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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    He was caught once. He was rescued once. It's just everyone gets to run the content.
    Not when you team with many people running the mission. Used to be a running joke in the teams I ran with on Union in 2006 that he was always being kidnapped.

    Kidnapping States was a repeatable mission for NPCs.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    As for where to put a Statesman Memorial, what about Independence Port? It's where he was hanging out for most of the time in the game, anyway.
    I thought that he spent more time imprisoned and needing his pals to rescue him - wasn't he being regularly imprisoned for years before he decided to hand out a TF?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Actually they said that they are removing the person that dies from the game, it's in a Ustream, don't remember which one but it's there.

    In an effort to minimise the work required, part 6 of the SSA reveals that an entry requirement to the freedom phalanx was that the hero had to have an identical twin. Back Alley Brawler could easily be killed off and replaced by his twin brother Peter, who's currently working as a landscape gardener.

    Expect them to sell a titan weapon garden implements pack with hoe, rake and strimmer.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    6) When he dies the character will be "phased" out of the game. Meaning once you complete the story arc you won't see him in the game anymore a la contacts in Praetoria. The zone that makes use of this phasing is only Atlas Park, where Back Alley Brawler resides. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYnhk...eature=related (Stated at 1:30 about Phasing)
    Originally Posted by AquaJAWS View Post
    6. Maybe they are slating another zone for a major revamp too by then, say with Issue 22, which is likely coming out right about the time this story arc comes out. So, that would means it would be a zone with one of these contacts. Also, who says the phasing tech needs to be in from the ground up? Mercy isn't COMPLETELY redone, but it has phasing tech. The phasing tech wasn't really put into place until issue 22 for Freedom. Going Rogue had the ability to phase just contacts in issue 18.
    Been thinking the same here - I'd hope that some form of phasing would come to other zones before too long and the signature arc timescale is hopefully long enough to give some dev time to it.

    I'd guess that it would be a low level zone (as I'd personally go for gradually bringing in phasing from Atlas onwards). Kings' is so easy to skip (or quick to do) and only has that blue steel chappy, so I'd lean towards Skyway or Steel.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
    What's wrong with archetype saturation? It isn't like Blasters can't attack. The amount of AoE cataclysmic devastation and support-based buffs/debuffs could cause some serious harm to the other mobs.
    Single AT teams can be great fun.

    And the odds against a random LFG-formed team/league being single AT increase as the number of people needed increase, but (afaik) it's still non-zero. Surely if single-AT teams were so so bad the devs would guard against them?
    Heck - some of the trials needed (or at least ran smother with) some set AT/role requirements, but they were first to get the LFG queue. A lambda with only 1 tank and a shedload of blasters is hard in the collection phase, but afaik the queue lets it happen.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    everything seems ridiculously resistant to behind held
    You can't blame the mobs - IRL most people resist hell of a lot if some stranger in fancy-dress runs up and holds their behind.
  7. Looks good.
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    But this is one of those teasers the devs are so fond of doing.
    Sorry for the minor derail, but this reminded me: Has anything ever been said about underwater plans after the teaser in the cimerora caves?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghostmaker View Post
    Jesus on a pogo stick.
    If the devs would only stick a pogo travel power in the shop...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    "Opinons are like _______. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."
    Hmmm - 7 letters...

    Is it 'like cellars'?

    Mine can be quite pongy - mainly as the cat's litter tray is down there.
  10. Nice summation of ETs, though I'd request it's moved to guides (where spoilers are to be expected). One of the replies requires Omega clearance...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    To be honest i always thought making it so that the Kheldian and Nictus forms were species from different stars and planets that coincidentally happened to be exactly identical in every respect except colours and energy types emitted was kind of, well, stupid. Very stupid.
    I always thought that a nice hook if they ever wanted to explore the story of a non-humanoid form spreading and evolving across the universe.

    I've always thought the two species probably related way back down the evolutionary tree. If Khelds bonded with humans and gorillas they'd look pretty similar but have very different abilities.

    Alternatively, as gods do definitely exist in the CoX multiverse, maybe it wasn't evolution but creation - and The Creator just happens to like the squid and lobster forms as much as bipedal humanoids.

    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    It certainly would be interesting if someday, Kheldian ATs got a minor revisit and a few additional forms were added, like one for pure melee DPS, or one that heavily specialized in controls.
    Always hoped that more forms would be added - it's a fun mechanic, but historically (don't know about recent months) khelds were never used enough to justify any dev time.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    +1 rep for the reference to one of my favorite characters and series of all time.
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Vir was one of my favorite characters as well. And that is one of my favorites of his lines.
    What's this talk of Vir? Pike was in Dad's Army.

    Though it's Walker who'd be the gold farming spiv.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
    Are you seriously asking for the breakdown to list each item at 33.33333333333333333333333.... ad infinitum, in the shop screen?
    Or maybe just 33
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    How about an option that would allow VIP/Premium players a tag to receive/not receive tells from freebies? Then people wanting to run groups for the frees could receive tells from them and those who don't want to hear from them (because of spam or whatever) could keep them silent.
    This strikes me as a great solution - don't stop freebies from being able to chat but give non-free players control over hearing them.
  15. Judgement_Dave

    Game just die?

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    Servers are back up but I've lost half a bar of XP
    I bugged that it looked as if either data hadn't been stored or a rollback had taken place based upon character position changing for me and others.

    Thought it worth bugging in case the devs didn't cause it/know about it already.
  16. I'd be a full time 24/7* superhero!

    * excluding 6 to 12 hours every Tuesday, Thursday or whenever the hell I decide to upgrade my costume. It's quite easy to be 24/7 as it only really demands the odd hour here and there - but never when Australasia is awake (the shock might kill them).
  17. The crotch fondling is the only way they can bribe PPD to take the dangerous hazard-zone assignments.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    Well at least they announced this one well in advance, and not hid the announcement away on Facebook, at 3am on the same day it was schedulded to happen.
    Just to clarify: this thread was started after the EU server crash at c.10:30 BST which (obviously) wasn't announced.

    The EU servers came back up after something like 25-30 minutes and now we're on to planned maintenance downtime. I don't think it was general moaning about the amount of planned downtime (though there's been a fair bit of late).
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cake View Post
    I am in US and the downtime always seems to coincide with my prime play time (yes I keep odd hours.)
    I'd believe that if your whole existence wasn't a lie.
  20. Judgement_Dave

    Servers Down?

    Died a couple of minutes before 10:30 BST.

    No in-game announcement - crash looks likely to me.
  21. Judgement_Dave

    Game just die?

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    There's a scheduled patch today, is it that?
    No - patch due at 12:00 BST for 6 hrs iirc - this is 90min early, seems to only be EU servers afaik and wasn't announced in-game.

    Some sort of crash seems likely.
  22. Judgement_Dave

    Game just die?

    Looks like the EU servers just died again...
  23. Judgement_Dave

    Game just die?

    Have they been having problems or have the EU servers just died again?

    Old EU-servers all showing as down on my loading screen whilst the NA servers are fine...
  24. Thanks to Kallandra & co for organising it - was a fun weekend.
    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    ...it's the first time I've won a competition by defecating in public.
    Now you know the secret to winning you're all set for X-Factor and Britains Got Talent.