Female Only Server




Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
Heh, oddly enough I've heard people spamming their "All female SG" over the channels before.. And until I read your post, I always thought they were just referring to the Avatar's gender.

The fact that they might have meant real-life gender really never crossed my mind until now.. They certainly did not make it clear in their ads.
That's what I always thought as well.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It can put pressure on a woman to dress "correctly".
So can parents.



Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
We were using teamspeak for a Master of Keys Run. I normally don't go out of my way to tell my gender, but I thought we had good players but I kept getting harassed. You can't ignore someone when you need them to complete something.
Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Oh? they were saying things over teamspeak? That actually makes things easier for you! Turn off teamspeak.
True story. You can get the Master badges without teamspeak.
I have dropped out of voice chat channels on more than one occasion. Not that people were specifically harassing me, but because the other participants were just being really crude. They thought they were being clever and whatnot, but they weren't. I just got tired of it.
Dropping out of the chat channel greatly improved my gaming experience for that night. I still played with the same crew of people, I just didn't listen to them anymore.

Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
I play the game for fun, and shouldn't have to worry about people living in their mothers basement or 13 year old boys who should be in school.
Neither one of these groups of people are intimidating, imho. ymmv.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
Heh, oddly enough I've heard people spamming their "All female SG" over the channels before.. And until I read your post, I always thought they were just referring to the Avatar's gender.

The fact that they might have meant real-life gender really never crossed my mind until now.. They certainly did not make it clear in their ads.
I assumed the same thing. It never occurred to me to think otherwise.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
And I want a server only for men who listen to and know way too many George Michael lyrics while still totally liking girls.

It's Freedom, you've got to give for what you take.
I chuckled, a lot.

Had a debate re sexuality and a possible Pride event in Pocket D for Union, once. At the time I think there had been an event on one of the American servers, and the way I saw it (at the time) was I thought it would be neat to have a gay player event in-game for Europe.

Now I'd say 'no' on the principle of equality means equal treatment. Things change, including people.

I know this has little to do with the OP. Just felt like sharing.



Just ignore. It seems to work for all sorts of issues.

Or even better...Come up wit something unattractive about your toon.

I play on Virtue and while my toon is pretty sexy looking, I made her Narcoleptic. So when bad RP happens I can just use the Away AFK Sleep Emote, and say Im RPing. Then I just don't respond.



Psst. Since you've also posted in this thread, doesn't this make you equally wrong?
Looks like Socrates' cat bit someone again.



Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
Make a server only female, there will only be males playing on it.

I rarely have problems with being harrassed by guys when I play, and those that do, I put on ignore/report. Course I probably don't get a lot of people messing with me because 90% of my toons are male toons.
i've actually had a few male alts receive lewd comments in the past. The first time was back around late 2004/early 2005. i was playing a D3 whose theme was being a reformed Eidolon, so he was wearing all buckled leather. (There being no Chaos Leather pattern back then.) It was just one suggestive and appreciative comment though, so i shrugged it off and continued on. If i'd been followed and/or harassed through tells i would've used /ignore and /petition. Oddly enough i've very rarely been harassed on male or female alts on any server despite frequently receiving compliments for my costumes. Occasional suggestive and appreciative comments don't bother me as long as they're not too crude, and even then i usually see it as an opportunity for an amusing reply.

Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
Heh, oddly enough I've heard people spamming their "All female SG" over the channels before.. And until I read your post, I always thought they were just referring to the Avatar's gender.

The fact that they might have meant real-life gender really never crossed my mind until now.. They certainly did not make it clear in their ads.
i have a couple alts in all female SGs, but leaders of those SGs are aware that female avatar does not automatically mean female player.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
This is why.

Some things once seen cannot be unseen.
Yep, only attractive women should dress in a revealing way, to better help men fantasize about them.

It's the same principle by which rich people should wear expensive suits so that the homeless know who they should ask for money. If you're wearing an expensive suit, you lose the right to complain about beggars - after all, you're dressing to say "I have so much money I can spend a bunch of it on this suit", clearly you want people to ask you for your money.

Character index



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Just ignore. It seems to work for all sorts of issues.

Or even better...Come up wit something unattractive about your toon.

