F2P Players need chat love




Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
At Tier 2 (First purchase of Paragon Points OR having a retail code applied to your account- Two Reward Tokens Total) all Premiums gain

• Additional Chat Channel (Tells)

At Tier 3 ( $45 above Tier 2 - Five Reward Tokens Total) all Premiums gain

• Access to all Chat Channels (Global, Broadcast and Request)
lol oh well....who as F2p is going to go as far as t3? for the $ u spend going up to T3 u better go VIP for some months :S



Originally Posted by Skuco View Post
lol oh well....who as F2p is going to go as far as t3? for the $ u spend going up to T3 u better go VIP for some months :S
Well, you have to remember that you can actually end up spending a bit on costume pieces (if you wanted) as a "f2p" and end up with this as an extra... it really is a decision of "how do you want to get there".

Hell, just buying a few costume sets/aura's/power set and you are getting close to automatically having this as an extra...

I personally think that actually just going "Subscription" is better in the long run (at least until you get to the higher tiers and most stuff will be available when you are "premium status"),



yeah , the idea of selling costumes , auras is nice .....but not worth it

why buy an costume set while u are f2p? if u are really interested in having fun go VIP and u get 400 points that u can spend on whatever u wanted in the 1 place.....



Originally Posted by Skuco View Post
yeah , the idea of selling costumes , auras is nice .....but not worth it

why buy an costume set while u are f2p? if u are really interested in having fun go VIP and u get 400 points that u can spend on whatever u wanted in the 1 place.....
Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few costume pieces that are *not* free to VIP players, so you would still have to buy them if you wanted them.

  • Barbarian Costume (36 pieces)
  • Magic Costume (25 pieces)
  • Animal Costume (18 pieces)
  • Cyborg Costume (16 pieces)
  • Mutant Costume (18 pieces)
  • Steampunk Costume (43 pieces)
  • Superscience Costume (21 pieces)
  • Valkyrie Costume (20 pieces)
  • Vanguard Costume (23 pieces)
  • Wedding Costume (10 pieces)
  • Origins Capes (5 pieces)
  • Circle of Thorns Costume (12 pieces)

Those are *not* available from the get go for new VIP subscribers (there are also all of the Aura's and Capes pieces to go with it on top)

BTW, the 400 points that you get each month as a VIP customer...

That will buy 1 of the above sets.

For every 1200 points that you buy, you get a Reward Token as well, so that means (for example) that by buying all of the above costume sets you have actually unlocked Global Chat channels... Hell buy a few of the power sets, and you are 1/4 of the way there as well... Buying all 6 power sets costs the same as buying all of the Costume sets

(Note: Beam Rifle is a "Pay for" Power, it is not free to VIP customers)

As i said, i do believe that at least at the start a VIP customer is probably better off, but there is still enough stuff on the market to make it viable for a new player to start off.

Hell, with the exception of "Incarnate" content, you can pretty much get by with buying everything off the market that you need as you need it, and you would probably end up saving money in the long run...



Unfortunately this was predicted months ago. IMO the lockdown on freemium talking is a pretty serious disconnect with common sense. Of course they are are going to talk in the Help channel. That is if they bother continuing with the game after discovering they can't talk (I wouldn't if it had happened to me in the games I've free-played).

Anyway for some reason there actually is a filter for a LFG channel but no actual mechanic for chatting on it that I know of.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Unfortunately this was predicted months ago. IMO the lockdown on freemium talking is a pretty serious disconnect with common sense. Of course they are are going to talk in the Help channel. That is if they bother continuing with the game after discovering they can't talk (I wouldn't if it had happened to me in the games I've free-played).

Anyway for some reason there actually is a filter for a LFG channel but no actual mechanic for chatting on it that I know of.
/lfg should do it, but only if you are already queued up using the LFG interface apparently (http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Communication_Channels)



For the Death from below trial especially, more people should use and explain how to use the LFG queue when forming, that way you form one, and more will form from the LFG. Let it actually be used. And I've had good experiences using the LFG queue for the sewer trial several times now.



Sounds like I definetly do not want to go ftp I will stay a VIP

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Yes the LFG I have used it on Exalted server. I makes it really easy and trouble free to find a team for the sewer trials.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Unfortunately this was predicted months ago. IMO the lockdown on freemium talking is a pretty serious disconnect with common sense. Of course they are are going to talk in the Help channel. That is if they bother continuing with the game after discovering they can't talk (I wouldn't if it had happened to me in the games I've free-played).

