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  1. I've come to resent what Incarnate powers (or really, just specifically Judgement) has done to the game at 45-50. It makes a huge gulf between the people who have incarnate powers (including a level shift) and the people who don't - first of all if you're on a 50 team and you're <50, you're two levels down from the incarnates, which has to be frustrating.

    But what I really can't stand is Judgement spam. It makes the game way too easy and very, very boring, especially when you've got 3+ incarnates so almost every spawn is getting hit and nuked.

    Grouping enemies together? unnecessary, judgement has huge area. Mezzing enemies? they're already dead. trying to reposition yourself to line up a cone or whatever? again, already dead.

    I try really hard not to use judgement when I'm teaming. I'm here - and I assume everyone else is - to play the game, not to watch "Judgement Critical!" pop up 20 times every 20 seconds.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by that_darn_lurker View Post
    Not unless it was accompanied by some serious butt kissing on the order of how CCP dealt with the incarna debacle. I doubt that we'll get anything like that from the clowns in Korea. So I'm done with mmorpgs. The genre is dead to me.
    Love or hate EVE, what CCP did with that whole thing deserves applause. Takes a lot of balls to get out there and say to your player base, "You're right, we're wrong - we are drifting too far away from the real reason people play this game, and we're going to fix it." And they did. As far as I know, that's an unprecedented thing to do.

    I would probably stay if NCsoft changed their mind and didn't shut down the game, for the short term. In the long term, it would depend on what kind of community remained, because if I couldn't find a good RP supergroup I probably wouldn't stick around.
  3. Machariel


    1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?

    I haven't really been playing that long but based on what I've messed around with, I think overall I enjoy Blasters the most. They have a really limited set of tools to stay alive, compared to other ATs, and I think that forces you to play the most "cleverly", if that makes sense. Then again I'm mostly speaking from Assault Rifle / Devices here, so take that with a grain of salt.

    2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.

    My favorite character on the other hand is Blightfire, my Plant/Fire/Fire dominator. She became my favorite RP character because she was (and is) my favorite character to play in-game. Perma-domination, high ranged defense (not softcapped), and frankly ridiculous AoE damage output from Seeds, Creepers, and the Fire Assault/Fire Mastery combo...

    I think I like playing her the most because her actual defenses (Defense/Resist/Regen) are marginal, and yet she not only tears through pretty much everything that doesn't resist confuse (looking at you, Vengeance'd Nemesis and Rularuu Overseers), but also never really gets defeated. That she plays, in-game, the way her personality says she should (i.e. hyperaggressive, lacking fine aim or control of her powers, doesn't play well with others) is icing on the cake.

    3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?

    The Dominator. My first two tries were both with Gravity as my primary and I found it super frustrating. I guess there wasn't much evolution here - I switched to Plant Control with Blightfire and she's spoiled me so thoroughly I've never looked back.
  4. My Guess: 100

    So far (please copy and add your guess):
    12, 13, 24, 33, 37, 39, 41, 42, 47, 55, 68, 73, 77, 87, 92, 100
  5. Machariel

    New player

    Originally Posted by RiverOcean View Post
    I'm going to echo this.... Plant/Psi is devastating, but it's a build you don't here people talking about much. You get nasty AOE's plus a mini-tanking power (Carrion Creepers + Seeds of Confusion).

    You basically have a tool for every situation. Plant/Fire is a nasty combo as well... but Plant/Psi is crazy good. I never knew why it wasn't a more popular build.
    I remember Plant/Psi being regarded as very, very good - maybe it didn't get talked about as much because everyone knows it's so strong.

    My main is Plant/Fire/Fire, and I see a lot more Plant/Psi/Ice running around than fellow P/F/F.

    But Plant/Psi/Ice is really, really strong - you've got Seeds & Creepers, perma Drain Psyche, and then Sleet and Frozen Armor so you have really massively good control and survivability.

    I prefer /Fire/Fire though cause Embrace of Fire, Rain of Fire, and Fire Ball are just too good for me to pass up.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TiberianFiend View Post
    Dominators...anyone else who doesn't contribute much to teams


    Oh, and more than anything, I won't miss:

    People who think this game is hard enough that performance matters.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Stop and think for a second whom you are speaking to.
    1) It's "to whom you are speaking"
    2) If you find yourself using that phrase on an internet forum you might need to get up and take a break
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dethos_Zahrim View Post
    P.S., I've decided to punish myself by going back to the land of spreadsheets and internet spaceships being serious business till I find a new game I actually enjoyed as much as here. So hopefully I might gank, or be ganked, by some of you there.
  9. I was at work when I got the news and fortunately had something else to occupy my mind. Then I held it together pretty well until 11:00 ish, which is fortunate because it hit my poor girlfriend a lot harder.

    It's been catching up with me.

  10. I am going to dearly miss playing Blightfire, my plant/fire/fire Dominator. She is by far the most rewarding character I have ever played and honestly spoiled me so bad I only just started branching out into other characters after more than a year where she was pretty much all I played.

  11. I was at work tracking down a potentially critical problem. When I had a free minute I refreshed the page on my SG forums and saw a thread "Good-bye, CoH."

    I'm really glad I had something else that demanded my attention at the time.
  12. If I go to another MMO, it'll probably be back to EVE Online. It's about the furthest thing away from City of Heroes that exists, and I've still got my old character and all of my stuff.

