F2P Players need chat love




Last night I was in Atlas, recruiting for 'Death from Below'. I noticed some serious problems.

The first problem was that while F2P players seemed interested, they were having trouble finding me to express that interest since they couldn't respond to me in broadcast or private tells.

A couple of them who were in visual range of me walked up to me so that they could express interest in local chat.

The second problem is that there was some friction in the help channel when f2p players started using it to look for groups. The channel nazis (in /help, really? *sigh*) discouraged them from using it.

There are a few things that can be done about this. First of all, as a player, you can make it easier on f2p players by telling them where you are when recruiting for an open team. 'I'm standing in front of City Hall' or the like.

Second, right now, /help is the closest thing to a global channel that f2p players can get. Don't discourage them from using it. Heck, treat them nicely as possible. We WANT these guys to stick around and play with us, and hopefully become premium or VIP players!

The devs can also help us out here.

Give f2p players access to the /req channel. It's a channel that can be easily filtered by other players who don't want to see it, and can be used to better coordinate groups.

Additionally, to help avoid the friction in /help, it'd be a great idea to create a similar, server-wide channel that can be used by f2p players. Call it something like /f2p or /lfg.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
The second problem is that there was some friction in the help channel when f2p players started using it to look for groups. The channel nazis (in /help, really? *sigh*) discouraged them from using it.
This is just one unintended consequence of limiting F2Pers' channel options. If F2Pers wind up having to use /help as their default /broadcast channel, then anyone actually needing help will likely be drowned out. Once a channel stops being used for its intended purpose, it's almost impossible for GMs or the community to return it to its proper state.

Give f2p players access to the /req channel. It's a channel that can be easily filtered by other players who don't want to see it, and can be used to better coordinate groups.

Additionally, to help avoid the friction in /help, it'd be a great idea to create a similar, server-wide channel that can be used by f2p players. Call it something like /f2p or /lfg.
Either of these would be helpful, and there's no reason the devs can't implement both. Improving F2Pers' experience of COH Freedom will ultimately benefit the whole community.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
If F2Pers wind up having to use /help as their default /broadcast channel, then anyone actually needing help will likely be drowned out.
Shan't be long before even they will be drowned out with advert spam.



I'm gonna post a method that will work. Ideal? No, but it does work.

Have the F2Player /friend you. Then they can talk to you through the friends channel. Then you can just unfriend them when they're done.



Aside from available chat channels to F2P users, there is also the LFG function. Mentioning that in broadcast along with the recruiting for the trial would have allowed them to join.

This method worked quite well during Beta and many of the players actually recommended this method when people would load in and broadcast/local "lf sewer trial".



I still get chat spam from time to time. Absolutely not. If anything, even VIPs should have to pay extra to use Broadcast, Request, and Local.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
The second problem is that there was some friction in the help channel when f2p players started using it to look for groups. The channel nazis (in /help, really? *sigh*) discouraged them from using it.

Second, right now, /help is the closest thing to a global channel that f2p players can get. Don't discourage them from using it. Heck, treat them nicely as possible. We WANT these guys to stick around and play with us, and hopefully become premium or VIP players!
Nope. Gonna disagree with you there.

Help is too important to the free playerbase - to help them figure out how to actually PLAY THE GAME to have questions bumped off by idiots misusing the channel to LFG. That channel is busy enough with chatter, it does NOT need LFG spam in it too.

We should all be trying to keep the Help channel as clean as possible for the new folks, so they can get their questions answered, NOT encouraging people to junk it up with LFG spam.



If you're building a sewer team don't fill it up. If you start your sewer team with only 6 people the LFG should pull 2 people who are waiting in queue. This doesn't work 100% of the time but I do (usally) end up with 1 or 2 more players when I start sewers runs with less then a full team.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Shan't be long before even they will be drowned out with advert spam.
My own request for the devs to prevent this would be to make petitioning for spam a one-click option from the character name.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
This is just one unintended consequence of limiting F2Pers' channel options.
Unintended, but not even remotely unforseen. The other obvious side effect is there'll be a huge increase in blind inviting.



Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
Unintended, but not even remotely unforseen. The other obvious side effect is there'll be a huge increase in blind inviting.
I'm not actually sure it's unintended. I think they wanted it to be obtrusively obnoxious so that they had to spend at least SOME money just to relieve the aggravation.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I'm not actually sure it's unintended. I think they wanted it to be obtrusively obnoxious so that they had to spend at least SOME money just to relieve the aggravation.
Except the obnoxious part is more for the paying customers that want to use Help for its proper purpose and the subsection who dislike blind invites - for the free to players it'll still be an improvement over barrens chat



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I'm not actually sure it's unintended. I think they wanted it to be obtrusively obnoxious so that they had to spend at least SOME money just to relieve the aggravation.
That would be amazingly shortsighted. Cynically tolerating this kind of obnoxious inconvenience can only hurt the CoX community in the long run. The only way imaginable for the devs to take such a course would be at the enforced suggestion of some devious NCSoft corporate suit.



