Female Only Server




Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
We were using teamspeak for a Master of Keys Run. I normally don't go out of my way to tell my gender, but I thought we had good players but I kept getting harassed. You can't ignore someone when you need them to complete something.

I play the game for fun, and shouldn't have to worry about people living in their mothers basement or 13 year old boys who should be in school.
Just tell them that you yourself are a 13 year old boy. Anyone who's spent much time on teamspeak would find that plausible.



Originally Posted by OmegaX View Post
Not quite. Based on the post you agreed with, it sounds like the 'whiny leetle babies' one.

So just because I want RPers to be looked at as people and not 'in-game sexually overactive and/or deviant', I'm being 'defensive'? Maybe in the sense that I'm 'defending' the (huge) portion of RPers who have no interest in putting smut in their RP sessions, and don't confuse OOC with IC, yeah.
Considering you failed to address the second part of my post where I defended good RPers....I'm not sure Dr. Cox singing how wrong and offbase you are would do this justice.



Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
I run a fair few female characters and in seven years haven't once been asked my gender, or received gender-based attention. I feel terribly unloved.
Awww... you poor thing.

Hey, how YOU doin'?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Hey, how YOU doin'?
So, do you like... stuff?



I've played MMOs since 1999, yes i've been harassed, stalked even (one guy was emailing me shirtless pictures of himself). But heres the thing, last time i had someone say something rude or obnoxius was... probably 3-4 years ago.
Its oh so easy to avoid this.
1: Don't go out of your way to announce that you are a girl. If someone calls you "bro", "dude", "man", etc don't bother correcting them.
2: Don't post pictures of yourself everywhere (i break this rule myself, i've even have a nude pic on the net, but i've not gotten harassed over it, i used to long ago tho).
3: Put them on ignore, and/or report them. I've gotten really annoying people banned/suspended. I think you'll find that the GMs of most MMOs frown really bad on this.
4: Teamspeak has a mute function, use it. Or better yet, don't use teamspeak, its a useful tool maybe, but there is no game whatsoever which makes it a must have.
(When i played WoW, our raidleader was a girl with one of the sexiest voices i've ever heard, whenever she gave instructions everyone was quiet and just listened. And when she was done there was almost an applause in the end. She never got harassed for it, she got complimented for it.)

Which brings me to a new point, it's 2011, not 1999. Girls playing games is not something new and exciting like it was back then. Pretty much all MMOs claim their playerbase is 40-50% female nowadays, which is not in the least bit surprising because a lot of couples play together.

So really, get over yourself, and make use of the mute and ignore functions. And your gaming experience would improve.
I've played in all "female" guilds in both Everquest and WoW, neither were any fun and in the end were dominated by men. In the all girl EQ guild i was in, we ended up being 3 real girls in a guild of 40. So yea... an all female server is perhaps one of the dumbest ideas i've ever heard.



Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
Men have no more right to dictate what a woman wears than she has the right to dictate how they react to her promiscuous look.
And yet a female school teacher will still be arrested and fired if she were to try teaching her students wearing nothing more than a g-string and high heels.

And businesses frequently have dress codes and fire employees that don't follow them.

The truth is that men and women both dictate what women can wear and how they can react to how they look every single day.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I'd be willing to wager a fairly large sum of money that once Freedom launches even the Free players will have access to /petition and /ignore as well as those paying a subscription.
Actually if you look at the side by side comparison it says F2P players will not have access to any in-game customer support, so it looks like they won't be able to contact any GM's.



Originally Posted by Ban_Sidhe View Post
For VOIP users there's always morphvox to hide your voice

You know... That might actually turn me around on my friends' insistence to use TeamSpeak for planned events. I'll have to try that immediately. Thank you!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
But...if he's also wrong, then that makes everyone in this thread right. Which makes him also right. But then that means...................

NOOOOO! You divided by ZERO!!!!

(Said by my husband, Joyrock, as he's reading the thread over my shoulder)
Here's a thought. Make all your toons with really tiny waists...HUGE boobs, and really skimpy clothing. Also big hips to make you have a nice butt. Then people will think you're a guy.



Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
You can't ignore someone when you need them to complete something.
Why not? There is nothing in this game that is worth being degraded for.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Actually if you look at the side by side comparison it says F2P players will not have access to any in-game customer support, so it looks like they won't be able to contact any GM's.
I believe that is ingame support so like Stuck missions/TF's etc.