I play on Virtue and while my toon is pretty sexy looking, I made her Narcoleptic. So when bad RP happens I can just use the Away AFK Sleep Emote, and say Im RPing. Then I just don't respond.
And the getting shot full of holes while falling asleep in the middle of combat has never come up?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
And the getting shot full of holes while falling asleep in the middle of combat has never come up?

Ah...Thats the secret behind a good story. Her Narcolepsy is triggered by sexual communication....

Kidding. I just find that it works.

During battle however in her "Sleep State" her subconscious acts in a psionic manner allowing her to navigate and function in her environment because of the bodies need to protect it's self and survival even when sleeping.


Pretty neat eh.



Ok, if you are serious, try this:
1) Get off Vent. A female voice on voicechat will always get you harrassed. mostly by 13-yr-old boys who imagine you look more like Olivia Munn than Velma (nm, scratch that, Velma is kinda nerdcute).
2) Petition the Devs to change your Global to something butch, like Flint Beefstick.
3) Change your forum icon from something other than your real face.
4) Once you get back in game, don't tell anyone you are female. If someone asks, don't reply or say something like: 'Weeeeelll . . .at least {your character name} is female . . ..'. If they harrass you because you are playing a female character, they are stupid. 90% of the female toons are males. Use ignore, kick 'em or leave the team.
A few less serious suggestions:
5) Avoid the words 'cute' and 'outfit', particularly together. 'Cute' should not be used to describe a piece of a costume, only an entire female character (like Joanna in the Prae Trading House, yum).
6) When building a character, slide the Chest slider one click further right than you think it should be.
7) To make sure other players think you are male, be sure to: Any time a mission has the new Mother Mayhem in it, express incredulity for her glandular assets. Calling her Mother Mamhuge is usually enough.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Ah...Thats the secret behind a good story. Her Narcolepsy is triggered by sexual communication....

Kidding. I just find that it works.

During battle however in her "Sleep State" her subconscious acts in a psionic manner allowing her to navigate and function in her environment because of the bodies need to protect it's self and survival even when sleeping.


Pretty neat eh.
heh that's a nice workaround

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Actually if you look at the side by side comparison it says F2P players will not have access to any in-game customer support, so it looks like they won't be able to contact any GM's.
Yes, I know what the side by side comparison says. It says in-game customer support. I doubt that EULA violations are considered in-game support.

Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I believe that is ingame support so like Stuck missions/TF's etc.

One can just as easily submit a harassment ticket on the CS website. They may even still have the in game option of submitting a harassment petition as it does not require "in game" support.
As Phillygirl said, submitting a petition for harassment or any other violations doesn't require in-game support. Once you file a petition for violations you don't have anything else in-game going on with that petition. It's all handled outside the game.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Or you...and this is from one lady to another...can buck up, and take it. I mean, either put someone on ignore or realize that people in MMO's will focus on a womans body and you will either feel degraded or simply live with the fact that this is a game in which, like all other games have pervs in it.

Hit ignore, file harassment, and take a screen print.

If the harassment is constant then thats the process. This does not mean everyone who tells you your toon is a hot piece of apple pie needs to get a harassment violation. But as long as you are not just sitting around weeping because it happens, and you generally tell people you are not interested in that kind of thing...then it should be ok.

Real Life Situation.

Im sitting at a bar. Dude walks up, flirts and says something I don't like. I can A) Walk away without a word (Works in the real world, not in the digital one) B) tell him Im not interested and that he needs to move on, cuz he aint getting me, C) Go to security if dude is not leaving me alone, or D) go home and cry in the fetal position.

I mean, You "need" to stick up for yourself. In the gaming world you have options like in the real world, and if somone is making you uncomfortable you need to take matters into your own hands. Which in most cases I listed as above.

You should also take things with a grain of salt. I dress my toon in common super hero style outfits. Lot's of skin, and lots of big hair and long legs. Why? Cuz Im a comic fan and thats just how it goes in my head.

But If Im wearing a short skirt in a bar, I still have the right to say no, and you do to in this spandex wearing universe.

