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  1. MunkiLord

    buying powers?!

    Originally Posted by powerpuf View Post
    can someone explain what i'm paying a monthly subscription for? this game is about playing superheroes/villians of custom design. so if i'm vip, why aren't i getting all powersets included for the price of the game/subscription? since superpowers are the premise of the game, it's a no brainer that my subscription cost should cover ALL powersets. bells and whistles like costume sets and temp powers, i can see charging for. incarnate powers are included for vip so why aren't beam rifle, time manipulation and street justice? if CoX is just gonna piecemeal everything, why even have a vip subscription? get a clue, people! some of us are still willing to pay as long as we continue to get treated as well as before it went free, otherwise, what's the point?
    So what evidence do you have that Street Justice would have been released at this time, if at all, had we not gone F2P? Or are you just making a huge assumption?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Also, who's the jerk who didn't try to steal the name Chad Gulzow-Man? I'm a little insulted.
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    I'm insulted as well.

    Texas Justice wasn't Stolen/NameCamped/TakenToActuallyBePlayed either.

    EDIT: This makes me feel that I'm more unimportant than what I already believed.
    This is how I feel! I've let myself down. Maybe it is the constant breaks I've taken the last year or so. I'm a sad munki...

    Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
    I went on VIP server and took the name "Foo" and I'm purposefully withholding it until I receive money or sexual favours from him to get it back.
    Shouldn't have to wait too long. I hear that guy has no standards.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
    This. The OP might try simply asking nicely.

    Although, considering how vociferous the OP has been in the past on the issue of unique naming in this game, the irony here is palpable.

    No matter how creative you are or how many thesauruses you open, sometimes that one perfect name is simply taken. Probably by another Orson Scott Card fan.
    What the hell man? Was I not cool enough for you to steal my name?!?!?! I'M COOL! MY MOM SAYS SO!
  4. I'm actually kinda sad nobody 'stole' my name. That means I'm a nobody!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
    On reflection even though it doesn't effect me I would like to see the people who did this punished. Have those names forcibly removed from them and possibly either a temp ban or a permanent ban for their behavior.

    It isn't cool or funny unless your high on something to do that to other people.
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that griefing is an actionable offense.

    It could easily be proven that the person(s) that did this were targeting specific "well known" and "high profile" names. If their accounts are full of such names, that is proof of griefing, and it should be addressed by the GMs/Devs.

    You're both wrong. The names are first come first serve. As far as I'm aware that has always been the case. GMs have more important things to worry about than somebody "stealing" a name that nobody actually owns. You both need to grow up.

    Is it a real **** move to camp names like this? Of course it is. But oh well. Some people will be jerks. It happens. That is life. Deal with it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Which is what makes you a great Lead. I'm not being facetious. One of the qualifications for the position is a very thick skin--realizing that at any given moment, half of the user base (if you're lucky it's only that many) is going to be calling for your head on a platter, yet still you get up every morning because you know that what you're doing is cool.

    There's a huge difference between listening to the user base and being paralyzed trying to make everyone happy. I've always thought you guys do a good job at keeping things cool and moving.

    But then, what do I know? I'm a dev suck-up.
    You are! I kid, I kid. But in all seriousness nobody with any intelligence could accuse me of being a dev suck up. And I agree with you completely. Taking the blame and dealing with our ******** is part of the job and Posi realizes that and I think he does a pretty good job being our punching bag when we want to complain.

    And for that I respect him, even when he is hatching evil plans to destroy my fun.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    Beyond that, I'm pretty sure if you buy, say, three costume pieces from the Martial Arts pack a la carte, and then buy the bundled set, it will charge you full price for the bundle, arguably charging you twice for something you already own.
    I would be shocked if it were any other way. That seems to be pretty standard procedure for most places.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    Wish I'd thought of it first as well. You could charge people real money for their names
    I would have charged like 4 billion influence per name. Would have been glorious. But unfortunately I was too late.
  9. I wish I would have thought of this first. Good play whoever you are. Also, you didn't get my name sucker!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    because my energy blaster has +160% global recharge and just doesn't give a !@#%.
    I approve of this message.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
    As someone who has a high level of altitis I've never been a proponent of this idea, nor am I one yet. I've re-rolled toons that were into their mid 30s when I decided I just wasn't happy with the powerset choise I'd originally made. But, I was thinking about it earlier and came up with an idea.

