Is Premiun the new VIP?
heh, i remember when the ragequitters choice of threats was a pvp-centric medieval game that pancaked its sub numbers a few months from launch. beta is an environment where changes have occurred, its strongly likely changes will occur and It is premature to expect things to go live as they are.
heh, i remember when the ragequitters choice of threats was a pvp-centric medieval game that pancaked its sub numbers a few months from launch. beta is an environment where changes have occurred, its strongly likely changes will occur and It is premature to expect things to go live as they are.
They can cancel their changes and even announce a public apology if they like.
It still doesn't change the fact that they threatened us in the first place.
Does it even matter?
They can cancel their changes and even announce a public apology if they like. It still doesn't change the fact that they threatened us in the first place. |
I'm pretty meh about i21.5 as well and probably moving to Premium for a bit, but I can't see where you're getting this "They threatened me" from??
What are you people talking about? I read the I21.5 changes and I see nothing of the sort.
They're nerfing AE because they hate farmers, I love farming so I'm leaving
They're nerfing BAF/Lambda to make us run the newer trials, I only run BAF/Lambda so I'm leaving
They're gating the new incarnate powers behind 15 E-Merits each, which is really stupid so I'm leaving (Actually this one is really, really stupid, even if the new powers aren't all that great in the first place)
They've done something to [my favourite part of the game], so I'm leaving.
Basically, it's your standard Beta Rage Quit Frenzy which will largely obscure the real issues that need to be addressed with the beta resulting in a worse outcome than if people actually tried to provide a reasoned argument as to why they think the changes are a bad idea.
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They are punishing us for running too many BAFs and Lams and not enough new content. Whether they follow through with the punishment or not, they have already threatened to punish us for our actions.
I think there were better options they could have chosen for the encouragment part though.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

I am incredibly curious as to why they're locking the powers behind the 15 emp merit gate when none of the powers are worth it.
The new Alphas are Endmod (not really that useful to be frank, sure it boosts stamina but you might as well go the EndReduction if thats your conscern and reducing an NPCs end to zero does exactly nothing), Hold (largely useless in the Itrials since everything seems ridiculously resistant to behind held), Healing Boost (which will be useful in later Itrials since apparently they want to go the MMO standard and make healing more useful than simply buffing/debuffing) and Resistance (which will probably be like the Defence boost Alpha and only provide around 3% additional resistance, it'd need to provide atleast a +20% resistance, like bumping Invulns 30% resistance to energy etc up to 50% to be remotely useful).
None of those are very good compared to the straight out damage, endredux, Defense, Recharge or tohit (lets be honest...does anyone actually take tohit, it seems to be the least picked Alpha).
The Destiny one is a league teleport and a to every other Destiny power...that is some major suckage.
The only good one out of the bunch is the new Judgement power, useful for Martial arts characters...and it's locked behind 15 emp merits because...?
The Inteface slots're not as crappy as the Alpha or the Destiny but chance for endurance drain, chance for imobilize, Maximum HP debuff seems ok but will probably be tiny debuff that doesn't really add much and Chance to confuse which is damn near useless in the ITrials anyway. Compared to the near always useful -regen and -resistance debuffs...they're unfortunately just not upto snuff.
So yeah...why are they locking powers that are essentially WORSE than the ones you can unlock freely behind a 15 emp merit just makes no damn sense.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Basically, it's your standard Beta Rage Quit Frenzy which will largely obscure the real issues that need to be addressed with the beta resulting in a worse outcome than if people actually tried to provide a reasoned argument as to why they think the changes are a bad idea.
That's not punishment, it's diminishing returns, and it's been in the game in one form or another since ED. Well, unless you want to argue that ED "punishes" you for slotting too many enhancements of the same type. If the development team was ACTUALLY punishing you, they'd wait until you've actually done the Trial then take away your rewards and temp-ban you. Instead, they are telling you up-front: This will not give you a very good reward. If you choose to run the content despite the warning, then you have implicitly accepted it.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I honestly couldn't really complain about the BAF/Lambda changes when I read the Keyes changes. Maybe now people will actually run it.
Oh wait, nevermind. Probably just gonna get overshadowed by TPN.
@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450
Am I reading the thread title wrong, then? I read it as saying that Premiums will somehow cut in on the VIPs' "turf" thereby making the VIP option less appealing and making just going Premium a better bet. If this really is about Incarnates, then how are Premium players even relevant if they can't even buy access to the Incarnate system unless they go VIP?
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I believe the argument is "OMG Incarnates are ruined for EVAR!!!" so why bother paying for VIP when you can get everything except incarnates as a premium player.

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Am I reading the thread title wrong, then? I read it as saying that Premiums will somehow cut in on the VIPs' "turf" thereby making the VIP option less appealing and making just going Premium a better bet. If this really is about Incarnates, then how are Premium players even relevant if they can't even buy access to the Incarnate system unless they go VIP?
That's not punishment, it's diminishing returns, and it's been in the game in one form or another since ED. Well, unless you want to argue that ED "punishes" you for slotting too many enhancements of the same type. If the development team was ACTUALLY punishing you, they'd wait until you've actually done the Trial then take away your rewards and temp-ban you. Instead, they are telling you up-front: This will not give you a very good reward. If you choose to run the content despite the warning, then you have implicitly accepted it. |
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
I suspect most of the cool kids are thinking about galaxies far far way

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
If I read it right he is saying he is cancelling his sub and moving from VIP to Premium and implying the majority will follow him. I could be wrong but that's how I read it.
Depends how far along in the tiers you are. I could cancel and keep pretty much everything. The only thing in my case that I'd definitely and permanently lose access to is this mysterious "Incarnate System" people keep talking about.

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Well... OK. That's part of how the system works, and I'm sure that particular implication has been considered.
That and the Architect, which last I heard wasn't in any of the veteran rewards or in the Paragon Market. Not that I specifically WANT the Market, mind you, and I already have T9 VIP status, so that's not an issue in my case. But I'd lose access to the SSAs and I'd lose Time Manipulation, at the very least. Plus, I like having live Customer Support ![]() |
That and the Architect, which last I heard wasn't in any of the veteran rewards or in the Paragon Market. Not that I specifically WANT the Market, mind you, and I already have T9 VIP status, so that's not an issue in my case. But I'd lose access to the SSAs and I'd lose Time Manipulation, at the very least. Plus, I like having live Customer Support ![]() |
I dont like a number of things currently as stated and have provided feedback to that effect but i'm rational enough to remember that other bad ideas were floated and most have been modified(the cost for the ascended armor for instance) based on feedback. posting angry is like dating while drunk, you generally dont like what you wake up with the next day

Ok, I'm not terribly foor the emp merit change as it currently stands, but really? I'd be extremely surprised if they intended any sort of threat or punishment with it. Encourage us to rn the new content yes, punish us for not running the new content ... not so much.
I think there were better options they could have chosen for the encouragment part though. |
Come up with some better word than "punishment" if you like, because I don't particularly think that one fits either, but "encouragement" is the totally wrong word.
Well... OK. That's part of how the system works, and I'm sure that particular implication has been considered.
That and the Architect, which last I heard wasn't in any of the veteran rewards or in the Paragon Market. Not that I specifically WANT the Market, mind you, and I already have T9 VIP status, so that's not an issue in my case. But I'd lose access to the SSAs and I'd lose Time Manipulation, at the very least. Plus, I like having live Customer Support ![]() |
"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash
To be in the cool kids club you had to be a VIP but after reading the patch notes for 21.5, is that still the case?
Have the Prems taken over the cool kids club?