Also wanted to add that there is no way of screening gender in this game. Some people have multiple accounts or more than one person playing on an account. So if my BF wants to roll up a defender on the female server...there you go...you got a man in that terf



Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
I hate getting harassed in game, and so I wish they would create a female only server. They have female only gyms for a reason. An online video game is not a dating site.

If we can have VIP servers please make one female only.

I no this guy right here won't Harass you but there are really alot of rude guys out there, they should treat a lady with respect.

lol funny thing is when i play a female toon I get hit on too and rude marks, I just laugh it off any how or ignore them, but cutting yourself off form the other gender isn't the best way to handle it.

Next time get there Chat handle and the name of there toon and write them up for Harassing you and these people will get band or worse, this will work I no Women who had issues like yours, hey also hang in there ok.

Ps: you can also tell them your a guy and that might freak them out in game or try playing male toons to avoid Conflicts and Also try too dull you character Appearance a little bit, wear darker colors and stuff, this will take there eyes off of you.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



But would a female server solve the problem? I'm guessing the the server would only be for people who are female in real life and not the gender of your toons. Just because the server is populated only with women, would that eliminate all harassment? What, women can't harass others?

Also, I wonder how an all women server would be enforced. Can the game look at the gender of the persons profile and lock them out? How soon before guys start new accounts and claim to be female just so they can get access to the female only server?

I think it is better to use the social management tools that the game has already.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So the solution is for us to hide our gender because the other gender is causing problems? Should we cover up on the street too, to avoid unwelcome attention and comments?
Isn't that what they do to women in the Med East like Country like Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Baghdad, I really don't think any of us want to see women walking around with robes that cover there face and body.

Also Might as well make a server for people with bad Grammar, I been Harass a couple of times on the Forums and in game for not having perfect Grammar, I just ignore it, you can't phase me you no.

because I can't type or spell well because of my learning disability and other disability doesn't give you a right too be a Grammar Nazi.

So in one from or another we all been Harass in Coh, I just think people like being D-bags when it comes too Coh because they have a power they don't have in real life.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Chainsaw_Chicken View Post
We were using teamspeak for a Master of Keys Run. I normally don't go out of my way to tell my gender, but I thought we had good players but I kept getting harassed. You can't ignore someone when you need them to complete something.

I play the game for fun, and shouldn't have to worry about people living in their mothers basement or 13 year old boys who should be in school.
Tell them to leave you alone and that they're creepy, problem solved!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So the solution is for us to hide our gender because the other gender is causing problems? Should we cover up on the street too, to avoid unwelcome attention and comments?
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But why is it the women that need to hide who they are to avoid problems?
Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
How is it "hiding" if it would never come up unless you made a special point of bringing it up. I've never "hidden" my gender in the game, but no one knows it.
There is your answer, in the 7 years of playing and teaming gender has come up but 4 times.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



If you get harassed about your gender, petition and gignore. It is as simple as that

/end thread hard

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I think the things that strike me most about the information provided by the OP are the following:

1) The OP wants NCsoft to shell out for a female only server.
2) The OP has stated that the only reason she got picked out as a female is because she chose (and was not by any means required) to enter a Teamspeak server (which is not a part of game functionality, and therefore has nothing to do with NCsoft).

Simply put, the harassment that the OP received has nothing to do with NCsoft (nor anything to do with anything that NCsoft control), so is not NCsoft's problem to solve.

This is not to suggest that such behaviour should be tolerated, but I believe that the finger should be pointed at the Teamspeak server's owner, not NCsoft, as the person to solve the issue.

Having said that, if it was in-game harassment (which this is not), then /ignore and /petition are the way to solve it.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Yep, only attractive women should dress in a revealing way, to better help men fantasize about them.
Sorry Silver but your only focusing on women because of the OP's suggestion. The truth of the matter is that only average looking people should dress in a revealing way.

Attractive men and women should not dress revealingly because of the visual distraction they cause. And unattractive men and women should not dress revealingly because they cause hysterical blindness.



As a fellow man that plays female characters, I totally vote for a female only server so I can take notes on female behavior for the little bit of outside life I have.

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by Icy_J View Post
As a fellow man that plays female characters, I totally vote for a female only server so I can take notes on female behavior for the little bit of outside life I have.
But if you were a man would you be able to get into the female only server?

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!