Why do people hate on this game?




Originally Posted by Cake View Post
It might just be me, but I don't see allocation of abilities as part of story of character.
I have to disagree... to a Super Hero, powers are everything.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I have to disagree... to a Super Hero, powers are everything.
Those type of supers normally get beat up by Batman at some point.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post

The amount of personalization in this game is absolutely unrivaled.
This is what makes us truly unique in the world of MMO's. It was how I finally figured out how to 'Sell' my friends on the game.

The ones that refused to even try it because they aren't into comics and guys in tights. Don't like guys in tights? Simple, be a vampire or a robot or an alien or a rat or a turtle or a Ghost or a Gnome or a....

Their eyes kinda glaze over at the thought of it. They're all used to being treated like cattle on a one way track. Coming here truly is about
Freedom to be whatever you choose.

I no longer describe this game as a superhero one, or even a comic inspired one for that matter. When someone asks me or when I invite someone to play I tell them;
"It's your world, be what you want."

That is what makes us standout in a sea of cookie cutter games.

As for why people QQ about an obviously great game? Well, sadly, everyone has opinions. Right or wrong. For some people, complaining about everything makes their own real life issues take a backseat. It's a form of coping and stress relief. The same reason Jerry Springer was so popular. People like watching others suffer because it makes their own suffering less intense by proxy.

"Opinons are like _______. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."

Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Everyone gets beat up by Batman at some point.
Fixt that for ya!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
It might just be me, but I don't see allocation of abilities as part of story of character.

I have a Shield/Super Strength tank who I have set up to use mostly his right arm for attacks. This is because he has a bionic right arm which his Super Strength powers come from.

He is NEVER going to have Hurl. It doesn't work with his character concept, because other than his bionic right arm he is a normal human. His legs simply cannot hold the weight of an 800lb chunk of concrete. His arm could lift it, sure, but his back and legs would crumple under that much weight, if he could even manage to get it off the ground.

Allocation of abilities as part of his story, right there. I am passing on a potent ranged attack in my power set, because the it is physically impossible according to his backstory.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Those type of supers normally get beat up by Batman at some point.
That's because Batman does the Mary Sue thing better than Mary Sue.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
"Opinons are like _______. Everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks."
Hmmm - 7 letters...

Is it 'like cellars'?

Mine can be quite pongy - mainly as the cat's litter tray is down there.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
Hmmm - 7 letters...

Is it 'like cellars'?

Mine can be quite pongy - mainly as the cat's litter tray is down there.
Not to mention all those corpses...



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It is my distinct hope that one day we will have "so bad it is good" MMOs like we do movies.
"Tromaville Online"? That would be AMAZING.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
"Tromaville Online"? That would be AMAZING.
Either that or 'World of Tremors' complete with a Kevin Bacon class.



Originally Posted by Fluct View Post
Either that or 'World of Tremors' complete with a Kevin Bacon class.
Hey, the first Tremors was a perfectly fine, fun little monster movie. Only the sequels went into "so bad it's good" territory. But I digress ...

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
The game with Orcs and Lich royalty, you have a specific tree based on the class you play. Everyone has the same exact tree, the same exact abilities. The only thing that differs is the amount of power you assign to each ability.
That's not actually true though.

I used to run around in that game as one of a regular team of 3 mages (yes, we had no tank or healer, imagine that!) and our characters were nothing alike. I built a glass cannon - an all-fire mage, my friend had a cold-based mage, my wife a nice balanced mage with bits from each and the other branch.

It was really no different from choosing three different types of blaster to play here.

Yes, there's a lot more choice here, but there's not 'no choice' there.



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
my wife a nice balanced mage with bits from each and the other branch.
That's not really possible anymore.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
That's not really possible anymore.
Granted, things might have changed; it's been a couple of years. I know my fire guy was unusual when I made him (I didn't see many all-fire mages) but I gather it's now a 'valid' choice. Still, unless things have changed really drastically, you should still be able to make 3 completely different characters in the same class, so my point stands I think.



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
Granted, things might have changed; it's been a couple of years. I know my fire guy was unusual when I made him (I didn't see many all-fire mages) but I gather it's now a 'valid' choice. Still, unless things have changed really drastically, you should still be able to make 3 completely different characters in the same class, so my point stands I think.
I took Commander POV to be "all fire mages are about the same but fire blasters can very a lot more" not "all mages are the same...". I could be wrong, but this is a compare and contrast issue which we aren't supposed to do here...I think...maybe...where am I?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
I took Commander POV to be "all fire mages are about the same but fire blasters can very a lot more" not "all mages are the same...". I could be wrong, but this is a compare and contrast issue which we aren't supposed to do here...I think...maybe...where am I?
Ah, I didn't read it like that, it's possible... and yes, sorry, my bad, I'll stop comparing (although being able to do that in the past was one of the reasons I used to love this forum).

You could make fire blasters very different by swapping the secondary I guess, but the set up on the primary will be very similar... as with all games though there are the cookie-cutter builds, the more-awesome than most combinations... I don't suppose there's much variation when it comes to fire/kin controllers, and I used to suspect that at least half of all controllers out there was fire/kin. :/

I suspect I've gone way off on a tangent here though, so I'll shut up now!



