Why do people hate on this game?




Hey guys you all dont know me, but i plan on making myself known here a bit more than usual. Names Greg online is tora tigre.

Anyways i wanna say first off ive been with CoX since cov came out. ever since i saw the release i was purely excited that i could live out my fantasies as a mastermind and im not easily impressed. lets just say that im proud cryptic/Ncsoft has put so much work and dedication into the game and i can purely enjoy it. And now that Freedom is released my brother and cousins as well have joined. Lord recluse better watch out!

with that said i have a quick question: Why since the game came out are people calling it crappy?

im not one to get into details with IO's and the mechanics and guides. to me this game is a great social game and its now on a f2p hybrid to boot. the only thing that would really make it better would problably be a level increase (hint hint)

But i hear constantly from youtube channels as well as ingame that the game sucks or its a crappy game or it offends you because of the horrible graphics????

Am i missing something here? Honestly? the game has been out since '05 why in the world would you talk crap about it let alone play it???

I like to defend my community especially if someone thinks a great game is crap.

I just want to know the mindset behind these ideas?

Just wanted to get that off my chest

Hope to see you guys online!





some had a bad experience, some are just fans of other games and fall into the tribalism mindset that to affirm your chouces, you must disparage other's choices. and especially in youtube, public comment forums like youtube tend to be places for the lowest of the low to use them just to vomit stupidity. its best to ignore a significant amount of public comment online, the net gives everyone a voice..and shows that not everyone has something to say. Also, no offense but you yourself are guilty of slagging two games in your post. yeah you likely legitimately didnt like them, but just as you enjoy some of coh's features and dislike some of the competitions, others may well feel the same about their games. its best to not say other games are bad, but rather restate why you enjoy yours and simply state that you dont enjoy theirs. i dislike whole gaming genres, but they arent objectively bad, just not my cup of tea.

also understand this thread may not last long, because you compare to two other games. they tend to delete threads on that because compare and contrast threads are not allowed.

EDIT: its good you are happy though, ultimately, thats what matters, if you find something that works for you, then you are good, others comments don't matter.



The people who say CoH has bad graphics fall into distinct groups:

1. Those who compare it to console games that can afford to make extremely realistic graphics on a standardized platform without having to worry about all the zillion extra polygons and textures that's in a game with this degree of complexity and customization and trying to make it look good on all sorts of PC configurations. It's comparing apples to oranges.

2. The same situation happens above when CoH is compared to the Asian model of MMOs that create spectacular player models... but don't have the customization that CoH has. They can afford to make highly realistic avatars when there's only a handful of models to make. I'd like to see them provide a billion costume combos for their avatars.

3. Those who have crappy computers and videocards and monitors. When you have a rig that can take advantage of most of what Ultra Mode can provide, the graphics are downright beautiful.

4. Those who are used to that 800 lb gorilla of an MMO with super saturated colors. They've gotten used to playing in a cartoon graphics world and can't appreciate a more realistic setting.

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The above posts summarized: The human gene pool is infested with morons that wouldn't know something good if it sat down in their lap and laid a golden egg.



Originally Posted by Borock_Obama View Post
Hey guys you all dont know me, but i plan on making myself known here a bit more than usual. Names Greg online is tora tigre.
{12 Stepper} Hi Greg!

Anyways i wanna say first off ive been with CoX since cov came out. ever since i saw the release i was purely excited that i could live out my fantasies as a mastermind and im not easily impressed. lets just say that im proud cryptic/Ncsoft has put so much work and dedication into the game and i can purely enjoy it. And now that Freedom is released my brother and cousins as well have joined. Lord recluse better watch out!
Welcome to the fold.

with that said i have a quick question: Why since the game came out are people calling it crappy?
Because people have to complain. Others have covered this. Tribalism, the graphics just don't happen to be to their taste, stupidity, trying to run it on a lousy computer and finding the settings necessary to make it playable make it uglier than sin, etc.

im not one to get into details with IO's and the mechanics and guides. to me this game is a great social game and its now on a f2p hybrid to boot. the only thing that would really make it better would problably be a level increase (hint hint)
Level increases, like in the 8,000lb mutant gorilla that everyone compares EVERYTHING in the MMO space to, aren't going to happen in this game. Basically it would constitute needing to expand ENTIRE systems (enemies, enhancements, contats, etc). The leveling game stops at 50. Period.

HOWEVER, with the Invention and Incarnate systems, it allows your characters to become extremely potent to the point of being overkill for 99% of the game.

But i hear constantly from youtube channels as well as ingame that the game sucks or its a crappy game or it analy rapes you because of the horrible graphics????
See the explanations above. If someone is running this game on a sub-par system with lousy graphics (say an Intel on-board GPU), yeah. The game's hideous and slow.