How about an option that would allow VIP/Premium players a tag to receive/not receive tells from freebies? Then people wanting to run groups for the frees could receive tells from them and those who don't want to hear from them (because of spam or whatever) could keep them silent.




Given how hamstrung the freeps are, I have no problem with them using help for teams. Lord knows I've seen far worse in help channels (across various servers) by current paying players than someone looking for a team via the only means they really have.

Seriously, when someone broadcasts "team lfm" and you have to try to hunt down the broadcaster so they can chat in local... well that's a serious problem. I certainly get that the freeps don't get all the goodies, but if we're trying to win them over, we should allow them to see the game's fundamental appeal, which is teaming (I say this as a 75% soloer). I mean really, put yourself in their shoes and ask if you would want to join a game if you were subjected to these chat restrictions.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



How dare all the freebies use the Help Channel so the VIPs cant help the freebies!!! Its not like the VIPs have all these other channels to enjoy right?



intended or unintended right now it is the only channel for free players to find group and it will be used as such.

There is nothing you or I can do to change this.

The Devs MUST put in a free LFG channel or help channel will be crushed under the weight of lfg.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Last night I was in Atlas, recruiting for 'Death from Below'. I noticed some serious problems.

The first problem was that while F2P players seemed interested, they were having trouble finding me to express that interest since they couldn't respond to me in broadcast or private tells.

A couple of them who were in visual range of me walked up to me so that they could express interest in local chat.

You know you could tell people where you are at when you are recruiting your teams in broadcast or whatever channel you are using.

"Death from Below team forming under the statue at City Hall. Come on over if you want an invite."

It's worked for years whenever people want to hold a costume contest.



Why are you perpetuating the problem with the LFG system by pre-forming groups? DfB doesn't require some mystical "perfect" group setup. Any group of players with lukewarm IQs can finish that thing. Queue up, tell other people to queue up, et voila! You are automatically placed in a group that you don't have to micromanage invitations.

The LFG system is there for a reason. Use it! Encourage other people to use it!

I understand pre-forming for iTrials, which can easily be failed without a small amount of balancing. I *don't* understand pre-forming for DfB, which pretty much can't be failed.

/b Queuing Death from Below, a fun lowbie experience with tons of XP - click "LFG" on your chat bar and queue up!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Give f2p players access to the /req channel. It's a channel that can be easily filtered by other players who don't want to see it, and can be used to better coordinate groups.
Please no.

I honestly can't think of another way to put how much I feel about letting F2P users use the request channel. Allowing that would open the floodgates of the RMT spamers. So that is a horribly bad idea of galactic proportions.

People still use the request channel to organise raids and trials.

The LFG queue, when given the chance can include people in the new sewer runs.

Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Additionally, to help avoid the friction in /help, it'd be a great idea to create a similar, server-wide channel that can be used by f2p players. Call it something like /f2p or /lfg.
Yes to these.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
intended or unintended right now it is the only channel for free players to find group and it will be used as such.

There is nothing you or I can do to change this.

The Devs MUST put in a free LFG channel or help channel will be crushed under the weight of lfg.

anyway can premiums use goblal channels? tells?

or are just as restricted as f2p?



Some of the chat limitations weren't well thought out and are pretty stupid. I get the idea that they don't want spam everywhere, but instead everyone will just go to the help channel instead.




Originally Posted by Skuco View Post

anyway can premiums use goblal channels? tells?

or are just as restricted as f2p?
At Tier 2 (First purchase of Paragon Points OR having a retail code applied to your account- Two Reward Tokens Total) all Premiums gain

• Additional Chat Channel (Tells)

At Tier 3 ( $45 above Tier 2 - Five Reward Tokens Total) all Premiums gain

• Access to all Chat Channels (Global, Broadcast and Request)



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
That would be amazingly shortsighted. Cynically tolerating this kind of obnoxious inconvenience can only hurt the CoX community in the long run. The only way imaginable for the devs to take such a course would be at the enforced suggestion of some devious NCSoft corporate suit.
Welcome to Freedom.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I still get chat spam from time to time. Absolutely not. If anything, even VIPs should have to pay extra to use Broadcast, Request, and Local.

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