Anyway for some reason there actually is a filter for a LFG channel but no actual mechanic for chatting on it that I know of.
Yeah I am beyond shocked (well, not really considering...). Anyway, you get a boat load of new players and they can't easily team? Really? I get the possible issues freebies could cause but then there's the HELP channel. Why not have a server channel? It is something we could have used a long time ago. The entire server can access it much like the HELP channel. Yes, a LFG channel. As the Monday Night Football crew used to say: "C'mon man!"



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
For the Death from below trial especially, more people should use and explain how to use the LFG queue when forming, that way you form one, and more will form from the LFG. Let it actually be used. And I've had good experiences using the LFG queue for the sewer trial several times now.
Thank goodness the new and improved tutorial can explain this function well... o wait...

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Why are you perpetuating the problem with the LFG system by pre-forming groups? DfB doesn't require some mystical "perfect" group setup. Any group of players with lukewarm IQs can finish that thing. Queue up, tell other people to queue up, et voila! You are automatically placed in a group that you don't have to micromanage invitations.

The LFG system is there for a reason. Use it! Encourage other people to use it!

I understand pre-forming for iTrials, which can easily be failed without a small amount of balancing. I *don't* understand pre-forming for DfB, which pretty much can't be failed.

/b Queuing Death from Below, a fun lowbie experience with tons of XP - click "LFG" on your chat bar and queue up!
Completely disagree. I'd rather folks get used to the way UPPER LEVEL trials will be formed. Which is PREFORMING before queuing.

The LFG system is useless at level 50.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
/lfg should do it, but only if you are already queued up using the LFG interface apparently (http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Communication_Channels)

So wait a minute. The LFG chat channel can only be used and heard by people inside the tool that puts you in a team automatically?

That is... very strange.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Why are you perpetuating the problem with the LFG system by pre-forming groups? DfB doesn't require some mystical "perfect" group setup. Any group of players with lukewarm IQs can finish that thing. Queue up, tell other people to queue up, et voila! You are automatically placed in a group that you don't have to micromanage invitations.

The LFG system is there for a reason. Use it! Encourage other people to use it!

I understand pre-forming for iTrials, which can easily be failed without a small amount of balancing. I *don't* understand pre-forming for DfB, which pretty much can't be failed.

/b Queuing Death from Below, a fun lowbie experience with tons of XP - click "LFG" on your chat bar and queue up!
Hear! Hear! The LFG feature could be so wonderfully useful if people would just use it.

Originally Posted by CommunistPenguin View Post
Thank goodness the new and improved tutorial can explain this function well... o wait...
I agree. Indeed, I believe I suggested such during open beta - that the giant Shivan fight could explain and require use of the LFG feature to enter it. The player response was that such was unnecessary because some aimless NPC near Atlas' statue mentions it if you happen to walk near enough to it and notice the NPC chatter.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Completely disagree. I'd rather folks get used to the way UPPER LEVEL trials will be formed. Which is PREFORMING before queuing.

The LFG system is useless at level 50.
Between DfB and iTrials, there is a WEALTH of content to experience in the typical way - by building a team and making sure it works before attempting something. That is how you learn how to pre-form something, which introduces the fashion that iTrials are joined.

I honestly am completely baffled that you're against using a system as designed for low level content that is extremely forgiving to group makeup.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
So wait a minute. The LFG chat channel can only be used and heard by people inside the tool that puts you in a team automatically?

That is... very strange.
LFG is a system channel, not a chat channel. It is only used for the LFG system to announce things.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Completely disagree. I'd rather folks get used to the way UPPER LEVEL trials will be formed. Which is PREFORMING before queuing.

The LFG system is useless at level 50.
And I wish there was less preforming going on for the iTrials. I much prefer just queuing up and going, as it's highly convenient when it works like that. Players make the LFG system a great deal less useful at 50.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Nope. Gonna disagree with you there.

Help is too important to the free playerbase - to help them figure out how to actually PLAY THE GAME to have questions bumped off by idiots misusing the channel to LFG. That channel is busy enough with chatter, it does NOT need LFG spam in it too.

We should all be trying to keep the Help channel as clean as possible for the new folks, so they can get their questions answered, NOT encouraging people to junk it up with LFG spam.
I'm sure that attitude will motivate new free to play players to join this 'wonderful' community



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
How about an option that would allow VIP/Premium players a tag to receive/not receive tells from freebies? Then people wanting to run groups for the frees could receive tells from them and those who don't want to hear from them (because of spam or whatever) could keep them silent.
This strikes me as a great solution - don't stop freebies from being able to chat but give non-free players control over hearing them.