With a discrete graphics card of only moderate power, you can activate or bump more settings. Leaving you with a MUCH better looking game with a decent framerate.

Stepping up to a "gamer" class card allows you to turn on/up nearly EVERYTHING. Leaving you with an absolutely BEAUTIFUL game.

Am i missing something here? Honestly? the game has been out since '05 why in the world would you talk crap about it let alone play it???
The only thing you're missing is a lobotomy. Most of these people have little better to do than trash talk a game that isn't "theirs". Ignore them. Play what you like.

I just want to know the mindset behind these ideas?
First off, you're extremely courteous granting them the supposition of a "mind" to begin with. Most of them are just raw reactionaries. They don't think, they FEEL, then rage off their feelings. Never mind the facts.

Again, don't listen to them. Make up your own mind.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



You just called the most popular game in the history of MMORPGs "crap" and you're wondering about the mindset of people who insult CoH?

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.

I cite for my proof Jersey Shore.

It is my distinct hope that one day we will have "so bad it is good" MMOs like we do movies.



Level increases, in other games, are thrown around because it's easier content than having to design a complex system that allows you to expand beyond what would normally be available.

Levels are also the easiest things for the majority of players to see as "getting a job done." So, rather than expand more development time into the game, they just rehash the same old content and bump the cap up 5-20 levels.

50 levels or 100, in the end you're playing the game that whatever development team created. It's not meant, in reality, to give you a sense of accomplishment. If it was, they wouldn't need to add acheivements. Levels are just a way to pacify people so they feel that there is more available than they thought.

In CoH, the exact opposite is the case. Yes, the system is designed around a max level of 50, but there is more to CoH than leveling to the cap. There is the story the game presents and there is the story that you create for your characters. Unlike those other giants that only give you a new story when an expansion is purchased, every issue (major patch) has a new way to expand on the games lore as well as your own.

When you create a Superhero or SuperVillain, you always have the same goal: to be the best/baddest your mind can imagine. When you create characters in other games, since there is no room for your story, you only have the option of leveling or... sheesh, that I don't know. None of the other games I have played let me have my own story.

In CoH, the new systems allow you to expand your characters role in the lore of this game. You can become better/badder than you were by becoming an incarnate. You get tons of new power, tons of new enemies for you to use your powers on, and tons of new stories that make you feel that you are the center of the game.

I assume that many people that "hate" this game do so because they just didn't understand that the game is really about you living in a world of heroes & villains. Sure, you can follow the story the game leads you, but in the end, you can deviate and make your own rules. You wanted to be a villain but feel that, after time, you're not really that much of a bad guy? Well, you can take your character through a story to change your alignment. You're then given a whole new world of stories.

In the end, the game is only as good as YOU can make it for yourself. We're not spoonfed the same mindless tasks (well, not as much) as the other games.

I liken CoH to an All-You-Can-Eat buffet. You can make a combo plate of all different kinds of possibilities. If you don't like it, you can throw the plate away and make a new one with different options. In the other games, it's more of an all you can eat macaroni and cheese buffet. Sure, Mac and Cheese is good, but after the 2nd plate, you're still sitting in front of 100lbs of cheesy pasta.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Level increases, in other games, are thrown around because it's easier content than having to design a complex system that allows you to expand beyond what would normally be available.

Levels are also the easiest things for the majority of players to see as "getting a job done." So, rather than expand more development time into the game, they just rehash the same old content and bump the cap up 5-20 levels.

50 levels or 100, in the end you're playing the game that whatever development team created. It's not meant, in reality, to give you a sense of accomplishment. If it was, they wouldn't need to add acheivements. Levels are just a way to pacify people so they feel that there is more available than they thought.

In CoH, the exact opposite is the case. Yes, the system is designed around a max level of 50, but there is more to CoH than leveling to the cap. There is the story the game presents and there is the story that you create for your characters. Unlike those other giants that only give you a new story when an expansion is purchased, every issue (major patch) has a new way to expand on the games lore as well as your own.

When you create a Superhero or SuperVillain, you always have the same goal: to be the best/baddest your mind can imagine. When you create characters in other games, since there is no room for your story, you only have the option of leveling or... sheesh, that I don't know. None of the other games I have played let me have my own story.

In CoH, the new systems allow you to expand your characters role in the lore of this game. You can become better/badder than you were by becoming an incarnate. You get tons of new power, tons of new enemies for you to use your powers on, and tons of new stories that make you feel that you are the center of the game.

