoying a couple of extra toys to play with.



I'm sorry I compared Swift to Speed Boost hyperbole, I really am! *mashes [Beguile] while running away*

I'm sure whatever changes will come our way, I'll get used to it eventually. I wish people would actually respond to threads positively until they've given a reason to bring on the pain.

At least I didn't pull a GKaiser!

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Calling someone names and stating that the OP is just looking for an excuse to complain is just foolishness, at best.

(and for the record- for all my posting on this topic, less than half my characters have the endurance pool. I duo with my wife, and with one of us playing a defender/controller/corruptor most times, we usually have access to some sort of endurance buff without resorting to Stamina... so while I see this as a nice feature, I don't see it with some of the rabid advocacy of many of the people who were clamoring for this feature)



Unfortunately, such is the way of the Internet. The COH forums are among the most tame, even when you are getting lambasted. So you have that going for you at least.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Bill, theres a difference between 'easy' and 'so ungodly ****ing frustrating I want shot of it as soon as damn possible'.
If 'easy' equates to not having to rest after every mob, then fine. I can live with that.
Not arguing, man. Just found it humorous. I've got as much hate for the no stamina levels as the next guy. Regardless of anything else I think about this change in regards to the post-22 game, I'll be enjoying the hell out of it before 22.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Unfortunately, such is the way of the Internet. The COH forums are among the most tame, even when you are getting lambasted. So you have that going for you at least.
This is true. If it was a post on the Starcraft 2 forums about OP'd units....well. Volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes could take notes

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Scarlet....seriously...melodrama much?

If you weren't a certain few sets or ATs, you pretty much took Stamina, or sucked up the really bad recovery until you could IO, or you just loved the punishment.
The fact that so many people considered Stamina a necessity is the reason for this change.
Pre-20 wasn't challenging, it was dull. Really. ****ing. Dull. And I don't use censored swearing much on forums, so hopefully that gets across just how mind numbingly dull and pants on head retarded it was. It was Jackanism in its purest, herpderp form.

Give me one, good, solid example of just HOW this makes the game easier? 1-20 won't be such a suck fest. And you'll have the EXACT same recovery post 20 as you would have anyway.
Give me an example of how this is a bad thing. Because no one has been able to come up with a good one yet.
Ok so "melodrama" = expressing an opinion in your book.

I personally never had to rest after every mob. If you did then I'd suggest learn to play and stop attacking other people for having a different opinion to yours.

As things stand I enjoyed the balancing act of end use vs progress. You call it a ****suckfest. I call it an enjoyable challenge, and your post is full of hyperbole.

How does it make the game easier? Well it gives at least ONE extra pool or power available to be chosen which means at the very minimum you get an extra something to make life easier. Cuz sure as what my dog does on the lawn smells there's nothing in the power pools that make things harder. The fact that to quote "so many people consider Stamina necessary" doesn't equate to "that is bad." To follow that through by your logic implies that "so many tanks consider Taunt to be necessary" that it should be made an inherent without needing to choose the power for example.

If you weren't a certain few sets or ATs, you pretty much took Stamina, or sucked up the really bad recovery until you could IO, or you just loved the punishment.
I was none of these and yes I take Stamina like I do a travel power and like I take a primary attach chain. Just cuz you need it doesn't mean it's broken. But if you can't play with or without it maybe you need to revise your playstyle.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Then lrn2read. Seriously, bringing up a concern in a civil manner is not the same thing as whining. I really think most of yall lack fundamental comprehension skills sometimes.

I would expand, but more than likely someone will once again get butthurt and my post will get stealth edited again by a mod.
While the OP has retracted his stance, others (on this and other threads) have not. To keep acting like Free Inherent Fitness is really a problem sounds like whining about a problem that simply doesn't exist, no matter how you spin it.

and then you get all pissy about people calling them out on it by being a bit insulting and calling into question their comprehension... *Thumbs Up Dude*

I don't need to "lrn2read" (god I hate leetspeak) - I comprehend 'whinyness' just fine when I see it, and don't see a need to sugarcoat it.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Not arguing, man. Just found it humorous. I've got as much hate for the no stamina levels as the next guy. Regardless of anything else I think about this change in regards to the post-22 game, I'll be enjoying the hell out of it before 22.
Amen to that. I was also overjoyed to see that I could keep my Fire/Fire blasters future IO build even with 3 more powers to slot in. True it may leave Health and Stamina with one slot each (I forgot about them while midsing) but I think in an IO build I can excuse that, and simply slap a +recovery in Health and either a standard end mod or +end in Stamina.

After all, Fire/Fire Blaster. Either they die outright or they die when I use RoTP. Damned if they do, damned if they don't

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Finally! All my characters can take jump kick, flurry and whirlwind!

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad