Female Only Server
Countering sexism with sexism isn't the answer.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

It's already against the rules to harass people.
Report the offender and be done with it.
MMORPG mate.
Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls.
Also don't tell them that you are female. Problem solved.
How about we just report and/or ignore list the creeps?
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
So... what's your sign?
My ex-girlfriend had a way to discourage guys getting smarmy with her in game. She'd ask them if they wanted to see a pic of her, and then send them this. (Link unsavory, but safe for work.)
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
They have female only gyms for a reason.
If we can have VIP servers please make one female only. Thanks. |
Now if they're harassing you because you're on a female toon, just /ignore them..
Making an female-only Server is taking it a bit overboard imo, and such a segregation is quite silly.. This isn't a gym, a sports team, or a locker room.. It's a video game.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Good luck trying to enforce this!

Don't give out personal info.
Toss creeps on the ignore list and avoid them.
Just treat them like you would any other troll, because trolls will go anywhere, including a female-only server.
Yeah, that doesn't stop the creeps, for one thing, there are creeps of either gender, for another, some of those creeps really don't care what you are behind the toon...speaking as a male whose had to report cyber-stalking to the moderators at least twice...
one of those didn't even seem to be sexual, just someone who'd gotten ahold of one of my names and made a habit to invite me anytime they saw me online and continue to invite me as long as I stayed online, and got belligerent when I told them to stop...and started harassing me from new names when I blocked him (pre-global days) and so on
it only stopped when I switched to an alt and eventually I had to report all his alts I ran across to the moderators....
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
A female only server would be 90% populated by the sleazier variety of internet male.
So I suppose at least it'd get *them* all in one place and out of the general population.
That would mean the only villain groups you can fight are the Knives of Artemis and the Arachnos Widows.
I'd join it to actually meet girls! :P
Wouldn´t really keep me off
Not that I would harras anyone in the first place.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.
If we can have VIP servers please make one female only. |
That is not possible in this game. It is too easy for any harassing male to start up another account under a fake female identity. All you need is an email address and time cards (and in the future, not even that). There is also cross-server messaging: if the creep ever gets your global, he can still harass you even if you are on another server.
It may even be counter-productive with a female-only server. Imagine that there is a female-only server, and then you discover you're being hit on anyway. This means that the safe haven suddenly is not so safe anymore. I would feel violated if that happened, and there is a chance that I would stop playing the game at all, because I wouldn't feel safe even on the server that was set up for me to be safe.
What you can do is...
- Ignore him. There's an ignore list that will help you in that respect.
- Petition him. GMs will look into the matter and take action.
- Find a good gender-mixed supergroup. In a close circle of friends, people rarely overstep like this, because there is a self-policing habit in a group.
- Educate people. It won't help you now, of course, but the next generation may be more aware of gender issues.
In the long run, gender segregation is a bad thing, just as race segregation, sexual orientation segregation, religious segregation or any other kind of segregation. It always reinforces the inequality, even if it is put in place to protect one group from the other.
It takes time to change this inequality, maybe even generations, but there's a reason that black-only gyms are considered a thing of the past.
Still @Shadow Kitty
"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"
So the last 50 years of Woman's Liberation have been great.
Then this kind of thing happens.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
If there was a female only server, I'd be on it and I am a man. I don't care about playing with females and have no intention of harassing any of them, I would just make sure that is my home server out of principle - trying to exclude me based on my sex is the height of prejudice, I will always challenge that.
I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.
If we can have VIP servers please make one female only. Thanks. |
Far better to run and hide in some cyber-refuge than to report some idiot harassing you so the mods can slap them down or ban them if they persist. Hopefully the next female they harass will also have the good sense to flee to your protected server rather than get the idiot dealt with.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Ah it's the weekend isn't it.
Bet the OP is a bloke too!

Thelonious Monk
This is a silly idea - it's letting the men win, and accepting their behavior rather than making an effort to change it.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.
If we can have VIP servers please make one female only. Thanks. |
Second, is the person harassing *you* or your *character?* (IE, if you log on Blue Ice Maiden, the person starts up, but if you log in Beefy Shield Guy, he doesn't = character.) These will pretty much determine the steps to take.
Some are going to be the same no matter what.
1. Tell the person very plainly, "I'm not interested, leave me alone, don't bother me again."
2. Get their character name and global, write down the time, etc. (While you're at it, right click them, or click their name, and go to Add/Edit Note (near the bottom.) One star, write the same info down as "harrassment.")
3. If they start again with the same character, /petition them. Title "Harassment," in the body give the global, the character name, and give the info you wrote down before about when you told them to stop (and that it's happened before.) (Having chat logs on can help - but whether you have them on or not doesn't matter, support will have access to their own.)
4. Then /ignore @global them. Nothing they do will get through to you - no tells, no emails, regardless of character. You won't see them on globals. nada.
5. If they're in a supergroup with you, it's a little more involved - get ahold of one of the leaders and let them know what's going on. What they do determines what you do - if they take action, great. if not, you may want to clean out your stuff and leave the supergroup. You don't want this person interacting with you, after all.
If you let friends know, DO NOT get them to "Gang up on" the person, spread rumors or anything. Just make the harasser a non-entity. Though if they see him (assuming him) spreading other tales about you - well, add it to the email after the /petition.
Harassment *is* against the terms of service.
As far as the "Female only server," well... not going to happen. It's just not enforcable in the least, given parents paying for accounts, families sharing accounts, and just plain old false information.
Just take advantage of the tools you have available to you, play with the people you're comfortable with - you'll be fine.
if not, you may want to clean out their stuff and leave the supergroup.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.
If we can have VIP servers please make one female only.