I assume that many people that "hate" this game do so because they just didn't understand that the game is really about you living in a world of heroes & villains. Sure, you can follow the story the game leads you, but in the end, you can deviate and make your own rules. You wanted to be a villain but feel that, after time, you're not really that much of a bad guy? Well, you can take your character through a story to change your alignment. You're then given a whole new world of stories.

In the end, the game is only as good as YOU can make it for yourself. We're not spoonfed the same mindless tasks (well, not as much) as the other games.

I liken CoH to an All-You-Can-Eat buffet. You can make a combo plate of all different kinds of possibilities. If you don't like it, you can throw the plate away and make a new one with different options. In the other games, it's more of an all you can eat macaroni and cheese buffet. Sure, Mac and Cheese is good, but after the 2nd plate, you're still sitting in front of 100lbs of cheesy pasta.
Excellent post, Commander.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



I always come back to City. I've left about 3 - 4 times, always for that bigger game with orcs and humans, but I end up coming back. The freedom to have alts (you really have no idea how awesome that is) plus being able to take on more then 2 minions at a time is beyond awesome, and the main reasons i come back all the time.

The graphics keep getting better. I enjoy that fact they try really hard to make it seem 'real' instead of obviously ripping off cartoons. Even the 'mythical creatures' don't seem out of place, and it can totally pass off as a true 'City of Heroes'



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good.

I cite for my proof Jersey Shore.
True, but just because something is less popular doesn't mean it's good either. My point is that it's silly to tell other people that their favorite game is crap and then wonder why they say the same thing about your game. The OP asked what is the mindset of someone who insults our favorite game? It's exactly the same as the OP's mindset when he insults their favorite game.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Haters gonna hate and morons are tht..thick as a pile of w*&k lol

Let them hate..let them moan... and let them watch us having fun.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It is my distinct hope that one day we will have "so bad it is good" MMOs like we do movies.
Always trust the Japanese.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Level increases, in other games, are thrown around because it's easier content than having to design a complex system that allows you to expand beyond what would normally be available.

Levels are also the easiest things for the majority of players to see as "getting a job done." So, rather than expand more development time into the game, they just rehash the same old content and bump the cap up 5-20 levels.

50 levels or 100, in the end you're playing the game that whatever development team created. It's not meant, in reality, to give you a sense of accomplishment. If it was, they wouldn't need to add acheivements. Levels are just a way to pacify people so they feel that there is more available than they thought.

In CoH, the exact opposite is the case. Yes, the system is designed around a max level of 50, but there is more to CoH than leveling to the cap. There is the story the game presents and there is the story that you create for your characters. Unlike those other giants that only give you a new story when an expansion is purchased, every issue (major patch) has a new way to expand on the games lore as well as your own.

When you create a Superhero or SuperVillain, you always have the same goal: to be the best/baddest your mind can imagine. When you create characters in other games, since there is no room for your story, you only have the option of leveling or... sheesh, that I don't know. None of the other games I have played let me have my own story.

In CoH, the new systems allow you to expand your characters role in the lore of this game. You can become better/badder than you were by becoming an incarnate. You get tons of new power, tons of new enemies for you to use your powers on, and tons of new stories that make you feel that you are the center of the game.

I assume that many people that "hate" this game do so because they just didn't understand that the game is really about you living in a world of heroes & villains. Sure, you can follow the story the game leads you, but in the end, you can deviate and make your own rules. You wanted to be a villain but feel that, after time, you're not really that much of a bad guy? Well, you can take your character through a story to change your alignment. You're then given a whole new world of stories.

In the end, the game is only as good as YOU can make it for yourself. We're not spoonfed the same mindless tasks (well, not as much) as the other games.

I liken CoH to an All-You-Can-Eat buffet. You can make a combo plate of all different kinds of possibilities. If you don't like it, you can throw the plate away and make a new one with different options. In the other games, it's more of an all you can eat macaroni and cheese buffet. Sure, Mac and Cheese is good, but after the 2nd plate, you're still sitting in front of 100lbs of cheesy pasta.
Making a story for your toon here is no different than making one in other games.



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
Making a story for your toon here is no different than making one in other games.

((Ok, instead of a one word questions, I'll expand on it.))

I don't mean you roll your alt and then "Hey look... this is my story." For the majority of CoH players that have been here for years, every power you pick from the tree has something to do with who your characters are. Some people want a super-speeder, so... they take Super Speed. Your character has the ability to fly... so you choose flight instead of Super Jump.

Some people have a specific idea of who their characters are and they reflect it from the powers they choose. Unlike 95% of the other MMO's out there, this is the staple of CoH. If we forget about the other Super Hero based MMO's, well, since this was the first...

