Dark madness died out already?
I used to play my Dark/Dark Dominator then it took arrow into the knee from my StJ Stalker.
I overplayed by Dark/Dark Dom so I grew bored of it. She's joined my other level 33s who have also stalled. I've been in a Gravity mood lately so I've been using my Gravity/Energy and really enjoying it with the changes.
I have a nearly incarnate softcapped to range Dark/Psi/Psi dom.
Spent billions on it.
I can't play it anymore because the constant howling from the pet has driven me bonkers.
The devs ruined the set.
When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...
I have a nearly incarnate softcapped to range Dark/Psi/Psi dom.
Spent billions on it. I can't play it anymore because the constant howling from the pet has driven me bonkers. The devs ruined the set. |
This use to be a QOL deal, but with all these noise making pets (I thought the demons were bad) like the wolves it has become a much need feature deal in no time flat.
Just another case showing how not having the in game option has ruined the set for another player. I mean there is a reason I will not roll a demon MM even if I like it, I hate the sounds with passion since they are way to loud and frequent.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
You can turn off the howling, just follow this guide: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=113746
There's even a listing of which specific sound files you need to mess with in a post later in that thread.
In regards to Dark/Dark in general, I LOVE mine. Got him to 50 pretty quickly and I'm T3/T4 in all 5 incarnate trees. I'm not playing him as much now, since he's almost 'done' as it were, but I still get on him and run a trial or two here and there.
I'm also still trying to get myself to finish my Dark/Dark guide. It'll be done sometime soon, I swear!
I agree my stalker made most of my Doms take a back seat...except for my Elec/Earth Dom dear god is he amazing.

Meh Dark was alright. I've been playing my elec/elec dom more though.
I have a dark dom stalled in the 30's I believe, it just doesn't feel as safe as my electric.
Dark Control is rather scary on Doms until you get on the later levels. I said this in the feedback thread a countless number of times. I think they need to change the control values for dominators and put the values somewhere near their level.

Having overplayed 2 Darkness characters, I created a new guy in another AT for double xp weekend just to take a break. He's been so enjoyable I've played nothing else since.
Under construction
The cone immob - I'm not feeling it. But with permadom the rest of dark look great.
The cone immob though, kills any plans I have for a dark/ anything currently.
I lost most of my enthusiasm when I got the top pet. Too bad. The set as a whole is genius. I wish I were one of the players who liked the wolf.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan

I just hate the wolf. It's a deal breaker for me conceptually. Skipped Beast Mastery for similar reasons (well, that and because I really don't like Masterminds, but the Dire Wolf is my least favorite pet in the game.)
Screw the wolf he's fine with me...Gremlins I think is the WORST pet in the entire game...heck Voltaic Sentinel is more useful than Gremlins!

I agree my stalker made most of my Doms take a back seat...except for my Elec/Earth Dom dear god is he amazing.

Yeah I agree. Half the time when I play my Elec/Rad controller I don't even summon them, cause they mess up my herding/placement and wake up mobs too much.

It may be a long wait until the next Control set.
I wouldn't jump to skipping the cone immob. Heart of Darkness leaves the mobs wandering around and an immobilize it is nice to hold them in place while you stomp them into goo.
I will toss in that a PBAoE stun with a cone immobilize is a touch awkward. If you immoblize first on the way into melee then stun it works well. Sadly that causes to much aggro so it's safer to SS/Stealth in, PBAoE stun, immobilize what you can in front of you then stomp to goo.
-The Corporation-
The Umbra beast is what turns me off each time. The set was awesome, but once I get back to playing him, I bring the wolf out and I'm like, "Oh, yeah...that's why..." I get that the sound could be turned off for me and that's fine. But it shouldn't HAVE to be turned off to not be annoying. Howling is fine. Howling every 5 seconds is not. If the howl was more beneficial, it woiuld be tolerable. Like on my beast MM, I know when they howl, I need to send them because it's the damage buff. That guy is just annoying.
You're welcome.
![]() Yeah I agree. Half the time when I play my Elec/Rad controller I don't even summon them, cause they mess up my herding/placement and wake up mobs too much. |
Yeah, I'm sorry guys but you're blowing things way out of proportion. Yes the dog howls all the time, yes the dark barks all the time but at least he does his job and can survive a huge mob.
You guys are acting like he's the worse pet in the entire game YET! You think that Gremlins are fine! How lol. Do I or you live in an alternate dimension? That a pet that makes noise but actually does it's job is worse than Two pets who can't survive an alpha for longer than 3 seconds in?

Bahhh, yeah, yeah you made a good recommendation lol. My favorite part about the combo is watching the the forcefeedback proc light up almost every mob. *grin*
Yeah, I'm sorry guys but you're blowing things way out of proportion. Yes the dog howls all the time, yes the dark barks all the time but at least he does his job and can survive a huge mob. You guys are acting like he's the worse pet in the entire game YET! You think that Gremlins are fine! How lol. Do I or you live in an alternate dimension? That a pet that makes noise but actually does it's job is worse than Two pets who can't survive an alpha for longer than 3 seconds in? |
Gremlins are basically mute, they don't draw attention to themselves, so most people won't ever notice how usefull/less they can be.
Umbra Beast however constantly draws attention to itself cause it's a yappy lil *******, which puts people into an unforgiving mood from the get go.

So skip the cone immob. You don't need it on a Dominator at all. Frees up a power choice for something more useful.
You have to bounce back and forth like a psychotic ping pong ball to get the most use out of the powers (not really an issue for the controller). If you miss lining up during any of those bounces you waste the power(s) and you are all ready only half as effective because of all the time you waste bouncing back and forth.
Its also the one primary that you can't solve that with perma and skipping the powers that don't fit in one category or the other.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I was really expecting to see far more Dark/Fire/Fire Doms than I did but in general I'm seeing very few Dark Doms at all now that the newness has worn off. Shame really.