Just too much downtime




The EU servers just went down, several hours ahead of announced maintenance schedules. There has been a lot of extra downtime with every issue, but Freedom is proving to be the worst. This might be in the middle of the night in America, but its perfectly normal game time in the EU, and frankly loosing two game-days a week to maintenance (Tuesdays and most Thursdays) on top of the unscheduled maintenance... Its grating.

I realize some of the maintenance needs to be gird wide, but at least SOME of it should be possible to do at 4 am in the morning, EU time. Just as most of it is done at around 4am US time now.



Originally Posted by Starfox View Post
The EU servers just went down, several hours ahead of announced maintenance schedules. There has been a lot of extra downtime with every issue, but Freedom is proving to be the worst. This might be in the middle of the night in America, but its perfectly normal game time in the EU, and frankly loosing two game-days a week to maintenance (Tuesdays and most Thursdays) on top of the unscheduled maintenance... Its grating.

I realize some of the maintenance needs to be gird wide, but at least SOME of it should be possible to do at 4 am in the morning, EU time. Just as most of it is done at around 4am US time now.
Playing devil's advocate here; 4am BST is between 8pm & 11pm in the US, which is virtually peak times for them, so it's just not going to happen.

They have to work their downtime to affect as few people as possible whist not making it unworkable for their engineers. As much as it pains me to say it, it comes down to numbers; more US players means that we get the short end of the stick. As for some token US Primetime Downtime to make us "happy", if you think we complain about the downtime, the backlash they get when the US servers are down is in a whole other league...

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11am is hardly EU prime time either.

I imagine it's much worse for our oceanic players, but maybe they are so used to the abuse they just don't care anymore.

I think this time is about as good as it's likely to get.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
11am is hardly EU prime time either.

I imagine it's much worse for our oceanic players, but maybe they are so used to the abuse they just don't care anymore.

I think this time is about as good as it's likely to get.
I m an Aussie and I used to care about all the downtime until it encouraged me to play Baldur's Gate 2 again.



Grammar police! It's LOSING not Loosing! Big difference! So what if my scews are LOOSE because I'm LOSING sleep due to a teething baby!

Needs more !!!!

ok I'm done.

Yes it sucks that there's a lot of downtime lately. But COH is undergoing a Massive change, so a lot of maintenance is needed as they get ready for the influx of free players.

Best thing to do it grin and bear it. It's not going to be like this forever.

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Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
I m an Aussie and I used to care about all the downtime until it encouraged me to play Baldur's Gate 2 again.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself.



I am in US and the downtime always seems to coincide with my prime play time (yes I keep odd hours.)



Originally Posted by Cake View Post
I am in US and the downtime always seems to coincide with my prime play time (yes I keep odd hours.)
I'd believe that if your whole existence wasn't a lie.

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Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
I'd believe that if your whole existence wasn't a lie.
I am Cake, now give me pie.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
Funny, that's almost precisely what Master Midnight says at one point and one big reason why I cringe at most of his dialogue.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well at least they announced this one well in advance, and not hid the announcement away on Facebook, at 3am on the same day it was schedulded to happen.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Well at least they announced this one well in advance, and not hid the announcement away on Facebook, at 3am on the same day it was schedulded to happen.
Just to clarify: this thread was started after the EU server crash at c.10:30 BST which (obviously) wasn't announced.

The EU servers came back up after something like 25-30 minutes and now we're on to planned maintenance downtime. I don't think it was general moaning about the amount of planned downtime (though there's been a fair bit of late).

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Thanks Paragon studios for screwing my free morning game time AGAIN.
I lost the count!!
I have two jobs so finding time to play with all these mantenainces makes me wonder why I pay for.
I got a PB and a WS to lvl to 50!! Hurry up, fix crap



And this is why not getting up early has it's bonuses.

*wanders off to poke shiny new Mids and possibly blast stuff on Xbox*

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Just wanna clarify something, this isn't downtime for maintenance, it's a publish of Freedom. Which to me means they are rolling out the red carpet for the freemies.

Double checking the server load and whether it can handle it or not along with other things. I hate the downtime as well though as it's during my playtime. But all this is needed to make it go smooth. I would rather deal with these downtimes then to have the servers crash during everyones primetime.

Though I sympathize with our friends in the more affected area for the timeslot.

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It would be nice to think they could do two batches... take down half the servers and leave the others up for at least scheduled maintenance.

Probably doable but the cost/benefit economics things won't work

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
Grammar police! It's LOSING not Loosing! Big difference! So what if my scews are LOOSE because I'm LOSING sleep due to a teething baby!

Needs more !!!!
I don't really think there's any call for comments like this, especially in a global game. One of the things you need to realise is that people who aren't native English speakers commonly make certain errors in word choice, one of which is "loose/lose" and another is "change/chance". This is something you see all the time in Europe and just live with, a quirk of learning the English language.

Now I don't know if that applies to the OP but it's something you just have to accept as a possibility and not go all 'grammar police' over.

Back on topic I don't think the 6 hours downtime for a publish is a problem, but the unexpected downtime prior was a little irksome.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
You must gather your party before venturing forth.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself.

Duo MoITF - 26:06 | Duo MoKahn - 25:50 | Duo MoLGTF - 29:34 |



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
It would be nice to think they could do two batches... take down half the servers and leave the others up for at least scheduled maintenance.

Probably doable but the cost/benefit economics things won't work
My understanding from the ustreams is that it isn't doable, there are too many interconnects (like WW, Global Chat, AE) which need all the servers to be running the same code or that require no I/O to update.

On a side note, Zwill, if you're reading this, we want that Techie uStream you said we couldn't have because it would be too boring

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Originally Posted by Fluct View Post
I don't really think there's any call for comments like this, especially in a global game. One of the things you need to realise is that people who aren't native English speakers commonly make certain errors in word choice, one of which is "loose/lose" and another is "change/chance". This is something you see all the time in Europe and just live with, a quirk of learning the English language.
It's something I see *far* more commonly amongst supposed native English speakers. Most of the people I know who have English as a second language speak and write it far more proficiently than people I encounter day-to-day in the UK.

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Originally Posted by Fluct View Post
but the unexpected 1.5 hour downtime prior was a little irksome.
Was that tonight/day? I was playing all the way up until 4am PST before it went down so I am just curious.

I do agree that the unexpected downtime is a bummer. There has been a lot of downtime lately. I just hope that when they physically moved the servers recently that they took into account what happened to SOE recently. That power outage in San Diego had SOE crippled for a day and a half. No games, No forums, No websites....

Hopefully Paragon Studios fortified their servers and have em set up for whatever incident, including a ton of incoming freemies

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Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
Was that tonight/day? I was playing all the way up until 4am PST before it went down so I am just curious.
EU servers burped this morning, but it wasn't for 1.5 hours looking back. You can put that down to dodgy recollection and pneumonia (which at least gives plenty of play time!)



If there is another extended maintenance period this week, I think that I will begin to re-evaluate my loyalty to this game.

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Originally Posted by Vega View Post
If there is another extended maintenance period this week, I think that I will begin to re-evaluate my loyalty to this game.
If they need to do maintenance they need to do it. Period.

I'd rather they do it BEFORE the servers get to the point where they then need a week to fix them.

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