    A. Each Character can only get ONE lifetime full respec. Make the wrong powerset choice? To bad, so sad, you lose. No going back for another attempt.
    B. You can't switch Archetypes. You originally rolled a scrapper, you can't switch to a controller, or VEAT, etc. You're stuck as a scrapper.
    C. The individual toon MUST have been created at least 24 months ago if not 36 months ago. (not sure if the game would be able to track that.)
    D. With the new Paragon Point system it would cost at least 2400 pts per character respec, if not higher.
    E. Your character title would turn red for 3 months after you did the respec, giving a warning to other players that you are probably not as familiar with your powersets as a normally leveled up toon would be.

    Again, I don't think the total respec is necessary, but this may satisfy some who want/desire/"need" it.
    I personally don't care either way if powerset respecs are ever added in. But if they are, conditions C and E are horrible, horrible ideas. Two of the worst I have seen in a long time.
  12. I find knockback useful when I use it. First it keeps enemies on their back. Second it usually lets me know when I'm on a bad team. Any teammate that complains about knockback is a bad teammate and player and should be avoided at all costs.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    how is this thread possibly still open

    is literally everyone insane?????????????
    I'm pretty shocked myself. From what I understand these forums are pretty tightly leashed. I'm sure there are other places to talk about this stuff though if this thread gets locked.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post

    Basically, most of the things that caused me to get Unleashed for a while.
    We've missed you! You even got a happy birthday thread!

    Also, I'll be primarily premium player once Freedom goes live. I'll subscribe from time to time, but not that often.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Am I the only one that wants more knockback for my Energy Blaster? The whole "chance for" thing really bites.
    I want more KB in everything.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Four times today so far for me. I've already canceled my sub again for a variety of reasons but somewhere on that list is my annoyance at the flakiness of these forums and the way that they're being moderated these days.
    I signed back up less than thirty minutes ago and I'm already starting to feel this way. I think I've had to sign back in six times.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Tsk tsk.

    It's thematically inappropriate for a Scrapper to hide behind ninja tricks. Just like's it's apparently non-thematic for a Stalker to carry a shield.
    I know right! It makes sense if you don't think about it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    That's it.

    Issue 21: City of Scrappers!

    Just proliferate everything to scrappers! \o/ Everyone wins if that happens!
    Best. Idea. Ever.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Try being patient instead.
    Patience is for suckers. I want ninja scrappers! Or for scrapper SR to get the taunt aura it deserves. Or both. Yeah, I want both. I guess Bass can have Ice Armor for scrappers too. I would use it.
  20. Zombie Man, Arcanaville, GG, BillZ, Mempshi Bill, Aett, EvilGecko, BrandX, Sam, Techbot, and Forbin all post instead of playing the game. Therefore I know more than them about CoH.

    Those with post counts less than mine(everybody else that has posted in the thread so far) are n00bs and haven't been around long enough to question me.

    Now you should all pay your respects to MunkiLord, King of the Forums.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post


    What would happen when someone clicks the next button to accept the costume? Would they just get a message informing them that "1 or more costume pieces need to be purchased?" Would it tell them which pieces and what packs they came from? Would there be any way for new players who don't know which pieces are pack items to know before hand that they can't use them?

    I see a lot of uninformed players getting annoyed when they keep trying to make costumes the game won't allow. Placing costume packs on the store dummies sounds better to me. They could just place a sign next to each one explaining what pack they come with.
    Put non bought costume pieces in a completely separate and obvious tab. Name it something like 'Preview, must purchase X Booster to use'. Would some people still get confused? Probably. But I think the number would be low enough that you could just ignore them.
  22. /unsigned. I like the system as is. It works well for me.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I can't tell you how many times I've bugged, for example, text errors such as misspelled words. It seems fairly simple to me for someone to pop into the text source and simply change "cemetary" to "cemetery." I mean, five seconds, max, right? And yet several issues go by, and it's still there, silently sticking in me like a thorn every time I see the uncorrected word.
    I picture this going down a certain way. The bug fixer people see your report. For whatever reason they forget about. Then you send in another, this time you sound a little more urgent about. They chuckle, then forget again. Now you're starting to get a little upset. They get a desperate report that has dried tears on it(through computer, yes). At this point they start posting your bug reports on a baord so everyone can laugh at you.

    The bug reports keep coming, issue after issue, patch after patch. You're desperate, obsessed with this one spelling error. It consumes you and you every minute in Paragon City. The devs start tracking your characters anytime you are in game watching you go crazier and crazier.

    Then to add to their evil plan they start making more spelling mistakes on purpose! Soon you left sucking your thumb on the ground as the letter and words haunt your very soul. You can't move, breathe, or think without them chasing you.

    But why? Why do the devs and bug fixers do this? It's simple. Devs don't hate villains. Devs hate players!