One can just as easily submit a harassment ticket on the CS website. They may even still have the in game option of submitting a harassment petition as it does not require "in game" support.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
P.S. Sinister Dirge is eminently correct in his comment about "check outs".
I am from the northland. If we didnt check out women in parkas, we wouldnt be able to check women out for 7 months a year.



Ahem... The various things that flashed through my mind upon reading "Female Only Server"

* Mister Synapse, I assure you that despite my apparent gender short comings I can bring you your steak just as well as any waitress could...

* Dang it, I've looked at these servers until my eyes crossed! I even took one out of the rack, turned it over and examined its underpinnings... how do you tell if it's female or male?

* Bonus points if you read the above and immediately... without a second's hesitation... thought or said "by the I/O ports of course!"

* Wow, look at the motherboard on her...

* Fifteen Minutes After Successfully Creating and Maintaining the Female Only Server: "Well... this sucks... who are we supposed to abuse NOW?!"

* The Slippery Slope: "This was a fine idea until they took the 'female only' part too seriously... I get REALLY tired of fighting Knives of Artemis and Carnival all the time."

* The REALLY Slippery Slope: Gender Unification

  • Positron becomes Positronia and complained bitterly about how his.. er... her... armor bound up in the most uncomfortable spots now.
  • Statesman becomes Stateswoman
  • Lord Recluse becomes Lady Wall-Flower
  • Synapse (formerly quite the uber-stud and womanizer) didn't handle the change very well and became Relapse
  • Lord Nemesis switched to Mistress Mind-Games (former girlfriend of mine, actually)
  • Scirocco became MoodSwing and finally gained acclaim as one of the most dangerous villains EVAH!
  • Black Scorpion became Battery Operated and subsequently more reclusive and home-bound than Recluse ever was.
  • I was going to write a joke about Captain Mako but there was NO way I could stuff it inside the teen rating structure. That's fine tho'... those of you whose minds are twisted in the same direction mine are have already figured it out.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



As a dead white guy once said, "if we are troubled by any external thing it is not the thing itself that troubles us but merely our estimation of it, and this we are free to revoke at any time."

Or as more succinctly put by some live white guys, "Get Over It".

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
So, do you like... stuff?
Stuff and things, yeah. You?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
* Fifteen Minutes After Successfully Creating and Maintaining the Female Only Server: "Well... this sucks... who are we supposed to abuse NOW?!"

Said by the women on the server.



In order to enforce a female only server, you would have to post your picture and real name so that we could . . . . ummm . . . . verify that you qualified.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I demand a one arm only sever!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And yet a female school teacher will still be arrested and fired if she were to try teaching her students wearing nothing more than a g-string and high heels.

And businesses frequently have dress codes and fire employees that don't follow them.

The truth is that men and women both dictate what women can wear and how they can react to how they look every single day.
I cannot understand why any male would object to women choosing to dress promiscuously. Just enjoy the view, and try not to be too obvious about it.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Staring, commenting, and cat-calling (from either gender) isn't dictating what you wear any more than stares, comments, and name-calling dictates what I eat or how much exercise I get.
It can put pressure on a woman to dress "correctly".

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It's the internet. You're pretty much going to get annoyed by people regardless of your sex, race or sexuality and a level of thick skin is needed to use it.

Yes, this is annoying and it shouldn't be that way. But there is literally no way to stop this kind of behaviour before it happens, the GM's aren't able to tell the future so it's down to you to report and ignore.

Which is the beauty of MMO's, in real life I have to put up with people who say things that I honestly don't care for either because of work obligations or that I'm willing to let it slide to not be a total downer. In CoH? I can ignore them forever more in around five seconds.

The problem is some people get offended and then simply don't take the steps to stop being offended. Use the ignore function instead of arguing with these people, it's there for a reason and you'll feel a lot better.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
2: Don't post pictures of yourself everywhere (i break this rule myself, i've even have a nude pic on the net, but i've not gotten harassed over it, i used to long ago tho).
Now I'm just curious to how many people instantly went searching for this photo as soon as they read the part.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It can put pressure on a woman to dress "correctly".
Bollocks. Learn to differentiate between being aware of the reaction and being responsible for the reaction.