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my toons
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
How about an option that would allow VIP/Premium players a tag to receive/not receive tells from freebies? Then people wanting to run groups for the frees could receive tells from them and those who don't want to hear from them (because of spam or whatever) could keep them silent.
I agree with this idea too. As it stands, we have no way of telling who's a free player and who's VIP (that I know of), so adding something in the character info panel would be nice.

As for the spammers, making the game F2P was always going to give the potential for them to get in. Simply put, ignore them or report them, that's all you can really do about spammers, putting in plenty of barriers for all free players isn't going to help.

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



What a few of us are trying to do is get it known that if a player is organising a team/tf/trial, then that person shouts it out on the help channel and also states if somebody can repeat it on the TF channels and to send them a PM for an invite.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Well if you are forming a team and are willing to accept Freemies then you broadcasts should include a location that they would/could be familiar with so they can find and talk to you with /local.

The obvious choices are around the Atlas statue or by the steps of City Hall or what I use to do around Christmas, prop myself up on the wall adjacent to Ms Liberty so my name is above the crowd around her. Never had problems with people finding me when I was giving out Inf to low level characters.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Nope. Gonna disagree with you there.

Help is too important to the free playerbase - to help them figure out how to actually PLAY THE GAME to have questions bumped off by idiots misusing the channel to LFG. That channel is busy enough with chatter, it does NOT need LFG spam in it too.

We should all be trying to keep the Help channel as clean as possible for the new folks, so they can get their questions answered, NOT encouraging people to junk it up with LFG spam.
...and I'm going to disagree with you.

In my experience Help doesn't generally work the way you think it does; it's normally monopolised by a bunch of players discussing anything that crosses their minds, often nothing to do with the game - at least on Virtue when I'm on - with the occasional actual help request getting lost and ignored in the spam.

I would encourage all Free players to use the Help channel as a LFG channel as it's the only real communication channel they have access too, until the devs see sense and give free players their own free player channel that people worried about the inevitable gold selling spam can simply ignore.

The chat restrictions were stupid under the old trials, they're still stupid now.



I have to agree with Sugar here, having just logged off from Virtue for the maintenance.

Help channel is being used as a general chat channel, the discussions this morning were not about forming groups or anything other than random noise. Now that's actually healthy, the community feels vibrant and alive with all these new players so it's something to be encouraged.

However - legitimate questions easily fall underneath all of the noise or get flooded off the channel before anyone sees them. Responding to questions also suffers the same issues, indeed you have to add **PLAYER NAME** to try and get their attention, which works but is not ideal.

I would dearly love to see some form of server wide channel implemented which is open to everyone, regardless of account type. A unified channel people can advertise groups on or just chat about whatever crosses their mind. This then leaves help clear for it's original purpose and gives others the option of disabling this new unified channel if they don't want to read it, but still allowing them to provide help.

I understand the issues over potential RMT spam, but if anything it's worth a trial run and cannot be that difficult to implement.



I think my concerns about chat restrictions mainly stem from the fact that I want people to sub.

1) If I reffer a friend to the free to play DEMO, but cannot speak with them properly, it causes them to leave. Many of my gaming buddies were playing other games with sub fees but are growing tired of them. They know I have been playing this for a long time and I suggested trying it. I mean, it's free, and they might like it. "Meet me on Virtue where we can...Oh wait...not talk ever"

(I know my forum account says differently, but I did at one point have an alternate account which was taken in the divorce )

2) In a game that requires teaming, and heavens knows redside is needs the love a ton on Virtue, at least, it's almost strange that the one most important concept of City of Hero's Freedom, feels so limited. Yes I know there are work arounds, and yes I know that we could all move to Exalted to be rushed away from the onslaught of new players and technical issues, but the main concern I have is that the element of team building which has always been the shining gem of CoX has been replaced by clunky work arounds which effect new players and old players alike and create a rift between the two types of players.

Now I am not saying things should be 100% free, but we cannot tote the fact that the community is one of the best features of CoX if the new player entering the game cannot experience that community spirit that we go on so much about.

Limiting communication is fine. No custom channels is fine. Not being able to broadcast, send tells, or communicate with others just means old VIP players don't pick up new players. This can leave a bad taste in their mouths.

Right now as it is, I am having a hard time inviting friends to try the game, because word of mouth is only effective if the other person can hear, respond, and communicate back.

Free Freedom from horrid chat restriction!