Issue 19's Inherant Fitness: The concerns




I will also voice my concern here. I always take Swift on the way to Stamina, but I abhor and avoid Hurdle. I cannot stand the speed burst in the forward motion when you are just trying to get over a 1 foot ledge. When it is paired with Combat Jumping, it is barely tolerable, but not by much. I hope we have the option of "claiming" these powers at level 1 or 2, rather than having them forced on us.

In fact, I'd rather that they didn't make the fitness pool inherent at all. Instead, breathe life into the lower level hazard zones by making 5 or 6 mission task forces, starting at level 5, that as a reward, offer a 5% endurance modification. Do all 6 TFs, get a nice badge and a grand total of 30% modification. Don't like the "grind"? Don't do them and pick up the pool like normal if you want. Make them in Hollows, Perez Park, Boomtown, Faultline, Dark Astoria and Terra Volta. They would just have to make sure that they are fun, as well as productive (reward-wise.)

My $0.02 worth...



Its been a while but isnt Health in the fitness pool? Where do we slot a Numina +Heal



Here's a real concern:

I usually slot Health and Stamina up to 3 slots each to make them wholly effective. With the change, I'll do the same. But that leaves me with a dearth of enhancement slots for whatever powers I take in their place.

We're basically getting more powers, but with the same number of enhancement slots. The numbers were balanced before, but now they won't be.



Swift + Hurdle inherent is certainly going to make those lvl1 death races abit easier

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Take Stealth, the movement debuff is offset by the movement buff in swift.

The endurance cost is offset by the endurance gain in stamina.

Should be room in your build with hurdle/health/stamina becoming inherent.

You come out ahead by stealth and two extra power picks.a



I have to wonder if the people complaining Swift is too fast are the same people who refuse to switch off Sprint. I have no idea how Swift by itself will cripple anyone's control of their character.



Originally Posted by Hookecho View Post
Its been a while but isnt Health in the fitness pool? Where do we slot a Numina +Heal
Same place. They are slotable.

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Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Here's a real concern:

I usually slot Health and Stamina up to 3 slots each to make them wholly effective. With the change, I'll do the same. But that leaves me with a dearth of enhancement slots for whatever powers I take in their place.

We're basically getting more powers, but with the same number of enhancement slots. The numbers were balanced before, but now they won't be.
Still looking for ways to whine about free stuff.
You're getting three/four more powers, but instead you're looking at it as you get a worse slots to power ratio...




For my main Defender, I could have him take more Fighting Pool powers to match up the way I wanted him to have decent close-combat abilities. For my Brute I could expand more on his Presence power pool more.

So many possibilities!

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I don't get the "no extra slots" complaint. Just pick three powers and don't slot them and you're still better off than you were previously.

It sounds like saying "Here's the thing: I have sections in my wallet for singles, fives, tens and twenties. You just gave me three free $2 bills and I wish you hadn't done that unless you were going to buy me a new wallet with more compartments."



If you had the money, you could take Stealth, Manoeuvres and Combat Jumping and put in 3 Luck of the Gambler +7.5% Global Recharge enhancements in the basic free slot.

That's 22.5% more recharge.

Or you could take Aid Other and Aid Selfa nd stick in a heal in each, to help restore your own HP or that of a team-mates or NPC's.

There's plenty of things you can do with just the auto-slot a power comes with.

Combat Jumping and Hover uses hardly any endurance per second.



Okay, you all are going to laugh at me, but where was it announced that we'll be getting inherent fitness in issue 19? I must have missed that somewhere

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Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
Okay, you all are going to laugh at me, but where was it announced that we'll be getting inherent fitness in issue 19? I must have missed that somewhere
Penny Arcade Expo last weekend, an attendee there gratefully twittered all the information to us, and Castle has confirmed.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Base run speed = 14.32 mph
+ Old Sprint 50% (7.16) = 21.48 mph
+ New Sprint 100% (14.32) = 28.64 mph

Base run speed + unenhanced Swift 35% (5 mph) = 19.32 mph.

So, basically, unenhanced base speed will go from 14.32 mph to 19.32 mph, a 35% increase and less than what unenhanced Sprint used to do.

I think the OP will be in a very small minority in thinking that's too fast.

There's always Walk.

Just for fun:

Swift + 1 Run SO and Sprint + 1 Run SO and Ninja Run = 72.07 mph

Fly cap is 58.63 mph and SJ cap is 78.18 mph.
In the past few years, I think I've taken a total of 2 Travel powers in the two dozen new characters I've made. That's how much I use Fitness. I'm going to have so many more choices after I19 that I won't know what to do with myself.

Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
My only concern is that now I'll have to respec dozens of characters to take advantage of this new perk.

And I HATE respeccing!
Oh god, yes. Some may recall my avatar which featured "No More Respecs" because I hate doing them so much. Lower levels are no big deal, but anything in the mid-20s on up is just a serious pain in the glutes. I have a level 50 Blaster that I haven't respecced since 2005 because I just can't face doing so, even though replacing all his standard SOs with the new IOs would make him at least 150% better.

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I realize the person you are talking about may not agree 100% with your view on this, but that hardly makes him/her a whiner. I realize it may offend your sensibilities to read an opposing viewpoint, but is it really appropriate* to call them a whiner when they make a perfectly calm post expressing a concern?

Your case becomes even weaker when the OP is educated on exactly what this means and he backs off.



I don't mind respecs so much, except for your powertrays getting all re-arranged, I completely forget where everything is.




Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
What i think?

That people are going out of their way as much as possible to find something to whine about.
You cannot be wholly serious that swift makes your character run too fast?
I also have to say:




Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
Ah okay! It all makes sense to me now! I didn't do the number-crunching on that one so I overestimated the amount of speed increased. Thank you Rooftop_Raider and Zombie man for clearing that up for me. A few miles per hour shouldn't be too much unslotted.

Also, thanks everybody being so civil about this thread.
And you can always do what I do, and slot a Fly Enhancement in Swift instead of Run. Even if you never pick up Flying, that will give you just a little bit of a boost with any of the Raptor Packs.

Of course, I suppose you can just leave the Power with no Enhancement slotted in it. That would give you the minimum boost, just what the Power comes with.

I suppose the devs could make the powers so that if you don't slot them, they have the same rate as if you don't take them now. Then make it so three slotted, they are the same as the power three slotted. That would just take raising the bonus of the power and subtracting that from the base. However, since the powers are in percentage of the base, I think that would end up being so complicated that figuring out the math involved isn't worth it.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Every last one of you I quoted is an idiot. I realize the person you are talking about may not agree 100% with your view on this, but that hardly makes him/her a whiner. I realize it may offend your sensibilities to read an opposing viewpoint, but is it really appropriate* to call them a whiner when they make a perfectly calm post expressing a concern?

Your case becomes even weaker when the OP is educated on exactly what this means and he backs off.

*In case you were wondering, yes calling you all idiots is appropriate in this instance, because well, that is what you all are in this thread.
No offense (and sorry if this turns into two posts in a row) but the OP is complaining ultimately about getting something like +5mph worth of running speed. I guess if there really is a huge outcry about this, make it optional for people like yourself and the OP. I understand what you're trying to say, but I think anyone is an idiot for opposing such a change (since you started the name calling, I figured I'd point the finger right back at you).

Other posters have suggested things like: Using the walk power for realistic travel. If your character truly is of the natural origin and you don't want to use any power that negates realism using sprint by it's very nature defies logic, no human can run 10+mph for hours on end and actually have the endurance to fight near endlessly, for people who want realistic travel options even using sprint is too fast. It's called "sprint" and unless you use it for only 10 - 15 seconds at a time (arguably less then that since game time is much faster then real life time) you are already traveling too fast. Therefore walk is really the only option for these types of characters .



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Oh god, yes. Some may recall my avatar which featured "No More Respecs" because I hate doing them so much. Lower levels are no big deal, but anything in the mid-20s on up is just a serious pain in the glutes. I have a level 50 Blaster that I haven't respecced since 2005 because I just can't face doing so, even though replacing all his standard SOs with the new IOs would make him at least 150% better.
Originally Posted by Duncan_Frost View Post
I don't mind respecs so much, except for your powertrays getting all re-arranged, I completely forget where everything is.
This is the only concern that I have. It would be AWESOME if they'd re-work the respec process so that your power trays don't end up full of every single temp power or vet inherent you have and your actual powers are all jumbled up or pushed off the trays. I can really deal with the rest of the respec process just fine, but what it does to the power trays is awful >.<



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
And you can always do what I do, and slot a Fly Enhancement in Swift instead of Run. Even if you never pick up Flying, that will give you just a little bit of a boost with any of the Raptor Packs.
Somehow, that never entered my mind. That is a fantastic idea for a couple of my characters.



As a believer in options, I don't have a problem with the OP's complaint. The ability to opt out of something you don't want, for whatever reason, seems ok to me.



Originally Posted by JeetKuneDo View Post
As a believer in options, I don't have a problem with the OP's complaint. The ability to opt out of something you don't want, for whatever reason, seems ok to me.
It's the ridiculous hyperbole that's been attached to it.