The game with Orcs and Lich royalty, you have a specific tree based on the class you play. Everyone has the same exact tree, the same exact abilities. The only thing that differs is the amount of power you assign to each ability.

In CoH, you have 14 AT's. Each AT you get to choose how you want to play it. You and your friend could roll a Dark/Dark Corruptor at the same time, but chances are that you won't have the same character by the time you both hit 50. While you would take certain powers, he could have skipped those and built up other powers in that set. You could have taken Ghost Widow as a Patron, he coule have taken Black Scorpion. You both get different powers based on the patron you chose. You might have taken the Teleportation Pool for Recall friend, he could have taken First Aid. In this game, the choices you make are mostly based on your character. You don't get that in other MMOs.

I bet you don't roll a blood elf and go, "Hmm.. maybe I'll add more points to "lunge" and I'll skip "dodge" because he's really a clumsy oaf. So if I get hit and killed a lot, people will understand because it's my character."

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
3. Those who have crappy computers and videocards and monitors. When you have a rig that can take advantage of most of what Ultra Mode can provide, the graphics are downright beautiful.
They're okay. The lighting and reflection effects are pretty good at least.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post

((Ok, instead of a one word questions, I'll expand on it.))

I don't mean you roll your alt and then "Hey look... this is my story." For the majority of CoH players that have been here for years, every power you pick from the tree has something to do with who your characters are. Some people want a super-speeder, so... they take Super Speed. Your character has the ability to fly... so you choose flight instead of Super Jump.

Some people have a specific idea of who their characters are and they reflect it from the powers they choose. Unlike 95% of the other MMO's out there, this is the staple of CoH. If we forget about the other Super Hero based MMO's, well, since this was the first...

The game with Orcs and Lich royalty, you have a specific tree based on the class you play. Everyone has the same exact tree, the same exact abilities. The only thing that differs is the amount of power you assign to each ability.

In CoH, you have 14 AT's. Each AT you get to choose how you want to play it. You and your friend could roll a Dark/Dark Corruptor at the same time, but chances are that you won't have the same character by the time you both hit 50. While you would take certain powers, he could have skipped those and built up other powers in that set. You could have taken Ghost Widow as a Patron, he coule have taken Black Scorpion. You both get different powers based on the patron you chose. You might have taken the Teleportation Pool for Recall friend, he could have taken First Aid. In this game, the choices you make are mostly based on your character. You don't get that in other MMOs.

I bet you don't roll a blood elf and go, "Hmm.. maybe I'll add more points to "lunge" and I'll skip "dodge" because he's really a clumsy oaf. So if I get hit and killed a lot, people will understand because it's my character."
It might just be me, but I don't see allocation of abilities as part of story of character.



It's always been funny, imo, to see people complain in-game about how crappy the game is, especially before it was converted to a hybrid payment model. Why are you paying $15/month for the same game that you claim is crappy?

The fact that this game has lasted 7 to 8 years should be a testament to how great the game is. Many MMOs die within a few months to a year.



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
True, but just because something is less popular doesn't mean it's good either. My point is that it's silly to tell other people that their favorite game is crap and then wonder why they say the same thing about your game. The OP asked what is the mindset of someone who insults our favorite game? It's exactly the same as the OP's mindset when he insults their favorite game.
Also true, but remember that the OP is referring to people PLAYING their favorite game and SAYING their favorite game is crap. He's calling out the folks who do nothing but whine on the forums when at the same time they have quite a bit invested in the game.

Originally Posted by Commander View Post
In CoH, you have 14 AT's. Each AT you get to choose how you want to play it. You and your friend could roll a Dark/Dark Corruptor at the same time, but chances are that you won't have the same character by the time you both hit 50. While you would take certain powers, he could have skipped those and built up other powers in that set. You could have taken Ghost Widow as a Patron, he coule have taken Black Scorpion. You both get different powers based on the patron you chose. You might have taken the Teleportation Pool for Recall friend, he could have taken First Aid. In this game, the choices you make are mostly based on your character. You don't get that in other MMOs.
Don't forget the other sort of customization. In the other 800lb. MMO every 'top tier' character looks 95% the same.

Here, you have the following process for your character's story:

Initial Concept/Story
Costumes 1-10
Powerset Coloration
Powers Taken from Primary and Secondary
Pool Powers
Slot Usage
Story Arcs/Badges earned
Badge Titles
Super Group Affiliation
IO's Chosen
Patron Powers
Incarnate Abilities Chosen (which further breaks down into 4 per Incarnate save for Lore which adds even more options)

The amount of personalization in this game is absolutely unrivaled.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Borock_Obama View Post
the only thing that would really make it better would problably be a level increase (hint hint)
I fail to see how that would make anything better.