Originally Posted by Borock_Obama View Post

im not one to get into details with IO's and the mechanics and guides. to me this game is a great social game and its now on a f2p hybrid to boot. the only thing that would really make it better would problably be a level increase (hint hint)
Umm... As other people stated, level increase just won't work. Lvl 50 content basically already deals with cosmic-scale threats, so, short of "Solo Rularuu, now without Limitless Freem" there's very little stuff that can be added without being silly over-the-top, even for a comic book game.

Another part is that the way game works (you still use those lvl1 power picks in the endgame) even levels 40-50 sometimes already give you more power picks than you really need. So, any levels beyond 50 would be "Upgrades" of the current powers... Like Invention and Incarnate systems.

There are disadvantages to this approach, worst probably being that well, there's little point in getting top-tier stuff except for bragging rights, which may annoy players who are used to the way endgame usually works, but, on the other hand, is great for more casual player.



Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
There are disadvantages to this approach, worst probably being that well, there's little point in getting top-tier stuff except for bragging rights, which may annoy players who are used to the way endgame usually works, but, on the other hand, is great for more casual player.
The interesting thing about the approach here is that, instead of giving us more levels and new, especially tougher baddies to fight at those new levels, they've instead given us things that make us more powerful separate from our character's level in the form of Inventions and Incarnates. Incarnates are the closest thing to technically giving us more levels, since we can't access them until we're already 50, and they can grant what amounts to additional combat levels. But they also give us new, swappable powers on top of that.

Depending on when one decides to invest in them, Invention are progress that can be gained in parallel to traditional levels. Indeed, early investment in Inventions can speed traditional leveling progress meaningfully, especially if one primarily solos content.

Particularly in the Inventions case, this tends to allow a single character to tackle the existing content on higher difficulty settings, or alternatively, to individually tackle larger fraction of what a team normally faces collectively. While Incarnate abilities have their own dedicated content, they have the same effect for people playing the 45+ game. Mixing the two makes for incredibly powerful characters, relative to the SO baseline.

As you say, though, there's little mechanical need for this level of power. Instead, the mission difficulty settings are used to allow existing (non-Incarnate) content to scale across the player base's diverse survivable challenge thresholds. Someone with SOs and a small, low-buffs team can take on level missions at "standard" difficulty settings, while someone swimming in IOs might take on things that would otherwise only spawn for a whole team.

In terms of internally supporting their own progress, Inventions seem to be "more optional" than Incarnates. What I mean by that there is no content that specifically expects your characters to be equipped with IOs. Getting some IOs may make getting more later easier, simply through increased combat efficiency, but more powerful IOs are not locked behind harder content.

Incarnate powers, however, may be on track to follow a more traditional "end game" progress climb, where progress towards gaining later powers may depend to at least some degree on having already obtained earlier powers. This extrapolation is based on observation of the differences between the first Incarnate trials released (BAF and Lambda Sector) and the later Keyes and Underground trials. Even setting aside the possibility that Keyes is designed to "expect" the use of Rebirth Destiny, or that the UGT is designed to "expect" use of Clarion Destiny, the UGT unambiguously steps up the power level of the opponents compared to the other trials. All the AVs in the UGT have a +1 level shift (making them effectively level 55) and all the spawns in the trial are thick with Elite Bosses. This leads me to conclude that the UGT is not targeted at people who are running their first Incarnate trials, but rather at those who have already earned some Incarnate progress running earlier trials.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
That's not actually true though.

I used to run around in that game as one of a regular team of 3 mages (yes, we had no tank or healer, imagine that!) and our characters were nothing alike. I built a glass cannon - an all-fire mage, my friend had a cold-based mage, my wife a nice balanced mage with bits from each and the other branch.

It was really no different from choosing three different types of blaster to play here.

Yes, there's a lot more choice here, but there's not 'no choice' there.
You get three choices. Whoohoo. Or if you want to get technical, you could go Fire/Ice, Fire/Arcane, Pure Fire; Arcane/Fire, Arcane/ Ice, Arcane.

You basically get 9 choices of 'combos.'

Here, you have:


Etc... then you have:


Etc... then you have:

Fire/Ice/Munitions; Cardiac Alpha
Fire/Ice/Munitions; Cardiac Alpha/Ageless Destiny

I mean, the list goes on. I'm not about to make a spreadsheet that could calculate the customization allowed in this game because I'm fairly sure the process would kill me and cause my computer to catch fire.

EDITED TO ADD: Also screw level increases. The last thing I want to do is level my 50's. When I heard the level cap in that other big MMO was increased it was one more notch on the "I quit" blade. I laugh every time I see the company increase the level cap, considering one of the biggest complaints when I last talked to a hardcore raiding buddy of mine was "it takes too long to reach endgame."

Have fun with the next cap increase, enjoy your monotonous grind!

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Have fun with the next cap increase, enjoy your monotonous grind!
This right here is exactly why this is still the only MMO I play. I barely have time to play this one, let alone trying to grind through 85 levels in order to get to the part of the game people are actually playing at.

I may try the one that will be named after a medieval bludgeoning weapon combined with a large number when it is released, but I'm going to wait until I find out more about it before I decide.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.