    Then again I already poured five years into EVE, and the only thing I really want to do there is slowly liquidate all of my assets in PVP, which is what I meant to do when I quit but CoH took up all my free MMO time instead.

    I am not interested in starting from scratch in a new game, so... I'll probably be done with MMOs. Maybe I will go back to tabletop; adopt one of the many superhero systems and get with my SGmates and see if we can adapt it for CoH, just so that we'd have a system to continue to play out our characters' stories in.
  13. Machariel

    Alpha for a dom

    Intuition is great - +damage, +range, +control duration is pretty much 100% of what I want on my dominator, especially if you use cones with any frequency. Seeds of Confusion + range = <3
  14. I stand corrected, thanks for the clarification.

    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Nice to see a Minmatar in these parts of space.
    Amarr actually though at 84m sp you can fly almost anything >> p.s buff gallente
  15. Basically it ensures that the power you've slotted the enhancement into will never do knockback, and will replace knockback with knockdown 20% of time time -so 4/5 times nothing, 1/5 knockdown.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    I can comment on your first question. The blasts that received a range increase were the 40 foot blasts. Below is a list of powers that are affected in the current build and have had their range increased to the standard 80 feet...
    Ah well, thanks for the response/confirmation!

    If anyone else is interested, at the moment on beta dominators have the 22% tohit requirement for their snipes. Also, they are faaaaast!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
    Synapse stated in a Comm Coffee Talk ( that he wants to see how things go with just the +22% ToHit before looking into Domination = Inst-snipe.
    Also Perma-Dom = Perma-Insta-Snipe so MAYBE a balance issue there?
    oh, absolutely, I was just gunning for a blaze -> blast -> blazing bolt attack chain on my plant/fire/fire
    thanks for the update, I'll see what they come up with.
  18. These all look like really good changes and I am very, very, very excited. Especially Ancillary/Patron/Power Pool customization.

    I do have a question: The Overview page mentions changes to some blasts (increasing range) and to snipe powers in reference to Blasters only. Will Dominator/Corruptor/Defender versions of Blaze, etc also get the range increase? What about the fast-snipe with 22% tohit?

    I know there had been some talk about making Dominator snipes faster not with a tohit requirement, but under Domination - what happened with that?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
    While I have no real experience in either, my boyfriend built a Plant/Fire/Fire that I am convinced is the best character in the game. He runs at +4/x8 against everything short of Rularuu (though he does have to take special care against Arachnos and Longbow) and melts through fire farms better than the brute he also made for that specific purpose.
    1) Rularuu, Nemesis (no way to keep the Colonels from dying last), and Carnies (probably could manage but don't want to)

    2) "Best" might be a bit much (can't manage AVs/GMs, etc) but in terms of clearing groups of normal enemies I haven't found anything that does a better job yet

    Other considerations include: No good place to slot the dominator proc (I have all 6 in Roots, for the ranged defense bonus). On the other hand, Fiery Assault gives you Consume, and I find myself using it for endurance on a very regular basis since you spend so much time casting rain of fire, roots, and fireball, all of which are pretty thirsty on the endurance. Even with Domination on a 68 second timer, I am popping consume and ageless pretty frequently - plant/??/fire is really thirsty. But you could probably get by with just ageless if you pop it every time it's up - I prefer to use Consume when I can because it casts faster and does (some) damage.

    Dark assault actually probably has BETTER AoE than fiery assault, though. This because (from what I hear) Engulfing Darkness is a good power, whereas Combustion is not. Engulfing Darkness casts faster than Combustion, and Night Fall casts faster than Fire Breath. However, once you get fire mastery, most of your AoE is gonna be Fire Ball + Rain of Fire, so I don't know how much of a difference the better AoE in dark assault will mean compared to the awesomeness that is Fiery Embrace (+80% damage for 30sec!!)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    Hello everyone!

    I appreciate the feedback you’ve all been given here and on the beta forums. I’ve just made the following changes:


    Thanks again for all your feedback!

    Dr. Aeon


    good changes o7
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    On a plant troller I avoid them, but the mag 6 from Seeds + Domination overtakes them easily.
    I think what happens with Nemesis is that you can use Seeds with Domination up and confuse the spawn pretty easily, but then the lieutenants get killed (not much you can do about it due to confusion), and Vengeance the whole spawn. It seems like Vengeance doesn't break the existing confuse effect but it'll prevent new ones from applying? And it boosts their defense so high that I can't kill them before the confuse effect ends, at which point I get splattered by the 2-3 guys left that have 4-5 stacks of Vengeance on them.

    Plus if they end up vengeancing the next spawn by accident that just sucks.
  22. Do the PPD run tactics? I fought some recently in one of Max's missions in Dark Astoria and Seeds seemed to work fine...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    Your attempts to deflect the issue to a mysterious secret build do little to distract from the fact that you snapped at a person trying to improve one of the worst builds that has ever been posted on the forums.
  24. Which factions run tactics on a regular basis?
    The only one I can think of is Longbow, cause officers have leadership powers. And I guess Nemesis vengeance gives confuse resist too, but massed nemesis vengeance is pretty much no fun for anyone.
  25. I'm posting to say that I like what they've done with stalkers,

    and that Reppu is hilariously oversensitive and amusing to watch.