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  1. Its over? I didnt get around to trying it.
  2. COH doesnt count since its a superhero MMO.
  3. That reminds me, I bought Beam Rifle...
  4. Seek_Trouble

    Ha. What a joke.

    I really feel for the Devs, they can never make anyone happy. Except for GG
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    You mean multiple copies of the AV, usually spawning with normal enemies? If so, then the same thing happened a while back with Vanessa DeVore somehow becoming a regular Carnie mob. Definitely a bug if that's what's happening.
    Yeah its like Rommy on the last stage, but the name is Romulus Augustus Nictus. I think they were EBs though.
  6. There's Romulus Augustus Nicti running all over the missions! Is this new? If so what's the story behind it?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post

    When did she get a makeover/update?
  8. I loved my Arch/MM blaster. Still do actually.
  9. Seek_Trouble

    Costumes Locked?

    Even if you're VIP, there's still some costumes you need to buy first to unlock.
  10. Seek_Trouble

    SG is calling!

    We've all heard this before. Got to go, SG is calling! So does SG actually ever call? I've been in a few before (my mains are all in my own personal SG) and have never been called. Do some SGs demand you quit your team and come join them or else? Or is it much like I think and just the oldest excuse in the book to leave a crappy/boring team? Perhaps I'm missing out on something along the lines of YAY SG is here and calling, /quitteam.

    Oh wait gotta go SG calls!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    I could be wrong, but I don't think so. I don't think your father is allowed to give you his old account. I think you have to get your own. I seem to recall it being against the rules to sell your account - and because of the nature of the situation, how would anyone know whether this is not one of those occasions?
    What are you the COH police? So what if his dad gave him his account? Or is it just that you dont believe him?
  12. Alright thanks got a new one made, back to normal!
  13. So I need to recreate a tab called Chat? I cant have my original back?
  14. Somehow I collapsed the tab with Chat at the top, now Im left with just one window for chat, like this:

    How do I get it back to normal? Its usually divided into 2 parts. Its just bugging the hell outta me. Thanks!
  15. Seek_Trouble

    Hey guys!

    And the spamming begins :P
  16. Im not sure the way it is but do we pay for 30 actual days or 1 actual month? Could be out a day or two depending on the month?

    Plus you should have cancelled your billing a long time ago.
  17. Seek_Trouble

    Mouse inverted

    Did they change the default for the mouse to be inverted? I came back to this game and Im not sure at what point it was but the mouse was not the same as I remember. I go into options and select Invert Mouse to Inverted and that is how I remember using it all along. I have never had to change it in the 6 years I've played. Why would they do this? Because of all the new players that might be used to something like Wow?
  18. Seek_Trouble


    Here's what I just finished putting together the other night. So far so good. Cost about 400 million.
    Melee: 51.3%
    Ranged: 51.6%

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  19. I mean bring yourself to do it. I have a level 50 kin/sonic def that I love the name and costumes on but just cant get enough use out of using kin def. All they do is buff buff buff. Anyways I would like to reroll as a brute or scrapper or tank but cant bring myself to delete. I do have 3 transfers left and could park it on another server. But right now the slot is locked. Does it have to be unlocked to delete? If so I might transfer, but since I dont play it that might be a waste of a transfer. Another thing is I have no idea what recipes/enhancements/other goodies might on the toon. Ugh. Suggestions?
  20. Seek_Trouble

    Farm FoTM

    Big maps, no ambushes.